The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 33: The hardships, the struggles, the dead ends, and then...



Describe the method that didn’t work.


Describe the method that didn’t work.

On the table in Kunon’s room, where he kept repeating the process, there was a pile of papers describing his failures.

Kunon, who is originally blind, does not need a light source.

It doesn’t matter if it’s day or night, he uses magic to experiment and uses his magical power to read and write.

I lose track of time, and when I get tired, I jump into the “super soft water ball” water bed. In winter, the normal bed is too cold, so I use this water bed instead.

It’s a repetitive process.

There is no contact with the outside world, except for the once-a-day visit of the maidservant who brings food to check on him.

He only eats when he is hungry, so morning and night are irrelevant.

Kunon has abandoned all of his daily life to devote himself to his ambition of making eyeballs.

“……Not good enough?”

He stopped thinking and threw the pen he was holding onto the table.

I had already tried more than a hundred times.

I’ve tried everything from the most likely to the least likely, but I’ve gotten no response at all.


How long had I been sitting in my chair, concentrating on my writing?

My body was so stiff that it creaked with every movement.


Kunon slapped both his cheeks in an effort to keep his spirits up.

I’m stuck.

I’m tired.

That’s why I need to take a break.

Kunon left his room for the first time in a long time and headed for the main building.

It was night, apparently.

“Oh, oh. It’s you. I’m about to go to bed…….”

When I raided my brother Ixio in his room in the main building, he was wearing a nightcap.

He was about to go to bed.

I thought the temperature was somewhat like a winter night, but it was still evening.

But that was okay for now.

“Brother, let’s go to the sauna.”

“What? At this time? At this hour? I have school tomorrow, remember?”

“I need to relax. Let’s go.”

My brother, who usually says selfish things without hesitation, looks a little pale.

And he didn’t have his usual incomprehensible jokes.

I guess he’s tired.

I’m sure it’s true that he wants to relax.

– Ixio has heard about what Kunon is doing.

It must be quite a challenge and now he’s stuck.

Ixio is sure that it is the same feeling he feels when he is tired of studying and reaches for an entertaining or grasps a wooden sword to relax.

“Did you talk to Father……?”

“What? Should I?”

I read about it in a book some time ago, and I improvised a sauna to try it out, and it was surprisingly good, so I started doing it occasionally.

At first, it was just a trial of sorcery……

Such coincidences make me happy.

“Your father likes the sauna more than I do. He’s the one who’s going to complain if you don’t invite him.

……Oh well. You go ahead and get ready in the bathroom. I’ll go get your father. Oh, and be quiet. If mother finds out, she’ll complain about us.”

No matter how it turned out, it would be my brother who would be complaining.

It’s quite unreasonable, but I’ve already given up on that.

More importantly, my brother, who rarely relies on his family, came.

As an older brother, I’m willing to accompany him to the sauna as much as I can.

Thus, at a time when the children were already in bed, the three men worked up a sweat in an improvised sauna that filled the bathroom with steam.

We took a bath as well.

My brother was sleepy, but my father was looking forward to the beer afterward.

– It had been about three weeks since Kunon had left the house.

Refreshed, Kunon returned to his room and went to bed. He slept peacefully.

“……isn’t working.”

The trial continues.

No matter how hard I try, I can’t get any results, but there’s no reason not to try, so I just keep trying.

However, there are times when I suddenly lose my concentration like this.

My mind refuses to think, and I feel like throwing everything away and going to bed.

It’s no wonder I’ve been at a standstill.

I don’t feel like I’m making any progress. So I feel like I’m being pushed even further.


I stood up from my chair and stretched. I was surprised to hear my back thumping. I must have been in the same position for a very long time.

“……Let’s take a break.”, Zeonly would say.

If you get stuck, get some distance.

He told me to keep my distance, keep calm, and look at the problem from a distance.

If that’s all you’re looking at, you’re too close to see what’s going on around you.

So, if you think you’ve hit on a problem that you can’t handle, empty your head once and then try again.

In Zeonly’s case, a nap seemed to do the trick, but Kunon – there’s no specific one in his case.

“I’m not in the mood for a sauna……”

With that, he left the room and headed for the main building.

In the end, he ended up in the sauna.

“Aah! Aah!”

This time, my mother, Tinariza, had caught me.

He had been caught enjoying the sauna with only the men in his family a while ago.

So it seems she was waiting for him.

In the evening, when Kunon came to the main building, a servant who saw Kunon told his mother.

She cried, “I haven’t experienced a sauna yet,” so my mother and my father, who happened to be home early today, took the family to the sauna. My brother hadn’t come home yet.

And then there was the beer.

The classy mother, who usually looks like an aristocratic lady, was more gallant and heroic in her drinking than his father.

Although Kunon couldn’t see her, she looked more manly than anyone else, holding a large mug of beer in one hand, the other resting on her hip, and slurping it down with a gurgling gulp.

The cold beer seemed to compensate for the water they had lost through sweating.

“This is it! No more wine for me! All I need is this!”

The mother was overjoyed with the new experience and excitement.

She was so excited that her father, who had recommended it to her, was almost taken aback.

“But I love you,” she says.

I don’t know where the “but” comes in.

– It had been about two months since Kunon had left the house.

After rehydrating himself with the pear juice-style real-time water he had served himself, Kunon went back to his room and went to sleep. He slept peacefully again.


A crash.

Kunon stood up suddenly and knocked over his chair.

But that’s not the point right now.

“Here it comes! This is it!”

I can’t let this feeling go.

Don’t forget to try now.

– Now, for sure, I saw something for a moment.

Not the colors I see with magic, but something clearer, more detailed, more distinct.


I saw many things that I had seen in books before.

In my room, where I could only see colors, I saw many layers of information.

I can’t forget it.

I can’t let myself forget what I just felt.

In my head, I’m sorting out what I’ve just unexpectedly seen, while my hands are moving quickly like another living thing.

I’m writing down my current attempt.

It is a clue that I have finally grasped.

It is a clue that I have finally grasped after months of stalling.

In this kind of thing, once you find a single clue, things can move forward at once.

Write while thinking and ruminating to make sure there are no mistakes.

I write another copy of the same thing, just in case.

It’s an insurance policy in case I spill a drink or ink on it and it gets ruined.

Even if it’s a small mistake that I wouldn’t normally think of, I can’t afford to lose it, no matter what the reason is.

My thoughts accelerate.

The door of possibility finally opens, and a thin ray of light shines through.

But for now.

Dare now.

After finishing his notes, Kunon decided to stop there and get a good night’s sleep.

He wanted to be in perfect physical condition from here on.

– It had been about three and a half months since Kunon had left the house.


The nucleus is a water mirror.

It is a thin, flat sheet of water, a water mirror that can capture the scenery.

The surface is covered with a flowing desert pattern that sends moving scenery to Kunon, with the flowing pattern moving in real time.

To protect the water mirror itself, it is wrapped in transparent water bubbles.

– The trick was as simple as this.

Kunon had tried everything, from the hardest methods to the most applied, but he now knew that he had overdone it.

I don’t need a complicated structure.

There was no need for a relay mechanism.

A direct connection to the water mirror was all that was needed.

It was so simple.

Once you know the answer, it’s so simple that it’s hard to believe.

“I can see……this, this is the view,……the view,….. ggh!?”

I was so moved that I choked on my words.

And then a severe headache hit me.

– There’s too much information coming in from my eyes. It’s too much for me to process, and my head is refusing to take in any more scenery.

It’s like this only in my room.

If I looked outside, I wouldn’t be able to stand it.

“I did it!…. I did it!”

But that’s just for now.

I just haven’t gotten used to the feeling of being able to see yet, and I’m sure I’ll eventually get used to it.

Kunon had fulfilled his ambition.

He had succeeded in gaining magical sight.

It had been about three months and three weeks since he had been away from home.

– He cried with joy and went to bed exhausted. The bed was a little cold, but he slept well.

Winter was long gone, and it was already spring.

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