The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 37: I talked to him

“What? Dazzling? Of course, I’m dazzling, I’m always dazzling. I know that, and everyone around me knows that. It’s not something I need to say again.”

“No, it’s not that.”

It’s a little difficult to explain, Kunon thought.

What Zeonly is talking about is the kind of brilliance that feels like it depends on the emotion and spirit of the viewer.

What Kunon is referring to is the problem of the one being seen……. No, it may only be a problem for the viewer in this case.

I was a little regretful, but I ended my greeting with Milica with the feather on her head.

I hadn’t seen her in a long time, and I wanted to talk to her longer, but that could wait.

I told her to wait a bit and to come to my room later, away from the humanoid glowing Zeonly.

“Actually -” he began without warning.

In the two years we have spent together, we have repeatedly clashed and reconciled as master and apprentice. It’s not like they’re going to hide anything from each other now.

Zeonly accepts Kunon and vice versa.

The master does not show his weaknesses easily, but the apprentice is ready to be inspired when the time comes.

Kunon explained.

I have succeeded in getting vision with mirror eyes.

It doesn’t work for very long, but I’m slowly getting used to it.

Thanks to it, I can see my own face, my family’s faces, and the scenery.

And – I can see things that I shouldn’t be able to see.

“What is it that you shouldn’t be able to see?”

Kunon answered Zeonly's question.

“I see my master shining so brightly that I can’t see him directly.”

“That’s true. I’ve always been a man of bewitching beauty, unshakable confidence, and incomparable talent.”

“It’s not like that. It’s just that you’re really dazzled.”

“Oh? Dazzled? Of course, I’m dazzling, I’m always dazzling. I know that, and everyone around me knows that. It’s not something I need to say again.”

“No, it’s not that.”

Zeonly’s unshakable confidence, which is usually very reliable, is now in the way.

Kunon decided to change the direction of his explanation.

“I can see things that you cannot see. To me, it looks as if Master is glowing like a light.”

“You don’t have to say it again, and don’t make me say it again. You don’t have to keep repeating it and don’t make me keep repeating it, it’s obvious.”

“There’s a crab behind me. A big crab.”

“What……? A crab?”

“Master Dario doesn’t have a giant sword, does he?   He had a beautiful white giant sword on his back. The maidservant looks like she’s got a nice pair of horns.”

“……Are you serious about that?”

“I do joke and I do lie, but I don’t tell jokes or lies that would seriously offend my master.”

“You’re saying a lot…… Well, okay.”

Zeonly crossed his arms.

“So, what are those…… things you’re seeing?”

“That’s the reason I asked you to come here.”

“……Oh okay, I see. By the way, did you see Her Highness?”

“……I don’t want to say too much, but will you listen? You might regret it if you do.”

“Tell me. I’m not sure what you’re talking about, but the more samples you have, the better.”

If you say so, I can’t help but answer.

It was Kunon who was asking for advice.

– I see a giant feather stuck in her head.

When I answered that, Zeonly burst into laughter.

“I don’t get it at all! But that was fun!The one with the feather stuck in her head is a masterpiece!”

– After laughing out loud for a while, Zeonly seemed to have finally calmed down.

“It’s no funny story, though.”

Thanks to you, I was finally able to see the face of my future wife after almost seven years.

The feather on her head is more impressive than the memory of it. Too strong.

I can’t remember her face, but I can remember the feather on her head.

I’m sure I’ll get used to seeing it after a while, just like the crab behind me.

But once I get used to seeing them, there’s another problem.

This time, I’m sure I’ll see and think about it calmly.

The feather is stuck in Milica’s head, I thought.

Even while I’m saying this, there is a feather stuck in Milica’s head.

I wondered if the feather was still intact at the wedding.

I look at it and think about it calmly, and one day I’ll laugh too – I’m just worried that I could hurt Milica when I do.

I’m sure she’ll be as funny as she is serious.

“So what? Do I look shiny when I talk like that?”

“Yes. You’re like a person of light. It’s so bright that you can’t be seen straight. In the   truest sense of the word.”

“I see. I’m always shining, but even I can’t say that I’m shining enough to make the sun jealous. I’ll give you a hundred percent.”

In fact, the sun looks like a black dot, so it is not a shining entity for Kunon.

“I’m humble, so I’ll admit I’m not as good as the sun. Well, in terms of humanity, I’m the best in the world.”

As the master started to talk in his sleep, Kunon decided to proceed.

“What do you think? Do you have any idea what’s going on?”

“There are two things. Two main things.”


There are two.

As expected of a royal court magician, he has nothing but humility and modesty, but his knowledge is extraordinary.

“The first is the pattern of being able to see the shape of the soul.”

I don’t know much about those things, but I’m sure there are plenty of anecdotes just by doing a little research.”

The form of the soul.

Spiritual things.

“By that argument, does that mean my soul is a crab? Also, it’s a bit far from my body. Does that mean my soul is crab-shaped and bare?”

“But I shine, don’t I? When you’re my age, no one can deny the possibility that you’re shining on the outside, inside, and even in your soul.”

“Well, yes, but…”

In fact, in all seriousness, Zeonly looks so shining that there is no material to deny it.

And as for Kunon, there is nothing wrong or inconvenient with his teacher shining, so that’s fine.

“What’s the other thing?”

“You know it. Oh, but you’ve never experienced it.”

– It’s a vision caused by magic sickness.

I knew that indeed.

Yes, that’s what Kunon knows.

“I’m sure you’ve heard of it,” he said. “There are places in nature where magic accumulates, and when you go there, you get drunk on magic.”

“That’s right. I’ve had the experience of drinking a lot and getting drunk, and then eventually passing out.

While you’re passed out, you see things that aren’t really there.

This is the illusion caused by magic sickness.

Most of the time, when you wake up after you pass out, you don’t remember it.”

I’ve never had a lot of alcohol in my life, so I can’t really imagine what it’s like.

But if Zeonly says it, then it must be true.

“It’s interesting, though. I’d like to see all the royal court magicians.”

“You probably can’t.”

“You’re right. I’ll be leaving soon, right? I’ll have to wait until I get back. It’s not bad to have the pleasure of waiting, though.”

I’m not saying that Kunon isn’t interested, but …… no, he’s a little confused, to be honest. I don’t want to be amused.

“Kunon. This is serious stuff.”


“Those interesting things you see, that you don’t understand, I’m quite curious about it. As a magician, of course.”


“I mean, it’s good. You can now see things that I couldn’t see before. But it looks all a little different.

You're making a lot of progress just by being able to see. It’s okay if it looks a little different, isn’t it?”

“Is that how it is?”

“Don’t think too hard. Some creatures can’t distinguish colors, and on the other hand, there are creatures with multiple eyes. There are creatures that can’t see like you."

"Maybe you don’t see things the same way as someone else, you know?Humans use their emotions to separate what they want to see and what they don’t want to see."

"It’s just that we see things differently. But it’s also natural. You can have your own vision. Everyone else does, so don’t worry about it.”

Even though I’m told not to worry about it, I do worry about it.

It’s hard to believe the power of persuasion, even when told by the light person who is currently seeing the most differently.

But I did feel a little better for talking to someone about it.

I don’t even know how credible it is, but he has given me two clues.

It might be a good idea to take a closer look at what I can see with my “mirror eyes”.

“Thank you, Master. I feel a little more positive now.”

“That’s good to know."

"It’s just my intuition, but there might be a significant meaning in those eyes. Well, it’s just a feeling, so maybe not."

"Please don’t throw it away if you can. If you think it’s really painful, you can seal it off, but if not, keep looking.”

Kunon’s true feeling was that he was still not used to the sight or to something too visible.

Right now he is taking it a little too seriously.

But maybe he will eventually get used to this too, in many ways.

……Let’s see how it goes for now, he thought. I’ll come to a conclusion in my own mind.

After the general discussion, Kunon and Zeonly decided to leave the room.

Milica was probably waiting for them at the table they had set outside.

Dario must be keeping his distance as usual. In two years, he had never sat at the same table. He was a serious man.

“But what?”


“- I’d probably laugh if I saw Her Highness, Milica. I’m sure you’ll think, ‘Oh, she’s got a feather on her head’, right?”

It’s hard for Kunon, who is actually seeing it, to say that.

Kunon hasn’t told Milica and Dario yet that he has gotten his vision.

I wrote to Zeonly to let him know, but I’m going to tell those two …… exactly what I’m going to tell Milica.

I am sure they'll ask me.

For example, “What do I look like?”  

“What did you think when you saw me?”  

“When you look at me, do I match what you see in me?” And so on.

– The feather on your head is a very original and fashionable look, and you are the fashion leader of the Huglia Kingdom! I’m glad you look just as I imagined you would!

There’s no way I can say that…

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