The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 42: At a magic store in the Sacred Land

It had been three weeks since the trip began.

Kunon and the others were in the capital of the Sacred Land without any particular disruption to their schedule.

We had planned to arrive three weeks after our departure, so we were right on schedule.

From here, it would take a week to pass through the Sacred Land and cross over to the neighboring magical city of Dillashick.

The Holy Land of Centrance.

As the name suggests, it is a country with a strong religious flavor, and it is said that all of its citizens are believers in the Goddess Kiraleila.

But that was a long time ago, and now it’s more like a normal city.

It is said that in the past, all the people wore robes and lived under the name of the goddess, but the flow of time has eliminated this old custom.

“What’s in your wallet, Linco?”

“I don’t know how many times you’ve asked, but that’s exactly the price of the book. By the way, if you buy it, you won’t be able to pay for the hotel and you won’t have money for the carriage ride.”

“Right. Can I buy it then?”

“Absolutely not. You’ll be lost the moment you buy it.”

– Books on witchcraft are expensive.

In the first place, it is usually only magicians who need them.

They are useless to non-magical people, who have no need for them.

That’s why most of them are one-of-a-kind.

Because they are not mass-produced, the cost of each piece is high.  

It is even more expensive when it is a book written by a well-known magician.

“It’s an expensive purchase, so you should take your time and think about it, but I don’t think you should buy it either.”

The female shopkeeper at the magic store, who would benefit from the sale, also recommended to not buy it.

“I got a used copy of Zeonly’s book that’s been selling well lately. It’s cheaper than that Satori book, and I highly recommend it.”

“I don’t care about that one.”

– Recently, a book by a rare genius magician named Zeonly has been shaking up the magician and magician industry.

But Kunon doesn’t pay attention to it, because he knows the book well enough.

He can’t even see it.

I have it because my master gave it to me in the first place.

“What is this for?”

“What’s that? It’s called the Instantaneous Movement Trade Box, and it’s a set of two boxes.

To put it simply, it’s a magical tool that allows you to instantly move an object in one box to the other box.”

Next to Kunon, who was struggling with Satori’s book in his hands, Linco and a female shopkeeper were talking.

“Oh, isn’t it great? Can I come in here?”

‘If it’s something you can fit in, you can. But the box is only big enough to hold one finger, how can you fit it in?”

“That’s the problem, isn’t it? Can’t you get in if you force it?”

“You have to be very squeezed to get into it…… No, let me be clear. It’s impossible.”

“That’s a shame. Do you have any magic tools that make you smaller?”

“Not at the moment.”

“Well, I’d like to try……. How about you, Kunon? Would you like to come in?”


Kunon put Satori’s book back on the shelf.

Satori, the water wizard, is also a teacher at the magic school we are going to.

If that’s the case, we should give up on buying the book here and ask him about it at the school. If so, the school’s library might have it.

I really wanted to buy it, but I had no choice.

Kunon’s allowance wasn’t enough, and the money from the trip wasn’t enough either. I can’t help but wish that my grandfather was here.

What’s more.

“Can I try something?”

Kunon was also curious about what Linco and the female shopkeeper had to say.

“Hmm? Huh? It’s okay, but you can’t go in, can you?”

I answered earlier, but I have no intention of going in.

“-Linco, the box.”

A small metal box is placed in Kunon’s hand.

“Here you go.”

“What? How?”

The box is two for one.

One is held by Kunon, and the other by the female shopkeeper.


Kunon probed with his magical powers and analyzed the structure of the box.

The structure is made up of several layers of diffuse reflection magic circles.

By passing through the magic circle several times at once, you can twist the space quite forcibly and connect it to the other box.

It was a very rough and messy job.

The effective distance would be quite short, and the strength of the device would be delicate.

It would probably break after ten uses.

The size of the box is small and I can’t find any use for it.

As a magic tool, it’s a defective one.

But it’s the point of view that matters in these things. Because the practical things are beyond the development from these things.

“It’s interesting……. Oh, you can open it.”

“Huh? Oh, yes – wow!”

The contents that had been transferred from Kunon’s box to the female shopkeeper’s box were a “water cat” small enough to fit in the box.

It was a product that I had made during the carriage ride when I was bored and did what Linco ordered.

“Cute! Tiny! So cute!”

After all, cats are very popular.

“You’re a magician too, aren’t you?”

The female shopkeeper knew that Kunon was a sorcerer because he wanted to buy a book on magic, but she didn’t say anything because she didn’t want to interfere with her customers’ convenience.

But now that she had seen the magic, he was as good as exposed.

“Are you going to the magic school in Dillashick?”

“Yes, that’s right. We are on our way.”

“I see. This time of year…… is a bit further away. Every year, an apprentice sorcerer like you comes to the store. They stop by on their way.”

“Are you a sorcerer too?”

“No, I’m not. I like magic, but I’m not very talented. But I really wanted to work with magicians, so here I am. So I’m what you call a wizard enthusiast.”

“More importantly,” said the maniacal female clerk, changing the subject somewhat forcefully.

“I heard that a saint from the Sacred Kingdom will be entering a magic school this year.”

“A holy woman?”

I had never heard of her.

I knew about the existence of saints, but I didn’t think they still existed nowadays and in this age.

“Last year, the prince of the empire’s mad flame and the thunderbolt of the new kingdom also entered the school. It’s quite a lineup.”

"That’s where you come in. Yeah, yeah!"

The enthusiast female shopkeeper, with a fingertip-sized cat on her index finger, is delighted to find a boy who is a fanatic.

“I’ve never seen a magician who can create such a small cat. You’re going to be famous for sure. In the future, I’ll be proud to say that I met you before you entered the school.”

Even though she said that, Kunon’s mind was currently occupied with other things.

“The saint, the prince of mad fire, the thunderbolt…….”

Oh, so exciting.

It’s the same for Kunon.

With the exception of the royal court sorcerer, whom I have only met once, I have yet to have a proper relationship with any sorcerer other than Genie and Zeonly.

I’m sure they will come up with ideas that Kunon can’t come up with and acquire skills that he doesn’t have.

The attributes are different, so there’s no application, right?

We won’t know that until we try.

I’m already thinking about the friends I haven’t seen yet.

That alone is already fun.

“By the way, you…”


“What are your attributes?”

Apparently, she doesn’t know that “water cats” are made of water.

“The clue is that it evaporates when put close to fire. I hope you get the answer.”

“Oh, water.”

Kunon, who had only tactfully given a hint, left the store briskly, taking Linco with him.

The maniacal female shopkeeper’s immediate response was not heard anymore.

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