The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 48: Practical Test (2)

As expected, Serph was getting a bit pathetic.

“Hmmm. What should I do with this……?”

The atmosphere was heavy and awkward, and most of all, it was a mess. 

“I’ll do my best!”

This sense of sadness.

Whether you can see the reality or not……, you probably can’t, but the fact that Kunon is healthy makes the atmosphere even heavier.

The contrast between Kunon’s enthusiasm and the people around him who think he doesn’t understand the situation is frightening.

“What are you talking about?”

Seyfi whispers quietly.

“That girl, that man……. She’s a disciple of that man who rarely praises others, never acknowledges them, and says that there is no one better than him.”

“……Oh, that’s right.”

Serph himself didn’t hate her that much, but Seyfi had been compared to him, clashed with him, and kicked around at every turn because they were both from the same sigil earth.

Not that she wanted to, but Seyfi knew Zeonly Finrole’s abilities and personality better than Serph did.

It was unbelievable that the man had taken an apprentice, but it was also unbelievable that he had offered it to me as if he were proud of it.

There were not many possibilities, and the first that came to mind was…

“He’s the man’s work…, isn’t he?”

If you think about it, it makes sense.

Zeonly loved to brag about himself, and he was especially proud of his magic tools for a long time.

If that’s the case, then bragging about the apprentice he raised is another story…

“Well, we’ll find out when you try.”

“Don’t let your guard down.”

“I know. I’m a disciple of Zeonly… And I don’t want to be embarrassed in front of the test takers either.”

Serph stepped forward.

“Then let’s begin the practical exam for Kunon Gurion.”

“Yes! Thank you very much! I’ll do my best! – Hey, watch this. I’ll do my best. If I do well, will you go somewhere with me?”

“Okay, okay, let’s not pick up girls here.”

Kunon came forward, calling out to the saint who turned her face away and ignored him.

I’m not sure if I can afford it or not.

Well, I guess there it is.

He must be really smug.

Even though everyone was fed up with the atmosphere of this place. Only one person seems to be completely unconcerned.

“The task is to cast a spell on me.”

Suddenly, a wind rises around Serph.

“Try to break my Windshield Whirlwind.”

“Windshield Whirlwind.”

It’s an intermediate wind magic that uses the wind to create a wall around you.

Depending on the magician, Serph’s “windshield” is so strong that it can completely protect against even inferior advanced magic.

The strong wind is also impervious to water.

It is absolutely impossible for someone who can only use two rudimentary water magic……, much less attack magic, to breakthrough.

I’m not letting my guard down.

I’m proud to say that it’s a difficult task even for a good magician.


“What? Is that what you want? Really?”

Kunon was taken aback.

– He had been expecting a more difficult task and had also been looking forward to it.


Serph was a little pissed off at Kunon’s obviously disappointed attitude.

“You seem to be unhappy with the assignment, but you should wait until you’ve done it. Girls don’t like sorcerers who just talk.”

“Oh, that’s not good.”

Kunon, who seemed to really want to pick up the saint – didn’t hesitate anymore and unleashed his magic power.

Very thin.

Extend it wider and wider to cover Serph where he deploys his “windshield whirlwind”.

” Well, let’s go.”

He raised the stick in his right hand slightly and poked the ground with it.

And – more than a hundred small “water balls” are generated all at once around Serph.

This is the basis of the water magic that creates the “Water Ball A Ori”.

This is an unusual number, but…… well, it is still perfectly acceptable.

“Oh, come on. You’re not gonna get past my windshield with that.”

In extreme cases, even rain cannot penetrate.

Water balls, which are larger than raindrops, are even more impermeable.


Kunon poked his stick again, and each “water ball” split in two, sharing the water volume.



“… Multiply.”



Not only Serph but also his assistant and the other candidates were stunned.

The astronomical increase in the number of “water balls” by multiplication was no longer “water balls” but a fine mist.

“- Color Shock.”

The fog took on a red color, making it easier to see.

Then he noticed.

While he was stunned by the increasing number of “water balls” around him, before he knew it, red water was closing in on his feet.

It is a kind of terrifying landscape that stays at the very edge of Serph’s ‘windshield whirlwind’…… It looks as if he has been invaded by bloodline magic that manipulates blood.

The approaching blood pool.

A mist of fresh blood dancing in the air.

And Serph is attacked by it.

There was no way to escape, but –

“……, what’s going on? Is this the end?”

That was it.

No matter how bizarre the scene, Kunon’s water has not reached Serph.


“What? It’s over, isn’t it?”

Kunon said.

“I can keep this up for two days. What about you, Master? With your magic, you won’t be able to maintain it for half a day, will you?

There is no time limit. That’s why I’ve already finished the assignment.”

-That was indeed true.

No matter how unusual its characteristics, no matter how it changes its form, Kunon’s magic is the rudiments of water ball a ori.

It may look like something else, but it is still a “water ball a-ori”.

The amount of magic power consumed is a gentle burden for an apprentice using magic for the first time.

It will also be easy to maintain.

It’s just that the way it’s used is so out of the ordinary, it’s just elementary magic.

In other words, it has become a game of endurance.

If he let up even a little, the fog and the water under his feet would close in. You can’t just maintain the front of the screen and reduce the amount of magic power consumed.

If it was a sporadic series of attacks, he could use his magic power to generate and cancel it each time, but in this situation where he was constantly being attacked, he couldn’t cancel it.

In the first place – I’m just holding back here, and I feel like Kunon has the means to push Serph further from here.

I would like to see that……, but to want more would be to deviate from the task.

It’s a tough one, but this is just an exam assignment.

It is not acceptable to pile up assignments and then impose even more new ones.

“…… Okay. I’ve lost.”

It’s what I call a dead end.

Just because we don’t have the results yet, it won’t change the outcome.

From this point on, Kunon’s name became widely known.

He was a pupil of Zeonly Finrole and was able to pass Serph’s toughest challenges with ease.

“Hey, did you see that? You saw it, right? I want to produce water as fast as your ray……. Okay, I’ll write up a report with your name on it as a joint work. Can you? No?…… No? I’ll give you two parfaits. No? Okay, three! How about three?”

Well, it seems that he is still busy picking up girls.

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