The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me

Chapter 128: Quest to Liberate the Slave Market

Quest to Liberate the Slave Market

I was a beastkin from the fox tribe, living in a mountain village in the eastern continent.

Born as the youngest daughter of the tribe chief, I represented the lineage of the fox tribe beastkin, and was a brave warrior.

“…It’s cold.”

But now, I found myself trapped in a cold and dreary prison cell.

“Well, this is the beastkin corner! It’s one of the most popular corners in our market!”

According to the humans’ words, it seems that I have been captured and brought to a slave market.

What made it even worse was that I was taken to a slave market in the southern continent, far away from my homeland.


Where did it all go wrong?

Was it so wrong to desire freedom?

“What are they? Fox beastkin?”

“Oh my, how cute. Look at those ears perking up.”

As I curled up, lost in my thoughts, I heard the clamor of voices around me.

“…Leave it, those ones are very expensive.”

“But they’re so cute…”

I opened my eyes slightly to see people in strange clothes gazing at me with curiosity.


“Look at it baring its teeth!”

“Wow… it’s really cute.”

I tried to intimidate them by baring my teeth, frustrated at being treated like a spectacle, but they only stared at me more intently than before.

It was shameful for a proud fox tribe warrior to not be able to intimidate an opponent, despite my earnest efforts.

“Humans, get lost.”

Finally, unable to endure it any longer, I spat out the words while gripping the bars of the cell.

“It talks? Amazing.”

“Brother, please buy me one of those!”

“No, it’s beyond our budget. Young and naïve beastkin like that are very expensive. Besides, it’s from the eastern continent, not the western one, so it’s premium…”

They continued to treat me like a mere commodity.

– Slap!!


As I felt indignant about this reality, a sharp whip lashed out at me.

How was it possible that these sturdy cell bars failed to shield me from the whip’s impact that came from the outside?

Was this the sorcery that the adults used to talk about?

“Quietly blend in with the others over there.”

The man holding the whip looked at me with disdain as he spoke.

“You pathetic little creature.”


I could easily bite a cheeky guy like him to death with my teeth…

‘It’s heavy…’

Ever since I put on this strange bracelet on my arm, I couldn’t muster any strength.

Though it appeared like a very thin and ordinary bracelet, why does it make me so weak?

Could this be sorcery as well?

“You little brat…!”

As I was thinking, the guy raised the whip above his head again.


“Right, stay there until a suitable master comes along.”

I wasn’t afraid of a whip.

As a candidate for the next Chieftain of the esteemed fox tribe beastkin, I wouldn’t yield merely because a human’s whip caused pain


“Sister, I’m cold… I’m hungry…”

“Shh, be quiet…!”

I backed down because I was concerned that the young fox tribe children behind me would get hurt.

If there was no one behind me, I would have resisted until the end, even if it meant my body was shattered.


“Sister with the weird tail, please lend me your tail!”

“…I told you to be quiet!”

Silently blending in with the group, I crouched down when a cheeky little child pointed at my tail and spoke.

An irritating child who had been pestering me to lend my tail for days, even though we weren’t close.

By the way, what’s so strange about my soft, fluffy, and pretty tail?

Though, looking around, everyone else did have different tail shapes than mine.

As the only fox beastkin from the Eastern Continent, I couldunderstand why they might find it strange…

“So soft~”


The little one who had been curiously staring at my tail decided to lay down on it, using it as a makeshift pillow.

‘…Such a foolish child.’

While the other children huddled together, shivering in fear and terror, I couldn’t understand why this one was so nonchalant.

Was it because they had confidence in their own abilities? No, that was not it. Reflecting on that time, there was no one stronger than me here.

Maybe it’s because they’re still too young to fully grasp the situation they’re in?

“I’m-I’m sorry! My sibling is still immature…”

While I was looking at the child using my tail as a pillow with a slightly annoyed expression, their older sister apologized to me.

“…It’s okay.”


“I’ll lend my tail.”

I replied to her in my still awkward grasp of the common language. Given that she was probably from the Western Continent, she should be able to understand this much.

“Th-Thank you…”

“It’s fine.”

Seeing the sister express her gratitude to me, it seemed that she had understood well.

After all, lending my precious tail deserved words of appreciation. If she hadn’t shown gratitude, I would’ve been genuinely upset.

“Hmm? What’s that?”

As I focused my attention on the child snuggling on my tail, a sound came from outside the cell bars again.

“Ah, yes! That’s a fox beastkin! They reside in both the Western Continent’s plains and the Eastern Continent’s mountainous areas, characterized by their unique beauty, beautiful tails, and agile movements…”

“How much?”

“Ah, yes! If you check this specification sheet for detailed prices…”

I turned my head to see what was going on and saw a fat noble looking at us with greedy eyes.


A wave of fear swept through everyone around me.

After all, if we were to fall into the clutches of someone like him, it would be the end for us.

Unlike the Eastern Continent, where our tribe was well taken care of and revered, and the Western Continent, which was a paradise for beastkin, this place resembled nothing short of hell.

“No, I don’t want…!”

“It’s not allowed…!”

Look at that. Right next to me, a young beastkin child was being sold at a meager price.

“Please, buy me too!! I beg you! I’ll do anything!!”

Could I hear the desperate pleas of a mother beastkin, left with nothing but her child, pleading to be bought?

“Please! I beg you… Aahh!!”

“…What a low-grade product, with only one eye.”

Could I witness a heartless slave trader callously kicking her away, saying she has no value as a product?

“I don’t want this! Let me go!!”

“Rather… just kill me…”

“Please, don’t hit me. I beg you…”

And within this cursed space where such atrocities were an everyday occurrence, could they not hear the screams and groans that filled the air?

“If you don’t shut up and go to the waiting room, I’ll buy one of your comrades and kill them in front of you.”

“Don’t worry. In a matter of days, you’ll lose that spirit and be wailing under me.”

“Tsk, you’ve caused damage to the merchandise. I told you to go easy.”

Are you really human?

You who look down on us, disregard us, and reduce us to slaves… Are you not demons rather than humans?

“Over there, I want that one.”

The fat noble who had been watching us extended his hand towards me.

No, to be more precise, he pointed at the child who had been resting on my tail.

“Yes, just sign here, please. Shall we send the child to the waiting room? Or would you prefer to take them with you?”

“…The latter seems more fun.”

“I’ll follow your orders.”

The fate of the sleeping child, more innocent than me, oblivious to the harshness of the world, was decided by a single piece of paper and a stroke of a pen.

Condemned to a life as a ‘slave,’ a status forbidden in the Southern Continent.

“Have you conducted the minor inspections?”

“Yes, of course. They have never been ill, never sustained injuries, completely unblemished…”

As I watched the two of them continue their transaction calmly amidst such heinous acts, I thought.

‘No more…’

Quietly sifting through my belongings, I muttered under my breath.

‘I can no longer endure this.’

I already had a plausible plan.

Though it was a bit of a bother because the bracelet had some sort of curse or enchantment on it, there was also a saying that if you keep your wits about you even in a tiger’s den, you can survive.

If only I could direct the small knife I had secretly hidden within my belongings toward the fat man’s throat.

If I could create even the slightest opening like that.

Wouldn’t there be at least a glimmer of hope?

‘At the very least, it’s better than becoming a sex slave to those bastards.’

I am a proud foxkin. Rather than becoming a slave to humans, I would rather fight and die.

And who knows, maybe I can create an opportunity for the others behind me to escape.

It’s not as if I enjoy helping others, but if I’m risking my life, once in a while is fine.

It’s definitely not because I’ve become attached to them.

“Human! Instead of that one, take me…!”

I finished my thoughts and tried to run toward the cage, screaming, but then…

“Purchase all the beastkin here.”


Suddenly, a man approached from the adjacent cage and spoke, making me freeze in place.

“Lord? What are you…”

“Include the beastkin that man was buying.”

What is this sudden turn of events?

What’s happening?

“Hey, you. What do you think you’re doing… Eek.”

“…Do you have any complaints when I’m just following the rules?”

“No, not at all! Hehe. It’s been quite some time, hasn’t it? I hope you’ve been well…”

The portly man, who was about to angrily protest, now bowed before the silver-haired boy who announced he would buy all of us.

Judging by the fact that he didn’t hesitate to say he would buy everyone and the way the portly man groveled in front of him, the boy appeared to be a high-ranking noble.

‘…This might be a stroke of luck.’

At first, I was taken aback, but then I realized that this could be an opportunity.

If I could take that frail-looking boy as a hostage, who appeared to be on the verge of collapse at any moment, my hostage plan might actually succeed.

“Hey, boy! Take me…”

“So, how are you going to handle the slaves…?”

“I’ll just take that one over there with me. Send the rest to the waiting room.”


As I was about to shout at the boy, he pointed at me.


“Tsk, I would have preferred that man from earlier.”

With a click of his tongue, the guard opened the cell door, and I stood before him, casting a side glance.


For now, I must endure whatever he does to me here.

Only then I will have a chance to escape this wretched place.

And with it, a chance to ‘break out.’

Suppressing my temper and being as submissive as possible…

“You’re cute, you know.”



Unconsciously, I bared my teeth.

This wasn’t the Eastern Continent, where beastkin were revered as sacred beings.

The person putting a collar around my neck was not a villager who would bow down and beg, offering me food at the mere display of my teeth.

“Good, you’re well-behaved.”


And so, with a collar around my neck, I moved forward while being petted on the head like some common dog.

“I wonder if I should show off to my friends.”

‘…Should I kill him?’

It seemed I was with a man who seemed more suited to be a corpse rather than a hostage.

At that moment, when the fox beastkin was harboring such terrifying thoughts.

‘Has everyone successfully infiltrated?’

Frey, who had started to take her around after purchasing her, posed that question through the communication magic tool he had prepared in advance.

– This is Clana. I’ve infiltrated the first floor with my close aides and some members of the Royal Knights.

– This is Irina, I have located the cabinet you mentioned. The magic appears to be incomplete… Do I need to finish it from now on?

– This is Kania. My lord, who is that woman? Please don’t tell me she’s another sub-heroine…

In an instant, multiple voices flowed into his head simultaneously.

– Yes, Lord Frey.

– I am Dmir Khan, leading the Demon Army’s combat officers, and we have successfully infiltrated as well.

After briefly closing his eyes to discern the distinct voices, Frey said.

“Alright, then…”

As the last low voice came in, he said with a triumphant smile,

“Everyone, begin.”

With those words, the curtains lifted on the quest to liberate the slave market.

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