The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me

Chapter 153: End of a Long Journey

༺ End of a Long Journey ༻

“Y-You shall not pass!”

Roswyn firmly stood in the way of Frey, blocking the sole entrance into the palace. Her challenge carried an icy tone.

“I will never let you get to where the Hero is.”


“I will stop you, even if it costs me my life.”

In response to this, Frey sighed and slowly turned his head to look behind him.

Kwang! Kwang!

Intense battles raged in every area of the once beautiful palace garden.

“Grrr… ohhh…”

The combat executives watched the sub-heroines with lifeless eyes as they battled fiercely, the contrast creating an eerie dichotomy.

“It’s dangerous!”

“I’ll handle these bastards! Hurry, we have to stop Frey…!”

The sub-heroines facing them unexpectedly put up a strong fight, each effectively utilizing their own abilities.

From the rear, Arianne set up a protective barrier, while Lulu used magic to analyze the enemies and advise the others.

Meanwhile, in the center, Aishi casted ice magic towards the enemies with a cold expression.

And finally, at the vanguard, the youngest paladin of the academy boosted the team’s vitality and stamina while fending off enemy attacks.

“…How impressive.”

After blankly staring at them, Frey let out a bitter laugh before turning his gaze back to Roswyn.

“Move aside, Roswyn.”

Frey spoke with a detached expression.

“Uh, I’m sorry, but…”

Roswyn, frowning at Frey, started talking with a disgusted expression.

“…Can you not call me by my name? Or actually, can you not call me at all? Just hearing you say my name makes me shudder with goosebumps. Oh, it also makes me feel like throwing up, you little piece of shit.”

“Is that so?”

“Ugh, it’s the absolute worst. It really distresses me.”

Roswyn, who loved the Hero more than anyone else and despised Frey, muttered with a sullen face as she looked at the girls fighting hard behind Frey.

“I should have just fought the executives over there. Why did I take on the gatekeeper role?

If I could have fought without having to see your disgusting face, it would have been great.”


Frey’s hands trembled slightly as he listened to her muttering. His strength was amplified by the Hero’s Armor he wore.

“You’re doing all kinds of bullshit, aren’t you?”

Roswyn remarked, her exasperation clear as she observed Frey’s trembling hands.

“Just hurry up and attack, you disgusting maggot.”

Clenching her fist, Roswyn took a combat stance.

“I will kill you with my own hands and offer your head to the Hero.”

Frey, whose hands had been trembling until then, muttered with a desperate expression as he stood in front of Roswyn.

“Remember. I have to control my strength before I reach the Demon King.”

“You trash, what are you doing standing there without attacking…”

“Shut up.”

With a menacing aura, Frey cut off Roswyn’s provocations, his focus unwavering.


As he drew his sword from his waistband, he was trying to focus to the point of using something akin to self-hypnosis.

‘If I make a mistake even once, I have to Retry. That is something I cannot afford to do like last time.’


Roswyn, unable to bear the standoff any longer, launched an attack at Frey.


Roswyn’s powerful strike met its end all too easily, dispelled by Frey’s single-armed block.



A moment later, Frey swung his sword at the flustered Roswyn in a counterattack.


Pushing aside the unconscious Roswyn, he muttered to himself as he finally stepped into the palace.

“Let’s keep going.”




“I’m going crazy.”

Frey, who had defeated Roswyn and entered the palace, was still muttering to himself in a soulless voice.

“What’s going on…”

The ‘Translucent Frey’ followed, observing with a bewildered expression.

“How could this…”

Just as he was about to start panicking due to the incomprehensible events he had witnessed up to this point, the ‘Translucent Frey’ was suddenly pushed by someone behind him, causing him to fall down to where Frey’s physical body was.



At that moment, the two versions of Frey began to merge.

“…Ferloche? What are you-?”

Frey attempted to say something to the ‘Translucent Ferloche’ who had pushed him. The main heroines had similarly pale expressions amidst this strange phenomenon,

“I-I am…”

But before he could finish his words, they had completely merged.

“Do you hear me, Frey?”

After the merged Frey briefly tilted his head, he began to walk again inside the palace once more.

“From now on, please proceed with the ordeal by integrating with the Frey from this time.”

With a tender expression, the translucent Ferloche spoke as she gazed at the merged Frey.

“That way, you’ll be able to understand your ‘true’ feelings…”

Her voice began to tremble slightly.

“…and you’ll finally be able to judge us properly.”







After walking for a while, a familiar voice reached my ears.

“Stop right there.”

I slowly lifted my head, only to see many familiar faces before my eyes.

Kania the Dark Magician. Irina the Archmage. Princess Clana, Saintess Ferloche, and even Serena the Chancellor.

They had talked with more familiarity in the past. Now, they only looked at me in contempt. But it’s fine now. After all, nothing mattered anymore.

My heart no longer held the capacity to love them or myself.


As soon as I ignored the warning from Ferloche, the onslaught began.


The attacks were executed with unwavering determination. It was a determination that it would strike true, even despite the ‘Hero’s Armor’ that I was wearing.

As I watched their incoming attacks, filled to the brim with the desire to kill me, I could only make a tired smile.

“…This regression might just be a success.”


In the midst of this, a dark energy surged in front of me.

It seemed like the first attack to reach me was Kania’s dark magic.

“Kania, it’s been a while.”

“Shut up.”

She was often the ‘first’ to realize my true identity throughout the countless regressions I had experienced.

During the early stages of his regression, she was my sole supporter and confidant.

“I still miss the sandwiches you used to make.”

“I still regret not poisoning those, so shut that mouth of yours.”

However, as the rounds repeated, I quickly started to realize that I had grown far too reliant on her.

So, in order to grow more in the future, even if it was just a minuscule amount, I had to let her go.



And so, she transformed from being my closest confidant and ally…

Into Kania the Dark Magician, my tormenter who wielded curses and poison.


When I split Kania’s dark magic with stellar mana, flames surged through the gap that it made.

Judging by that, the second attack to reach me was probably Irina’s magic.

“Everyone, step back. I’ll use my ultimate move.”

In my past cycles, if Kania was the first to realize my true identity, Irina was often the second.

Thanks to this pattern, I was able to gain an overwhelming advantage by preventing her from using the ’12 o’clock Curse’ and enlisting her as an ally. She was the one who gave the wings to my tiger as I could wield overwhelming firepower using her from the very start of every regression.

“Irina, I’ve heard that the empire isn’t producing much Puppy Lovegrass these days. I’ve heard that the Hero is gathering it to use as a potion ingredient…”

“Ferloche, protect me. This magic is similar to your ‘Blessing of the Sun God’. It has to be activated up close.”

However, Irina often got injured during the process of helping me.

It was a natural result, as she always had to fight against powerful enemies because of my reliance on her strength.


“It’s useless.”

After the 100th regression of her shattering into pieces in front of my very eyes, I resigned myself to the fact that she could not stay with me, no matter how reliable of a companion she was.

“Wh-why did the attack…?”

“It’s simple. I’m just stronger than that attack.”

And so, she went from being my best fighter and childhood friend…

To Irina the Archmage, my murderer who casted overwhelming magic.

Fzzzz… Fzzz…

“I’ve gathered enough solar mana! I’ll join in too!”

Just when I had managed to block Irina’s ultimate magic with a trick I found in my many regressions, this time, it was Clana that charged at me, enveloped in solar mana.

It seemed that the third attack aimed at me would come from Clana.

“You, who leeched off the Sunrise Empire. You are the source of all evil. You are scum! I will kill you and throw your body into the sewers. Prepare yourself.”

Clana, the most aggressive and violent among the main heroines who were currently trying to kill me, was the one who suffered the most from guilt when she discovered my true identity.

“Clana, do you remember the covenant we made back then?”

“Shut up! I overwrote that bullshit when I used Serena’s covenant. Don’t you dare attempt to deceive me with that filthy tongue. You’re even worse than a demon, you disgusting human.”

Her guilt festered day by day, eventually transforming her into a small canary that sang on my shoulder.

“How pathetic, to challenge me with such skills.”

“I’ll challenge you a hundred, no, a thousand times more. Ultimately, I’ll be the one to bring you down.”

Therefore, I decided to never let her discover the truth.

The eyes of the canary quietly curled up on my shoulder was utterly maddening.

Even for me, who had become unable to feel genuine emotions, it was a traumatic sight.

The girl who once exchanged a shy smile with me, as we promised to serve each other for eternity…

Had become Princess Clana, my oppressor who burdened my plans with her imperial authority.

“I’ll help you, Your Highness.”

As I evaded Clana’s attack and knocked her down, I found Serena standing in my way.

It seemed that Serena would be the fourth heroine to attack me.


“It’s nice to see you being so direct. Some things never change.”

No long description would do justice when it came to Serena.

In almost all of my regressions, she had died loving me.


But did you know? That love can become poison if it’s too strong?

In order to learn how to deceive Serena flawlessly, I had no choice but to invest about half of my regressions that I have experienced so far.

It was the only way for me, a mere hard worker, to deceive Serena’s intelligence.

“Serena, can’t you see that the outcome of this battle is already determined?”

“You mean the outcome where I successfully buy time for the Hero?”

After countless regressions, I was finally able to successfully deceive Serena. However, I eventually came to resent her as well.

And so, my first love, my fiancée, and the girl I could have given my everything to…

Became Serena the Chancellor, my biggest disruptor who administered her intelligence like a scalpel, giving me the most trouble out of everyone.

“Everyone, let’s attack all at once!!”

As I was defending against Serena’s now-familiar attack pattern, Ferloche, who was in the back, raised her voice.

It seemed like the final attack would be a collective one, launched by all of them together.

“I will use the Blessing of the Sun God to attack, so Clana, please join me in close combat. Irina and Kania provide rear support, and Serena, please devise the next strategy.”

Ferloche was often the leader of the main heroines in almost every round. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say she was my arch-nemesis.

Her unique charisma, sharp intuition, and overwhelming power… made it easy for her to rally everyone who wanted to bring me down.

“Ferloche, how does it feel to become the Hero’s bitch?”

“I’m simply following the will of the Sun God, but personally, I’m very happy to finally see your end.”

Ferlouche had always tried to rehabilitate me until the very end, so I didn’t feel particularly resentful towards her.

Her power was so overwhelming that I was often left helpless.

I was killed by her numerous times, failing each regression when I faced her. So, I memorized her attack patterns when using Blessing of the Sun God, even as my head was blown to pieces, and analyzed the weaknesses of her Protection of the Sun God.

And so, my dear friend who once came to my house every day to try to fix me…

Became Saintess Ferloche, my arch-nemesis who led all the other heroines to hunt me like a dog.


As I blocked each of their attacks while briefly reminiscing about the past, all five of them finally began to charge at me.


Gazing at them, I swung my sword and spun to dodge the first of their attacks.

‘Hold on for just a bit longer.’

Just before they all reached me, I reiterated my resolve.

‘This is the final hurdle.’

‘…Now, it’s time to end it all.’

And a moment later, my sword sliced through the air, the surroundings shrieking at the force of my blow.



After looking at the Hero’s Sword, which sparkled in the sunlight streaming through the window, I slowly sheathed it.

“It was a success.”

All five heroines surrounding me had collapsed to the floor, unconscious.

‘Well, it’s only natural.’

The Hero’s Sword was a weapon so powerful that it would enable me to fight against the Demon King when even all the main heroines and I combined wouldn’t be enough. If the weapon wasn’t able to do even this much, it would render my goal impossible.

However, there was something that slightly bothered me.

“…I hope there aren’t any injuries.”

I didn’t want to incur any more debts.

Instead, I now wanted to create light.1 light- 빛 debt- 빚 sounds very similar in Korean

“There’s none.”

By carefully observing the scene of the battle, I was able to confirm that there were no visible injuries on any of the main heroines. As such, I slowly got up.

‘The place where the Demon King is gathering her strength… must be the ‘Imperial Throne’.’

It was obvious where she would be.

As the epitome of arrogance, she would undoubtedly be at the top floor of the Imperial Palace, seated at the highest point of such a floor.

The Imperial Throne.

Trudge, Trudge

Having pinpointed her location, I slowly made my way up the stairs.


In countless regressions, this was the first time I had come this far.

Finally, the end was almost within sight.

I assumed that when this moment came, my heart would race or that I would break into a cold sweat, but instead, my mind remained utterly clear.

In fact, it wasn’t just clear…

My entire body felt strangely light.


Soon after, I reached the uppermost floor, where someone stood, barring my path to the throne.


I wondered who it was. However, as I walked closer, I was greeted with an unexpected figure.



It was Isolet, the person I once admired the most in the world just behind my mother.

Naturally, now she was just Professor Isolet to me.

“I have a question.”

“What is it?”

As I quickly drew my sword to subdue her and proceed towards my goal, Isolet asked a sudden and unexpected question.



“W-Why did you… only…”

Isolet gazed at me with a confused expression on her face as I tilted my head in response.

“…Only knock those five girls out using the back of your blade?”

Isolet asked with a trembling voice.


Whilst listening to her question, I fell into silent contemplation.

“I forgot.”


I responded with an exhausted expression.

“I might have had a reason once….but I forgot.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“It’s been so long that I can’t seem to remember. Maybe if you give me a little more time, I might recall it….”

Whilst observing Isolet’s trembling pupils, I did my absolute best to grasp the memory.


I smiled as a memory from deep in the past surfaced once again.

“I remember now.”

“What was your reason?”

I stared back at Isolet intently in response to her question.

“…A sword isn’t meant to cut. It’s meant to protect.”

I replied in a quiet voice.

“You had taught me this once. I had forgotten it for a long time, but I remembered it just now.”


Isolet’s eyes widened and shook upon hearing my explanation.

Why were her eyes widening?


That was a mistake.


Before Isolet could say anything, I swiftly used the flat edge of my blade to knock her unconscious.

While sighing, I began mumbling to myself once again.

“Wake the hell up. You’ve come this far, but you almost had to Retry.”

I scolded myself as I slapped my cheeks with my palms.


Having finally opened the door to my long-awaited destination, I stepped inside.


There was a brief period of silence.

“…How have you been?”

What broke that silence was Ruby, who was seated leisurely on the throne, with a wine glass in her hand.


“I’ve been well.”

As I gazed at her, I cautiously summoned forth the system window.


Name: Frey Raon Starlight

Strength: Immeasurable

Mana: Immeasurable

Intelligence: Immeasurable

Mental Strength: ???

Passive Status: Awakened/Blessing of the Stars/Hero’s Strength

Now, it was finally time to stop this long journey. It was time to reach the final destination. It was time to cross the final hurdle.

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    light- 빛 debt- 빚 sounds very similar in Korean

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