The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me

Chapter 232: A Great Turmoil

༺ A Great Turmoil ༻

“Ugh, ugh…”

Distracted and unfocused, Rifael entered the main hall, glancing around slowly.

“What’s that?”

“Is it a demon?”

“No, does she belong to the demon clan?”

Sporting a half-broken ruby-colored horn on one side of her head, purple skin, and a black tail protruding from her back, she tried to dispel the misconception.

“No, I’m not a demon or a devil.”

Looking at her transformed appearance, Rifael approached the crowd with a trembling voice.

“I am… a princess of this country.”


“No, stay away!”

Watching Rifael’s grotesque form, the result of Frey’s scorching influence, people recoiled with screams and frowns.

“Oh, ah…”

Once praised for her beauty, now abandoned by those who fled from her altered appearance, Rifael trembled as she examined herself.

“I can’t accept this! Why do I have to suffer this humiliation?!” 

She shouted through gritted teeth, her frantic screams resonating in the main hall and drawing the attention of onlookers.

“…Take care of her.”

Empress Ramie ordered coldly from the stage.


The Imperial Family’s knights, once at her command, approached with weapons drawn, making her step back in fear.

“No, don’t come near!”

In a sudden burst, she released magic, wreaking havoc as desks, chairs, and chandeliers were destroyed.

Kwa-jik! Kwa-jik!



“Immediately execute that devil spawn, for she has found this hidden place.”

“Oh, Mother!”

As the Imperial guards and knights closed in under Ramie’s order, Rifael let out a terrified scream.

“It’s me, Rifael! Your daughter!!”


Ramie squinted, finally focusing on the disfigured girl before her.

“That drug! After taking it… I became like this.”


Rifael’s revelation, a guarded secret, hardened the Empress’s expression.

“Frey and Clana! They’re responsible for all of it!”

Seeing the Empress’s reaction, Rifael hurriedly tried to explain herself, but someone suddenly lunged, seized her hair, and slammed her to the ground.


“…Cough! You, you…” 

Stunned, Rifael, holding the back of her head, attempted to speak to Clana, who looked down at her with cold detachment.



Clana’s solar mana exploded abruptly, making Rifael scream in anguish as she released purple and ruby smoke clouds into the air.

“Everyone, pay attention!”

As the crowd acclimated to Rifael’s screams and the billowing smoke, Clana’s voice cut through, cold and resolute.

“This is Rifael, my elder half-sister.”

“What? What are you saying…?”

“Impossible… Why would the Princess be a demon…?”

“But that face… It’s really Miss Rifael, isn’t it?”

Individuals skeptical initially could only nod as Rifael’s demonic facade unraveled beneath Clana’s solar mana.

“Ugh, Clana… You… you bastard…”

The glaring with disdain at her younger sibling was undeniably Rifael.

“Capture her, but don’t kill her.”

“Yes, y-yes?”


“Ah, understood…”

Witnessing this, Empress Ramie promptly directed nearby soldiers.

“Prepare a carriage.”


“First, secure Rifael and evacuate.”

Shrouding her face with a fan, she motioned her attendant to carry out the orders.


Clana pointed and exclaimed.

“Everyone, there’s something crucial you must understand!”


Cradling the fading Rifael, her consciousness waning from the excess absorption of solar mana, Clana surveyed the surroundings with a grave expression.

“The Imperial Family has become corrupt!”

The weighty proclamation hung in the air.


Though a significant revelation, the nobles’ expressions remained indifferent. The empire was well aware of the Imperial Family’s corruption, rendering Clana’s statement almost mundane.

Hence, instead of being shocked, they looked at Clana with an expression that conveyed: “this is old news.”

“All Imperial Family members, except myself, have pledged allegiance to the Demon King!”

Clana’s brief, accusatory gaze at Ruby triggered a noticeable shift in everyone’s demeanor.

The corruption within the Imperial Family wasn’t a small issue, as affiliating with the Demon King severely threatened everyone’s safety.

“The Imperial Family is now under the power of the Demon King! They’ve forsaken humanity, bartering their souls for personal safety!”

As Clana continued, unrest spread.

“…Do you possess evidence for such claims?”

Empress Ramie interjected urgently, attempting to diffuse the tension.

“Rifael is the proof!”


“Look at Princess Rifael’s grotesque appearance!”

In Clana’s hand was undeniable evidence.

“We need to scrutinize every member of the Imperial Family systematically! I insist on an inquiry into the purity of their souls and minds!” 

Clana announced as such, shaking the now completely unconscious Rifael.

Silence lingered in the air.



The Empress, taken aback by the unexpected assault, momentarily appeared flustered.


She wasn’t an easy opponent.

“With doubts raised about the entire Imperial Family, it’s inappropriate for them to lead the investigation. Let’s entrust it to the Church.”

Despite the historical enmity between the Church and the Imperial Family, the Empress believed a common cause could bridge the gap.

“And… you should undergo scrutiny as well, Clana?” 

The Empress countered Clana’s claims.

“I’ll agree, provided you’re also investigated. As for the timing…”

‘It’s an opportunity. If I can manipulate this investigation, I might rid myself of that bothersome woman.’

The Empress’s serpent-like eyes gleamed with cunning, the very trait that propelled her to her current position.

“…There’s no need for that.”

Clever minds couldn’t outmaneuver geniuses.

Especially when facing Serena, acknowledged as the world’s smartest individual, there wasn’t even a slim chance of reversing the situation.

“Today, we will take control of the Imperial Family.”

“What? What?”

Dmir Khan and the combat officers suddenly rose simultaneously.


Evil energy began to resonate from all around.

“Gratitude for your service, Imperial Family members. Your endeavors will be etched in our memory.”


As Dmir Khan uttered these words and bowed courteously, Empress Ramie sensed something was amiss.

Zzzt, zzzt…

However, rectifying the situation was already beyond reach now.



Dmir Khan’s spatial magic engulfed the main hall, causing objects to levitate from all directions.

“The era of the Demon King… will return!!”

He audaciously cast magic and hurled objects in various directions.


“Ugh, damn it. He’s back and causing trouble again.”


Watching the situation, the Tower Master leaned back, blocking all attacks with an intrigued expression.

Zzzt, zzzt…

“…Will you also fight?”

Dmir Khan looked at Clana, who was gathering golden mana before her. However, instead of answering, Clana launched an attack.


“As expected, you’re foolish. You’re the only idiot who refused our proposal.” 

He laughed and raised his voice.

‘You’re actually quite smart. After all, you must’ve already submitted to Lord Frey.’ 

In reality, that was what Dmir Khan thought. 

With a satisfied smile, he started the plan they’d been working on.

“So… shall we begin?”


Glaring and gritting their teeth at Dmir Khan was someone whose power had significantly diminished. This person had also taken one of Dmir’s arms, and they must die for the Demon King. 

“Everyone”—Looking at Ruby, the Hero, he declared—“Full assault.”






Amidst the chaos in the main hall, Isolet looked down with trembling eyes.


Isolet murmured.

“I didn’t expect this to work…”


A silver cat emerged from the scattered clothes of Frey lying on the sofa, emitting a pitiful cry as it looked up at her.



As Isolet cautiously reached out, the little creature, whether driven by Frey’s intention or feline instinct, affectionately rubbed its cheek against her hand.


As she leaned gently toward the cat, it closed its eyes and began to lick her face.

“…This isn’t the time for this. I didn’t get your permission to do this.”

Isolet blushed at his cute act but quickly regained composure, picking up Frey, who had transformed into a cat.

“The transformation won’t last long. Before it wears off, I need to hide Frey and escape to the safest place possible.” 

Isolet mumbled, staring intently at the cat.

“But… I did make him smaller, but… where should I hide him?”

She soon hit a roadblock.

Carrying bags or baskets wasn’t an option due to her need to fight; her clothes lacked pockets, and she couldn’t hold him in her hand, as that would make this whole process pointless.


Thinking over and over, Isolet eventually swallowed hard.



She tucked the silver cat into her embrace.

“Ah, uhm…”

However, she soon hit another roadblock.

When the cat snuggled against her already ample chest, it looked peculiar.

If she were an enemy, she would likely attack that suspicious spot first.


Due to this, while contemplating in front of a mirror, she muttered with a trembling voice.

“Then… I have no choice… down there…”


Saying that, she began to move the cat.


“…No, not that.”

As the cat, having slipped from her grip, peeked out from under her clothes and let out a gloomy meow, Isolet scratched her head, deep in thought.

“After all, there’s no other way.”

After considerable contemplation, the cat found itself positioned between her chest and waist.


“…Well, it can’t be helped. It’s for your safety.”

Having transformed into a cat, Frey stretched his arms and legs, embracing her waist. Isolet secured him by tying a rope around her waist.

“Now then…”

She adopted a cold expression while drawing her sword.



She flinched as Frey wriggled.


She looked down at her stomach.

“Meow… Meow…”


Gently caressing Frey’s back as he twisted and meowed in her clothes, Isolet felt maternal affection, protective instinct, and warmth in her heart and lower abdomen.

“I will protect you… Frey. Let’s go.”

With a warm smile, she picked up his clothes and underwear from the sofa, her hands trembling.


She shattered the waiting room door with a single sword strike and bolted outside.

“The target is running away!”

“Wait! It’s not Frey! Search the room first!”

“You guys follow that woman. I’ll search the room.”

  Thus commenced a life-or-death chase.


Amidst the chaos, a canary made of flower petals, crafted by Clana, fell from Frey’s robe pocket where it had been sleeping.


After hovering around for a while, it began to fly away, singing a sweet melody.






“What was that? What on earth…” 

Roswyn muttered, her fists clenched. 

  She was in the bathroom and had just finished washing her face. 

“I-I was chased out like that… How, how can…”

While the introduction party for the Hero Party was in full swing, she had discreetly slipped out after hearing rumors about the recent incident involving Frey.

“Why only me…”

Wandering around, she accidentally witnessed a romantic scene between Isolet and Frey through the waiting room door, now enveloped in panic.



She kept her head down under the running water for a long time.


She quietly gritted her teeth and raised her head.

“You’ll regret this, won’t you, Frey?” she murmured, looking in the mirror.

“I… I am now a part of the Hero Party. A team that will remain in the world’s history, supporting the hero. I’ll handle crucial information among them.”


“Well, feel free to ignore me. I have the Hero now. All I need is to get along with the Hero.”

She sought solace in her words.

“That brat caused another incident today, right? No matter how I think about it, it’s a waste on my part. Yes, it actually turned out for the best… Haha.”

She smiled and tried to leave the bathroom, her voice trembling as she muttered. 

“Yeah, what’s so great about Frey? He is nothing special. Does he think he’s some kind of hero or something…”



Suddenly, a familiar canary flew into the bathroom, and her eyes widened in surprise.


The canary, which had just been singing a beautiful melody, flew toward her and stared at Roswyn.

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