The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me

Chapter 249: Customized Frey

༺ Customized Frey ༻

  “Ssrrk, ssk…”

  With an icy expression, Frey silently fixed Serena’s clothes.

  “Um, uh… Frey.”

  Serena still flustered from his unexpected touch, finally gathered herself and asked softly.

  “Are you… doing this for me right now?”

  After being baffled for a bit, Serena concluded that Frey was doing it for her.

  “Is it because you’re worried others might see me like this if we go out…?”

  Frey had never cared about her appearance, making Serena think he might be bothered by it as he tidied her clothes with an irritated look.

  Regarding Frey, Serena tended to provide answers that pleased him, often lacking logic.

  “Right, Frey?”

  This time, her speculation seemed correct.

  “I just didn’t want my reputation damaged because of your reckless attire.”

  “We’re going out in disguise anyway, so it shouldn’t matter… But it seems like everyone’s eyes…”


  As Serena pondered further, Frey stopped fixing her clothes and bluntly said, “Don’t overthink it.”


  Serena stayed silent, her face tense, but she kept fidgeting with her toes.

  “Can’t you be still for a moment?”

  “…I’m sorry.”

  Frey apologized again, and Serena suppressed her twitching lips, holding back tears. She whispered to herself,

  ‘I really like you, Frey… I love you, Frey…’

  Serena, who hadn’t received much love and attention from him for years, felt an overwhelming excitement, and then she looked around.

  She wanted to share this news with her only friend and assistant, Miho.


  But something felt off.


  Her assistant, Miho, leaned against the wall with a dreamy look in her eyes. Miho, who usually teased her, now stood there with an enamored look in her eyes.

  It could be the afternoon sluggishness, but there was something suspicious.

  “Something’s strange…”

  Her face was red, she had red handprints on her arms and neck, and she was drooling. 

  “How… How did it turn out like this…? H-human…?”

  Most importantly, when Miho looked at Serena, who was deeply in love with Frey, the usual teasing remarks were absent.

  Instead of mocking her, Miho’s voice was tinged with guilt and remorse.


  Serena had a sudden realization, and her mind snapped into focus. She approached Miho with a bewildered expression.

  “Are… you…”

  With a trembling voice, she intended to ask a question while quietly caressing the arm with red fingerprints. However…

  “Can I take that girl as my servant?”


  Frey, gripping her shoulder, dropped a bombshell.

  “I want to own her, that girl.”

  Serena’s eyes widened in shock, and Miho shouted in confusion.

  “Wh-who! Who gets to decide…! I am not your possession! You Human!”


  “S-so, um…”

  But when Frey pushed her against the wall again and stroked her chin coldly, Miho couldn’t help but lower her tail and swallow her dry saliva.

  “F-for what reason?”

  “The pet in my home wants that girl…”

  As Serena, regaining composure, asked with a trembling voice, Frey casually looked at Lulu and continued.

  “She’s a fox beast kin, and since she’s your friend, she seems just right to be my mistress.”


  “You’re too plain. There’s nothing to see.”

  Frey turned his head to the side after saying that.

  “Y-you said you want to have an affair…? Do you mean… I’m your wife?”


  But Frey overlooked a crucial detail.

  ‘S-So, does that mean… I’m the official wife?!’

  Serena, who had become used to his ignorance, found each of his reactions incredibly romantic.

  “Frey!! I love you so much!”

  After multiple logical reviews with no errors, Serena smiled as she embraced Frey.

  ‘Then, will my child be the next head of the family? Wait, what about the Moonlight family?’

  “…What the hell are you doing right now?”

  ‘Well, why worry about the Moonlight family? We can pick someone suitable as the head. If I can be the Starlight Duchess, nothing matters—”

  While Serena daydreamed in his embrace, Frey looked at her suddenly.

  “Wait, this is…”

  He contorted his face and muttered in a cold voice.


  “Why are you like this?”

  Frey, who had instinctively embraced Serena, realized there was no cloth on the back part of her dress.

  “I can’t watch this anymore.”


  He looked at Serena with a dumbfounded expression and firmly grabbed her arm.

  “Come with me.”


  Frey began dragging Serena somewhere else.


  They headed to a dressing room inside the hideout, leaving Miho, Lulu, and Isolet in silence in the living room.

  The silence lingered for quite some time.






  “I-I’ll wait for you in the carriage then…”

  “…Do as you wish.”

  Taking Serena’s extra clothes, Frey inspected them before selecting her outfit. Seeing Serena in the lovely dress, he made an annoyed expression, looking away without responding.

  “Hehe… a date…”

  Serena gazed at Frey with affectionate eyes, wishing the moment could last forever as she headed to the waiting carriage.

  Disapprovingly observing Serena, Frey soon muttered brusquely, preparing to depart.



  Isolet, who had been discreetly watching from the sidelines, approached cautiously.


  She gazed at him with a serious expression for a while.

  “I can’t shake off this bad feeling about today.”

  Isolet’s unique sensitivity warned her of an impending event during their date.

  “Are you going out alone? Maybe it’s better if, without interfering, I follow from a distance…”

  Worriedly, Isolet made this suggestion to Frey.

  “Drop my shirt to the floor and kneel.”


  With an arrogant expression he hadn’t shown before, Frey stared at Isolet.

  “Right now.”


  “Are you defying your owner’s command?”

  Isolet, attempting to gauge Frey’s reaction, reluctantly knelt as Frey furrowed his brow and shook his foot. 

  “Tell me honestly.”

  Looking down at Isolet, Frey questioned.

  “Why did you keep my shirt for a week?”


  “What made the shirt so crumpled?”


  Isolet hesitated to answer as Frey stared at her coldly.

  “A perverted freak lusting after her disciple when she is supposed to be the teacher.”

  Frey grabbed the shirt from the floor and rubbed it against Isolet’s face, causing her to flinch.

  “Go out and die, you lecherous old maid.”

  Unlike Frey’s usual remarks, that remark seemed serious; Isolet froze.

  “…Hand me some socks.”

  After a while, Frey put on a soft smile and instructed her.

  “For a pathetic old maid like you, these chores suit you better.”

  Following Frey’s order, Isolet picked up a sock and, with a blank expression, slowly put it on Frey’s foot.

  “You should also put on the other sock, too, shouldn’t you?”

  Frey put on one sock and placed that foot on Isolet’s shoulder. He then brought the other foot to her belly, urging her with a wriggle.


  Isolet moaned as she finished putting the sock on the remaining foot.

  “You’re truly a lost cause…”

  Hearing Isolet’s faint moan, Frey, with a cold look, nudged her stomach with his foot.


  “Lousy trash, vulgar bitch.”

  Isolet, who had her eyes tightly closed and trembling, was met with a cold expression from Frey as he spoke to her and rose from his seat.

  “Guard the house properly.”

  Frey slowly wore the shirt that had covered her face and issued the command.

  “If you can’t even do that, you’ll be thrown out.”


  “Don’t follow me. It’s dangerous—no, I’ll handle it.”

  With Isolet’s shirt still wrinkled and carrying her lingering traces, Frey added unnecessary remarks before leaving. She stared at him with a dazed expression, watching him walk toward the entrance.


  This time, Lulu blocked his way.

  “It’s… it’s dangerous!”

  Like Isolet, Lulu sensed danger and shook Frey’s shoulders with her hands on his shoulders.

  “You shouldn’t go out!”

  “…Move aside.”

  “P-please take me with you. I’ll use dog language! I’ll act just like a dog, not a human, so please…”


  Frey sighed as he watched Lulu act like that.

  – Tighten…


  Abruptly, he seized Lulu’s leash and pulled it firmly.

  “Ke, keok…”

  “Forgot you’re a pet, Lulu?”

  “M-Master… I-I’m sorry…”

  Under Frey’s cold gaze, Lulu, despite the tight leash, didn’t resist but begged for forgiveness.



  Observing Lulu, Frey held the leash and quietly commanded, making Lulu lower down immediately.

  “Lie down.”



  “Huff, huff…”

  They had a brief training session.

  “Lulu, what were you?”

  Looking down at her submissive display, Frey subtly questioned.

  “I-I am Master’s eternal pet.”

  “Remember your place. I’m your owner; you’re just a pet.”


  Without hesitation, Lulu responded, prompting Frey to whisper coldly.

  “This time, I’ll overlook it… but be warned, it won’t be as easy next time.”


  Hearing this, Lulu, fearing abandonment, nervously swallowed.


  Then, her leash tightened firmly once again.

  “I’ll be stricter next time.”


  Frey, now atop her, pulled the leash, leaning in closely.

  “I want to be with you as much as possible.”


  “But if you wander off or end up with someone else, I’ll be upset.”


  Soon, Frey gazed at Lulu with obsessive eyes.

  – Bite.


  Frey bit Lulu’s neck, leaving marks.

  “From now on, you need my permission to go anywhere. Understand?”


  Afterward, Frey stared at the marks, caressed her hair, and spoke softly.

  “You’re mine. A dog in my house. Don’t go anywhere without me.”


  Looking up at Frey, Lulu wore an ecstatic and happy expression.

  If a person’s pupils could reflect their mood, Lulu’s eyes would have turned heart-shaped despite Frey tightening the leash around her throat.

  – Sssk…


  Frey, who had pulled the leash tightly, began to loosen it and secured it to a nearby pillar.

  “Take care of the house, Lulu.”


  “It’s dangerous outside, so stay here today.”

  Ensuring the leash was tied securely, Frey patted Lulu’s head, still wearing an ecstatic expression, and left through the front door.


  As Frey left, his high mental strength helped him briefly collect his thoughts.

  “What have I done… Just now…”

Hidden Quest

Quest Content: Remove Serena’s Curse of Familial Subordination

< Date in Progress… >

Progress: 51%

Reward: Total Elimination of the Secret Lord, ???, ???, ???, Serena’s 19+ Event Unlocked, Top Priority Designation

  Feeling guilty, he glanced at the real-time quest progress window.


  Silently staring at the system window, Frey’s eyes turned cold instantly.

  “Seriously, these Hero Party members…”

  Then, he approached Serena, who had been waiting for him in the distance for a long time, and muttered in a cold voice.

  “…Are all a bunch of idiots.”

  And then, silence lingered for a while.

  “Mhm, hmmm hmmm.”

  In the secret hideout, only the subordinates remained without Frey, Serena, and Clana…

  “…I guess we have to go.”

  After a moment of silence, Isolet, kneeling on the chair, staring blankly at the seat where Frey had been sitting, spoke.

  “Y-yes… T-there’s no other choice…”

  Lulu, unable to contain her excitement from being confined in this place by Frey, responded to Isolet’s words with a wistful voice.

– Ferloche Astellade

[I’m heading to attack Frey right now!!

I’m with the Hero Party! So annoying. Ms. Vener is the leader! The party members are…]

  It wasn’t just Frey who received a letter from Ferloche.

  “I-it’s an emergency… because Master’s life is in danger…”

  “Y-yes, that’s right… As his knight, I can’t just let it slide… Yup.”

  Barely justifying their actions, the two women, with desire gleaming in their eyes, watched Frey as he headed toward the carriage.








  The communication device was close to overheating from not receiving signals for a long time. Finally, Roswyn made a connection, and her eyes widened as she shouted.

  “Frey… h-he’s… alive!?”

  Her gaze shook uncontrollably.

  “I-I have to go find him now…!”

  After a while, a young girl left her room for the first time in a week.

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