The Male Protagonist’s Daughter

Chapter 50

Chapter 49:

When Lu Xingsen knew that his wife was still alive and gave birth to a daughter for him, he kept asking trusted friends to check where she had been all these years, What has happened, and who is the man who is with his daughter. It’s just that a friend has made it clear to him, and now the information is not comprehensive. Except for the name registered in the hotel, they don’t know anything else. They don’t have any acquaintances in the relevant system, not to mention that in this era, there is no information in the whole country. For real-time sharing, he needs to find out what he wants to know, and he can’t make it public. It will definitely take a little time.

If it goes well, it may be found in a few days, if not, it may take more than a week.

It stands to reason that Lu Xingsen has waited for more than ten years, and he must not care about this moment, but in fact, he is very impatient, especially when he sees his daughter with that strange man , it is too dangerous. He was not at ease, and asked his friends in Hong Kong City to invite two good people to watch. As long as she and her daughter were in danger, he would never sit idly by.

In the past two days, he had no time to eat or sleep, and his mind was occupied by the mother and daughter.

Sometimes I can’t be more happy, and then I’m like falling into the abyss.

He didn’t understand, and couldn’t figure it out, why didn’t she come back to him after she got pregnant?

Remembering that her daughter saw a Barbie doll in the supermarket and didn’t ask to buy it, it can be seen that he has suffered a little over the years, he knows that he is wrong, but he is the father of the child after all, is it Did she think other men would treat their children better than he, the father-in-law?

While he was torturing himself like he had been for more than a decade before, the stalker sent a few pictures.

In the photo, a woman took the man’s arm, and the two entered the high-end apartment together. In the other photo, the man came out of the apartment. Such an intimate gesture shows what happened in the past few hours.

Lu Xingsen looked at the photo in disbelief.

The stalker also sent a message. The message showed that the woman was Su Xue, a popular actor, and the high-end apartment they went in and out of was also Su Xue’s residence.

Although Shen Qin’s affairs over the past few years have not been found out, the available photo data shows that she has a very close relationship with that man, otherwise why would she let her daughter go out alone with that man. In the past few days, he has thought about many possibilities, and always subconsciously avoided the possibility of ‘she is with someone else”.

If they really have that kind of relationship, does she know the character of that man?

Not only holding her teenage stepdaughter, but also dating other women in the middle of the night, is such a man worth her compromise?

Lu Xingsen immediately decided to have the photos taken to the paparazzi. I want her to take a good look at what kind of man she chose.

But after the call was made, he immediately hung up.

He pinched the bridge of his nose wearily.

Never mind.

At the same time, Song Qianjin also called Luo Tianyuan, “Tianyuan, I checked, that hotel does not hold any parent-child lottery activities.”

Luo Tianyuan was sitting in the chair, not surprised by the result, and said in deep thought: “Is there any special situation, the lady at the front desk should know something.”

Song Qianjin hummed, “There’s something very strange, I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, I asked someone to check the list of guests, and Lu Xingsen is also in this hotel, Tianyuan, Do you think he arranged this matter?” Before Luo Tianyuan could answer, he said again, “No, doesn’t it mean that he has been looking for his wife for many years, if he really finds out Qingruo, he will do this Can you hold your breath?”

Luo Tianyuan heard this and knew that Lu Xingsen had something to do with it.

But I have to confirm.

If Lu Xingsen knew that Shen Qingruo was here, what made him stay put?

This must be clarified.

Luo Tianyuan immediately made a decision: “Go ahead, you arrange for me two reliable people to watch Lu Xingsen, I remember that you have a good relationship with a Hong Kong police, right? ”

Song Qianjin: “Well, yes.”

“I’ll go there tomorrow, you can take that policeman around the hotel and keep an eye on the situation here.”


The next day, Luo Tianyuan was going to go to that hotel to receive the award. If this matter was really arranged by Lu Xingsen, he would definitely not be unprepared.

Of course, before going to the hotel, Luo Tianyuan also asked Shen Qingruo to call the front desk of the hotel.

Luo Tianyuan didn’t plan to tell Shen Qingruo about the matter before he knew the ins and outs of the matter, and said, “I’m going there to do errands, passing by the hotel, just in time to receive the award, Just ask the front desk if you only need to bring your ID card.”

Shen Qingruo was thinking about his son’s situation and didn’t think too much.

After confirming from the front desk that you can receive the prize with your ID card, Luo Tianyuan left Xingyue Bay with Shen Qingruo’s ID card.

When Luo Tianyuan came to the hotel, the lady at the front desk was stunned: “We notified Miss Shen to accept the award.”

Luo Tianyuan’s smile remained the same: “It’s the same for me to accept the award.”

The lady at the front desk was surprised, “We need to pick it up in person here.”

Luo Tianyuan: “But when she called you today, I overheard it. You said, bring your ID card to receive the award.”

He paused and looked around, “Why don’t you ask your manager to come out and talk about it, it’s just to accept the award, don’t you just need to bring an ID card, she’s taking care of the children at home, but she doesn’t have time to come out, Can I accept the award on my behalf?”

The front desk was a little panicked and blurted out: “Then I’ll call Miss Shen to confirm.”

Luo Tianyuan spread his hands, “Then hurry up.”

The front desk lowered his head and pressed the phone button while paying attention to Luo Tianyuan from the corner of his eye, and the call was quickly connected.

The female voice on the other end of the phone was gentle and polite: “Hello.”

The front desk lady hurriedly said, “Miss Shen, don’t you have time to receive the award?”

“Well, there is something at home that I can’t leave.” Shen Qingruo paused, “I’ll have someone go over to accept the award, and bring my ID card, can’t I?”

The lady at the front desk looked frustrated, but she didn’t even think about it, “It’s alright, just let me confirm it with you.”

When I was about to hang up the phone, a female voice came from the other end: “Is it my father’s call?”

Shen Qingruo turned around and saw Luo Shuyan coming down the stairs with a look of excitement, she nodded, “Miss, I’m sorry, please let him answer the phone.”

After saying this, Shen Qingruo handed the phone to Luo Shuyan.

At the other side of the hotel, the lady at the front desk handed over the phone to Luo Tianyuan, with a polite smile on her face: “I have something to do with you over there.”

Luo Tianyuan took the call and said hello.

“Dad!” Luo Shuyan shouted, “Dad, when you come back, can you bring me a portion of that mango glutinous rice cake?”

Luo Shuyan was a little guilty when she made this request.

Mango glutinous rice glutinous rice cake is really delicious, but she is not easy to digest after eating glutinous rice, and it will always be uncomfortable for a while.

But this is not unbearable for a while.

There is no such delicious mango sticky rice cake in Xicheng.

Luo Tianyuan was helpless, but he had to agree. Who told my daughter to like it, but I still have to go to the pharmacy to buy some children’s digestion tablets later, so as not to eat glutinous rice cakes and complain about being uncomfortable.

After hanging up the phone, the lady at the front desk gave Luo Tianyuan the tickets for the Ocean Park and the Barbie doll prepared in advance.

When Luo Tianyuan turned and walked out of the hotel, he glanced in the direction of the lobby without a trace. There were several guests in the lobby, one of whom was sitting on the sofa in a suit and leather shoes, looking down at the newspaper.

Luo Tianyuan is no stranger to Lu Xingsen. Over the past few years, he has occasionally learned about Sheng Yuan’s situation.

He recognized the man at a glance as Lu Xingsen.

Is Lu Xingsen enough to spend time in the hotel lobby? Obviously not, he must be waiting for someone.

After Luo Tian left, Lu Xingsen returned to the hotel room. Just now, the lady at the front desk kept her mind and pressed the record button while talking to Shen Qingruo. Now the content of the call has also been recorded by Lu Xingsen Heard it right.

Lu Xingsen’s mind went blank when he heard Shen Qin’s voice.

He was stunned, not daring to move.

All the joy that was lost and regained at that moment, after hearing the daughter’s “Dad” again and again, my reason completely collapsed.

Why does his daughter call someone else’s father?

Luo Tianyuan is more and more sure that this hotel activity is the ghost of Lu Xingsen.

Looking at the Barbie doll on the passenger seat, he had a guess in his heart, but this guess could only be confirmed after asking Shen Qingruo.

When he returned from the hotel to Xingyue Bay, the two children had already eaten and took a nap.

He called Shen Qingruo, and the two came to the garden outside the villa. When he was sure there was no one around, he asked, “Qingruo, I want to ask you about the hotel parent-child lottery. , what did you fill in the form at that time?”

Shen Qingruo is not stupid, since this morning she has noticed that something is wrong. Now that Luo Tianyuan asks this question, she is even more suspicious. She looks at him and asks with a frown Said: “What’s the matter, did something happen?”

“Well, there is one thing, but you answer my question first.”

Shen Qingruo remembered this.

In fact, there is something wrong with the lottery in this hotel. The parent-child lottery is obviously the ticket to Ocean Park. She also heard from colleagues who travel frequently that some department stores, including hotels, occasionally launch She didn’t think much about this kind of activity at the time, but it wasn’t until Luo Tianyuan got the prize back that she realized something was wrong.

The prize is a ticket to Ocean Park, so why does the Barbie doll that you give away seem to be much more expensive than the ticket?

But she just went through it in her mind, thinking that Luo Tianyuan went to receive the award. Since he didn’t say there was a problem, it should be no problem.

She didn’t know she was completely relieved when she heard Luo Tianyuan ask such a question.

In an instant, her heart came to her throat, and she tried to recall: “That list is the same as when I went shopping and cooperated with the salesperson to do the survey, filled in the name and phone number, and The room number,” she remembered something, her eyes widened suddenly, “By the way, the child’s birth date is also filled in on the list. I filled in the wrong date at the time, and it was Xiao Yan’s birth date!”

There are many kidnappings in Hong Kong City, and there is never a shortage of desperados in this world.

Luo Tianyuan did a good job of covering it up, so few people know his true situation, but if someone finds out that he is a rich man, he wants to kidnap Shuyan and extort a sum of money. ?

Shen Qingruo panicked immediately, “Tianyuan, is something wrong, no, I have to go upstairs to see!”

She wants to go upstairs immediately to see if Shuyan is all right. If Shuyan is in danger because of her relationship, then she will never have a better life.

Luo Tianyuan grabbed her wrist and quickly let go, with a serious look on his face: “Qingruo, calm down, listen to me, it has nothing to do with Shuyan. This hotel has nothing to do with it. There is no lottery. Someone took advantage of the guests’ undefense towards the lady at the front desk. If I guessed correctly, this person is Lu Xingsen. I went in and checked it. He is in the hotel’s guest list, and I also looked for him. People are stalking him, his behavior is very strange, and I saw him in the hotel lobby when I went to receive the award today.”

“But what really made me sure it was him or that Barbie doll.”

“You should also see that this Barbie doll is very valuable. I haven’t figured it out on the way back. I heard you say that the birthday of your child was filled in by mistake. It was Shen Yan, and I was certain. You and Shuyan lived in the same room. When filling out the parent-child form, you filled in Shen Yan’s birthday. If Lu Xingsen counted the time, he should have misunderstood Shuyan as his daughter. ”

Shen Qingruo looked at Luo Tianyuan in astonishment, and did not recover for a while.

Because she suddenly remembered a detail, the lady at the front desk seemed to have boasted that both mother and daughter had white skin, was it a test?

In the room upstairs, Luo Shuyan took a deep nap.

I don’t know what’s going on, she who never dreamed during naps, had a very strange dream today.

Just like the dream a few years ago, in her dream, she seemed to click on a novel on the website. She didn’t want to read this novel at first, but it seemed that someone had controlled her hand, forcing her to open it.

The content of the novel is very bloody, the classic sadomasochistic deep routine, first abuse of women and then men.

The grandfather of the heroine Shen Qin saved a good friend’s family by himself in an uneasy era. Later, the two became friends. And because the Shen family was not prosperous, and there were not many capable descendants, it gradually began to decline. The old man Lu reciprocated, in order to help his friend, he made a marriage contract for his grandson and the granddaughter of the Shen family.

After Mr. Lu passed away, Mr. Lu took over, and Mrs. Lu was not satisfied with the marriage contract her father-in-law made for her son. She had a more satisfactory candidate for a daughter-in-law. Shen Qin didn’t have any feelings either. Just when the Shen family was planning to cancel the engagement, Shen Qin and Lu Xingsen were designed to spend the night together, and they were discovered by a caring person. Mr. Lu himself didn’t want to go against the words of his deceased father. Immediately and solemnly, he proposed marriage to the Shen family.

Under the provocation of the female partner Gu Qian, Lu Xingsen mistakenly thought that Shen Qin had calculated on him. Even after marriage, he always spoke coldly to Shen Qin.

After suffering and misunderstanding, Shen Qin was disheartened, and her only mother died of illness, so she had the idea of committing suicide, when she was ready to solve her own life , thinking of her mother’s entrustment to herself, she must live happily, so she carefully designed a game so that everyone thought she was dead, and by chance, she started another life incognito.

She just didn’t expect that when she left, she was already pregnant.

She changed her name to Shen Qingruo actively and worked hard to live. She grew up with her son alone. And Lu Xingsen, who finally knew that the person in his heart was Shen Qin, after several years of self-torture, was ecstatic to face the lost lover…

Luo Shuyan woke up from her sleep and stared at the beautiful crystal chandelier with dull eyes. Thought: …huh? ? ?

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