The Man Who Married a Tyrant

Chapter 25

Chapter 25:

After being released from the barrel, the short-term fear gradually disappeared, and He Zheng began to be a little… angry.

The anger is uncontrollable.

He knows that he is not claustrophobic. He is not afraid of elevators, boxes, and cabinets. He has no doubts at all. He Zheng is not even afraid of heights or water.

He quickly figured out why he felt the same fear of dying.

When I was a child, I played hide-and-seek with my brother and hid in a box. Sometimes the other party pretended not to find it and deliberately locked the box. He could even sleep in the box. In the final analysis, it is because he has a sense of security, and it is impossible for his brother to hurt him, and he also knows that if he keeps locking himself out and crying, he will be beaten.

The elder brother may just want to tease him, but when he arrives at Fang Tianzhuo’s place, he is scheming.

As long as Fang Tianzhuo expected his flustered appearance, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of humiliation.

Dog Emperor! Son of a bitch!

He Zheng was aggrieved and angry, and a little angry with himself. His act of drilling the waterwheel this time was too reckless, but he really wanted to leave Fang Tianzhuo immediately. The other party knew everything but didn’t say a word, like a butcher holding a knife high. No one knew when the knife would fall.

As for the chance to leave, it’s really only that one time.

Once you return to the palace, it will be really difficult to think about it again.

He Zheng was so angry that he trembled slightly, but he dared not speak.

Fang Tianzhuo ordered people to prepare horses, lowered his eyes and asked He Zheng, “I will accompany you?”

“No!” He Zheng raised his head and refused almost without hesitation, Fang Tianzhuo’s smiling mouth narrowed slightly, and his dark eyes stared at him at once.

Eyes met, the air was suddenly quiet.

He Zheng began to tremble again, but how could someone who has just been successfully humiliated and IQ compromised so easily? With this anger, he bit his head and raised his lips and smiled softly: “Your Majesty is busy with official business, I’ll just go by myself. .”

Fang Tianzhuo’s thumb rubbed his knuckles.

He Zheng’s smile lacked the familiar flattery, with a rare stubbornness.

Make, look hard, see what happens to me! If you have the ability to kill me, yes, just want to accompany me! He Zheng took out the aura of breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat to cheer himself up, and slowly put his hands behind his back, shrank his head and shivered.

I am hesitating whether to surrender or admit my mistake…

Fang Tianzhuo finally said, “Alright.”

As soon as these words came out, He Zheng was stunned for a second, holding back the sudden surprise, he pursed his lips and started walking out.

It was not until he got into the carriage that He Zheng gradually calmed down.

This is the first time he has said no to Tianzhuo. The ancients said that it is not completely unreasonable to put it to death and then live again. He touched his neck and his head was still there.

No, it’s not the head, it’s the liberation of the free soul.

How did the Chinese people stand up? Of course, he raised his gun to resist. How did the peasants turn over to sing? Of course it is brave to say no to feudalism!

No matter what, He Zheng urgently needs to relax now. Since the first day of Spring Hunting, his heart has been beating faster. After being caught by Fang Tianzhuo, he was shrouded in the shadow of death for several days in a row. He needed a free environment to figure out how to take down the butcher knife held high above his head.

The car reeled down the mountain.

He Zheng’s surprise retreated, and he began to panic again.

how to say? This big sword is in Fang Tianzhuo’s hand, and he really won’t die immediately if he directly confesses to him?

He lifted the curtain of the carriage and looked out, and found that Fang Tianzhuo had sent Jiang Xian to follow him. After looking at each other, he immediately put the curtain down.


If he really confesses to Fang Tianzhuo, the other party will definitely ask him the reason, and maybe even ask him to explain the whole plan. What if he wants to hold Imperial Physician Luo responsible?

Otherwise, let him continue to pretend to be confused like this?

But in this case, He Zheng really felt precarious.

Splitting headache.

When he arrived at the imperial capital at the foot of the mountain, Jiang Xian stepped forward and called him: “Shou Shan, here we are.”

No sound.

Jiang Xian shouted a few times, and Shunyi hurriedly came up to pull the curtain of the carriage, but he saw that the people in the carriage were huddled and asleep inside. His eyes were light blue, obviously he hadn’t slept well in the past few days.

Putting down the curtains, Shun Yi told the truth, but Jiang Xian laughed dumbly.

He thought of He Zheng’s expression when he just got out of the bucket, and finally said: “Find a cool place to stop and let him sleep.”

The group silently guarded the carriage, Jiang Xian looked at the sky from time to time, and then looked at the carriage.

The sun was setting, and there was still no movement from the people in the carriage. Fang Tianzhuo sent people to look for it. The people thought that they would have to go into the city for a few laps to find it. I met under the tree in front of me.

When he went back to return to Fang Tianzhuo in a daze, the man frowned slightly: “Sleep?”

“Master Jiang said that he fell asleep before going down the mountain, and has not woken up yet.”

“Did you really fall asleep?”

“The slave lifted the curtain and looked at it, he was indeed asleep.”

There was a suffocating silence in the tent, there was a loud “bang”, the table table was smashed by a palm, and the people in the room fell to their knees.

Fang Tianzhuo clenched his blue-veined fingers expressionlessly and asked, “Does he look good when he’s asleep?”

The man was startled, and immediately knocked his head down: “The servant, the servant did not see clearly… Mr. Jiang told the servant that he was asleep, and has been sleeping… Your Majesty, Your Majesty spare your life!”

The slave kowtowed his head and bleed, only then did he hear his faint voice: “Go out.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace!” The other party crawled out with tears in his eyes, while the others lowered their heads even lower. Nanmen Liang hunched over and stood aside, glanced at him cautiously, waved his hand, and drove everyone out.

Fang Tianzhuo put his elbows on his knees and caressed his forehead, and suddenly chuckled: “Prepare the horse, I’ll go take a look.”

Nanmen Liang went out to make arrangements immediately.

Heading towards him, Concubine Luo Gui Pingting was approaching, and before she even got close, she saw Fang Tianzhuo’s figure, a smile suddenly appeared on her face, just as she was about to speak, she saw the other party glance over lightly.

The horrified Concubine Luo shuddered: “Chen, I have seen Your Majesty before.”

“What’s the matter?”

“My concubine made ginseng soup for Your Majesty, Your Majesty…” She peeked over and tried: “Would you like to try it?”

Fang Tianzhuo came over, Luo Guifei’s hair was trembling on the top of her head, and he was almost forced to step back. Fang Tianzhuo smiled, “Is your concubine afraid of me?”

Qiu Shuiluo thought of He Shanshou, who was frightened and stupid in the morning. He observed his words and said in a soft voice: “Your Majesty, this is the husband of the concubine. How can the concubine be afraid of your majesty?”


There are lies all around him.

“Your Majesty, the horse is ready.” Nanmen Liang appeared like a rainy day, Fang Tianzhuo withdrew his gaze, jumped on the horse, and disappeared quickly.

Luo Guifei took a deep breath and was supported by the maid beside her in time, and Hua Rong was pale and angrily said: “Who, who is so bold! To make your majesty so angry?!”

Nanmen Liang said with a smile: “The harem is not allowed to do politics, and the lady is careful.”

Luo Guifei suddenly shut up, and after a while, she regained her demeanor and turned to leave.

When Fang Tianzhuo arrived on his horse, Jiang Xian was leaning against the tree with his sword in his arms to look at the moon. When he saw him, he immediately wanted to salute, but he was interrupted by a wave of his hand: “Go back.”

The carriage was so big that even two people could squeeze it in. He Zheng was curled up to one side, sleeping in the dark.

Breathing evenly, mouth slightly open, is a state of sound sleep.

Fang Tianzhuo sat beside him, looking at him blankly, his dark eyes surging.

He Zheng is really sleepy, so sleepy, and his whole body is soft and lazy. He really hasn’t been so sleepy for a long time, and he hasn’t slept so comfortably for a long time.

He actually woke up once in the afternoon, but quickly fell back asleep.

It felt so good to sleep, it was like floating in the air, reluctant to wake up.

He Zheng slept for eight hours in a row, until the sky overflowed with white fish and the city gate was wide open. He Zheng was awakened by the messy conversation of passersby.

The first thing, kicked my legs, twisted my body, turned my neck, and stretched my waist.

Satisfaction with the quality of sleep made him smile, his slender eyelashes half-open and half-closed, with a fascination for sleep in a trance.

Fang Tianzhuo looked at him expressionlessly.

He Zheng first saw a vague figure, and gradually recognized that it was Fang Tianzhuo.

The smile stiffened and disappeared.

He Zheng sat up suddenly: “Yeah, me, I fell asleep in the car, when did His Majesty come?”

Fang Tianzhuo’s eyes of death stared at him all night, and the electricity was seriously lacking at this moment, so only his voice was low and cold, and his momentum was insufficient: “Last night.”

But He Zheng still felt his displeasure, he shrank in the corner, his head was in a mess, and he looked a little dumb: “I, have you slept for so long…”

Fang Tianzhuo clenched his five fingers, slowly opened them, clenched them again, his chin was tensed, and his anger was tumbling.

He Zheng was terrified.

He has been seriously lack of sleep these few days, and his spirit is very high. He finally left Fang Tianzhuo. He just wanted to sleep casually, but who would know that he had slept for so long all of a sudden? Burning is too scary, squeezing him too hard.

But Fang Tianzhuo is very angry, what should I do?

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty… I, I’ll treat you to breakfast.” He smiled, feeling refreshed and willing to please him again.

Fang Tianzhuo stared at his smile coldly: “From now on, if you smile again, I will gouge out your eyeballs”

He Zheng withdrew his smile for a second.

“Sleep well, eh?”

“Why, how could it be…” He Zheng didn’t dare to laugh, and could only rely on his tongue: “Without His Majesty by my side, I, I have had nightmares for a long time…”

“One more lie and I’ll pull out your tongue immediately.”

“…” He Zheng felt that he really angered him.

Fang Tianzhuo stared at him all night, with a faint blue shadow in his eyes, he lowered his eyelashes and became silent.

He Zheng was also silent.

Facing the silence for a long time, He Zheng couldn’t sit still. He slept for so long, and now he needs to solve his physiological needs. There seemed to be a nail on the bottom of the butt, which soon caught Fang Tianzhuo’s look again, and He Zheng timidly said, “I, I want to go to the toilet…”

Fang Tianzhuo was speechless.

“I didn’t lie…” He Zheng raised his hand and swore: “Really, I want to go.”

Fang Tianzhuo remained silent.

He Zheng covered his stomach and grimaced: “I think so, I’m going to die.”

He curled up and clamped his legs, but he couldn’t hold it any longer, so he decided to ignore Fang Tianzhuo and get out of the car, but he was dragged back by him.

He Zheng’s face turned red.

Urine is strong and cowardly, it is bearable or unbearable, he angrily said: “I want to go to the toilet! Three urgent! This is a big thing! It’s bigger than a dead person!”

Fang Tianzhuo glanced at the gauze hat in the carriage.

He Zheng: “…”

dog! dog than! Big dog than! !


Zhengzheng: I slept well away from him.

Fang Huang: … gas.

PS. I think the content of the first two chapters is too exciting, everyone forgot that this is a brainless little sweet article… However, there will definitely be a run-in _(:?”ㄥ)_

Not surprisingly, there are two shifts today.

#Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who voted [Landmine]: Lemon, Ji Bird, Yu You 2; Da Lanlan, Lanlan Lanlan, Life is Always Sweet, Blue Grapefruit Pomelo, Oranges That Don’t Eat Oranges, Mimi Sauce? ω?, The face looks like an evil ghost, One and the other picture scrolls, One Lu Rongxi;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

There are only 20 bottles; 19 bottles of Hee Hee; 3411492515 bottles of Hexie Mengmeng; 10 bottles of Si and Crimson Flowers and Rain; Shui Gongzi Chi Mo 3 bottles; please call me Mr. s, lemon 2 bottles; Kaoru, Huo Li, Yu, a fool, loves warmth and greed for cool, 346991061 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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