The Man’s 101st Bad Ending

Chapter 108


Translated By Arcane Translations

Translator: FusionX



While Yuria’s situation was resolved for now, I still needed to finalize the succession.

Even though I knew my father couldn’t interfere at this point, it was still crucial to officially secure the head position.

There was no chance of Yuria recovering.

Trapped within Arwen’s barrier in the basement, she would live forever, unable to choose death.

“All that remains is for you to officially assume the position of head.”

Renold’s tone was neutral, but I could sense the elation in his voice.

He must have suffered greatly.

While I didn’t need to be concerned about his feelings, considering his past actions, it was still better to acknowledge his efforts.

We had come this far together, and there was no need to dwell on the past.

I didn’t have time to waste on such trivial matters.

It was time to move forward.

It was a relief to finally stop worrying about Yuria.

My mind, unburdened by that constant worry, felt strangely light, free to wander.

“Where’s Father?”

“He’s in his office, but it doesn’t matter anymore, does it?”

According to Taylor tradition, if only one successor remained, the head position automatically passed to them, regardless of the current head’s wishes.

While that tradition would soon be abolished, I would be the last to benefit from it.

Renold stared at me for a moment, then bowed and left.

He seemed to have realized I was going to visit my father.

It was an unpleasant situation, and I could understand his desire to avoid it.

As Renold disappeared, I walked past the attendants, their eyes lingering on me, and headed towards my father’s office.

Walking down this hallway brought back memories of my first regression.

The same hallway I ran down in a panic, desperately searching for my father, unable to believe I was alive.

My purpose and state of mind were completely different now, and a strange mix of emotions stirred within me.

Everything was different and it would remain different.

Theresa was dead, and Yuria was no longer a threat.

While I couldn’t predict the future, I was certain of one thing.

This path would lead to a brighter future than any of my past lives.

Knock, knock.

“It’s Robert.”

There was no answer from inside.

I opened the door and saw my father sitting in his chair.

The Duke’s seal, a symbol of the head position, rested on the desk.

I stared at it for a moment, then chuckled softly.

I didn’t understand his intentions.

Knowing his personality, I had expected resistance.

“What are you thinking?”

“I’m simply following tradition.”

“I thought you would say it’s tradition for the current head to refuse to step down.”

“I’ve decided it’s unnecessary. The majority of the empire already wants you to be the head, don’t they? There isn’t much of a future for me if I resist any further.”

My father held up two fingers, his twisted smile mocking.

The sharp intellect I once saw in his eyes was gone.

Was he tired?


It would have been nice if he had realized it sooner, but there was no point in dwelling on it.

I looked at him and spoke.

“This will likely be the last time you set foot in these parts.”

“Aren’t you going to kill me?”

“If there was anyone I needed to kill, I would have done so already. But I don’t see the need.”

“You’re too soft. That kind of attitude will hinder you in the future.”

“I’ll manage. I’m the Duke now.”

My sharp tone made him chuckle.

He ran a hand over his face, then nodded slowly.

He was the one who handed me the crest when I went to see Yuria, as if he knew exactly what I would do to her, encouraging me to break her completely.

While seeing the crest had certainly broken Yuria, I couldn’t understand why he had acted that way.

Wasn’t it the same as taking my side?

The man who remained silent as I died was now helping me?

I didn’t understand, and I didn’t want to understand.

While I still called him Father, I had already distanced myself emotionally.

I didn’t want to prolong this conversation.

I had come here to finalize the succession.

While I was curious about his sudden compliance, there was no need to question him further.

“I’ll take this then. I’ll inform you of your arrangements soon.”

“Did you kill Yuria?”

His sudden question made me turn back to face him.

He must have known.

Knowing what I had endured as a child, he likely assumed my feelings toward her were less than favorable.

I wanted to ask why he didn’t intervene back then, but instead, I answered with something else.

“I spared her.”

“…That’s unexpected. I thought you would kill her.”

“It’s more painful for her to watch. I’ve made sure she can’t kill herself, so she’ll likely die of old age.”

My father chuckled and nodded, but it didn’t seem genuine.

His expression was wistful, as if he was remembering something.

I stared at him, waiting for him to speak.

After a moment of silence, he said,

“You’re not going to kill her even after everything she did to you?”

“I don’t want to become like Yuria. The Taylor Household under my leadership will be very different from the one you led. I don’t believe siblings should have to kill each other to inherit the position of head.”

My words were meant to provoke him, but he simply nodded, unfazed.

He stared blankly ahead, his lips sealed.

I gathered the seal and turned to leave.

I had said everything I needed to say.

Continuing this conversation would only bring back unpleasant memories.

As I walked towards the door, I heard his voice.

“You resemble Serena. You always have, and you haven’t changed.”

I frowned at the mention of my mother’s name.

My father chuckled, seemingly amused by my reaction.

He didn’t appear to be trying to anger me.

It seemed like a genuine observation, but I didn’t understand.

“What do you mean?”

Why was he comparing me to my mother, the woman he never even acknowledged when she was alive?

My father paused, considering his response, then spoke quietly.

A hint of warmth flickered in his normally cold eyes as if he was finally letting go.

“It’s exactly what it sounds like.”

He fell silent again, and I knew he wouldn’t say anything more.

What did Serena Yugress mean to Arthur Taylor?

He hadn’t even mourned her death, so why was he now seeing her in me?

I was curious, but it didn’t really matter.

Even if I knew the reason, I would likely be disappointed.

So I turned away.

He was no longer relevant to my life.

Arthur Taylor and Yuria Taylor no longer held any meaning for me.

Dwelling on them would only bring me pain.


I closed the door to his office and walked down the quiet hallway, my steps lighter than before.

But my mind was filled with a strange mix of emotions.

A future without my father and sister.

It was a future I had never experienced, a path I couldn’t even begin to imagine.

“You don’t seem happy.”

“I’m not. There’s no reason to be.”

The ceremonial attire felt awkward.

The Duke’s formal wear was similar to that of a king.

Despite the title of Duke, the position was essentially that of a Grand Duke.

It was no wonder the nobles were so concerned about the succession.

The balance of power was shifting.

The head of the Taylor House, a position that hadn’t changed for decades, was now being passed on.

The king who ruled the nobles was changing.

I had witnessed many such occasions, but this was the first time I was the one taking center stage.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror, a pair of blue eyes staring back at me.

I looked different now, compared to when I first regressed.

The emptiness in my eyes had been replaced by something else.

Was I… nervous?

I chuckled softly, watching my hands tremble.

I had thought myself immune to such feelings after countless regressions.

🚨 Important Notice 🚨

› This text was ripped off from

› Please only read it on the official website.

); }

But it was only natural to feel nervous today.

To think that I, Robert Taylor, would become the Duke.

It was something I couldn’t have imagined when I first regressed.

“Don’t worry too much. I’m here with you today.”

“Thank you, but… are you sure about this? There will be a lot of gossip if we appear together.”

“It’s a good way to show them that things are different now. There’s no precedent for the Saint and the Duke appearing together. And we’re friends, so it doesn’t matter.”

Adriana, who had come from the Moon Tower, smiled softly. Arwen looked at us, a strange expression on her face. She was probably trying to figure out our relationship.

We couldn’t simply call ourselves friends. There was a certain level of affection involved.

It was a facade, but a necessary one.

Her support was crucial. As Adriana had said, the Taylor family would change. While it was all for my goal a year from now, countless changes would occur within that year, a complete upheaval.

Appearing with Adriana was a symbol of that change. It demonstrated the Taylor family’s new alliance with the church, a complete reversal of their previous stance.

“It’s time to go. Everyone is waiting.”

“…Alright, let’s go.”

I adjusted my attire and offered my hand to Adriana.

“Take my hand. We’re almost there.”


Our eyes met as our hands clasped, then we walked forward.

This was a new chapter.

If my previous path was about erasing the past, this path was about building a new future.

While I didn’t know how my 101st life would end, it was undoubtedly going well so far.

Perhaps everything would be alright.

My past actions had been justified, and if I continued down this path, I would achieve my goal.

This life was uncharted territory, and I couldn’t be certain.

But today, I allowed myself to feel at ease.

It was the day I finally confirmed that everything I had done was right.

We walked out of the dimly lit hallway, and a wave of sound washed over us as bright light flooded the room.

Countless eyes turned towards us as we stood on the highest platform in the mansion.

Renold’s voice echoed through the hall, amplified by magic, announcing the new head of the Taylor family to the gathered crowd.

“Presenting the new Duke of Taylor, Robert Taylor!”

Robert Taylor, the Duke.

The thought filled me with a strange mix of emotions. I held Adriana’s hand and gazed at the crowd.

These weren’t the mocking gazes I received when I stood on the execution platform.

There was no trace of the Robert Taylor who had been ridiculed and scorned through countless deaths.

Only the 101st Robert remained, ready to embark on a new path, to create a different future.

But it wasn’t over yet.

My goal remained unfulfilled.

I closed my eyes and whispered, amidst the cheers of the crowd, “For eternal peace.”

I still had work to do.


[Translator Notes]

[My thirst for vengeance has been satiated for now]

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