The Marine

Foodvalten 107

Skipping through the air, by the time Bill had passed by the first pirate ship and noticed that the prisoners were gone, he was feeling a little better and was able to speed up towards the Frontier Run.

It was a testament to his advanced mastery of Life Return that even after battling Whitebeards 6th Division Commander for over an hour and then continuing to fight until the other pirates had been cleared up, that him using Moon Step to such a degree not only non-exhausting, but it was also somewhat therapeutic.

With the wind buffeting his face he saw that the second pirate ship was likewise empty, and with a grim expression, he adjusted his eyes and increased altitude.

From several hundred meters away, from his singular vantage point, he first saw rows of tied up pirates with various degrees of cut wounds. Blood was everywhere.

Wondering what could have happened, Bill didn’t even entertain the notion that Nelson had these men executed, and nearing ever closer to the ship, a ghastly discovery made his heart sink into his stomach.

It wasn’t just motionless pirates.

Huffing, Bill didn’t think twice about the wind or how he was mending himself in mid-air, and in a virtual blink crossed the remaining hundreds of meters distance between himself and the ship.

Landing on the foredeck beside the rows of bloody and motionless pirates, everything was quiet, and bodies lay everywhere. Processing what he was seeing, Bill told himself to stay calm over and over.

Looking side to side, he saw that his Marines nearly all had their Rivet Rifles near their motionless bodies, he saw men hanging from the ratlines, no doubt having fallen from the Crow’s Nest.

Then, drawing his eyes towards the main deck, he saw Boss lying still with a bamboo shot sticking clear through his body.

As blood began to rush to his head, his rage turned to numbness by seeing Miyagi and Nelson laying down face first.

Breathing heavily a sound was heard from behind him, and ready to do literally anything, Bill calmly turned and saw three bloody figures stir.

“Danny, Denny, Donny!” he recognized the three ex-pirates and rushed to their sides.

They seemed to see him in double, but Bill couldn’t be gentle when he shook Donny: “What happened?! Good God! what happened here?!”

Breathing shallowly, Bill was heartened that the man seemed to be gaining strength and so shook him again until he answered: “O.o.ofic… Nelsn was attcked tha Vce Admiral… mybe alive.”

Badly pointing his finger to his throat, Bill knew instantly the move this man was referring to, and so quickly taking Donny up he said: “Pull yourselves together! Come on! We have to save who we can!”

No sooner than he spoke, Bill let Donny go, then practically teleported across the deck, and lifted the still-overweight Officer to check on him. There was a lot of blood, and it looked like he had been shot in the neck.

Putting his hear up to Nelsons chest, there was a light heartbeat and for the first time Bill thanked heaven that Nelson was still so fat, recognizing that it was probably the man’s fat neck that had saved his life.

He knew that there was still danger, even if Nelson had survived until now, it was possible that he had lungs filled with blood. This was a kind of injury that Bill had never encountered, and doing the best he could ripped off a piece of clothing and lightly wrapped it around Nelson’s neck, then laid the man on his side and before checking on Miyagi.

Touching the small goat Mink made Bill’s hands sticky in blood and fur but he was instantly relieved when he felt a shock. All pure-blooded Minks could use an ability they called ‘Electro’, this was a naturally ingrained ability, and the fact he could feel a spark meant that Miyagi’s subconscious was protecting himself.

The Minks were a hardy race, and Bill could be relatively at ease thinking at as long as Miyagi wasn’t cut in half he would probably march on. With this in mind, biting his lip, Bill hoped his Doctor would forgive him as he rummaged around inside the Doctors bag and pulled out a pill bottle.

Miyagi’s ‘Miracle Drug’ would heal the most lethal injuries for a period of six hours, but the injuries would return with twice the severity when the effect wore off.

Whispering for forgiveness, Bill put the pill in the Minks throat and massaged it down.

The effect was instant, opening wide pupil-dilated eyes, Miyagi made ready to attack before seeing who it was kneeling over him.

“The absolute fiend!” He said and continued wide-eyed: “The traitorous madman! Where is he?!”

Holding Miyagi with one big palm, Bill said quickly: “We can’t worry about that now, we need to save th- As he was talking, Bill heard the light sound of a latch being pulled, and instantly recognized that it came from his office.

‘Someone’s there?!’ he thought, and standing and turning at the same time, he motioned Miyagi to stay away.

Bill wanted to go silently, but for every inch he neared his office, the more on edge he became, until standing at in the doorway he saw Vergo standing inside a wrecked room, holding the powerful Devil Fruit.

Whatever had happened, Vergo seemed to be as surprised to see Bill and Bill was to see him, and in a moment of confusion, a familiar figure jumped out from behind the desk.

At once wanting to yell ‘no’ or ‘stay back’ Bill couldn’t find the time and going forward his hair began to grow. Only having cross barely half the distance between he and the Vice Admiral, he watched Yoko biting down on the fruit and Vergo’s response.

Time seemed to slow down, and crossing the room a moment too late, Bill was hit by the smell of o-zone as Vergo’s finger pushed itself on Yoko’s forehead.

But the finger didn’t go through the skull, instead it launched the thirteen-year-old clear through the wall!

By then, Bill was there, meeting Vergo with a devastating downwards left elbow and following up with an equally crushing right knee.

The Vice Admiral spewed blood from a sunken cheek and bloody nose, but he wasn’t the commander for one of the most important Marine bases in the New World by accident and while hearing a miserable ‘owie owie owie’ coming from where Yoko had been launched, Bill learned the prowess of a New World Marine commander firsthand.

Trading blows back and forth, the pressure from their hits further destroyed the already wrecked office. Papers flew, Snails were killed, everything was a mess.

Bills left arm was killing him, but he didn’t have time to think about it as he dodged under a Storm Leg, grabbed the limb, and delivered a series of uppercuts to Vergo’s inner thigh.

He knew it had to hurt, but the Vice Admiral had fully covered himself in Armament Haki and seemed to be more proficient than Blamenco was.

Fighting back and forth at arms range, Bill soon realized that he was losing, and knew that even if he had been in perfect health fighting the Vice Admiral in front of him would have been incredibly difficult.

With blows that sent the ship rocking back and forth, he could barely think of any strategy but knew that he couldn’t use the same tactic that he did against Blamenco with Vergo.

Even if Vergo couldn’t easily break out of a pair seastone cuffs, he wouldn’t be weakened by the mere touch of one. Trading blow for blow, and counter for counter, a short period of time felt like a lot longer when Bill finally decided on his play that would either see Vergo defeated, or the extinction of both him and of his men.

Thinking he had to  get the Vice Admiral into the water, he deflected a Finger Gun downwards and roared involuntarily: “Three Hit Combo!”

Starting off with a clinch, Bill headbutted the Vice Admiral and followed that along with a right elbow and left uppercut. These moves would have hurt, but their actual purpose was to distract the Vice Admiral for what came next.

Moving for his own counter, Vergo attempted to use another Storm Leg when he realized that his lower body had been covered in hair! Looking up at the viciously sneering Captain, the next thing Vergo realized was that he was being pulled out of the office and off the ship before he could react!

Landing into the water with a massive splash, Bill sped off trying to go further from the island and deeper into the surf while dragging the Vice Admiral along.

Since the time when he was little and swimming in the lagoon of Vallipo Archipelago, Bill had been an amazing swimmer. Once he had first learned Life Return, he had wondered if by gaining full control over his body he could prevent the Bends.

Decompression Sickness was absolutely deadly, and regardless of his gifts he had never wanted to test it.

Until now.

After about a minute of being dragged, Vergo freed himself and started trying to get back to the water’s surface only to be caught again by Bill and dragged down further.

The two superhumans fought back and forth with one trying to swim up and the other pulling him down, hair waving back and forth in the water was the Captain’s best friend while the Vice Admirals iron legs was his.

Punching and pulling Vergo several tens of meters at a time, Bill didn’t have time to think about anything. The Vice Admiral was fast, both men could run through the air and so naturally they were quite a lot faster going through the water.

With the background of mighty New World Sea Kings swimming back and forth, the two traded blow for blow, each kick that landed on Bill felt like hot iron, and Vergo realized he was losing his breath.

The sensation of not breathing was not comfortable, but the more bubbles the two made the more oxygen Bill was able to absorb. He was somewhat weaker than Vergo, but much like what had happened with Blamenco, Bill was outlasting his foe until they eventually got so far down that the light couldn’t be seen.

In the cold dark water, still fighting, albeit more listlessly, Vergo’s eyes momentarily unfocused and Bill knew that was his chance.

Disengaging from the fight, Bill didn’t try to hold the Vice Admiral back, and when Vergo turned back towards the surface he moved as quickly as he could.

By now Vergo was weak from lack of oxygen and couldn’t think why he should stop Bill from kicking him upwards. Using these kicks as a boost, Vergo went up and up until his symptoms started.

Second kick, he felt mild tingling in his fingers, and then his toes.

Third kick, he felt a burning sensation all across his skin.

Fourth kick, joints all over his body locked up and the pain was enough to make him scream.

Thankfully, Vergo couldn’t remember the fifth and final kick that took him out of the water, because then he had bubbles forming in his brain.

Throughout this rapid ascent, Bill experienced the nerve-racking experience of fighting off decompression.

Controlling his body in ways that he had never done; he used his own skin to keep pressing down all over. From his eyeballs to other sensitive organs, he tightened his body in a way that mimicked the high-water pressure he had just come out of.

Moving very slowly now, Bill looked around him and saw the island as a tiny speck on the horizon, and then saw Vergo floating face down not too far away. Swimming over to the Vice Admiral, Bill flipped him over and saw a pink foamy substance coming out of his ears, nose, eyes, and mouth.

Vergo was in serious condition, but somehow had just not died yet. Superhumans in this world were certainly hard to kill, but this was something even Bill didn’t expect.

Shaking his head, Bill first thought he should kill the traitor here and now, but then stayed his hand. He had won, and since Vergo was lucky enough to survive the battle, he would have to face Justice.

Making his way back to the island slowly he couldn’t recall how long he had been in battle against the Vice Admiral. Ironically, he had gone to get Miyagi to help the Marines on the beach when the Marines on their ship were in much more danger.

Slowly, Bill was able to decompress his body, and even felt that he had learned more of what he could do, when getting near the Frontier Run, he jumped out of the water and landed on the ships deck.

Holding Vergo by one leg, he was met with the stares of 19 shabby-looking Marines, including a wide-eyed Mink and a thirteen-year-old girl with red eyes.

Sitting down hard, Bill allowed himself a moments of rest and called out: “Yoko, get the extra two pair seastone cuffs.”

Nodding to his words, the girl said: “Don’t worry, I’ll get them!” and seeing this the others began to smile slightly. Under normal circumstances, they would have cheered, but surrounded by bodies both dead and nearly dead, no one was in high spirits.

Thinking that it was taking Yoko too long to bring back what he asked for, Bill called out: “Miyagi, has anyone from the shore came over?”

Hoping around, the goat was treating patients at an incredible speed and began shouting: “Oh yes, oh yes! Lieutenant Zima came over and was positively outraged! I did tell her that you were handling the traitor and so she took some of my supplied and headed back to land!”

“How long was I away?” He asked, still holding the motionless Vergo by his leg.

“36 minutes a.a.and 12 seconds!”

Nodding himself now, Bill thought Yoko was taking entirely too long when he stood up and walked to his office. The place was a disaster zone, and in one corner lay Yoko holding onto a pair of cuffs.

Then he remembered she had eaten the fruit… a powerful yet unknown ability was given to a teenager, just like that.

Walking over to her, he picked up the cuffs and life returned to her eyes. Laughing with an “Ooh-ooh ah-ah!” she said excitedly: “I forgot I couldn’t touch this stuff now! Gooood thing I never liked swimming!”

 “We’ll handle this later.” Said he before continuing after a pause: “Go now and assist Doctor Miyagi, we need to save as many of our companions as we can. Don’t do anything with your new power for now, ok?”

“But I was waiting for you to show! Watch this!”

Then hit with a wave of o-zone Bill watched Yoko biting a bunch of hairs off her arms, chew for half a minute and spit out at least thirty smaller copies of herself.

‘Holy...’ he thought to himself and turning around he saw the girl beaming a wide smile.

“O..ok but don’t do anything else besides help Miyagi, understood?” he said.

Getting another smile, thirty Yoko’s answered at once “Don't worry, Bill!!” and ran out of the office.

Breathing heavily, he used the two seastone cuffs on Vergos arms and legs, then quickly taking him downstairs threw him in a holding cell. The Vice Admiral still hadn’t moved an inch, but he was still alive and now Bill didn’t concern himself with keeping him safe.

He had to get back on the island, quickly.

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