The Marine

Gran Tesoro, Goodbye Ole’ Chap 185

Bill spent the next several hours inside that tower which was designed like the inside of a UFO.

Accompanied by the masked Agents, Agents of Cipher Pol he had learned thanks to Spandam’s big mouth and threats, in Bills mind the futuristic design was no different than that of a lion’s den.

Deciding to deal with the here and now and not worry about the future, if Bill had any regrets, it was during these hours he hadn’t been able to continually read the thoughts of everyone present.

Because not once did the Cipher Pol Agent known as [Rob Lucci] let his guard down.

And with that animals’ guard up, naturally, Bill couldn’t relax either.

It had been tense, but as night started to fall, [Gran Tesoro] started to come to life, and it wasn’t long before a party could be heard coming from the entire floating city.

Taking the pose of just speaking his own thoughts into the air, Bill treated Saint Camael like a mix between a child and a simpleton – but had indeed stop addressing the man directly.

“There’s a big party going on out there…” he’d say first.

And if that didn’t get a response, he would continue and say: “How big that party must be!”

As he did this, except for Spandam yelling at him to shut up, Bill stayed nearer to still-injured Nelson and didn’t interact with the people from the World Government.

In terms of human standards Nelson was not ‘weak’, but in terms of Cipher Pol Agents, naturally he fell behind quite a lot.

In the room, besides Saint Camael, his wife First Lady, and the beautiful slave girls who had made their appearance, Bill figured Nelson would probably lose to everyone.

‘He may be able to fight Spandam… but that sword is special.’ Bill had thought earlier when he ran down the list of threats.

It was well known that Zoan Devil Fruits could inhabit inanimate objects, since they had a sort of Will of their own, but as to why anyone would waste the Elephant Zoan on a sword was madness to Bill.

‘If he was going to use it, why didn’t he just eat it himself?’

Thinking purely in terms of cost and benefit, and how elephants were the strongest land animals on Earth, even if the fusion resulted in a strong sword it made no sense to waste strength in that way.

But alas Bill thought, these Cipher Pol Agents were underwhelming and incredibly they seemed just as dumb as their Master. Since that seemed to be the case, then it made sense to him that they’d waste the Devil Fruit.

“It sounds like a lot of fun in going on outside” Bill thought aloud and ignoring Spandam’s’ ‘Shut up!’ he started to hum to the sound of music that could be faintly heard.


With Spandam fuming, he instantly froze when Saint Camael made a noise, and gritting his teeth at Bill he turned around with a smile on his face.

“Don’t listen to that worthless slave my Lord…” he said, and despite only being given a superficial look, the smile never left Spandam’s face.

But he was cut off by the Celestial Dragon ticking his head, and saying out loud: “Let ourselves go and see what has the chattel in such eh-eh-ehhhh…


With those words spoken they couldn’t be ignored, and instantly except for Lucci who never left the side of Saint Camael, and Spandam who was looking wide eyed, the other agents and slaves burst into activity getting together a palanquin and bringing over a giant panda that Bill had sensed but hadn’t seen.

The animal was not a Mink, but it was intelligent, as Bill could see the dejected look in its’ eyes as it was made to stand still and have the throne tightly strapped to its back.

Having his spacesuit adjusted by the female slaves, Bill stood idle as Saint Camael slapped one for tugging his robe slightly too hard to the side.

Smartly falling to the ground, Bill could tell that the woman was putting on a show.

Because whereas Saint Camael was physically weaker than a child, he could very easily order Lucci or any of the others into action.

Thankfully, that didn’t happen, and being satisfied with ‘merely’ bashing the beautiful woman, Saint Camael didn’t force Bill to intervein by ordering anything drastic.

With the lady thoroughly slapped up, albeit with hits that could have come from an out-of-shape eight-year-old, it didn’t take long for the group to be ready, and surrounding the giant panda as they left the tower, Saint Camael and First Lady were flanked by Lucci, Bill, and Nelson on one side, and the Gods Army soldiers on the other.

Behind them was another group made up of masked Agents and the female slaves, all in all the Celestial Dragon’s entourage numbered about thirty people.

Despite Saint Camael’s seeming lack of interest in the Gala, he needed no guide and taking the elevator down Bill watched as Gran Tesoro security made sure no one got near them as they loaded the nobles into a turtle car and then had to run beside it as it drove to the venue...

Following along like this until they got to the stadium, their pace hadn’t slowed down at all, and not a single person had fallen behind the car.

He could guess why it was that no one fell behind… and that thought angered him more than he was awed by the massive golden stadium. But frustrated as he was, until either his plan showed up or the Revolutionary Army made their move, he had to be patient.

Looking over to his friend beside him, to the man who knew about nothing that was going on, Bill whispered in a tone so low that not even Lucci could hear him: “Nelson…”

And when he got a stare of sorrow and bitterness, Bill continued, nodding his head ever so slightly: “When the time comes, I’m going to need you to do something for me…”


Starting hours before Bill had arrived at the stadium, shadow battles across Gran Tesoro were taking place between the Revolutionary Army and the debtor gangs who ran the entertainment cities Underworld.

Fooling the heavy surveillance of the city’s security teams was not an easy task, but Sabo would not have been a Commander of the Revolutionary Guard if he hadn’t had the experience in doing just that.

Eliminating the gangster’s group by group, moving block by block towards Gild Tesoro’s Pleasure Palace, Sabo’s team of Revolutionaries used speed and brutality to quell any potential threats.


Using his fingers like fishhooks, Sabo tore a man’s throat out, and in the same instant he did so, the Cat Mink Lindbergh could be seen scurrying across walls and ceilings, covering up one Surveillance Snail after the next with a clear bubble.

These bubbles all displayed the same image, all empty streets.

And while they would ‘pop’ eventually, they didn’t need be permanent.

After all, even though Sabo would never trust a Marine like William ‘Bill’ Ox, he was in the same boat as the tall man both figuratively and technically speaking.

Their goals were similar but not the same, Sabo believed that Bill just wanted his people back, while he and the R.A. wanted to kill a Celestial Dragon.

‘And if we can take some gold away, that’d be nice too! Fufu’

Of course, there were other considerations too – more underhanded ones, but ones that Sabo was not above using.

For example, even if that Marine Commodore had no intention of harming the Celestial Dragon… who’s to say how things would look like after Sabo tore the man’s head off.

And maybe then, after some more manipulation, their Revolutionary Army could add one more power chess piece.

There was also the fact that places like Gran Tesoro were always hotbeds for recruitment, and the R.A. who had a constant shortage of field agents and informants found that they could best recruit the people had personally experienced the cruelty of the World Government.

With all of this in mind, Sabo’s 4 R.A. teams tore through Gran Tesoro’s Criminal Underworld, until finally all of the lights in the city dimmed and the stage lit up in a lightshow that could be seen for miles around.

*huff huff*

Seeing that it was time, Sabo pulled out a portable Communication Snail and spoke: “Alright, it’s starting, pull everyone back. Lindbergh and Team 1 will get to the water control station, Teams 2 and 3 will go and secure the main control room, and Team 4 is with me, alright boys, get ready to catch a big fish!”

Getting an enthusiastic response, Sabo smiled broadly and started on his way when his other Den Den Mushi started ringing.

*Be Boop! Be Boop! Be Boop!*

Answering quickly, on the other line was [Terry Gilteo], a top R.A. information specialist and one of the overseers for their current mission.

And his news made Sabo’s brow furrow…

Based on their intercepted communications, Saint Camael’s [Marine Escort] would arrive before morning.


Standing in an alley about two blocks away from Gild’s Pleasure Palace, Borodo checked his rifle and stealthily looked out at the city whose lights had just dimmed down.

It was starting, he breathed heavily.

Behind him was the entire crew of the Frontier Run, over 150 Marines in total, and each had been armed with at least a Rivet Pistol.

His orders from Bill had been simple, he had to – by any means necessary – take control of Gran Tesoro’s main control bridge and keep [Olga Myskina] with him at all times.

Borodo didn’t know why Bill had emphasized that he was to have Olga nearby, but he would do as he ordered and as a result the girl – and her genius father too – were surrounded by men.


Isn’t it time to go now Mr. Marine?”

Shouting over the beating rhythm coming from the stadium, the ‘little girl’ got cross eyes from several people, but it was only Acier to speak out telling his daughter that ‘now wasn’t the time for that’.

“Che-che-che!” she laughed again and continued despite her father: “What’s the point in acting all serious? We know what we’re here to do, if you all are scared then give me a gun and I’ll lead the way!”

Though not entertaining her nonsense, Borodo knew that the 200+ year old hag would do just that, and that she would have very little sense of remorse.

But even if she didn’t have the body of a little 6-year-old girl, naturally Borodo would never allow her to lead his men, and so breathing heavy again he told everyone to get ready.

With barely 30 [Special Operators] having come with them from [New Haven], Borodo had only 1 real assault team with 4 quads of 4 men each.

The others were split up between the rest of crew, it was not nearly the force he wished he would have had, but they were all soldiers.

And they had a job to do.

Switching his rifles safety off, he gave his people one last look before saying: “Alright, it’s time! You all know the stakes!


Move! Move! Move!”


Standing in the Super VIP Suites along with the Celestial Dragon’s entourage even though Bill knew how wealthy Gran Tesoro was, it was still startling to see so much gold.

The lights were still dimmed but with gold dust gently floating throughout the stadium, Bill saw that even the water itself had turned gold!

The stadium itself was a giant bowl, and the stage was separated from the stands by a moat of golden water that Bill thought must have held more value than most Kingdoms.

More than being pretty though, he knew that golden moat was no different than a sword at the neck of everyone in the city.

For Saint Camael’s part Bill could tell that he was a lot more interested in the show than he appeared and thought that Gild must also know that, or he wouldn’t have gone so far with the preparations for tonight’s Gala.

Indeed, the city was pulling out all of the stops.

Through the darkness Bill could see the stage being set up with an orchestra, dancing girls, and even exotic performers which looked like fire breathers and the like.

With the stadium filling up with what must have been over 150,000 people the scale of the events that were about to take place made Bill tense.

Looking at faces in the crowd, Bill wondered for a moment if he should have just taken his people and left… but it was too late now.

Not including the people left in the city, those people who hadn’t come to the Gala, already more people had filtered into the stadium than visited Las Vegas on a typical day!

Thinking about this, Bill touched the package in his chest before the stage came to life.

Lit up by golden water fountains and multicolored, the gold dust in the air thickened by several times, and as the band started to play the crowd went wild!

And then, even Bill had to admit, Gild Tesoro’s entrance was impressive.

Though if the performance was impressive, Bill was less than impressed by the lyrics of the songs being sung – one and all were about the power of money.

By the end of the seventh song, he could tell that Gild was setting up for an intermission due to an enormous display of fireworks, electric lights, and release of tons of gold flakes when suddenly the lights dimmed, and the audio died.

Then, with a technology that Bill had only seen one time before, a technology that had come from [Egghead Island], he saw the giant face of [Sabo] holographically appear above the stage – above Gild Tesoro – and address the crowd:

“People of the World, Unite!” Sabo started off by saying, but quickly continued in a smooth and unbroken manner:

“We stand at the dawn of a new era!

For too long, we have toiled under the oppressive yoke of a corrupt and decadent nobility. They feast while we starve; they revel in luxury while we suffer in poverty. Our children go to bed hungry, and our hopes are dashed by their greed and indifference!

And look around you, look at the palaces and pavilions which were built by brutality, cheating, and corruption, you know this to be true!

Is this the life we deserve? Is this the future we want for our children? No! We are not mere pawns in their games, nor are we beasts of burden to be driven to the brink of despair. We are men and women with dignity and honor!”

Standing still as he watched Sabo speak, Bill thought the man was a natural agitator, and noticed that the Gods Army soldiers and Cipher Pol had immediately jumped into action.

Through the darkness he could even make out the twisted face of Gild Tesoro and didn’t need to read the man’s thoughts to realized how angry he was for being interrupted.

If only that was all that Sabo had planned, it would have been enough, but he continued:

“Brothers and Sisters!

Hear the cries of our mothers and fathers, mourning the loss of their dreams. Feel the weight of the chains that bind us, forged by the arrogance and cruelty of those who deem themselves our masters!

But I tell you now, those chains are not unbreakable! We have within us the power to shatter them!

We have begged for mercy and received none. We have sought Justice and found only Tyranny in its place! We have given our sweat, our blood, and our tears, and still they demand more.

Well, we say, no more!

The time for patience and pleading is over. The time for action is now! We will no longer be their slaves, their servants, or their playthings!

And you are not alone! In your corners you have behind you the Revolutionary Army and the Wealthiest Man in the World who is willing to put all of hi- “!”

Realizing that he was about to be implicated in whatever the R.A. had planned to do, Gild lifted up his hands and, using the golden water, created a wall of gold in front of the hologram.

“He could have done that all along?!” shouted Spandam, and Bill noticed the room turn colder.

By now the preparations to evacuate had been made, and being a coward, naturally Saint Camael panicked when he heard the words ‘Revolutionary Army’.

This helped Bill though, as when Spandam ordered him to go ‘apprehend’ Gild, Saint Camael told him not to leave to stay close.

By now it was almost midnight and with the lights dimmed it was quite dark, but going slowly with the Celestial Dragon the group made their way out of the stadium when they were surprised by everything lighting up again.

Seeing the movements of tens of thousands of people so close made Saint Camael and First Lady scream, but then, they suddenly stopped.

They stopped because the people had stopped moving.

It had started raining.

And feeling the tiny flakes of gold wash down, Bill didn’t need to look up to realize that Sabo had successfully rerouted the water pumps.

Laughing at this, bathing in seawater, the Cipher Pol Agents were smart enough to realize something bad was about to happen, but the World Noble demanded them rush to their ship.

Blocked by clogged streets with fleeing people everywhere, just when they were going to pick up the Celestial Dragons – a great crime – in order to flee, Gild appeared in a long white turtle car with his main enforcer.

Looking totally different than before, not haughty at all, Gild jumped out of the car and dove for Saint Camael, begging for him to understand that none of this was his idea, when, getting slapped away, the Noble shouted: “Don’t touch me, Slave!”

This seemed to break the man who had gone from arrogance to rage to back being that powerless slave again.

And seeing him laugh madly, Bill was almost caught off guard by Lucci who suddenly appeared behind him and attacked.

But alas, Bill had been waiting for this for hours at that point.

Pushing Nelson to the side, Bill grabbed Lucci’s arm and with a strength that the CP0 Agent couldn’t quite comprehend, Bill flung him hard into Gild – sending both men flying.

Then, it was Bill’s turn.

With a boom that broke the sound barrier he virtually disappeared from the spot he was standing in, Bill bashed down the heads of the Gods Army soldiers.

With a leg sweeps he broke the legs of a Cipher Pol Agent, with a punch he caved in another’s chest, including Spandam, within just a few seconds he had disabled every Agent and Soldier.

And finally with a burst of speed he grabbed Gild’s enforcer and chucked him in the distance where he had thrown the other two.

Breathing heavy, Bill glanced at Saint Camael, First Lady, and the slave girls who were all utter petrified, and reaching into his coat he grabbed the golden gun that he had taken off the security guard hours before.

“Nelson…” he breathed heavily and spoke.

“Gild Tesoro is under arrest for working with the Revolutionary Army in killing a Celestial Dragon and his entourage.” Then tossing the gun to Nelson, Bill just nodded and continued: “…you understand...” before turning and rushing towards the trio of men who he wasn’t able to instantly finish off.

Holding the golden gun in his hand, Nelson looked down for a long minute before looking up again.

Looking at the Celestial Dragon with a pair of dead eyes, he barely heard the man say “Eh-eh-ehhh? Mutt?” before Nelson simply pointed the gun and said: “Goodbye ole’ chap.”


If you enjoy the fanfic hit the heart icon and consider leaving a rating!

I wanted to give more a detail about the gala... in the movie it was a very spectacular animation, but this was going long.

Just a reminder of what Gran Tesoro looks like


And the Gala itself


Plus I know its One Piece, so everything is exaggerated but the sheer number of people is worth noting, and it will have some factor in the upcoming events.


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