The Marine

Growing Up 19

Standing in a circle Bill began to explain his plan to Ricky, Ranse, Fia and Sasha.

It had been somewhat hard to convince Sasha and Ricky to join, but in the end, they didn’t say no when Bill told them that he needed them.

Since they all had schedules to keep, Bill pushed for quick action. If all was done right, they would be able to get in and out of the mill by tonight.

Bill: “Ok, we’re going to have to tell our folks we’re staying the night at Ranse’s house. Tonight, we’ll sneak in the mill to see what they have and hopefully find the receipt Ranse said he saw.

We’re going to have Ricky and Fia outside as lookouts. While Sasha, Ranse, and I go in.”

Hearing that they were ‘regulated’ to being lookouts neither Ricky nor Fia looked happy. Seeing this, Bill reiterated: “Look, only you two can be lookouts. Ricky you’re the best person to notice anything suspicious and Fia is the best person to create a distraction big enough for the three of us to get away.

And finally, the two of you are the best at running away without getting caught.”

Shrugging his shoulders at least he went along with it, Fia on the other hand thought differently: “So you want me to just blow something up? I think Sasha and Ranse should be lookouts, Ricky and I would be better at searching.”

Narrowing her eyes, Sasha looked at the cannon-girl before saying with finality: “Don’t get confused, nothing escapes my notice. If what we’re looking for is there, I’ll find it.”

“Yeah, and all my years as a lawman make me clearly the best for the infiltration team.” Ranse saying nodding along.

 As Ricky responded to Ranse saying that he was the worst of the five, Bill took back control: “Enough! The infiltration team is not more important than the lookouts. This is a team effort!”

Shaking his head, he continued: “If we can’t work together on something as easy as this, how are we going to fight pirates?

Look, we’re only looking inside the mill for Red Elm stacks, if they are there, then case solved. If not, we’ll quickly and quietly look through the office. There isn’t a great need for secrecy because no one should be in the mill at night! As lookouts, the two of you have the most important job because if someone comes, you need to warn us!”

Seeing as everyone more or less agreed with this, Bill continued on explaining his plan.

The key parts were where to jump the fence, which direction Fia had to fire off a warning shot, and finally how to meet up if a distraction was necessary.

After the plan had been settled, the kids split up to get permission to stay at Ranse’s house.

Bill was given permission from Ms. Angie but was told that class tomorrow would start at the same time. He was also told that he was responsible for everyone making it there on time.

Having gotten the ok, he went to the officers’ lift and saw Ricky and Sasha waiting for him, they both had their swords and looked ready for action.

“You do know what those things are just going to get in the way right? There isn’t going to be fighting.” He said looking at the armed duo.

With one hand swooshing her blonde hair to the side, and the other hand on the hilt of her longsword, Sasha looked at Bill and said: “A swordswomen would rather leave her hand before leaving her sword.”

Seeing Ricky nod his head along, holding on to his two katana, Bill rolled his eyes and just said: “Right.”

It didn’t take long for the trio to make their way to Ranse’s parents’ house. They were excited to have the kids over and it wasn’t long until night fell, and it was time for bed.

Saying their goodnights, the five kids piled themselves into Ranse’s old room. The room was small, so the bed was moved over to make room for five pallets.

The pallets weren’t in any particular order, and after an hour or so the group started sitting up one by one.

With the four kids looking at him, Bill said “Let’s go” in a quiet voice and it wasn’t long before the squad reached the mill’s fence.

As they stood there in the full moons light, Bill reiterated the plan, then one by one Ranse and Sasha jumped over the fence.

“Hey wait!” Ricky yelled in a hushed voice.

Having jumped to the top of the fence, Bill jumped back down and replied: “What’s wrong?”

Ricky: “What do we do if yall don’t come back?”

This wasn’t something Bill had considered. Perhaps it should have been obvious, but by now he knew he was thoroughly superhuman. If he wasn’t, there would have been no chance that he would take the risk of sneaking into the mill at night.

Thinking of his eventuality he said quickly: “Ok, if we don’t come out in two hours then Fia you come in and check. Ricky, you stay here and if you hear any commotion run quickly to get help.”

Ricky: “Help from where?”

“Go to the base and get my father” Bill said, he didn’t think it would come to that but at the very least if his dad did come then their physical survival was ensured.

With a nod from Fia, Bill leaped back over the wall in a single bound.

“What’s wrong” Sasha asked in a quiet voice, mirroring his own question.

Speaking quietly, he replied: “It’s nothing, Ricky just had a question, come on let’s go.”

With that the trio ran as quickly as they could. Bill taking the lead while Sasha took the rear it only took a couple of minutes until they reached the first stacks.

At first Bill had thought the full moon was a hindrance, now he had seen he was wrong. Thanks to the full moon they were capable of seeing fairly well.

Upon reaching the first stacks they could see there wasn’t any Red Elm, having expected this the trio ran in a circular motion until they had checked all of the outside stacks.

After nearly thirty minutes of running hard, Ranse was somewhat out of breath and Sasha was still going steady.

It was needless to say that as a person who master Life Return, it would take a very long time for Bill to get tired just from running.

Stopping at the closest stack to the mill Bill looked at the two and said: “Ranse are you ok?”

Nodding briskly the reply was naturally a hushed yelled: “I’m fine! I just trained this morning!”

Then with a victorious smile Sasha interjected: “I trained this morning too, but I’m not tired?”

Ranse: “you... You only swing a sword! That’s hardly ‘training’!”

Rolling his eyes, Bill stopped the two before it got started: “Ok, look the mills doors are all closed. Hopefully they aren’t locked, but if they are then we’ll have to go through a window.”

The mill was a huge structure, which enclosed even most of the saw.

Large as the Rainbow trees were, there was a need to a corresponding size entrance way. Furthermore, before the cut lumber could be laid out on the stacks there was need for it to be coated with a special resin.

With nods from the other two, the trio ran low to first door.

Thankfully, with a slight ‘click’ the door opened.

Walking inside, there were various small lanterns lit. It wasn’t bright, but just bright enough to see.

The large mill floor was covered with stacks of lumber. Crouching over, step by step, the three kept to the shadows. Seeing the first stack up close, Bill had a bad feeling while Sasha said quietly.

“This is treated lumber, why are they holding it here?”

Motioning them to be quiet, Bill led the three to look around a but more, and to his surprise the entire mill was filled with finished product.

Looking towards the office area, which was on the second floor and completely blocked off, Bill brought the two close and whispered: “Ranse, I think you were right, lets look in the office and see if we can find something. We need to get out of here.”

Seeing no objections, Bill turned to the stairs and started walking slowly.

It wasn’t until halfway up the steps Bill heard a commotion.

Quickly looking to the others, Bill motioned them to rush back down. As he did so the officer doors opened.


As the three rushed to hide behind the stack closest to the stairwell, Bill heard a weird laugh followed by a man who spoke like Count Chocula.

?: “I zinks we have va good deal!”

In reply to this, another man answered: “Yes, the price is quite right. The cargo is here ready to be shipped out by morning.”

Feeling a nudge, Bill looked over to see Ranse mouth the word “Mulino”.

As the group of people kept moving down the stairs, Bill listened to them speak while looking for the best time to retreat.

?: “With zis our Handsome Foxy will be a Sexy Foxy!”


?: “Yeah BOSS! You’re GREAT!”

As distracting as the ‘Count Chocula’ monologue and peanut gallery reaction was, most distracting for Bill was that he could hear these people’s footsteps. In particular he could hear one of the steps were way larger than the rest.

Step by step the voices got louder and louder until a large noise was heard at the other end of the mill.

Using this noise as a chance, Bill grabbed Ranse’s shoulder and led the two back past one stack before stopping in his tracks.

?: “Wait... What’s that smell?”


Laughing the large one said: “It wasn’t me this time boss, I swear…”

?: “I know zit wasn’t ‘you’ Hamburg, now what is zit Capote, what do you smell?”

Sniffing in deeply the man, Bill presumed was Capote, said arrogantly: “I smell other humans in here, two or three.”

?: “What is this Mulino, wasn’t the secret deal, secret?”

Hearing this, Bill snapped his eyes towards Ranse and Sasha to see one put her hand on a hilt and the other adjust his pant leg.

At the same time Bill mouthed the words ‘follow me’ the Count Chocula man said: “Gina, Sonieh, Donovan cover ze doors! Everyone else, search the area!”

Crouched down Bill heard several sets of footsteps, there was no time to think about how dumb it was to come here, on instinct Bill began to run quietly as possible to the only exit left unguarded.

Hot on the trios’ trail was the man called Capote. Thankfully, he wasn’t a dog so while he could smell the kids, he couldn’t be led directly to them.

Weaving in and out of the stacks, Bill led Sasha and Ranse to the opening in the floor of the mill.

He could smell salt and felt an easy breeze from the tunnel, and knew it led to the sea.

Turning to usher Sasha and Ranse in first, Bill locked eyes with the man following them.

Looking back at Bill was a green humanoid with red hair and wearing a mask. Whatever it was, it clearly wasn’t human.

Recovering faster than the creature, who was as shocked to see a group of human kids as Bill was to see a green person, Bill ran top speed towards it.

Starting with a flying knee, Bill instinctually yelled: “TWO HIT COMBO!”

Reacting smoothly, the creature bent over slightly to block his midsection before Bill yanked his knee back and followed through with an elbow to the side of its head. Bent forward the creature hadn’t guarded its head at all.

With a nasty slapping sound, followed by crash to the floor, Bill didn’t look but turned and fled down the shaft behind Sasha and Ranse.

Having caught up to the two in a short time Sasha turned her head and yelled: “What was that?!”

Now running slightly behind them Bill said back: “I don’t know! Just run!”

Ranse: “That was a Fishman! These are pirates!”

Cursing under his breath, Bill had felt like he had elbowed a stone wall. At least, he hoped, that Fishman wouldn’t be getting up anytime soon.

As he thought this a sudden thought came to him.

Shouting towards the two in front Bill said anxiously: “Go faster, it’s almost been two hours! Fia will come looking for us and find them instead!”

Hearing this the trio picked up the pace, following the path carved underground Bill could hear both the sea and footsteps from behind.

After another couple minutes of running hard the exit was seen and Bill took his place in front of the two kids with him.

The moon was still bright in the sky, and what Bill saw amazed him.

There was a small dock and attached to it was a large barge. In front of the dock were roughly two dozen people.

Checking his bearings, Bill was scared to see that surrounding this smugglers port was high rock on all sides.

Seeing a bunch of confusion by the people in front, and hearing the footsteps from behind, Bill yelled to the others: “ATTACK!”

On his order, Ranse slipped his hands under his pant legs and threw something at the group on one side while Sasha closed in on the other side and gave a nasty slash on one of the men who was drawing a pistol.

With a large bang on one side, and a scream from the other, Bill ran into the center of the group with all he had.

Throwing elbows and knees, Bill didn’t think of any consequences and hit as hard as he could. Each hit had the tendency to lay a person low, and within thirty seconds the trio of kids had taken out over twenty adults.

For their part, Ranse and Sasha had taken out five and three people respectively. Looking over at his exhausted friends, Bill knew they needed to leave.

Turning his head from his friends to the barge he *Clap* *clap* *clap*

Turning back to the tunnels entrance walked out a group of eight individuals.

?: “Excellent performance! Wonderful show!”

In the center of the group was an overweight man with a weird red nose and hairstyle, on his right-hand side was a blue-haired girl with a baton. On his left-hand side was the green Fishman who looked woozy and pissed. Behind the group was a large man who looked like a gorilla.

With an irritated smile the man continued: “But now the show must come to an end! With the victor naturally being me, Foxy, the Silver Fox!”

As the man continued, Bill slightly turned his head to the other two and said quietly: “When I say, run to the barge. Sasha cut the rope and Ranse kick it off.”

Ranse: “What about you?!”

Shaking his head quietly he replied: “I’ll hold them off, just run to Fia and Ricky, then get my dad.”

Shaking her head Sasha said first what Ranse was going to say: “We won’t go alone.”

Seeing the kids interrupt him Foxy laughed with;


Foxy: “None of you are going to be leaving… but seeing as you like to fight, kid, I’ll give you a chance. If you win then you can leave! If I win then you join my crew!

So how about it? A three-on-three match! If you win, I’ll let you brats go, if you lose join me faithfully!”

Looking back to the barge, Bill thought of their odds. As if reading his mind, Foxy then called out harshly: “Get up boys! No time for sleeping!”

When he said this, five of the twenty men got up with a “Yes boss!” and Bill knew they were out of options.

The three looked at Foxy and his men, Sasha pulled her hair back in a ponytail and Ranse pulled the weight off his other leg. Controlling his body, Bill burned up enough fat to put him back in top shape.

As steam rolled off his shoulders, he looked ferocious and said:

“Let’s do it!”

If you like the fanfic don't forget to favorite! Also the Childhood Arc is going to be ending a just a few chapters leading to the Marine Recruit Arc - look forward to it!

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