The Marine

Growing Up 9

“William don’t go back up to the Headquarters, you’re spending too much time up there”.

Since his mother could reliably feed herself, eating breakfast at the table had become a daily activity.

Putting his fork down Bill asked: “How come? I’ve been staying out of the way; I’m probably never noticed. Plus, last time I went to the docks dad threw Rear Admiral Lacroix a kilometer into the ocean”.

Lacroix had been the first true giant Bill had seen. From his schooling he knew giants existed, but the primal fear of seeing a human large enough to eat him with one bite caused Bill to immediately turn and run.

At first, he had been ashamed, but upon reflection he decided that it wasn’t so shameful. After all, many people would be startled by seeing a dog run off a leash, and nearly everyone would panic if they saw a bear. When Bill had seen the Rear Admiral, it was the first time he had ever seen a sixty-foot-tall humanoid.

Bill knew his mind had been affected in some manner by regaining his youth, this was mostly since everyone treated him like a child, and he wasn’t able to change their views of him due to the fact it took him more than six years to speak fluently and even now he could barely write.

He wasn’t the same as he had been, but at the same time, his mind wasn’t a young and impressionable. So, after regaining himself, he built his courage back up and faced his fear.

His dad had helped him with that, but in doing so caused a somewhat large incident.

Ms. Angie: “Yes, and that was more than six months ago. You don’t need to be cooped up inside those offices”.

Nodding her head softly, his mother added: “You need to go out and get some sun”.

Hit with a double whammy, Bill figured this was something that they had spoken about beforehand. So, trying his best to get some concession he replied: “But I’ve learned a lot being up in Headquarters, if I can’t go up there anymore can I at least go into town?”

Seeing his mother and nanny look at each other Bill struck when the iron was hot: “I’m almost nine, also both Ricky and Sasha are allowed to go into town, Ms. Angie you probably saw them laugh at me when I told them I wasn’t allowed to leave the base”.

Looking at the two women with an earnest expression, it was his mother who spoke up first: “I’ll bring it up to dad, for today stay on the base”.

Knowing that having his mom ask his dad was the same as having a done deal Bill got up quickly and said: “Great, thanks mom!”

Trotting over to the door, Bill left the apartment before any qualifiers on his request could be said.

He had spent the better part of the last year going up to Headquarters. While it was still an astonishing fact that official World Government documents were in English, it was hard to complain when he benefited so much. During that time, he had learned quite a lot about the organizational function of the World Government, but what he learned most about was how a world filled with superhumans had to be policed.

Due to his isolation growing up in the hospital, Bill hadn’t seen the cultural norms of how everyday people acted around so-called ‘supers’. He hadn’t seen how governing bodies twisted themselves to being very lenient on some laws, while being deadly firm on others.

The case-and-point for Bill was when his dad threw the giant Rear Admiral. Firstly, the Rear Admiral outranked his dad in absolute terms. One was a Blue-Sea Commodore while the other was a Marine Headquarters Rear Admiral. Secondly, his dad had completely overreacted. There was no possible justification for the assault to happen.

Legally speaking the situation was this; a giant had terrified the son of a powerful man. The powerful man leapt into action and assaulted a superior officer to show his son there was nothing to be afraid of.

Yet what were the consequences for the assault? Nothing. In fact, the giant himself apologized to the son.

When Bill asked his mom and nanny about it, they were completely nonchalant about the whole affair. Remembering back, Ms. Angie had said: “There’s no problem, he shouldn’t have scared you.”

His mother had nodded in agreement by saying: “Don’t worry son, Lacroix is a good swimmer.”

Although it was a relief that nothing more would come of the situation, it was that nonchalant attitude which made Bill decide that in a world of super-humans, he’d had better be one also. This wasn’t a grand sentiment, Bill only thought that in such a world, it would be irresponsible to not gain enough strength to protect himself.

Since he hadn’t seen his father actually use a superpower, Bill thought it would be possible to train to gain the strength, and thus had wasted no time in asking his dad if he could get strong like that, too.

It was then, to his great shock, that Bill was told under no circumstances would his dad train him and furthermore that Bill didn’t even need to train because he was too smart to ever join the Marines.

Knowing a dead end when he saw it, Bill hadn’t pressed his dad but decided to finally take Oliver’s advice and started heading up to the Headquarters instead of hanging around the lower levels of the fort and swimming around the lagoon. Despite still not having a clear picture of the world, since even though official documents were in English most incident reports were written in script, and that took time to learn, Bill knew that it had been time well-spent.

Now that he was being made to go outside, Bill knew exactly where he was headed, which was the MCT building.

MCT stood for Marine Combat Training, it was one of the special buildings that Oliver had shown him nearly a year and a half ago. Of course, this was at a time before Bill knew that super-humans were real. So, he only showed a vague interest.

But now was different, sure his father had told him that he would never train Bill, but he had never said that Bill couldn’t try and get strong. In his mind, Bill knew that he was manipulating his father’s words, but on the other hand he knew that his father was plain wrong in this instance.

The MCT building was the largest building on the fortresses second level. By taking the emergency steps, Bill was able to make it there in under an hour. Although he hadn’t ever done any real strength training, he had swum and occasionally done his basic exercises from the time he was an old man.  

Those were just regular old man workouts, meant for an elderly person to keep up their grip strength, flexibility, and balance.

While they were good for keeping up your health, they were simply not made for a person to reach their potential. Much less, to gain the type of strength Bill had seen from his dad.

He didn’t know what the physical limit would be in this world, but from seeing his dad lift the Vice Admiral, Bill suspected that he was able to throw fifty tones on the low end, and much more on the high end.

Walking through a large doorway, one undoubtedly made with giants in mind, Bill looked side to side. He could hear rifle shots in the distance but there were none in view, so Bill suspected that this facility had a shooting range.

The ceiling was a massive dome, and in the center of the room was a very large boxing ring. Towards each side of the room there were various weight benches, ropes, sleds, and other equipment.

Looking at the room, Bill suspected this place was about two acres in size. Considering it was on the bases second level, this also seemed about right to him. After all, this was just the entrance to the facility, there was probably other rooms.

?: “Hold it!”

Looking over to the voice yelling across the room Bill saw an average height and slightly overweight man trotting towards him.

Thinking that this wasn’t a good sign, Bill nonetheless replied in a mild voice: “Yes sir?”

*Huff Huff*

?: Young man, what’re you doing here? This isn’t a place to play around.”

Bill: “uh... no sir, I’m not here to play. This is the MCT building, right? I’m here to start working out.”

Looking troubled, but only for a second, the overweight man looked squarely at Bill and said: “This facility is for Marine personnel only. I’m sorry young man, but you can’t be here unless you at least sign up as a Chore Boy.”

From his time in his dad’s office Bill knew what Chore Boys were, in a way, it was as close to a welfare program as he had seen in this world.

Basically, the Marines would ‘hire’ children, mostly orphans, to do chores. The kids would be fed, somewhat educated, and cared for. In turn the child would sign an eight-year promissory service contract which would go into effect after they became legal adults, which for the Marines, was sixteen.

The jobs for Chore Boys were not easy. Depending on the age of the kid they would be put to work in the kitchens, cleaning latrines, and at various other facilities. Once the Chore Boy, which also included girls, got older they would be put on routine patrol ships to scrub decks and do other such work.

A child who had living parents could also become Chore Boy, except it required the parent to sign off on the promissory contract.

Shaking his head to the man’s statement, Bill replied: “My mom and dad won’t sign me up to be a Chore Boy, but don’t worry I’m not going to get in your way. Its just that this is the only place with weights that I know of.”

?: “It’s not about whether you get in the way or not.” Pausing for a second, he then continued: “I suspect you would do fine, but regulations are regulations. This is a Marine facility and not open to the public.

Besides, young man, at your age you shouldn’t be lifting heavy weights. If you want to get strong just go outside and run around. Maybe do pushups in the afternoons.”

Looking at the man evenly, Bill responded: “Yeah, well, I don’t think just running and doing pushups are going to make me as strong as my dad.”

Hearing that, the overweight man burst into laughter, like it was the most big-headed thing he had ever heard he smiled and said: “Nope, probably no number of pushups will make you as strong as the Commodore. That type of strength requires pure willpower and the dedication to never settle.

But you know what? Just because pushups won’t make you as strong as your dad, they will make you a lot stronger, and there is some chance that running will make you as fast as him. Heck considering who your mom is, if you swim daily, there’s a great chance that you will at least get closer to your dad in terms of stamina too.”

Pointing his finger to the ceiling the man continued: “And don’t discount that advice young man. Whether you can train here or not, its all about your willpower. How old are you now, nine or ten? Sheesh, run as fast as you can every day, do pushups and swim as often as you can, maybe do squats. Then you will naturally get stronger.”

Disappointed Bill wasn’t necessarily angry with the overweight Marine. This had also probably been a notification sent out by his father, or at the very least, after the incident with the Rear Admiral no other officer wanted trouble.

Bill: “I see, well thanks anyway.”

Turning around to leave, the Marine grabbed Bill by the shoulder and turned him back around.

?: “Listen, do not discount that advice. How about this, for six months do what I’ve told you here today. Every day after your classes you need to run as fast as you can. Every day go swimming as hard as you can. Then every afternoon you do as many pushups as you can.

You live on the third level so you can run down to beach, swim hard for a couple of hours, then run back up.

If after six months of doing this every-single-day you don’t see drastic improvement, maybe then I just won’t see you come in here to use some of the weights.”

More annoyed than maybe he ought to have been, Bill replied coolly: “Will you even still be stationed here in six months?”

With another laugh the overweight Marine said: “Young man, my name is Captain Trapano and as the Head Drill Instructor for the South Blue I am permanently assigned here.”

Bill: “And if I do those things, you will overlook me using the facility here?”

With a wave of his hand Trapano answered: “I won’t see a thing, I’m sure.”

Turning his head back to the door Bill realized it was still early in the day.

Bill: “Its still early, so I’ll start today, remember, six months.”

With that, Bill took off running as fast as his legs carried him.

There was one thing Bill had absolutely excelled at for his entire life, and that was, working hard and keeping to a routine. He would hold Trapano to his word, because now it was only a matter of time.

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