The Marine

Heart of Gold 166

Sitting and leaning against a stone outcrop not too far from where the prisoners were being held, Andy Boy rested while reading and rereading the crumpled-up dispatch he had received from home just before they crossed over the Calm Belt.

The message had been sent from his mom, and though he knew she couldn’t read or write, the department’s Communications Mate was a good stenographer and had perfectly captured the tone of his mom’s voice in the three-page letter.

It didn’t say much about anything, just sent her love, talked about the going-on back in Goa Kingdom, and talked about some minor troubles with a foreman hired by the Procurements Department for a small construction project, but he had probably read these three pages over a hundred times over the last couple of months.

Even here, in the dimly lit belly of a monster that he would have never believed to exist, as soon as he had a moment to rest, he reached into his pocket for the message before doing anything else.

Rubbing his eyes, Andy Boy looked up and unconsciously pulled the paper to his chest.

Miraculously, he thought, no one had died from being swallowed by the so-called Island Eater, but much to the obvious dismay of the Officers they had been split up from the Commodore during the process of being eaten.

This was something that he didn’t know how to take.

Since he signed up with the Marines nearly a year ago Andy Boy had seen some amazing sights but only a few instances of superhuman abilities.

Having joined as a Special Operator, during his training on [INFERNO Haven] he had interacted much with several varieties of ferocious beasts and learned how to combat them, but besides a demonstration of the Six Powers by Masterson and cutting steel by Toma, he hadn’t been exposed to anything even remotely indicating that a person held enough power to help them now.

He had grown up poor, but his poverty didn’t make him stupid.

Over the last few hours, several times he had heard Commander Royale mention that they ‘only needed to hold out for the Commodore to arrive’.

But so, what?

Undoubtedly the Commodore was strong, Andy Boy thought, the man’s size alone guaranteed that.

But unlike the others who ate up all the tall tales about the big man, Andy Boy was a realist.

Sitting there behind the outcrop, not willing to rely on outside help, the Marine fiddled with his paper and swore that he would somehow find a way home.

The Procurement Department was changing things in the Gray Quarter, but they weren’t miracle workers, and even though his folks were better off now, they were still relying on his income.

Sitting there for a period of time – Andy Boy hadn’t kept count – the bell that signified shift change rang and folding up his letter, he put it in his shirt.

Then rising to his feet Andy Boy picked up his rifle, checked that his ax was still firmly on his belt, and headed back to work.

Unlike during the surprise attack, now the Marines were properly armed with their bolt-action rifles they would make short work of these pirates if they tried to revolt.

Walking to a group of his buddies they exchanged smiles and greetings, each pretending not to be scared they made their way back nearer the Frontier Run.

Having grown up in the slums, Andy Boy always felt that he was quick to notice things, and seeing Lieutenant Foxy eyeing him and his group, put him on edge.

Step by step, he started growing cautious, but the other guys kept talking and so he didn’t say anything.

That was until the Lieutenant turned and pointed at them.

“DOWN!” Andy Boy yelled, pulled the guy nearest him just in time to hear a blur of two other shouts.

“Clench!” “Slow-Slow Beam!”

Hitting the deck and scattering immediately had been ingrained in the Marines of the Procurement Department, unlike the vast majority of other Marine outfits, Bill did not preach the battle tactic ‘Elan’ and was more than accepting of strategic staggard withdrawals.

Marines armed with bolt-action rifles and firing 30-06 ammunition were deadly to 95% of the people in this world, but since their enemies were all-to-often within the remaining 5%, it was illogical to Bill to have his people shooting close range at enemies who could move as fast as sound.

Running while crouched, Andy Boy didn’t look back until he several steps away, and there he saw the outline of a heavy claw and chain frozen in mid-air.

While Andy Boy was thinking of ways to survive, the camp was instantly thrown into motion, and Nelson who had been trying to contact Bill via walkie-talkie stood up from his desk and rushed outside.

Wearing his exoskeleton armor and laser cannon, Nelson jumped down the side of the beached Frontier Run and started shouting: “Secure those blasted prisoners!! Shoot whichever bloody fool moves!”

After the being swallowed the Marines had secured over a hundred individuals who had assaulted them.

No one knew who the leader of these pirates was since there hadn’t been time for interrogations, and everyone had hoped that the Commodore had fully dispatched them.

After all, they had all seen Bill holding two people in his hands just before the appearance of the Island Eater, and though Nelson wouldn’t be relaxed in his preparations, he had hoped for no more incidents.

But as the saying goes, when it rains it storms, and rushing over to the battle he was joined by Miyagi and Borodo.

Foxy himself had his hands full, after all, even if Bill could manhandle Mad Treasure, Mad Treasure was still a man who was capable of defeating agents from CP0.

Firing his Slow-Mo Photons this way and that way, Foxy was unable to get a good hit on the treasure hunting pirate who was much faster than he.

At a time when all Foxy could do was rely on pure instincts, when his instincts told him to shoot up, he did so without thinking and discovering invisible arrows that were just about to hit him, Foxy was caught off guard by a powerful sword slash across his chest.

Reaching the scene as soon as Foxy fell Nelson saw a short statured swordsman materialize beside a tanned skin female archer.

Stopping a short distance away, Nelson wouldn’t act rashly because behind them was the main culprit.

Without Bill or any other major powerhouse of their Department nearby, Nelson could only bet on his mouth and without moving he shouted over: “What the hells is wrong with you people?! Are you blind or can you not see we were eaten by an island eater!?!

Surrender now! And we’ll see to it that you have a chance to leave this abyss!”

As he spoke, Borodo began altering his mechanical arm and Miyagi took off his doctor’s coat.



Laughing and sneering at the same time, the dark-skinned man spoke with wild eyes: “We know that damned girl or the Marine Commodore isn’t with his ship! And that must they went ahead to get the treasure!


Confused by this, Nelson naturally didn’t know who these people were, but returning the man’s sneer with one of his own, he replied: “What treasure could you be after that’s possibly worth our time? You little ingrate, listen now! Commodore Ox will be returning any minute, and if you don’t surrender you know what he’s going to do to you!”


As he laughed again, the dark-skinned man began popping chains out from all over his body, each one causing a bloody wet sound.

After only a few seconds, dozens of chains hovered in the air and the man spoke again: “I think you’re lying! And what’s better than finding treasure?!

Stealing someone ELSE’S TREASURE!”

If Nelson had time to consider what this man was saying, he would have called him a crazy nutter, but as it stood, he didn’t because the man continued – sounding even more insane.


“They don’t call me Mad Treasure for nothing!”

When he said this, the trio began to move, and reacting quickly so did the Marines.

During high-stakes battles, there was normally no need for signals.

This was something that puzzled Bill but held true almost all the time, fighters of near-equal rank tended to instinctually sort themselves out.

Being a Mink, and hence a natural-born fighter, Miyagi was the strongest person with the crew in Bill’s absence and thus he started attacking Mad Treasure.

Borodo, having a sturdy body in addition to his mechanical arm, was naturally the next in line with Foxy out and so started battle with the female archer.

And that left Nelson in his exoskeleton suit facing off against the short statured swordsmen.

With three clashes taking place in a heartbeat, Porche and Hamberg ran over to Foxy to check on his wounds.

“No Nya! Oyabin!” Porche cried when she saw the gash cut across Foxy’s chest, and hugging her former captain, in tears she urged Hamberg to do something.

Not being the sharpest tool in the shed, Hamberg nevertheless saw something had to be done and pulling off his Marine shirt he first swiped up his sweat before putting on Foxy’s wound.

Lying there with his eyes rolled back, when the salty sweat touched his wound, Foxy began floundering like a fish on dry land, and despite himself, Hamberg laughed with the background starting to light up with laser beams, explosions, and electricity.

Already forced into using Electro, Miyagi had by far the hardest job fighting off Mad Treasure, but he was helped when from a hundred meters away the Special Operators began firing their rifles.

30-06 was a serious caliber rifle bullet, but against Mad Treasures chain-body they could only stall him.

Soon, though, with roughly 40 Marines taking shots at the three attackers, Mad Treasure started laughing and, in a flash, abandoned his battle with Miyagi.

Landing beside the trio of Foxy, Porche, and Hamberg, Mad Treasure gave another ‘Jararara!’ before exploding three chains out of his chest which wrapped them up.

And to put the final cherry on top, he pulled out three red glowing collars from his belt and quickly slipped them on their necks.

“OK NOW!!” he yelled, and after glancing at the situation, Nelson frowned but stopped attacking.

With his two followers rushing back to his side, Mad Treasure looked at Nelson and said hate: “If your Commodore hasn’t come yet, I don’t think he will! Jararara!”

Then turning his scorn into one of victory, he continued: “I know you Marines won’t let each other die so easily! So now, surrender or I’ll kill these three!”

Looking at Foxy, Hamberg, and Porche wrapped up like mummies with some form of Dyna Stone explosive around their necks, Nelson didn’t speak right away.

It was a fact that after the incident at Water 7, Nelson himself had formed a bond with the old cheat.

Foxy and his former pirates had played a large role in the battle against Shiki, even though the Foxy himself didn’t get along with Sasha and Ricky, no one could doubt their sincerity after losing the Davy Back Fight.

And more than those considerations, for Nelson, it was his duty to Bill that he try his best to not lose a single Marine after having been given leadership authority again.

But as for surrender? That was naturally impossible under these circumstances.

Mad Treasure was a mass murderer, and if Nelson surrendered now, he would almost certainly be dooming every Marine there.

Thinking about all of this for a few seconds, Nelson grit his teeth and yelled back: “Scoundrel! If you dare to kill them then we will execute all of our hostages!”

When he said this, the Marines some hundred meters away reacted instantly, turning their guns on the pirates who were bound by ropes.


“So what? They joined for treasure! Who ever said that I cared about their safety?!

Don’t make me tell you again! Now Surrender!” After Mad Treasure spoke, he tightened the chains which caused Porche to cry out in agony.

 “After we will all your men, will you be able to survive our gu-“ Hold it!”

Unexpectedly interrupted by Borodo, Nelson was about to lash out, when the former thief asked: “You said you’re looking for treasure, so how about a prisoner swap?”


Seeing that his plan was working, Borodo stepped forward with his hands in the air and continued to say: “There’s some sort of temple in that direction…” he pointed with his mechanical hand: “and I’m the best locksmith in our crew. There’s not a safe I can’t crack!”

“So what?” Mad Treasure asked after looking in the direction that Borodo pointed to.

“Ok! So, let’s do this, you release those three and we will release your crew! In addition, you can take me for your expedition!

We’re in the belly of an island eater, who knows how long these buildings have been down here! Can you really get the treasure alone?

Because my friend, if you don’t take this offer, you may be the only survivor left here – besides the Commodore of course!”

Hearing Borodo’s reasoning, Mad Treasure began to laugh once more, and in an instant released Foxy, Porche, and Hamberg from his chains.

“Release the men, and I’ll remove their collars! And you…” he pointed to Borodo: “You’d better be as good as you claim, or else, today next year will be the anniversary of your death!”

Gritting his teeth, Nelson told Borodo he’d better know what he was doing but, in the end, he agreed.

And as the prisoner swap began, Bill was walking through a primordial forest ignoring the dinosaurs, snakes, and alligators which tried to eat him, when he suddenly found a large cave ahead.

Hearing odd movements coming from within, oblivious to the drama happening in Lord Bonbori’s 2nd stomach, he headed inside to see what was there.

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Lord Bonbori's stomachs (as described by Olga to Bill)


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