The Marine

Interlude: Bill and Aramaki 20.1

With Marines shouting and running into the harbor, Bill’s heard another huge ‘bang’.

Looking over to his right, the source of the noise became apparent.

Walking from a cloud of dust was a monster of a man. Standing over nine-feet-tall, dark hair and ruffled cloths, Bill watched his father made his way towards the trio.

With long strides it didn’t take long for the Commodore to be standing in front of them. Instead of trying to meet the man’s eyes, Bill didn’t even try and kept looking straight ahead – as for the other two, he didn’t notice.

 “Stand up.”

In a tone that didn’t lend itself to question, Bill slowly got up on one side, while Sasha helped Ranse on the other.

Once he got to his feet, his father started to feel around his arms, legs, and torso before moving his hands to Bills bald head and the scar above his left eye.

After he did so, the Commodore reached over to Ranse and felt around his legs, after he seemed to be satisfied, he yelled over:

“Ensign Ponte!”

On his call, a mustachioed sailor came running over, with a stiff salute he added: “Your orders, Commodore!”

Not sparing the man a glance, instead focused on Bill, the Commodore said: “Take the girl and the curly hair boy home. Tomorrow, the Chore Boys are to scrub the decks of every ship in port.”

With this said, Aramaki cut his eyes to the Ensign.

“They are not to sleep until the job is done. Is that clear?”

Hearing this, Bill spoke up: “Wait tha---

When he tried to speak, his father put his large hand over his mouth and chin. Squeezing just hard enough that Bill couldn’t speak nor break free.

“You don’t open your mouth right now.”

As he was going to continue, Aramaki looked back over to the still-saluting Marine and shouted: “Are you going to watch or are you going to do as I said?!”

No sooner than he said this, this Ensign ‘Ponte’ quickly moved to take away Sasha and Ranse.

Unable to move, Bill used his eyes to trace the two as they were taken away before looking up to his father, who was again looking at him.

“Let’s go.”

With that Aramaki moved his hand from Bill’s mouth, scooped him up from the side, and jumped into the air.

Jumping higher than the stone cliffs, Aramaki made another several jumps through the air before landing down in a clearing on the beach.

Being let down with a thump, Bill heaved in air thinking that if he had food in his stomach, he would have thrown it up.

“What were you thinking?”

Still heaving and exhausted, Bill barely heard this question and started to fall asleep.

As his eyes felt heavy, Bill was suddenly lifted by the armpits to his feet.

“You stand up while I’m speaking to you!”

Jolted awake from his, Bill looked up to see Aramaki staring down at him. Before he could say anything, the big man continued: “This is the second time in a year you could have been killed! Do you have any idea what that would do to your mother?!”

“Do you not understand that she only survived because you lived? If you died, then…!”

Hearing this, Bill didn’t feel so sleepy anymore, but his father didn’t give him any time to respond. Turning his head from Bill, Aramaki took a couple of steps towards the sea before continuing:

“Son, I thought you were smart. I bragged about you to my colleges! But this?”

Turning his head back towards Bill, he said seriously: “Your actions today could have killed my entire family. How am I supposed to react?”

Shaking his head to this accusation Bill tried to respond: “Look—”

“’Look” what?!

Do you not realize how lucky you were today? How lucky you were when that girl ‘only’ ate the cannon fruit?

Did you know there is a documented devil fruit out there that can wipe away memories? That girl could have turned your brain into cheese, William!”

As he said this, Aramaki shook his head in indignation and continued further: “And today, you took your little friends, broke onto private property, and fought with Pirates. Tell me, did you get their name at least?”

Seeing he had a chance to speak, Bill said: “It was the Foxy Pirates and—

“Oh wonderful! The Foxy Pirates, tell me son, did you know the Foxy Pirates are one of the biggest new groups in the South Blue? The Silver Fox has over fifty members in his crew, including adult Fishmen!”

As Aramaki read off statistics, Bill thought perhaps his father was reminding himself who the pirate crew was.

“Heh, even then you got lucky. Because the Silver Fox is a bastard but he’s not a kid killer. Son, what would have happened if you met an actual Morganeer? Do you think those animals would let you go on account of my name? No! knowing that you were my son, they’d kill you faster!”

Hearing this, Bill couldn’t listen in silence anymore and retorted: “I didn’t know anyone would be at the mill, I thought at worst there was an owner who was involved in corruption!”

“That’s the point! You didn’t know! You’re just an eleven-year-old brat, son, if you had suspicions why didn’t you just report it?! Do you know what went through my head when your little friend started beating on our door tonight?”

Hearing this, Bill huffed. Maybe at his mental age he should have been wiser, but the fact was, after being reborn he had changed. It wasn’t just a physical change, and it wasn’t just due to being treated like a child.

So, even though he would hate himself as soon as he said it, he said something any other eleven-year-old would: “If you are so afraid, how are you even a Marine?!”

When these words left his mouth, his father appeared before him instantly. Grabbing Bill up by his shirt collar he shouted: “I am the Mad-Bull, Aramaki Ox! I have defeated demons, battled dragons, and protected Justice across the seas!”

After this, he let go, and Bill fell to the ground. Watching his son pick himself back up he said solemnly: “I do feel fear. I’m scared every time I fight, not because I may die, but if I fail then the consequences would be unimaginable.

And now, I’m afraid for you. To resolve this, all you need to do is live a good life. Forget the rest, get a good job and live sensibly. Trust that I and those others are taking care of the big picture.”

By a weird happenstance, as his father explained what he wanted from his son, Bill thought of his past life. After all, hadn’t he done then just what his father was asking of him now?

But if he did, what was the point of being reincarnated?

Then Bill looked at his father and stated: “You talk about Justice, a lot of the Marines I met have do so as well, but I’ve never heard you explain it. So, I’ll explain my ‘Justice’ to you, and you tell me what the just path is.”

Taking a breath Bill continued on: “Justice is the idea that people should get what they deserve, but to be a Just person there is more to it. In order to be ’Just’, a person has to take the right actions. For a person without power, maybe their right action is to only live a good life – and that’s enough.”

Then pointing to himself he said: “But I have power, and I gain more every day. Is it then right for me to not try?

I think it would make me a very selfish person if I lived out this life as you want me to. I also think you know this because if you didn’t, then why did you join the Marines?”

When Bill came to a stop, Aramaki huffed and replied: “My eleven-year-old thinks he can explain justice to me…”

In a different situation Bill would have retorted to this, but for now he only said: “Dad, I’m strong, and I’m going to be stronger. I’m going to master martial arts; I’m going to join the Marines and learn how to sail.

But I need your help. Look, Teacher Sagatto is fine but well…

On one hand he knew he was lucky to be able to learn the Art of 9 Limbs, on the other, his father was genuine powerhouse. Ideally, he could learn from both, so he didn’t want to disparage his instructor.

And it’s not just me” so Bill moved on:

“Sasha is trying to learn swordsmanship from a manual she got, she only swings the thing in ninety-degree angles and thrusts forward. I don’t even know what Ricky does with his two katana but from what I know he’s just basically following Sasha’s gut feeling.

Ranse is learning the Six Powers, but after almost a year I haven’t seen any significant improvement… Lastly, Fia hasn’t tried to learn anything at all besides how to cook – and she probably has more talent than any of the other three!”

Looking serious at his father, who had never broke eye contact with him, Bill said lastly: “The five of us will join the Marines together, even if we don’t end up in the same squadron there is no way we are going to be stationed in remote areas.

Listen, I know you want me to be safe… I know you want all of us to be. So just give us a chance, with your training we will be better positioned to succeed! Can’t you see that?”

During all this time Aramaki hadn’t said a word, but now it was his turn to speak: “So you want me to train you and your friends?”

What Bill didn’t understand to this day was the position his father held in the navy.

His father was the same age as the Red Hair who was now called Emperor, in the entire Marine organization he was on a short list of people unafraid to do battle with those monsters.

He had this strength without the use of a devil fruit, and was ten years younger than the youngest Admiral, all this together meant there was a real chance he would one day be called up to serve in that position.

For a man like Aramaki to take on students, the expectations would be high. Bill and the others would face opened doors on one hand, and deep scrutiny on the other.

Thinking for a second longer, Aramaki spoke to his son: “Fine, I’ll do it.

On one condition.

After you sign up, you will not complain about where I send you to do your sea cadet training. You will not tell your mother or nanny. You will just ship out with a smile on your face.

Do we have a deal?”

Having gotten what he wanted, Bill didn’t think suspiciously and readily agreed.

By now Bill was nearly dead on his feet but didn’t show it. As the two walked home talking lightly, it wasn’t before they reached the apartment, as Bill walked to his room his dad slapped him on his shoulder and said: “Now you get a good rest, you hear?

Tomorrow, we have a big day ahead of us.”

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