The Marine

Island of Zou 122

Making their way to the Sunrise Palace, Bill spoke to the Wanda about the history of the Minks and realized that Miyagi’s claim that ‘Zunesha was to the Minks what water was to the Fish-men’ may not have been that outlandish after all.

Using Wanda, Miyagi, Giovanni, and the gate guards as his only examples, he wouldn’t call Minks simply ‘naive’ but would say that they displayed a dangerous level of trust. In some ways, it now made sense to him why Miyagi joined his Department so easily.

He had rescued Miyagi from pirates who were intending to sell him as a slave, and that act had endeared him to the goat Mink, which in turn made him become a trusted person. Once Bill had Miyagi’s trust, the Mink would have fallen for just about anything.

Another thing he was surprised about was the apparent lack of animosity they had shown so far towards humans, and when he asked in the most tactful way he could, Wanda’s answer was illuminating: “We consider you-teia to be hairless monkey Minks, but that’s not so bad! Many fully bodied Minks find you hairless ones to be quite ‘admirable’ with your beautiful lack of fur!”

Minks were very human in their appearance, so human in fact that he was unwilling to walk down this line of questioning to find where it led.

So, coughing out a joke, Bill asked if that was also true for the Fish-men, to which Wanda scrunched her nose up and said: “The problem with those hairless water Minks is… the smell…”

Laughing a joyful bleat to this, Miyagi jumped in and said: “You-gara would think that the creatures who spend the most time in the water wouldn’t smell the worst! Hilarious!”

“Hold on-” Bill asked, on one hand not wanting them to delve into insulting a good portion of his crew and on the other thinking of a legitimate question: “-Minks are mammals, but so is Willy and the other whale Fish-men, why aren’t they considered Minks too?”

*Eh-Hem* Miyagi cleared his throat before answering: “We true full-bodied Minks have many amazing distinguishing characteristics. You-gara have seen me use Electro but besides that we have fur covering our bodies...”

As Miyagi went on to describe more biological traits, Bill learned the answer to the question he had side-stepped earlier. Apparently, humans and Minks could have offspring, but Minks and Fish-men could not.

This information, as unpleasant as it was for him to think about, was interesting in its own right since Bill knew that Humans and Fish-men could also produce offspring. In fact, he thought as the small caravan neared a large palace that was shaped like a toy bone, it seemed that in this world every humanoid species could have children with humans.

By the time Miyagi was done explaining the difference between Minks and Fish-men, they arrived at the Sunrise Palace, and got down from the crocodile-boar steeds.

Despite the building’s rather comical look it was shaped out of solid stone and from what Bill could see from the surface it was quite well built.

“Duke Dogstorm has been informed of your arrival, Doctor. He’ll see you-teia now.” Stated Wanda after a small squirrel Mink came and whispered in her ear. She was now acting more professionally, no doubt due to where they were, Bill figured.

Nodding along with Miyagi who was repeatedly saying “fantastic!”, Bill followed the small group through huge front doors which were large enough for someone twice his height to walk through.

When they entered the palace, the first room was a large entrance hall that had several double doors and a stairwell that went up one level. Being ushered forwards into the grand hall, Bill took notice that while the decorations were nice, overall, this palace was much less gawdy compared to some of the halls back on Marineford.

Instead of golden enlaced frescoes which told heroic stories, the decorations here were colored stone statues of various figures. Most of which could be recognized as Minks, but who these Minks were or what they did was a mystery to him.

Unfortunately, he didn’t have time to look around and being ushered into a throne room his attention was immediately placed on a large canine figure who sat on a wooden throne.

With floppy ears, his fur was light brown but with a white muzzle. Flanked on two sides by a lion and horse Mink, both of whom were apparently swordsmen, the canine Mink was two or three times the size of Wanda.

Judging by eye, Bill thought that this ‘Duke Dogstorm’ was probably somewhere in the neighborhood of sixteen or seventeen feet tall.

The throne was placed on a moderately sized pedestal and when they neared it Wanda, Miyagi, and the others behind them kneeled down. For a moment, Bill was shocked. As inexperienced with royalty as he was, the only times he had ever ‘kneeled’ in either of his lifetimes was to pray.

In his mind, kneeling to god was one thing, but kneeling to a flesh and blood person was another thing entirely. So, thinking fast, Bill gave the Duke a perfect salute and held the pose until the large canine Mink told the assembly to be at ease.

Looking out of the corner of his eyes, he could tell nobody was looking strangely at him, and as the Duke started to talk, he felt relieved and thought this was what he’d do if he should meet royalty in the future.

“I’m glad to see you finally home, Doctor Miyagi.” Started Duke Dogstorm before he turned to Bill and continued: “And, you’re Captain Ox I presume?”

Nodding his head, Bill answered with a clear “Yes” to which the Duke replied: “Miyagi here has written about you-gara.” Then letting out a ‘Hm’ noise, the Duke gave Bill another once over and said: “You-gara are younger than I would have suspected.”

The large canine Mink spoke in a voice much softer than expected and trying to answer with the same level of politeness, Bill responded with a slight smile: “Thankfully the doctor here has helped with my inexperience.”

Waving his hand, the Duke let out a laugh saying that couldn’t have been all there was to it, then he and Bill spoke for several more minutes until the conversation turned back to Miyagi and his original mission.

“Doctor, I assume you-gara have returned with good news?” asked Dogstorm, to which Miyagi replied excitedly ‘Just so, just so’ and then detailed his journey, much to the interest of all the Minks present.

Minks were not forbidden to leave Zou, but for cultural and simple logistical reasons it was rare for them to do so. Even in cases that were not accidental – like falling off Zunesha by accident – returning alive was not completely presumed.

After all, Zou was located in the New World and that danger was only in addition to the fact that most types of Mink were highly sought after for the slave trade.

It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that at this moment Miyagi was one of the most well-travelled Minks alive. Having sailed through the Grand Line, and even having gone to the South and East Blue’s made his stories unique to the otherwise Zunesha-based audience.

By the time his story was done, which included his report about the Miracle Drug, the Duke slapped his knee and said: “If only I-gara was thirty years younger! Traveling the world with a group of friends? Aye, what treasures! Sometimes those pirates got it right!”

Bill was a Marine who hated piracy, but he wasn’t so irrational that he couldn’t distinguish that for some people the term ‘pirate’ did not mean ‘robber’ or ‘killer’. If anything, it irritated him that the World Government had allowed the former Pirate King, Gold Roger, to redefine ‘pirate’ into something that should rightly be called ‘adventurer’.

But keeping his silence, it was Wanda who interrupted when she said that Bill had gotten tired from climbing Zunesha, and hoped the Duke could help him.

Giving him another once over, the Duke nodded and claimed that Bill was a friend of the Minks and barked out: “Llamborghini-gara!” (A/N – it’s a play on words Llama + Lamborghini)

Turning his head to one of the side double doors, answering Dukes call was a scraggy looking llama Mink dressed in a white lab coat. The new arrival smirked at Miyagi, showing off his two bottom buck teeth, then turned and addressed the Duke respectfully: “Lord of the Day, what ever may I do for you-gara?”

“Fetch your ripest Vitalvine for our guest!” merrily barked the Duke again.

For Bill, who was standing there somewhat awkwardly, he glanced at the new doctor with nothing to say. The ascent up Zunesha had taken a lot out of him, but he wasn’t one used to taking charity unless he absolutely had no choice.

Nodding to the Duke command, Llamborghini asked ‘innocently’ if Miyagi’s Miracle Drug couldn’t help the hairless Mink, to which he got an angry bleat from the goat.

“My Miracle Drug is to save lives!” exclaimed Miyagi, who then added: “It’s too powerful to be used for a simple climb!”

Bill knew this to be the truth. Miyagi’s Miracle Drug could literally bring someone back from an inch of death to perfect fighting form, albeit temporarily. He could also easily see the rivalry between the two doctors when Llamborghini feigned ignorance and repeatedly asked how a so-called ‘Miracle Drug’ couldn’t help such a minor matter.

Eventually, it was the Duke himself who silenced the two doctors and getting up from his throne he called out that court was over and led a procession to more leisurely quarters.

“The rain-ruption is about to start, sound the warning alarms.” Stated the Duke as they walked towards a large open area that was full of frisbees, dog bones, and other objects that were comically associated with pets.

Hearing this term for the first time, Bill had to ask and turned to Miyagi and said: “Rain-ruption?” Nodding his head, Miyagi told Bill that Zunesha would wash itself twice a day and that was where their islands’ water came from.

“We’re too high up for normal rain!” added Miyagi, who was joined by a frisbee wielding Wanda who added that the rain-ruptions also provided the island with all of the fresh fish and shrimp they could eat.

Offered the frisbee, he was told to throw it, and wasn’t surprised to see an assortment of canine Minks – including the Duke himself – run to catch it.

Laughing at the sight, Bill just shook his head when the Duke brought it back and told him to ‘throw harder’ and did as commanded. Doing this for several minutes, a massive object rose out of the distance and seeing this there were calls for the ‘rain-ruption’.

This event was something Bill would never in his life forget when a tidal wave worth of seawater was sprayed on top of their heads.

“Don’t you-gara worry about the others” Miyagi said to him: “they’re with Giovanni and he knows what to do!”

Nodding to this, Bill watched from an elevated area as the seawater swept through city streets and even into dry riverbeds – bringing them temporarily to life.

By the time the amazing show was over, Llamborghini returned with what appeared to be a large honeysuckle and told Bill to crack the top off and suck up the air inside.

“The effects are immediate, so don’t be surprised and don’t stop sucking until it’s out!” said the llama Mink, and after examining the plant, Bill just shrugged his shoulders and did just that.

Inhaling the air held inside the honeysuckle was incredible. Even without perfect control over his body, it was so beneficial that as soon as it hit his lungs and got into his bloodstream, his natural immune system directed it towards various muscle fibers throughout his body.

Closing his eyes and focusing, Bill could see that wherever the Vitalvine-infused blood landed it reinvigorated tissue and even added something akin to an anti aging effect.

It didn’t ‘strengthen’ his body, per se, but its name ‘Vitalvine’ was apt and instantly Bill wanted to know just what made the air inside these so beneficial. It wasn’t steroids, he was sure, but his education hadn’t been in biology and so he couldn’t say for sure what it was made of.

One thing was for certain, besides his weight, after beathing in one of the honeysuckle-like flowers he was back in top shape.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Llamborghini staring crossed eyed at him, and he uncharacteristically asked if he could have a could more of these flowers and the seeds to grow more, if possible.

He had been training to get stronger every day for years, but especially since his encounter with Whitebeards 3rd Commander, Jozu, he hadn’t let up. These flowers would not only help him, if he could get more, then they would be a huge benefit to his entire Department.

‘No, the entire navy!’ he thought.

As for Llamborghini, when he heard Bill’s request he immediately turned to Duke Dogstorm, who spoke for him.

“Captain Ox, the Vitalvine is a unique plant native to Zou. You-gara could even say it’s one of our national treasures. We…” he paused to consider his next words: “… could give you a couple flowers, but not the seeds. I hope you-gara understand it’s for the safety of my people.”

Nodding his head to this, it was disappointing, but Bill wouldn’t risk breaking their relationship over it. Thanking the Duke, he told him that he understood completely and even added that the Science Division also had a similar policy on certain key technologies.

Unbeknownst to Bill since he hadn’t used his Observation Haki, by showing that he wasn’t greedy for the Minks treasures he had gone up another rung in Duke Dogstorms evaluation of him. Minks could be naïve, but that didn’t mean they were complete fools and while he had been evaluating the Minks, they had been doing the same to him and the rest of his crew.

As the sun began to set on what turned out to be a profitable day, Duke Dogstorm said he needed to get to bed and sent Bill and Miyagi towards the Sunset Palace.

“Be warned.” The Duke said as they were leaving the Sunrise Palace.

“I’ve declared you-gara a friend of the Minks, but Cat Viper may not share that opinion. He can be an obstinate and stubborn imbecile, but rest assured, as our guests he won’t go too far.”

With this kind of warning, Bill could only say ‘Alright’ and head towards his next destination. Meeting up with the others halfway there, Giovanni excused himself and they were led by Wanda.

“Don’t worry about the Dukes warning.” She had told him and said: “The two Dukes don’t see eye to eye, but Cat Viper cares for us in his own way.”

Not answering her directly, Bill started listening to Yoko and the others as they described their day and hoped everything would be fine.

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Just an aside, before Jack invaded Zou, there were at least tens of thousands of Minks living on Zunesha (maybe even upwards of 100k). The Zou/Whole Cake island arcs are pretty dark (as far as One Piece goes), so when Jack released the toxic gas he killed most of the population.

The exact numbers weren't stated, but it's canon that the towns/cities on Zunesha could hold 'hundreds of thousands' according to Robin.

Duke Dogstorm


How I figure Llamborghini would look


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