The Marine

Jail Island 113

Sailing into what looked like a modern port, the entire crew of the Frontier Run looked on in awe at the city in the near distance.

“Woah! Amazing! Look at all that, Bill!” Standing beside Yoko who was pointing at skyscrapers, Bill just nodded along.

The port at the Marine base was broken into two clear sections. One section was out in deeper water and had docked several Marine galleons and battleships. The other was somewhat nearer to shore and docked a mixture of frigates and brigs.

With the main sails furled they slowly drifted into a space where there was just enough room to throw the mooring lines over hooked chains, which proceeded to tow the Frontier Run up to the dock using a series of winches.

With a light thud, the ramp was lowered on the concrete dock and stepping off the ship with his papers in hand Bill prepared to meet with the three Port Agents who had assembled to check him in.

Seeing this, he felt gratified to Zephyr who must have announced their arrival.

After all, whether or not ‘MARINE’ was written on his sails, had port officials not been notified the Frontier Run would have been met with armed soldiers at best and plainly fired on at worst.

With Sasha slightly behind him on his right side and Ricky on his left, Bill stopped several feet away from the trio and gave a proper salute, introducing himself in the process: “William Ox, Captain of the Science Division.”

His salute was returned by the swordsman leading the trio and he likewise introduced himself: “‘Windblade’ Diomis, Vice Warden of Jail Island. Do you have your papers, Captain Ox?”

Though Bill found it strange for the Vice Warden to mention his epithet, he nonetheless handed over his documents. Opening the folder, the Vice Warden looked through them for a moment and handed them back asking: “So I’m told that you’re carrying a high value prisoner. After you hand him over are you planning to visit Steal City or are you leaving immediately afterwards?”

Normally, this discussion would have occurred on the way into port. Even if a Marine didn’t have the Snail frequency needed, they would be able to patch through using an operator at Marineford. For smaller or less sensitive locations this was typically not needed, however for most large regional bases it was common practice.

“We’ll be staying for about a week.” Bill answered clearly and resumed: “The ship needs minor repairs and we need to replace most of our communication and sailing tools.”

Indicating that he understood, Diomis looked up at Bill and after confirming that the prisoner was a former Vice Admiral whispered ‘traitors…’ under his breath before saying: “Ok, I understand. For this Warden Isaac himself will have to come and transport the prisoner. Last I checked he was in the lab, but he’ll will come around soon. Stay with the vessel until then.”

Then handing Bill a stack of policy papers to look over, the trio seemed to be leaving, until Diomis stopped and said: “Ah, something else. Our spotters saw that you had a giant beetle on your ship, is that right?” and when Bill answered positively, he continued: “Flying over Steel City or the Topaz Mine is strictly forbidden. However, as long as the creature is clearly marked it will be fine over the harbor or going over any of the islands towns.”

Saying that he understood once again, Bill saw the trio off before turning and walking back on the ship. As he walked, he opened the folder Diomis gave him and started reading the local regulations.


The first thing he saw was that the authorities on Jail Island encouraged local enlistment by outside Marines, and while there was the standard fee for enlisting a resident of Steel City, there was a bonus for recruiting a person from one of the large island’s other towns.

Turning the page over, Bill saw that they provided him with a rough map of the island, and then realized just how big this place was.

It was hard to exactly guess from his vantage point, but he had figured Steel City to have a population of a few hundred thousand. To feed that many people would be hard, but now he could see how it was possible.

In short, Jail Island was an island slightly larger than Hawaii – which by this worlds standards made it quite large for a non-Kingdom territory.

Like Hawaii, the majority of the landmass was spread out over several islands, but unlike that State, this place’s ‘big island’ was located in the dead center of the territory and was completely connected to the rest of the place thanks to a series of bridges.

While he walked, he skimmed the rest of the document and then handed it back to Sasha for her to show to Ricky.

Hearing the expected “that’s weird” from Ricky, Bill could only grunt in agreement.

It was a well-known fact that Marine bases were extremely protective of the local communities surrounding them. While this was due to some altruistic motives, the most obvious reason for this ‘extra care’ was for recruitment.

Because of this consideration, it was an unwritten rule that whenever an outside force recruited from a population surrounding a Marine branch, that Marine branch would be paid a certain small amount as a kind of ‘finder’s fee’.

Speaking in a low voice, before Bill addressed the crew, Ricky continued to say quietly: “They want to depopulate the countryside, but why?”

This was obviously a question that none of them could answer, and given that, Bill turned to address the crew.

After going through any specifically local laws on the island, he set his own regulations.

First. No crew member was to go on shore alone. Everyone was to travel in pairs.

Second. Obscene gambling and other undisciplined conduct would result in shore leave being taken away.

Third. Any large purchase must be check by an Officer on the ship before it was taken onboard.

Forth. There would be check-ins every morning at 9am. Unless given explicit permission all hands were expected to be present.

With that out of the way, he told the crew that they would be free to explore as soon as the Warden arrived, and then emphasized to Yoko about flying with Boss over the city.

By now the beetle had healed enough to move freely, seemingly stronger than ever, it had made lap after lap around the ship over the last few days – barely landing to eat and sleep.

Of course, Yoko had been riding on top of it, much to the relief of Nelson and Pearson who dealt with the majority of the ruckus she had been causing.

Turning finally to Miyagi, Bill was about to begin discussing medical supplies when he heard Yoko shriek and turning to find her pointing up, he looked towards the sky.

In the near distance seven objects were closing in at an amazing speed. They were nearly as fast as he was while using Moon Step!

Her shriek had sent an alarm down the row of the 75 Marines present, and while the humans and whales were bracing themselves for whatever may happen next, Bill adjusted his eyes and what he saw was absolutely stunning even for him.


Six of the seven shapes were metallic humanoids that looked like machines, and at the center of the formation was undoubtedly a blue-haired man. Though disbelieving, Bill thought of something and immediately shouted “Calm yourselves! Lower your weapons!!”

Eyes drifted from the quickly approaching objects to Bill and back again. Despite lowering their weapons at his order, none of his crew stood up straight. After everything that had happened, this group were survivors and wouldn’t easily drop their guards.

It didn’t take but another minute until the robots were hovering just a few dozen meters away from the ship, and with stars in her eyes Yoko was crying out ‘awesome!’.

Figuring that they were being scanned, Bill decided to wait another minute before going up into the sky himself, but thankfully the seven moved in and landed down softly before he had to act.

Standing at the center of the group of robots was a man who was roughly Bill’s height.

He had blue hair with a yellow streak down his right side, wore a blue Warden’s suit with sunglasses, and finally, half of his face shown with a metallic luster – causing Bill to believe that he had clearly mechanically altered himself.

“Warden Isaac?” Bill asked somewhat cautiously. Though he had seen incredibly advanced technology in this world during those years with Vegapunk, it was still somewhat jarring to stand in front of what seemed to be fully functional humanoid robots.

Blinking for a moment to check, his eyes momentarily turned black, and he knew they were robots as they seemed to lack souls.

“Yes…” answered the Warden, who then asked his own question: “You are from the Science Division, William Ox, is that correct?”

When Bill answered positively, Isaac continued: “Has the old dotard kicked the bucket yet?”

Assuming he was talking about Vegapunk, Bill shook his head and answered diplomatically: “Thankfully not, he continues to do world class research with the hope to create a better world for us all.”

‘Is that so…’ Isaac said under his breath, and then asked: “Tell me Captain, I’ve met that loaf Sentomaru, does the Science Division typically have uneducated leadership?”

“Sir.” Bill spoke up clearly and said: “I’ve come here to hand over a high value prisoner, not to have my Division mocked. Captain Sentomaru may lack formal education, but he is a great personnel manager and oversees the operation while the Doctor is in the lab.”

‘Is that so…’ Isaac said again before changing his tone: “Then have you been educated by the Science Division, Captain Ox?”

“I have.” Bill answered and then detailed his two fields of study. Metallurgy and Engineering, chiefly Cybernetic Engineering.

Though Bill didn’t mention it to Isaac, he was able to graduate thanks to successfully synthesizing pure Seastone and assisting Vegapunk with his SATELLITE Program.

‘Very interesting…’ said Isaac, and now Bill just took it as an odd personality trait while he waited for the Warden to say: “How do these robots stack up to those cyborgs Vegapunk is working on?”

‘Cyborgs?’ Bill thought, then wondering if Isaac knew about the SATELLITE Program, he answered: “It’s hard to say, these seem a little cruder but definitely more battle ready.”

 Ignoring what was said under his breath, Bill only answered when Isaac asked if he had worked on the cyborg project, and still thinking that the Warden was talking about the program from before, he answered truthfully that he had been there during the first successful operation.

“Then I had to take off on my commission.” He ended by saying.

After that, Isaac requested Bill bring up the prisoner, and ignoring Vergo’s jeers he did just that.

“Step away from the prisoner, Captain Ox.” Instructed Isaac, and then after assuring Bill that the former Vice Admiral couldn’t escape, he left Vergo standing alone.

Immediately when he did, three of the six robots disassembled themselves. One robot turning into full-arm restraints, the other turning into full-leg camps, and the last turning into a vest.

The entire process only took a dozen seconds, and without another word Vergo was blasted straight up. Seeing Bill about to ask, Isaac took the initiative.

“He’s headed to the Sky Prison. My island has three major facilities, since the former Vice Admiral is not a Devil Fruit user, he will not be going to the Sea Prison.”

Nodding to this logic, Bill was nonetheless shocked again that this place had a Sky- Island that they made into a prison. It made sense though, he thought. Even for him at perfect health, jumping from a sky island would be incredibly dangerous.

It felt good to have Vergo off the ship, and with still much to do Bill thanked the Warden and said that he needed to get a new snail and file his reports.

Isaac nodded, and as Bill was about to dismiss the crew, he heard the Warden call out: “Captain Ox, how would you like to contrast how these creations of mine are made compared to that old mans?”

Turning around with a slight smile on his face, Bill answered plainly:

“I’d like that, Warden.”

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Small change, Prison Island -> Jail Island

Mooring Lines (if you're interested how they bring big ships to docks)


Vice Warden Diomis (I'll get a better picture at some point)


'Prison' Island map




Warden Isaac


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