The Marine

The Golden Lion 127

The destruction of the World Governments central judicial island had thrown Marines around the world into chaos.

Until the facts came to light, while the lower ranks of Marines wondered at which enemy was possibly powerful enough to commit such a dreadful act, it was assumed by most higher ups to be an attack by Whitebeard.

After all, to the higher ups who were familiar with the escalating situation surrounding [Portgas D. Ace], the incident came merely months after [Fleet Admiral] Sengoku began reorganizing Marine battle readiness towards the [New World].

In other words, the destruction of [Enies Lobby] ‘just so happened’ to occur during a brief window in time when the most powerful Marines stationed there were reassigned to the [New World].

For months after reading about the attack this was Bill’s sense of the situation as well and more than anything else, it reminded him of the pure power some individuals in this world held. He had never fancied the idea that he would personally be able to go toe-to-toe with the [Strongest Man in the World] but no matter what he felt a responsibility to grow as powerful as he possibly could.

To do anything else, in his eyes, was irresponsible.

But while the Marine world reeled back from the attack, time waited for no man and Bill couldn’t afford to allow his growing Department to slow down. In a mere year his grace period would end, and he would be compelled to either start sending dues to the Science Division or forfeit his commission.

Because this deadline was getting ever closer, Bill had poured more and more funds into his newly found [Procurement Intelligence Bureau].

Led by [Bascud], the PIB had three primary tasks.

First – Follow leads that could expand their business and protect their interests.

Second – Recruit talented and right-minded individuals.

Third – Keep Department leadership up to date with any major situations that could jeopardize the economic futures of regions they were operating in.

Armed with their own intelligence service, Ranse’s natural charm, and under the umbrella of the [Marine Science Division], dozens of projects both large and small were started.

Finally, several months after the attack on [Enies Lobby], Bill had authorized the purchase of four additional seastone hull frigates and a dozen copper-bottom caravels meant to be exclusively used in the East Blue theater.

With operations booming, their manpower expanded steadily, and it had finally become possible to run new recruits through an actual ‘boot camp’ on [New Haven], rather than expecting those men and women to just learn on the job.

Over the past year and a half Bill had paid a lot of money to his Sword and Sniper Instructors, Masterson and Toma, but overlooking their first graduating class of 150 Marines it was worth it.

In three months his [Instructors] had turn wide-eyed new recruits who had never seen a Mink or Fish-man in the flesh into educated sailors who knew their ways around physical hardship and had learned the proper mentality that any soldier should have.

Trained, if untested, that was the best any leader could hope for.

If there was one unfortunate thing about their first group of graduates it was that no true ‘Swordsmen’ were found. This wasn’t ideal, as one true Swordsmen was worth ten skilled Marksmen, but Bill didn’t mind it since Toma had provided invaluable training data for the [Iron Wardens].

Around four months after the [Enies Lobby] incident, the truth had finally worked its way down to Bill, and he thought that he’d had preferred the assumption was real.

Going back in time, in the direct aftermath of the attack, relations with the Whitebeard Pirates had hit a never-before-seen low.

Because Whitebeard neither confirmed nor denied responsibility for the incident, for the first time in a decade an all-out order for arrests had been issued against the Pirate Emperor, and in turn, this forced Whitebeard to order that all Marines were to be attacked on sight within his vast territories.

While the Marines were occupied with the [Strongest Man in the World], other world villains weren’t idle. There were renewed attacks in the North Blue by [Germa 66], piracy increased dramatically in the South Blue around [Gran Tesoro], and in the West Blue multiple mafia families went to war in the absence of their leader.

Even in the most-stable East Blue, Bill had started to get reports from Bascud of weird sightings of monstrous animals.

So, with all of this going on, while he expanded his Department, it came as a surprise to learn that a [Buster Call] itself had been called on [Enies Lobby] and the Marines were partially responsible for the entire thing.

Despite its vicious nature, Bill never truly did stand totally against the idea of [Buster Call].

In a world where any imaginable kind of power existed, it stood to reason that in some very rare situations the World Government could not risk a particular threat being unleashed on the wider world and so had to take drastic actions.

One case and point was the [Fragrant Elder Rung] that Bill’s father was searching for.

That madman had the ‘Rot-Rot’ Fruit which gave him the ability to corrupt everything from living beings to the soil and air itself.  Spreading plague and rot wherever he walked, the unfortunate victims of the ‘Fragrant Elder’ were seen as too far gone to ever be helped when they turned into horrible pox-ridden abominations.

In cases such as these [Buster Calls] were seen as the only realistic solution. In the same way that a doctor may cut off dead flesh to save the life of his patient, the Marines may have to destroy an island to save the wider world.

It was also due to this extreme nature that once initiated [Buster Calls] were rarely called off. After all, what if the person who ordered the attack fell under mind control or some other form of manipulation?

That was a chance that the World Government simply could not afford to make. So, when [Buster Calls] were issued, they were seen through to the end. No matter where the location was.

And this even included World Government islands, such as [Enies Lobby].

With this knowledge that he gathered from his father and an assortment of other Marine contacts; Bill could shake his head in disgust when he learned of the matter’s eventual conclusion.

While he knew it was a fact that the notorious Pirate Captain whom he had encountered those years ago was partially responsible for the destruction of another island; in his mind the majority of blame should have been placed on the Admiral who gave the CP9 Chief the authority to authorize the [Buster Call] in the first place.

However, even in peaceful times the Marines would be unlikely to sack an Admiral – not to mention on the eve of a potential war with the strongest pirate alliance in the world.

Fortunately for the Marine HQ this question seemed to be completely avoided when it was widely recorded that [Monkey D. Luffy] had declared war on the World Government amidst the island’s destruction.

Then to prove his intent, he nearly killed the most powerful World Government representatives who were stationed on [Enies Lobby], the CP9.

This allowed the blame to fall on the young Pirate Captain’s shoulders while also not straining resources already stretched paper thin. After all, [Monkey D. Luffy] had not started to carry out attacks against the World Government or Marines and had seemingly vanished not long after the attack.

In the end, the official story was different than the ‘realpolitik’ response and as far as Bill could see there would be no one held accountable for the disaster – not even the cowardly CP9 Chief who issued the Marines final attack.  

He didn’t know the right answer was in this situation, but in his heart, he believed that the ones who claimed moral superiority should be the first to hold themselves accountable.

To Bill, since the incident wasn’t created in the midst of battle, where men could understandably lose their minds and commit atrocities, the incident started years before when the power of the [Buster Call] was entrusted to an unreliable coward.

But despite wishing that Admiral Aokiji would be held accountable, Bill could only sigh in frustration before completely turning back to his own tasks.

Over the next nine months supplies, personnel, and Beli flowed in and out of [New Haven] at a near exponential rate.

Since most of the factories they were building were not inherently high-tech, many only needed small di-hydrogen electric generators to operate basic power tools, the Department’s home island had become one part arms factory and one part school as they brought in and trained locals from around the East Blue who would then become managers and skilled laborers once the factories were complete.

Transporting these locals from the East Blue to New Haven was a high price to pay, but Bill felt that only by seeing a high technological island could these people understand what they were being offered.

After all, most islands in the East Blue had Earths equivalent to roughly 1700’s era technology and it was impossible to describe to them in words what the 2100’s era was like.

Naturally, most who came did not want to leave but were spurred on by the fact that their own homes could one day have electric lighting, air conditioning, clean water, and a prosperous environment.

As his second year in New Haven was coming to an end, a 23-year-old Bill watched over their fourth batch of graduates from his Marine boot camp.

Over the year they had properly trained over a thousand Marines and had brought their total number of enlisted sailors to just under 2,000 – a number that didn’t include either factory workers or those in the PIB.

Their number of seastone hull frigates had increased to 13, besides the 3 currently being overhauled, 10 of them were fully brought up to Bill’s standard.

With 10 electrified seastone hull frigates each equipped with two King Cannon, four [Beetleborgs], four [Iron Wardens], and underwater thrusters designed for burst maneuvers. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that even if they removed Bill from the equation, the [Science Division Procurement Department] was the strongest single force inside the East Blue.

And their expansion was only just starting as they were currently moving to secure major infrastructure deals with both the highly populated [Goa Kingdom] and several of its smaller island neighbors that made up the Dawn Islands.

Besides more frequent reports of monster sightings coming from the PIB, everything was progressing smoothly, and while Bill saw the fourth graduating class of Marines off, he welcomed the fifth to their Department.

While the words [Science Division] was on the lips of locals across the East Blue, most new recruits had no idea who he was.

Having stayed in New Haven for two years, Bill and his team of researchers had revolutionized the Departments cybernetic and robotic technologies, oversaw the building of state-of-the-art manufacturing hubs which produced machines only surpassed in complexity by the inventions of Vegapunk himself, and lay the foundations for the textbooks used in education centers found wherever the Department was settled.

But despite all of that, his name was unknown to the most locals of the East Blue for one simple reason: [Ranse McGrew].

Known as ‘The Sheriff’ colloquially, Ranse’s fame preceded him and wherever he went doors opened and pirates fled, and for Bill, this was a good thing.

His Department needed a ‘face’ and since he was always relegated to either his lab, his office, or his training facilities, the value of having Ranse out there doing the leg work was incalculable.

It was also thanks to the hard work of his people out in the field, and the [Vitalvine] planted on New Haven by his father, that as Bill stood watching over the newest class of new recruits, he was more than five times as strong as he had been two years before.

He didn’t know if he had surpassed [Jozu], but he could say for certain that the current Bill could have beaten the version of himself back then without any difficulty.

But while this relative isolation had benefited him immensely it wasn’t just the locals of the East Blue who didn’t know of him – his name had fallen off the radar of Marine HQ to such an extent that even Sengoku had stopped calling him to chat. Besides his parents, he only received irregular contact from Sentomaru regarding Science Division work.

Despite that, Bill didn’t take it personally.

The Marines currently had their hands full as all out war with Whitebeard seemed inevitable and had he not been so focused on his East Blue expansion, Bill would have seen that for the previous year, all the omens all pointed towards great conflict.

The Revolutionary Army was springing up everywhere, and in just a year five Kingdoms lost their nobility due to internal strife.

Multiple World Government affiliated islands declared war on each other, supplied by cheap black-market weapons.

Germa 66 was found operating in the New World.

BIG Mom secured marriage alliances with three powerful New World Kingdoms.

The ‘Supernova’ rookies were destroying isolated Marine bases and plundered towns throughout Paradise.

Trusting the Marines less and less, the World Government began relying on Cipher Pol more and more.

And finally, kicked out from the Science Division, Caesar Clown disappeared – selling his mad genius to the highest bidder.

During the last month of peace that Bill would know for quite some time, the number of monstrous beasts skyrocketed across the East Blue.

Including several random encounters with his own people, entire population centers called for help as giant 6-legged tigers, woolly lizards, fierce zebra-lions, unknown pirate crews, and other abominations laid siege to their towns.

Watching this development from New Haven, Bill recognized some of these animals from years ago when he shipwrecked with Captain Hina. At a loss about what to do, he stayed calm until one day when a thin Nelson burst through the training facility doors, with a look of panic on his face.

“C.commodore, blimey! You’re not going to believe what news we’ve just received!!”

Looking over at his Commander, Bill groaned slightly as he lifted the tens of thousands of tons of pressure exerted on him by his full-body hydraulic training suit.

Freeing himself from the suit’s confines, Bill motioned to Nelson that it was safe to approach, since the weight could very easily kill those not strong enough to lift it, Nelson hadn’t dared get too close.

“What’s the matter?” he asked Nelson who was making his way to him with transcripts in his hands.

Handing the transcripts to Bill, which essentially repeated what Nelson was telling him crazily: “[Shiki] has resurfaced! The old Golden Lion has taken credit for the beast attacks across the East Blue and then destroyed part of Marineford as a warning!!”

Looking over the transcripts, Bill saw that a general warning was given with orders to report any sighting of the ‘Flying Pirate’.

He had read about ‘Shiki the Golden Lion’ before and knew that with the power of levitation and flight the pirate was nearly untouchable.

Thinking that he had to do something about this right away, lest the people of the East Blue pay the price from a coordinated monster assault, Bill began leading Nelson to his office where he would issue orders to his Department.

If need be, he would Moon Step across the [Calm Belt] himself and see if he couldn’t do something about the threat. But then, seeming out of nowhere, an alarm was sounded by the Marine base which signified only one thing…

Pirates were sighted in the waters around New Haven itself.

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After so long, we return to where the voyage started. Back then, our MC was powerless in the face of events... let's find out what happens 7 years later.

Canonically, Luffy is leaving the Florian Triangle, and Ace's execution order is imminent.

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