The Marquis Is Innocent

Chapter 109.2

Xiao Qiao slept peacefully inside Wei Shao’s warm embrace. She didn’t even have half a dream. The next day she felt refreshed, except for some weakness and a slightly dry throat.

Wei Shao accompanied her for a day. They were unseparated, eating and sleeping together. He fed her medicine, not letting her go halfway, spoiling her to the heavens, and even served Xiao Qiao in bathing.

Previously when Xiao Qiao was sick, Chun Niang not allowed her to bathe in the water and only rubbed her body every day. The weather here was very inconstant in late spring. A few days ago, it rained, then it was warm but still cold. Hence, Xiao Qiao was sick again because of this weather. After the weather cleared up in the past two days, it immediately got hot. Xiao Qiao felt all sticky and greasy. Since she was almost well, she bathed in hot water.

Wei Shao and her bathe together. Fearing she might catch a cold again, he did not move her much in the water and carried her out when they finished. After drying her body and wrapping her in her clothes, he sent her beneath the blanket.

Xiao Qiao comfortably lies in Wei Shao’s arms. Her starry eyes were half closed, allowing his palms to caress her back. She felt comfortable and about to fall asleep when suddenly Wei Shao sat up, lifted the corner of the blanket, and caught her feet.

Xiao Qiao opened her eyes and saw him holding one of her feet and looking at it oddly. She had guessed the reason for his action.

Wei Shao raised his eyes and asked her, “Does it still hurt?”

At that time, that scene had scared Xiao Qiao almost to death. Her whole body shivered every time she thought about it.

As for the foot bitten by Chen Rui, although the teeth marks faded after a few days, the indescribable uncomfortable feeling remained on her foot for several days.

“It doesn’t hurt anymore.” She shook her head and whispered.

Wei Shao’s palm gently stroked down her foot. Then, he lowered his head and kissed her foot while saying. “It’s my fault. Let you suffer such a fright.”

The skin on the back of her foot that he kissed seemed to burn up. Xiao Qiao curled her toes and tried to retract her foot. But he grabbed it tightly and didn’t let go. He kissed it again like he wanted to cover up all the traces left on her foot.

Xiao Qiao’s face slowly reddened, humming and whispering, “I’m well. Don’t do this ……” She was a little shy.

Wei Shao did not listen. After kissing the back of her foot, he kissed her beautiful toes one by one. After kissing both feet, his lips went along her feet and slowly moved up.

Calves, knees, thighs…

He kissed all the way up and slowly felt short of breath. He was kissing up to the top of her leg and didn’t intend to stop.

He can’t be trying to…

Her eyes widened. The moment Wei Shao’s lips were about to touch her flower center, she panicked and tried to close her legs, but he held her steadily. He did not hesitate to kiss it up.

“Don’t ……” Xiao Qiao was so shy that she couldn’t stop shaking her head. But that sensation. It was mellow, and she flushed all over her body. Her body twisted and trembled slightly.

“Don’t ah–” she pleaded.

Wei Shao, however, did not listen to her and continued to please her with his lips and tongue.

A burst of pleasure that Xiao Qiao could not restrain came, and the immortal liquid bubbled, wetting the blanket.

Then he entered her, and they met in one place.


Perhaps because she was recovering from her illness, Wei Shao did not want her too much this night. They only did it once. But they felt happy.

“Man Man, do you like what I did to you just now?” Wei Shao nibbled on her ear. His voice carried smug.

Xiao Qiao pressed her hand against her eyes and shook her head. Wei Shao looked at her adorable appearance and laughed again. After laughing, he moved her hand away from her eyes and said, “Open your eyes.”

Xiao Qiao obediently opened her eyes which still carried the remnants of the spring tide.

“Hug me.” He ordered again.

Once again, Xiao Qiao obediently hugged him.

Wei Shao let out a deep breath.

“No matter what happens in the future, do not hide anything from me. You have to talk to me immediately, okay?” Wei Shao said seriously, altering his playfulness.

Xiao Qiao was faintly stunned.

“Just like this time, you were in danger and suffered a fright. Why did you not mention anything in your letter to me?” His tone slowly got a little heavier.

Xiao Qiao whispered: “I don’t want you to ……”

“Don’t want me to be distracted?” Wei Shao interrupted her, frowning slightly, “You know I only learned about this a month later, and how did I feel? I feel that you have not treated me as your husband in your heart. I would rather you hadn’t saved that Qiang boy than let you in danger. It’s good if the Beihe tribe joins me, but if they don’t, I’ll strike them. It is only a matter of time before I unite the western border. But if something happens to you, what will I do then?” His tone became harsher.

Xiao Qiao bit her lip: “Husband, I was wrong ……”

Wei Shao’s complexion eased up a bit, humming: “In the future, do you dare to hide something from me?”

“I don’t dare.” Xiao Qiao shook her head.

Wei Shao’s expression finally relaxed. He put her arms around her, kissed her forehead, and said: “Chen Rui, that guy, previously he was lucky to escape. This time he turned aggressive and treated you like this. If I don’t ……”

He said halfway and then suddenly stopped.

“Husband, what would you do?” Xiao Qiao opened her eyes.

Wei Shao said, “Nothing. I just said it casually.” He stroked her hair, smiled at her, and his tone turned back gentle: “You’re tired. Sleep.”

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