The Marquis Is Innocent

Chapter 117.2

Su E Huang raised her chin and cried out.

Wei Shao stared at her for a moment. The light under his eyes was dark and obscure, and it was impossible to understand what he was thinking. He suddenly said to the two soldiers outside the door, “Lock her up in the dungeon,” He lifted his feet and went outside.

Su E Huang cried out in alarm. She heard the tone of his voice without the slightest emotion, not even a trace of disgust.

She knew about what he said. What the dungeon was like, she was the clearest. There was also a dungeon in the underground of her Luoyang residence. The people who were locked in, even if they were strong-willed, none of them could survive for more than six months.

She still remembered. She locked up the Liu Li favored girl who harmed her voice for only three months. When she went down to see that woman, she had become unrecognizable, so crazy that she grabbed the defecate before her and stuffed it into her belly.

Su E Huang’s face paled. She crawled a few steps, grabbed one of Wei Shao’s feet from behind, and refused to let go.

“Zhonglin! You can’t do this to me! I didn’t harm your grandmother! I didn’t!” She shouted desperately, tears rolling down her face in bunches.

Wei Shao lifted his foot and broke free of her hand. Su E Huang fell to the ground.

“Who was it? Who the hell said that to you? Is it that Qiao girl? Yes, it must be her! Zhonglin! How can you believe her words! Have you forgotten how your father and brother died? They died because of the Qiao family! Have you forgotten your vow at the temple to wipe out the Qiao family? How could you be so confused by this Qiao girl, listening to her words and not believing me? The Qiao family has a grudge against you! They sent her here because they were afraid you would take revenge later! She would plot against you!”

She had fallen to the ground, sobbing bitterly, but suddenly got up and shouted at Wei Shao’s back, who had already gone outside: “All women in the world are inseparable from men. Either for the heart or for profit! Zhonglin, think about it! She and Liu Yan from Langya were childhood sweethearts. They love each other and have a marriage contract. How did the Qiao family send her over? Make you turned kind and soft, bending to the pleasure. You’ve always been wise. You’ll understand if you think about it. How could she be true to you? She must have other intentions! Because you can’t bear me persecuted by Xing Xun and give me shelter, she slandered me in front of you ……”

“That’s right!” She snapped her eyes and got up from the ground with a bolt.

“She bribed Old Jiang! The Qiao and Wei families are enemies. The Qiao family sent their daughter over. It’s not as simple as a marriage! The purpose behind it, Zhonglin, is you to prevent–”

Wei Shao had already stepped out and strode away but suddenly stopped. Then, he turned around and returned to Su E Huang with quick steps.

He stopped before Su E Huang, looking down at her with his hands behind his back, his gaze cold and expressionless.

Su E Huang gasped, unsteady on her feet, and fell back to sit on the ground, looking up at him miserably: “Zhonglin …… you have to believe me! Don’t trust that Qiao girl! I am the one who is devoted to you ……”

“You slut”

In just one moment, Wei Shao burst out, reached Su E Huang while opening his five fingers, clutched her neck, and lifted her whole body from the ground. His contorted face was fierce and horrible.

“You plotted against my grandmother! Even so, my grandmother told me not to touch you first! If you confess your sin, I might have let you go! I didn’t expect you to be so ungrateful as to frame my wife with such vicious words.”

The veins at the corners of his forehead jumped. His knuckles rose abruptly to close his five fingers. Su E Huang was unable to breathe. Her face was red, and she rolled her eyes. Her hands danced haphazardly in the air, and her throat was full of strange sounds.

Just as one of her hands grasped Wei Shao’s sleeve, Wei Shao let her go. Su E Huang fell to the ground, coughing in pain.

“How do military regulations punish attempted murder?”

He coldly asked the soldier behind him.

The soldier lowered his head and said, “Cut off their nose to mark the punishment.”

Wei Shao said, “Do it.” His voice was indifferent, then he turned around and walked away. Behind him, there was an ear-splitting cry of disbelief and heartbreak. But, it ends abruptly.


Wei Shao had not yet returned at the end of this day. Although it was late at night, Xiao Qiao was not asleep. She lies on her bed with her eyes closed, thinking of Wei Shao’s furious look when he left and feeling vaguely uneasy. She tossed and turned until the end of the night when she finally heard the familiar sound of footsteps outside.

Wei Shao pushed the unlocked door in. Xiao Qiao hurriedly got out of bed, put on her clothes, and greeted him. Seeing his gloomy face, it seemed his anger had not yet subsided. She did not dare to ask for details. Only softly asked him if he wanted to have supper. Wei Shao shook his head, and then she served him into the bath.

After he came out of the bathroom, they got into bed one after another. Xiao Qiao closed her eyes for a moment and opened them again. She saw Wei Shao leaning back with his eyes closed, looking tired between his brows. After hesitating, she put her hand on his belly, stroking it, and softly said, “What’s wrong with you?”

Wei Shao opened his eyes, turned his face, and stared at her. Then, he suddenly pulled her to his chest while answering the question. “Man Man, have you ever hidden something from me?”

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