The Marquis Is Innocent

Chapter 130.1

Wei Shao was stunned. Then, he reacted, “What’s wrong? Do you feel unwell?”

Seeing her lying motionless on his lap, he picked her up carefully and turned her around. Xiao Qiao softly leaned into his arms and closed her eyes. “What’s wrong with you?” Wei Shao asked again, touching her cheek with his palm. It was cold. “I’ll go summon the doctor!”

He put Xiao Qiao gently on the bed, got up, and lifted his feet to go outside. But Xiao Qiao pulled his sleeve from behind.

“I’m fine,” Xiao Qiao shook her head, “I just smelled the wine on you and got nauseous, so I vomited.”

Wei Shao was startled, pulled up his sleeve and sniffed, and said, “Damn! I’ll take a shower and change my clothes ……”

Before his words fell, Xiao Qiao’s stomach was twitching again, climbing up and lying on the edge of the bed, vomiting again. This time, the vomiting was severe. All the undigested foods she ate at night vomited on Wei Shao’s black boots.

Wei Shao’s face changed. While stroking her back, he straightened his neck and shouted to Chun Niang. His loud voice made all the servants of the Sheyang residence come at once.

Chun Niang was alarmed, panicked, and pushed the door in. Xiao Qiao lies weakly on the edge of the bed with a puddle of vomit on the floor and the Marquis’ boots. The Marquis was beside her with his busy hands.

“Go and summon the doctor!” Wei Shao yelled anxiously.

Chun Niang heard the Marquis shouting worriedly, thought something had happened, and was terrified. When she ran over, she almost tripped and fell on the steps.

When she came in and saw Xiao Qiao vomiting, she was a little surprised, so she turned her head and asked someone to call the doctor, then hurried to the bedside.

Xiao Qiao finally finished vomiting and was helped by Chun Niang to lie on the bed and rinse her mouth. Chun Niang used a handkerchief to wipe her lips.

After vomiting all the contents of her stomach, Xiao Qiao finally felt comfortable. But she was still a little weak, leaning there with her eyes closed. The servant came in to clean up the vomit on the floor.

Wei Shao did not change his boots and walked around a few times. Seeing Xiao Qiao finally stop vomiting, his hanging heart only slightly relaxed.

Then, when he looked at her, her lips had lost their color and looked weak, he turned to Chun Niang, and his eyes showed his anger: “How did all of you serve her! At night, you told her to eat unclean things!”

Xiao Qiao opened her eyes, “I’m fine. Don’t be so fierce.”

Wei Shao gave a start and held back. But his face was still ugly.

Chun Niang was also panicked at first. When Xiao Qiao finished vomiting, she whispered a few questions to her. She learned that Xiao Qiao’s abdomen did not hurt, which was slightly relieving. Suddenly her heart thumped as her thoughts moved.

She was Xiao Qiao’s personal maid. She knows every Xiao Qiao’s menses. This month’s menses has been late for a few days and has not yet come today. There have been several delays in the past. It could be as short as four days or as long as half a month. Every time she thought she was pregnant, it was an empty joy. The Lady has been married for two years, which was not a short time, and still no news of pregnancy. Chun Niang gradually also does not hold great hope. Therefore, when Xiao Qiao’s menses was late for some days this month, she did not think much about pregnancy. But tonight, she suddenly vomited like this.

Chun Niang’s eyes show happiness, the words are up to the edge of her mouth, but she swallows them back. Afraid of her wrong expectations would lead the Marquis to feel disappointed.

Forcibly holding back the words on the edge of her mouth, Chun Niang turned her head to Wei Shao and said: “Master, do not panic. Lady should be fine.” Seeing the Marquis walk toward the bedside, she hurriedly got up and gave way. She was also anxious and went out to wait for the doctor to come.

Wei Shao sat at the edge of the bed and helped Xiao Qiao lie down.

“What do you want to eat?”

Xiao Qiao vomited until her stomach was empty. She did not have any desire to eat anything and shook her head. Her face turned brighter than just now, but her face was still pale and bloodless. Her eyes are slightly closed and covered with her eyelashes, like a delicate flower affected by the storm.

Wei Shao felt distressed and wanted to hold her in his arms.

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