The Marquis Is Innocent

Chapter 131.1

Wei Shao did not sleep well all night.

The sudden news that he was about to become a father brought him extreme excitement; he was also worried that his legs would press against Xiao Qiao’s stomach because of his poor sleeping posture. He woke up several times in between. When he woke, he opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Qiao curled up against him. Wei Shao’s eyes could not move away from her still serene, girl-like sleeping face.

In his past, it seemed as if he had been suddenly and forcibly torn away from his childhood memories for more than ten long years. Killing, war, and hatred took up almost all of his heart. Those hazy attachments that had brought him painful teenage years dissipated like lightning in the morning, without a shadow.

At that time, what remained of that teenager was just a faint shadow of a woman from then on. After that, he subconsciously disliked women near him. He enjoys killing, war, and revenge. Enjoy the hot blood spurting over the cold blade to bring him the most specific pleasure. He believed that in this life, only his grandmother was the only woman he could approach from the bottom of his heart. But now it’s different. He got her.

Wei Shao’s heart was so full of tenderness that he didn’t know how to express it to her. At this moment, if he had to kneel in front of her while she proudly raised her chin, and only then was she willing to love him, Wei Shao felt he would do it. Anyway, she had slapped him several times. He didn’t care about anything else.

For fear of waking her up, he didn’t dare to hold her too tight but only slightly tightened his arms so that her soft body and his own were a bit closer. Then, he rested his chin on her forehead and felt overwhelming happiness.

He would be delighted if Man Man could give him a son this time. He would personally teach him to ride a horse, shoot arrows, and fight.

Moreover, the Wei family was short of men. He needs his son to inherit his position. When he went to the ancestral temple to pay respects to his ancestors, father, and brother, he would have had more courage with his son beside him.

But if Man Man gave birth to a daughter first, he would be equally happy. He couldn’t help but imagine what his and Man Man’s daughter would be like. He was sure that she would have the same beautiful eyes as her. He would also love, love her very much. He wanted to win this beautiful kingdom, let his daughter board the golden carriage, sit on the six-horse carriage, let all the people prostrate at her feet, and be the noblest and most beloved little princess. Before closing his eyes and sleeping, Wei Shao thought about this in his heart.


The next day, Wei Shao was in high spirits. He sent a letter to Mrs. Xu early in the morning about the happy news that Xiao Qiao was pregnant. Because of her pregnancy and Xiao Qiao’s current physical condition, she couldn’t go on a long-distance journey. Wei Shao decided to stay with Xiao Qiao in Xindu for a while. When Xiao Qiao’s body had improved, he would send her back to Yuyang to give birth.


On this day in the late autumn of the second year of Tai’an, Liu Yan, the king of Langya, visited Lingbi for the third time. Autumn sunshine and wildflowers filled the road, but Liu Yan was not in the mood to appreciate the scenery. His purpose was perhaps only the autumn wind and the cold forest.

In less than two months, this was his third visit to Lingbi. Unlike the first two times in which he was full of enthusiasm and ambition. This time, the Xuzhou City he had occupied for just over a month was in danger.

Xue An sent troops several times to retake the city. After battling twice, Liu Yan ordered the troops to retreat and closed the city’s gate. Everyone couldn’t leave the wall. He knew that if this fight continued, even if he didn’t lose, it would harm the 30,000 soldiers and horses he had saved in the past two years. He could not afford to pay this price.

Therefore, he responded by retreating. But this kind of retreat was not possible for a long time. He knew this. Without outside help, he would sooner or later trap in a jar. Therefore, a few days ago, taking advantage of the late-night, he quietly left the city through the west gate under the protection of a few personal guards, took the path, and came to Lingbi for the third time.


In the past two years, he has been waiting for the day when he can be successful in this chaotic world. In the sleepless nights after waking up from countless dreams, accompanying him was the bitterness from the humiliation he could not forget two years ago. The woman he loved, who should have belonged to him, was possessed by another man.

The Qiao family disregarded the marriage contract, treated him like nothing, and gave his fiancée to another man. The only reason was that the man was powerful enough. And what he could take out at that time was just an empty title, the Langya King.

In this life, he will not be able to forget that scene in the mountain snow. That was the last time he saw her face. Chen Rui took her from his hands, and he could only kneel in the snow and watch her disappear from his sight. It was at that moment that Liu Yan vowed to himself that one day, no matter where she was and whose wife she was, he would retrieve her.

She belonged to him. Once was and will be until death!


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