The Marquis Is Innocent

Chapter 148.1

Xiao Qiao held her breath and quietly retreated. Fei Fei still slept peacefully in the room.

Xiao Qiao blew out the light, climbed into bed, and lay down again. She closed her eyes. Slowly, something moist spilled out of the corner of her eyes. Before it had time to flow down, she wiped it away.

After a long time, Xiao Qiao finally heard him return to the room. He passed by the crib and stopped for a moment.

Through the hazy night, Xiao Qiao saw him reach out and seemingly stroke Fei Fei’s face, followed by a slight rustling sound of undressing, the bed beside her sank slightly, and he slowly lay back down.

Knowing that he did not want to wake her up, Xiao Qiao closed her eyes and did not move.


Sometimes, time and opportunity are needed to forget the past.

She, for example.

She has spoken the words that ought to be said and done what she should’ve. She is willing to wait.


The fourth day of the month was Mrs. Zhu’s birthday. Since the death of Wei Shao’s father, Mrs. Zhu has refused to celebrate her birthday.

Every year on this day, Mrs. Xu would ask someone to go to the Golden Dragon Temple to donate incense and oil to burn merit incense in Mrs. Zhu’s name and then send a bowl of birthday noodles to the east house.

For more than ten years, it has been the same.

This year, Mrs. Zhu’s birthday was coming up, and Wei Shao happened to stay at home these days. With a newcomer to the family, Mrs. Xu suggested hosting a table of birthday banquet for Mrs. Zhu, inviting a few of her close clan members to come over and have a good time together.

In Mrs. Zhu’s mind, since her husband was gone, she must cut off all amusement, reflecting her grief. It has been happening for more than ten years. If she were to celebrate her birthday this year, the previous act of mourning would be in vain. Therefore, she was not very willing.

It was rare for Mrs. Xu to be so interested in bringing it up this year. At first, she excused herself but did not dare to disobey too much and reluctantly agreed.

Thus, Wei Shao stayed for a few more days and set to leave for the fifth day of the first month after Mrs. Zhu’s birthday.

The fourth day of the month came. The Wei family held several tables for the birthday banquet. Mrs. Xu, Mrs. Zhu, Wei Liang’s mother, and several other senior clan elders shared a table, and the rest of the family sat at the remaining tables.

Xiao Qiao was too young to go to the main table, but since Fei Fei was around and everyone liked to tease and hug her, she sat at the end of the table with Fei Fei in her arms.

Mrs. Zhu wore a new blue dress with a dark gold pattern and sat beside Mrs. Xu. There was a lot of laughter when people toasted to congratulate her, and her smile drifted a bit. Fei Fei gave her a symbolic hug. When Wei Shao gave her a toast, she looked at him joyfully.

After the poisoning incident of the previous year, Mrs. Xu did not punish her, only let her reflect on her mistake without leaking half a word to the public.

But Mrs. Zhu’s spirit, from then on, was like losing a reliance. For some time, she was depressed and became more isolated. Until the past six months, she slowly improved, switched to Buddhism, and appeared before Mrs. Xu.

The Wei family vaguely heard some rumors, so even seeing her tonight this way, they did not feel uncomfortable. Knowing that Mrs. Xu intends to be lively, everyone is putting a warm scene.

When Fei Fei grew impatient with being carried around for fun and cried, Mrs. Xu asked Xiao Qiao to take her back first.

Xiao Qiao excused herself and returned to the west house accompanied by Chun Niang and the nanny. The weather was getting hot. After coming back, she helped Fei Fei take a bath. Then Chun Niang carried her out while Xiao Qiao continued to bathe.

Chun Niang and the nanny were not in the room when she finished bathing and came out with her clothes on.

Wei Shao had returned at some point and was lying on his back with his legs crossed, holding Fei Fei on his belly and teasing her.

Fei Fei is four or five months old and has just learned to sit. These days, she is gradually getting acquainted with her father, sitting on his belly, being rocked around by Wei Shao’s hands, and giggling with excitement. She climbed to Wei Shao’s chest, reaching out her tiny hands to touch his nose. Wei Shao opened his mouth, let out an ‘aw’, and took her hand in his mouth.

Fei Fei giggles more.

Wei Shao smiled, holding his daughter’s finger and laughing with her.

Fei Fei was having fun with her father, and when she saw Xiao Qiao coming out, she turned her head toward her and babbled.

Wei Shao loosened his teeth and sat up with Fei Fei in his arms, clearing his throat: “I’m sweating. I’m going to take a shower.”

Xiao Qiao picked up Fei Fei. “The clothes are ready inside.”

Wei Shao glanced at her, turned over, and got off the bed. Usually, at this time, Fei Fei had already gone to sleep. After Wei Shao left, she was held in Xiao Qiao’s arms, ate a few mouthfuls of milk, and gradually drifted off to sleep, closing her eyes.

When Wei Shao came out, Xiao Qiao had just put Fei Fei to sleep. She heard his footsteps as he came out, put her finger to her mouth, and hushed him.

Wei Shao lightened his footsteps and slowly approached. Xiao Qiao held Fei Fei and gently placed her on the crib, covering her with the blanket.

Wei Shao was beside her, looking down as if scrutinizing Fei Fei’s sleeping face, and finally straightened up and said, “I’m leaving early tomorrow morning. Let’s rest?”

Xiao Qiao smiled: “Okay. Let’s rest early.”


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