The Marquis Is Innocent

Chapter 56.2

Wei Shao was slightly stunned. His hand slowly withdrew from her body.

The light in the curtain was dim. But it was easy for him to see her body was bowed, making him feel a little different from usual.

“Are you unwell?”

He asked.


“Are you …… still angry with me?”

A moment later, he asked again.

“How can I? As I said earlier, my menstrual period has come. I can’t serve you, Husband.”

Xiao Qiao replied, her voice calm.

Wei Shao opened his mouth but finally closed it.

The room was then quiet. Wei Shao could not sleep, just like the previous nights before he went to Fan Yang.

He was in a depressed mood and felt it would be better to stay in Fan Yang and not come back. Out of sight, out of mind.

He knew she was angry with him that night. Therefore, when he wanted to have sex with her later, she refused. Although her tone was very polite, the refusal was still a refusal. Of course, he could feel it.

He couldn’t accept her treating him like this, and he didn’t know how to respond. The next day, while she was still asleep, he got up early and left. The things in the government office are completed. When it was time to go home, he hesitated and decided, in the end, to go to Fan Yang for a few days.

Anyway, he used to run here and there before he married, and his grandmother has been used to it.

So he ran for three days.

These three days passed quite slowly. It finally passed. He felt even if she had a lot of anger, it should be gone already.

Most importantly, he didn’t do anything to her. He only couldn’t control his temper for a while and got angry at her.

He is her husband! When it comes to things like that, there shouldn’t be many husbands who can tolerate their wives to the extent that he does.

So he came back today.

What he didn’t expect was she was still the same! She serves him well, and he can’t pick any fault. In fact, from the moment he entered the door, he immediately felt the coldness she threw at him. Especially, when she talks back at him in front of Qiao Ci.

For the first time in his life, Wei Shao had met someone who spoke to him like that!

Wei Shao felt unhappy and very confused, but thinking about that day, probably he did indeed fierce to her, she was just a woman, and he should not argue with her so much.

What he did not expect was she would not appreciate it.

She touched something he forbid, and he found out. He only said a few words to her, it had been three days, and today when he came home, he still took the initiative to beg her again!

Wei Shao lies on the bed. His heart was sullen and could not stand it anymore. He slowly sat up, lifted the curtain, put on a piece of clothing, and went outside.

He needs to go out to get some air. He can not sleep like this. The woman on the pillow seems to be sleeping. He will suffocate to death.


Three days ago, the master and lady were in a bad state because of the matter of the box. Chun Niang was scared. The next day morning Marquis went out and returned three days later. As soon as the master returned, the lady had a few arguments with him because of the young master.

Chun Niang’s heart was even more worried. She didn’t know how the two of them were getting along tonight. She couldn’t sleep. She tossed and turned, got up, and went out to relieve herself. When she returned, she saw a silhouette around the courtyard. She was startled at first, then looked again and recognized the back of the master.

Immediately there was a palpitation in her heart, fearing the lady arguing with him, and he left the room. She hurried and greeted him.

Wei Shao placed his hands behind his back, looking at the half-moon in the sky, and turned his head to see it was Chun Niang.

Chun Niang suppressed the anxiety in her heart and asked softly: “So late at night, why isn’t the master back to his room to rest?”

Wei Shao exhaled a stuffy breath in his chest and said lightly, ” The room was stuffy, so I came out to get some air.”

Chun Niang saw he looked upset, and did not dare to ask any more questions, bowed, and went back. After walking a few steps, she heard Wei Shao say, “I have something to ask you.”

Chun Niang stopped and turned around. Seeing Marquis take a few steps towards her, she stopped and did not speak.

“What does Marquis want to ask? Just ask. This servant will tell you everything.” Chun Niang said.

Wei Shao nodded and said, “Does she feel unwell today? Just now, I asked her, but she didn’t say anything to me.”

Chun Niang’s heart was still hanging in the air. When she heard the Marquis ask such a question, her heart thumped to the ground, and said, ” The lady had her period today, and her body is indeed uncomfortable. If it offends the Marquis, please bear with it.”

Wei Shao was silent.

Chun Niang saw he did not seem angry. She thought since she had opened her mouth, she would take this opportunity to say more. She whispered: ” Marquis is unaware the lady of my family has always been delicate. When she was in East County, whenever she had her menstrual period, she would have abdominal pain and could not get off the ground. Now for most of the year, she is better, but every time it comes, it is inevitable her back is sore and her abdomen is in pain, so she should rest in bed. Today, the lady was informed about the young master and rushed over by herself. When she returned, this servant saw she was tired and was about to rest when the madam came to summon her. The lady heard the madam suffered from pain in the heart, did not dare to delay, and immediately went over ……”

Chun Niang stopped.

Wei Shao saw her stop and frowned slightly: “Why stop talking?”

Chun Niang glanced at him and whispered, ” What happens next, this servant can’t say.”

Wei Shao snorted, “Speak!”

Chun Niang answered and stammered, “This servant accompanied the lady to the madam’s place. I had to hold her arm on the way. When we got to the madam, the madam …… did not like her, so she knelt for a long time before she was allowed to get up. This servant saw the lady was struggling to get up and wanted to help, but I was afraid and did not dare to …… later, this servant accompanied the lady back to her room and saw her very tired and distressed, and advised her to rest early. But the master had not yet returned to the room. The lady refused to rest by herself first, and insisted on sitting there waiting for the master ……”

Chun Niang has not finished, and see Wei Shao has lifted his feet hurriedly to the direction of the main room. She hastily followed. See him walk the steps, push open the door and go in.

Chun Niang slowly exhaled a breath.


Although Xiao Qiao’s body is tired, her waist and abdomen are painful, and with Wei Shao lying beside her, she actually can’t sleep. She just closed her eyes. After Wei Shao went out, she slowly regulated her breathing and calmed down. Her sleepiness came, and when she dozed off, she felt a bright light shaking in front of her eyes. She was awake and opened her eyes hazily. She saw Wei Shao return, climb into bed, holding a candlestick in his hand, and shine on herself. She closed her eyes again and lifted an arm to block her eyelids, vaguely saying: “What are you doing ……”

Wei Shao took away the hand that covered her eyes and continued to examine her closed eyes for a while, and suddenly “poof” blew out the light. With a rustling sound, Xiao Qiao felt him lie down again. His arm reached over again, wrapped around her waist, moved to her stomach, and pressed his palm against it, gently stroking.

After being tormented by him like this, Xiao Qiao’s sleepiness disappeared.

She was already uncomfortable like this. Her heart became irritable when he still did not let go. She grabbed his wrist, about to refuse, but heard Wei Shao whisper in her ear: “You are not feeling well. Why didn’t told me when I came back? And you are still forcing yourself to serve me dinner? It’s not like I need you to serve me.”

Xiao Qiao was stunned.

After Wei Shao finished speaking, he fell silent. Only the palm of his hand continued to rub gently on her belly.

“Is it very painful?”

A few moments later, she heard him ask softly in her ear again. The tone of voice was surprisingly gentle.

Xiao Qiao squirmed uncomfortably: “…… I’m already much better. You can sleep by yourself.”

Wei Shao gathered her into his arms and made her completely close to him.

” From now on, if you are not feeling well, don’t hide it from me. If you don’t tell me, how will I know?”

His tone seemed to carry a touch of unhappiness.

Xiao Qiao bit her lip and gave a soft mmm.


Wei Yan woke up from a nightmare of being chased by hungry wolves. The heart in his chest still beats violently. He snapped open his eyes and found that the outside of the window was slightly white. It was already dawn. He drunkenly collapsed on the floor in front of the bed in the house, sleeping on his back all night.

His head was a little swollen and painful. He raised his hand and rubbed his temples. The events of last night, scene by scene, all came to mind.

He remembered yesterday evening, he took Qiao Ci to Luo Zhong Fang. Not long after sitting down, the Qiao girl came and called Qiao Ci away. He went out to explain to her, but she was furious and left after talking to him. He came back and drank by himself in the courtyard. When he was in a trance and drunk, he went to the room ……

He sat up violently and saw that on the opposite wall, the beautiful woman he painted himself last night was still there. Beautiful eyes, smiling.

He hadn’t touched the brush for many years. But last night, when painting her, he was half-drunk half-awake, his blood boiling, and surprisingly, do it in one go.

Wei Yan remembered the whole thing. His blood-filled eyes were staring at the woman with the fluttering skirt and vivid face on the wall, and his heart beat faster.

He vaguely remembered he seemed to go out and instructed no one to enter his room.

But he could not let her stay on the wall like this.

He did such shameful things to his own brother’s wife, if someone saw……

Wei Yan felt like being pricked by a needle, suddenly shedding cold sweat. His heart almost jumped out of his throat. He rose from the ground, took the sword on the ground, and walked to the wall. He lifted the sword and was about to scrape it off, the tip of the sword pointed at the person on the wall, but then he froze.

He did not want to use the sword to scrape her flower-like face.

When he hesitated, he suddenly heard footsteps from outside. His attendant, Zhu Quan, who had followed him for many years, said through the door, ” Lord, a letter came from the county this morning. Please read it.”

Wei Yan’s gaze moved slightly, answered. “Wait a moment.” He put away his sword and quickly ran to move the several boxes against the west wall, stacking them until blocking the beauty on the wall. Then he closed the window. He looked around, saw no difference, went out, and opened the door.

“Lord, here is the letter.”

Zhu Quan handed over a letter bag.

He was nearly forty years old, cautious and discreet, and watched Wei Yan grow up, and Wei Yan trusted him.

Wei Yan took it.


Xiao Qiao slept through the night and woke up the next morning. Wei Shao is still asleep. The two of them were still in the same position as last night when he was holding her and she was shrinking in his arms. They almost opened their eyes at the same time. It was because she moved a little, and he opened his eyes.

The two seemed embarrassed when they looked at each other.

Xiao Qiao lowered her eyes and rolled out of his arms. Wei Shao gave a dry cough and jumped off the bed into the bathroom.

Xiao Qiao had caught sight of his bulging bottom. Of course, she pretended not to see it. The two of them then got up separately. After freshening up, they went to see Mrs. Xu in the north house.

Wei Shao is tall and long-legged and used to walk with big steps. In the past, when Xiao Qiao was walking with him, she always left behind and lagged.

This morning, he was uncharacteristically unhurried and followed her side. They entered Mrs. Xu’s house together and unexpectedly saw Wei Yan sitting on his knees by Mrs. Xu’s side, accompanying her to eat breakfast.

When she saw Wei Shao and Xiao Qiao had come together, Mrs. Xu was happy and let them sit together for breakfast.

When they came out, they had not eaten breakfast because they had gotten up late. Wei Shao was not polite with his grandmother and sat opposite Wei Yan. He saw his eyes still had some remnants of red blood and casually laughed: “Brother, you did not sleep well last night?”

Mrs. Xu looked at Wei Yan and said with a slightly reproachful loving tone: “You are good at everything but love to drink. From now on, no more hangovers and hurt your body.”

Wei Yan said: “Grandmother’s lesson is right. I’ll remember it in my heart. From now on, I won’t dare.”

“It’s good to remember!” Mrs. Xu raised her eyes and saw Xiao Qiao was still waiting, so she beckoned her to sit across from her and asked someone to add more bowls, smiling, ” I don’t have any rules here. We are all family.”

Xiao Qiao thanked Mrs. Xu, got on the couch, smoothed out the folds of her skirt, and sat down on her knees. The right-hand side is Wei Yan.

She is still upset with Wei Yan for taking her brother to Luo Zhong Fang last night. She naturally can not give him a scowl in front of Mrs. Xu. Her heart is irritable, and called out ‘uncle’ as usual.

Wei Yan nodded slightly, afraid to look at her again, and averted his gaze.

Breakfast is finished silently. Each rinses their mouth and the food case is removed. Wei Yan bowed toward Mrs. Xu and said: ” I came here this morning to say goodbye to Grandmother. Previously, I came to Yuyang for your birthday. I had stayed for several months, left things hanging in the county, and thought it would be better to take advantage of these two days free to finish things. I’m leaving today. I came to say goodbye to my grandmother early in the morning.”

Mrs. Xu nodded: “If you have something to do, just go back. I’m fine. I don’t need you to worry about me.”

Wei Shao said, “Why are you going back at this time? In a few days, we will have the Lu Li Conference. You need to attend.”

Wei Yan smiled and said, “I will come back as soon as possible after the matter of Dai County. How can I miss the Lu Li Conference?”

“That’s good!” Wei Shao nodded, ” I’ll send you out of town when you leave.”

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