The Marquis Is Innocent

Chapter 77.2

Zheng Shu acted fast. She received a cursed doll from the Great Witch and sent it to Old Jiang in two days. Old Jiang carried it into the Wei Manor yesterday and gave it to Mrs. Zhu. She said the witch said the doll was under a charm and would be more effective if it were closer to the cursed person. She asked Mrs. Zhu to drop her blood on the brow of the doll and imposed resentment. Put in the northeast corner of the west house and wait quietly.

Mrs. Zhu was convinced. She stared at the heart of the strange-looking doll with the birth date of Qiao girl, her heart beating wildly, and took the needle with her shaking hands, gritted her teeth, pricked her fingertips, and squeezed out a drop of blood on the brow of the doll. She prayed in her heart: Husband in heaven, the spirit of the eldest child in heaven, I avenge you two today. I hope you two help me exterminate the Qiao family’s daughter. After repeatedly reciting as Old Jiang said, she put the doll in place. That night she was nervous and restless. She did not sleep all night and got up early in the morning with blurred eyes. She did not comb her head and sent someone quietly to the west house to find out the news. The maid came back and said there was no movement there. Mrs. Zhu was inevitably disappointed. Old Jiang asked the maids to go out and laughed: “Madam, do not be anxious. It’s only been one night. How can it be so fast? The more grievances are, the better the effect will be. Wait a few more days. It will take effect.”

Mrs. Zhu’s vision was limited. She married into the Wei family based on favors. Although she tried to please Mrs. Xu, she was never in her good graces. Her husband was only respectful to her. When her husband was alive, she was worried about him every day. When his eldest son died, she was only in her thirties. Her heart was full of resentment overnight. In the following decade, she put all her heart and soul into her second son, Wei Shao. Even though her son was filial but was not close to her, and he was often absent from home since 17, Mrs. Zhu’s spirit was empty. There was no one to support her. Only the niece, Zheng Shu, coaxed her. Under Zheng Shu’s influence, she gradually became addicted to witchcraft.

The witchcraft path was the same as the cult. As if being brainwashed, the love and the hatred magnified ten times. For many years, Mrs. Zhu has been unable to stop herself, and the bit of wisdom she had was gone. After hearing Old Jiang, she felt justified and nodded: “I was anxious.”

Old Jiang said: “Madam has not set foot in the north house for some days. You should go to show your face lest the Old Madam feels Madam has no eyes for her.”

Mrs. Zhu’s heart was fearful since the incident with Wei Yan and had not shown up again. Mrs. Xu was sick. She did not dare to go over with the excuse she was ill, afraid of passing the illness, and never went to the north house. She was worried and scared Mrs. Xu would be angry. After being told by Old Jiang, she hesitated and said with difficulty. “The old blind woman is sick of me. If I go, I’m just asking for trouble.”

Old Jiang patiently said: ” This servant heard the Qiao girl recently hanging around in front of the Old Madam. She acts as if she would like to move in together and take the opportunity to please the Old Madam. Now that the Old Madam is sick, it is time to go over and do your filial duty. You don’t have to worry about the Old Madam not giving you a face. This servant had a plan. Old Madam will remove her suspicions if you do as this servant says.”

Mrs. Zhu said, “The blind old woman has a deep prejudice against me. No matter how hard I try to please her, she will not appreciate it.”

Old Jiang said, ” Madam follow my instructions, then you will understand.”


Mrs. Xu woke up this morning and felt much better than the other day. She had some back pain because lie down too long. She put on clothes to go out into the courtyard to walk around.

Old Zhong saw she looked good and didn’t dissuade. She took a purple lambswool cloak for her shoulders and helped her go out. The cat came, and Mrs. Xu ordered a maid to hold it. She remembered had not seen Xiao Qiao this morning and asked a question.

Old Zhong said: ” In the morning, the lady sent someone to say she has some other things to do this morning and will come to serve later.”

Mrs. Xu remembered Xiao Qiao serving here in the morning and evening for the past few days. She seemed particularly worried about her as if she could not wait to stick to her. She thought her illness must have frightened her. Her heart felt sorry for her. She smiled and said, “She’s had a hard time these days. Send someone to tell her I’m better. She doesn’t have to watch in the morning and evening and do what she should do.”

Old Jiang replied, took Mrs. Xu’s walking stick, and handed it over. Along with the cat-carrying maid, she slowly went to the courtyard. As soon as she stepped out of the door, she saw Mrs. Zhu, who had disappeared for a few days, carrying a tray with a bowl with a lid on it, not knowing what was in it. Old Jiang followed behind.

Mrs. Xu’s expression faded, stopping on the steps, and looked at Mrs. Zhu giving the tray to Old Jiang and paying her respects.

Mrs. Xu turned inside and sat down. Mrs. Zhu followed in and bowed respectfully, greeting Mrs. Xu.

Mrs. Xu said lightly: “I am fine. I heard you are also sick. If you are sick, you should take good care of yourself. Go back.”

Mrs. Zhu’s face was ashamed, and she bowed down for a long time, saying: “I beg Mother-in-law to forgive me for my sins! I dare not hide it any longer. The other day I was not sick, but I was ashamed to come to see my mother-in-law again. I was afraid you would blame me, so I pretended to be sick and stayed in my room. That morning, when I sent Shao’er on a trip, my mother-in-law returned and went ahead. I was ashamed and didn’t dare to come near. I was far behind and heard my mother-in-law and my daughter-in-law. Although my mother-in-law was not talking to me, the words struck my heart. I was afraid of my mother-in-law’s rebuke, but I had to say something. I have been in the family for 30 years, but my mother-in-law has always been cold to me. However, my daughter-in-law has been with me for less than a year, but she is very close to you. It’s not that I haven’t secretly complained about my mother-in-law’s partiality in the past. After I returned to my room that day, I thought about it over and over again. I realized during the past ten years since I lost my husband’s eldest son, I had been in deep mourning and could hardly recover from it, and my words and actions were all out of order. My mother-in-law had not deliberately distanced herself from me, but I had been foolish and obstinate. Deep in my obsessions, I had drawn a prison for myself and cut myself off from others! I thought my son had always been filial, but now he was becoming distant from me. Who else is responsible if not myself?”

Old Jiang arranged her words just now. As Mrs. Zhu spoke, she thought of the decades of her difficulties and could not help but shed tears. Her voice choked, kneeling on the ground and weeping non-stop.

Old Zhong looked surprised and instructed the servants in the room to go out and quietly retreated.

Mrs. Xu looked cold at first. When Mrs. Zhu finished her speech, she looked at her for a long time. Her expression slowly eased down, lowered her eyes in silence, and then said. “Zhu, you have been in my Wei family for many years. No meritorious deeds, but you’ve worked hard. I have not ignored it. It is not I deliberately do not get close to you. If you had such knowledge in the past, why would I have been so disappointed in you? I hope what you say today is really from your heart. It will be a blessing for Shao’er if you have more wisdom in the future.”

In all these years, it was the first time Mrs. Xu was so willing to give her face. She was relieved and took out a handkerchief to wipe away the tears, saying, “I have taken my mother-in-law’s words to heart. In the future, I will change my ways and remember my mother-in-law’s teachings.”

Mrs. Xu nodded: “It’s good to have such a heart. Get up.”

Mrs. Zhu got up from the floor, brought the tray with her hands, sent it to Mrs. Xu with a smile, and said carefully: “Mother-in-law is ill these days. I think there is no appetite for food. I wanted to make some tonic and send it to you. But one must take the tonic after the illness. I thought, as my mother-in-law is from Zhongshan, which produces dragon beard noodles. Perhaps the hometown taste is to your liking. I rolled out the noodles early in the morning, made this small bowl, and sent it over. It wasn’t much, just a few bites. Please have a taste and see if it is to your liking. If it’s good, I’ll make more next time. Please, tell me if it’s not good. I’ll improve.” She opened the bowl lid.

In the bowl, the soup was still steaming. There was a small bunch of noodles lying in the soup. It was as thin as a dragon’s beard, and the roots were connected. The tender green vegetables looked very delicious.

Mrs. Xu had no appetite. But when she saw Mrs. Zhu look at her, she thought about it and said, ” All right, it is your good intention. Bring it up.”

Mrs. Zhu was delighted and held the bowl to send it over.

At that moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door. Mrs. Zhu turned around and saw Xiao Qiao appearing at the door.

Xiao Qiao was holding the cat in her arms and walked straight in with quick steps, leaning closer to Mrs. Zhu. Mrs. Zhu was caught off guard and let out a shriek as she watched the tray in her hand being pounced on by the flying cat. The tray and the bowl fell to the ground with a crash.

The bowl broke in half, and the noodles spilled out, leaving the floor in a mess.

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