The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 17: Wei Nam Lee’s Temperature Control

Expecting the hand to be Ezio, Bane didn't bother to resist. He knew at this point, if Ezio wanted him dead, there wasn't much he could do about it.

"Do you think that you still have the energy to help someone in need?" A small male voice asked, and Bane looked up.

In front of him was a boy the same size as him with blonde hair and glasses. He was wearing a green robe that covered him from the neck down.

Bane gave him a critical look for a brief moment, but then smiled. In truth, this was the best possible situation for him. No one had asked for his help so far, and if this person's request wasn't overly dangerous, then it would be a step in the right direction.

"What can I do for you?" bane asked, without missing a beat.

The blonde haired boy nodded, and then waved for Bane to follow.

For his part, Bane just followed along. The boy didn't seem very talkative, and if Bane had to guess, it almost seemed like he had some form of social anxiety. While not one to normally care about such things, Bane decided to keep his mouth shut and just follow along.

After a few more back alleys and some questionable bolts across open streets, they arrived at a small tucked away shop on the opposite side of the village. For reference, the village is roughly about fifteen hundred meters wide, so it wasn't a quick trip, nor was it long. The building that we had arrived in front of was not very big, looking to be no more than a two story house without any signage to mark this as a shop.

"This is the place that I work in," The boy said, and then opened the door quickly, leading me inside.

The inside of the building took Bane by surprise as he entered. While not sure what to expect, he didn't think he would be dragged into what could easily pass for a witches hut. There were herbs hanging everywhere, and bones, along with numerous other things covering the shelves that lined the walls.

Once both Bane and the boy were inside the shop, and he had closed the door, the boy turned to him and bowed slightly. "My name is Wei Nam Lee, and I specialize in alchemy and pill concocting. I had heard that you had done some training with Senior Bai, but you weren't able to form a core."

Bane nodded to this. "What you say is true, but what makes you think that I can help you?” Bane asked, but then added, "Not that I am not willing to help if I can."

Wei Nam Lee straightened up, adjusting his glasses nervously. "I need help gathering some rare ingredients from the forest. My usual helper is... unavailable, and these particular ingredients are essential for a potion I'm working on. It's for someone very important."

Bane's curiosity was piqued. "What kind of potion is it?"

Wei hesitated before answering. "It's a healing potion, but not just any kind. This one has the potential to cure ailments that normal potions can't touch. However, the ingredients are rare and difficult to obtain."

Bane nodded thoughtfully. "I see. And you need me to help you gather these ingredients?"

"Yes," Wei confirmed, looking relieved. "There are three ingredients in particular: Moonshade Blossoms, Silverroot, and a Phoenix Feather. The first two grow deep in the forest, and the feather... well, it might be a bit more challenging."

Bane's eyebrows shot up. "A Phoenix Feather? You're joking right? You do realize that I am no more than a cardboard cut out of what could be something great? I am sure that you know I am not good at anything, nor do I have a class! Just how do you think that I am fit to accomplish such a task?!"

To Bane's surprise, Wei Nam Lee smiled. "While I can't help you form a core, nor can I teach you magic or enchantments, my specialty might be just what you need."

This piqued Bane's interest, so he waved for Wei to continue. "I am listening. Tell me how you think you can make me worthy of fighting a Phoenix?"

Wei Nam Lee's smile widened. "My field of specialty is in body tempering pills."

"You are going to regulate my body temperature?" Bane asked, and Wei laughed for the first time.

"No, silly. Body tempering is a process where pills and potions are used to strengthen the body, enhancing physical abilities and resilience. It's a bit like refining raw ore into a stronger metal. If you agree to help me, I can provide you with a series of tempering pills that will significantly enhance your physical capabilities, making you faster, stronger, and more durable."

Bane's eyes widened at the proposition. "You really think that these pills can make a difference?"

Wei nodded earnestly. "I do. These are not just any tempering pills; they're highly potent and specially formulated. They'll help you survive the dangers of the forest and even give you a fighting chance against the Phoenix. It won't be easy, but with these enhancements, you'll stand a better chance than you do now."

Bane liked the idea of this, but the "it won't be easy" part made him uneasy. "Just what do you mean when you say it won't be easy?"

Wei's smile faded, and was replaced by a more serious look. "I am not going to lie to you, or try to make it sound easier than it is going to be. The truth is that normally, mortals shouldn't even try to absorb a tier 1 body tempering pill. Even then, only a third level Spirit Apprentice should try to absorb one."

Bane's brow furrowed. "What would happen to a normal mortal if they tried this?"

"Their bodies would basically eat themselves alive. Unlike pills used for cultivation, body tempering pills contain intense, condensed energy that pushes the body's limits to the extreme. If your body isn't ready, it can't handle the strain, and the energy will tear you apart from the inside out," Wei Nam Lee explained gravely.

Bane took a deep breath, contemplating the risks. The idea of strengthening himself to such a degree was tantalizing, but the potential consequences were horrifying. However, he knew that without taking risks, he would never be able to break free from his current limitations.

"Alright," Bane said finally, his voice steady. "I'll do it. I'll help you gather the ingredients, and I'll take the pills. But tell me, is there anything I can do to increase my chances of surviving this process?"

Wei Nam Lee nodded. "Yes, there are a few things. First, I'll prepare a series of preparatory potions that will help fortify your body and make it more resilient. These will be crucial in helping you withstand the initial impact of the tempering pills. Second, you'll need to undergo a regimen of physical training to build up your endurance and strength. The stronger your body is going into this, the better your chances."

Bane listened intently, his determination solidifying. "Let's do it then. What do I need to do first?"

Wei Nam Lee led Bane to a small alcove in the shop where various herbs and ingredients were stored. He quickly began to mix and prepare several potions, explaining their purpose and how Bane should use them. The entire time, unbeknownst to Bane, he was absorbing every action the little alchemist made.

"These are your preparatory potions," Wei said, handing Bane a set of small vials filled with vibrant, glowing liquids. "Take one each day, and make sure you eat a lot of nourishing food to help your body recover. Alongside this, you'll need to train rigorously. I will talk to Nani, and she will start training you to increase your physical endurance. I am sure that Senior Bai will also want to help you in this."

Bane suddenly felt overwhelmed. "Wait. Just why are you so hell bent on making me stronger? Every other person in this village would just as soon see me dead as me get a leg ahead, minus a few special ones. Why are you willing to put so much effort into me?"

After the last two days, Bane's world had been tossed around, but the center point was that the world he was in hated him for the past peoples crimes. It was more than strange for this boy to be willing to go so far, when almost everyone else had a clear hate for him.

Seemingly out of nowhere, Wei Nam Lee burst with an aura of confidence that made Bane take a step back and shield his face like he was looking at the sun. "While I am an alchemist, I also have a secret."

Suddenly, a blue light erupted from Wei, and passed Bane, but stopped right behind him. All sound from outside was cut off like only what was inside the blue dome mattered.

"I am not strong, but I do have an innate talent that lets me see the potential of a person. It doesn't show up as numbers or stats, but in strange images that take me a while to decipher," Wei explained, and Bane pursed his lips.

"What do you see then, when you look at me?" He asked, not wholly sure if he wanted the answer. Things had taken a turn to the light at the end of the tunnel, to the strange that seemed to pull him deeper into a mystery he wasn't sure he was ready to solve.

Wei Nam Lee's eyes glowed softly as he focused on Bane, the blue aura intensifying for a moment. "When I look at you, I see a vast, ancient forest shrouded in mist. The trees are towering and strong, but there's a presence lurking in the shadows. It feels protective yet constraining, like a guardian that both shields and restricts. There's immense potential there, Bane. Potential for great power and greatness, but also great danger."

Bane's heart pounded as he absorbed Wei's words. The imagery resonated with what he had learned about Onyx and the restrictions placed on him. "So, you believe I can break through these constraints?"

Wei nodded. "Yes, but it will require immense effort and perseverance. The path won't be easy, but if by some chance you are able to weather the storm and rise up... Bane, nothing in this myriad world will be out of your reach."

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