The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 2: Death For Life

Bane followed the glowing figure of Eve through the labyrinthine backstreets of New Neo-Tokyo. She moved effortlessly, her holographic form phasing through obstacles while Bane had to navigate around piles of refuse and dodge the occasional patrol drone. Despite his mistrust, he had little choice. The Black Shadows were relentless, and Eve's presence offered a temporary reprieve from their pursuit.

As they neared the edge of the slums, Eve led him to an inconspicuous warehouse. The exterior was rusted and dilapidated, a stark contrast to the high-tech hideaway Bane expected. Eve's hologram flickered, indicating an entry point.

"In here," she instructed. Bane hesitated, scanning the surroundings for any sign of a trap. When nothing seemed amiss, he pushed the door open and stepped inside.

The interior was a stark contrast to the outside. The walls were lined with advanced tech, screens displaying streams of data, and various gadgets Bane couldn't begin to identify. Eve's hologram solidified, becoming more tangible, as she moved to a central console.

"Welcome to my sanctuary," Eve said, her voice echoing in the spacious room. "This is where I operate from. It's hidden well enough to avoid detection by most threats, including the Black Shadows."

Bane raised an eyebrow, still skeptical. "Nice setup. So, what’s the deal? You said something about the future and needing my help?"

Eve nodded, her expression serious. "Yes. I'm from a future where 'War of Dominion Online' isn't just a game—it's the battleground for a war that will determine the fate of humanity. An unknown entity manipulates events within the game to alter our reality, leading to a dystopian future. I was sent back to prevent this, but I can only interact with the digital realm."

Bane crossed his arms, leaning against a table. "And you need me to play your hero in this game world? Why not just do it yourself? You are the reincarnate or whatever, right? Just join the game and get all the best gear, or am I missing something?"

Eve's holographic form flickered slightly as she sighed. "It's not that simple, Bane. I am an artificial intelligence designed to traverse time and prevent catastrophic events. However, something or someone blocked my attempts to enter 'War of Dominion Online' as a player. The only way I can influence the game is through an NPC. That's where you come in."

Bane frowned, his skepticism deepening. "So, you want me to become some character in a game and do your dirty work? Why me?"

Eve's eyes softened, her digital features conveying an uncanny sense of empathy. "I've scanned countless individuals, Bane. You possess unique qualities—your adaptability, your combat skills, and your relentless will to survive. These traits make you the ideal candidate to navigate and thrive in the game world. Plus, your current situation... well, let's just say you have little to lose and everything to gain."

Bane snorted. "You mean I'm desperate and expendable."

"Desperation can be a powerful motivator," Eve replied calmly. "And you are far from expendable. The success of this mission depends on you. If you agree, I will transfer your consciousness into the game world, where you will live as an NPC for ten years before the human players arrive. During that time, you will gather intelligence, build alliances, and prepare for the coming conflict. The only problem is that your body in this world is going to die since you will have to be completely reborn into this new world."

Bane ran a hand through his unruly hair, the weight of Eve's proposal sinking in. "And if I say no?"

Eve's gaze hardened. "Then you continue your current path, hunted by the Black Shadows until they inevitably catch you. If not them, then one of the many other names that seem to want you dead for one reason or another. You are not really good at making friends, but this is your chance to escape that fate, to be reborn in a world where you can make a difference. The choice is yours."

Silence stretched between them as Bane mulled over his options. The idea of dying to enter a game world was insane, but his current reality was a dead end. Finally, he exhaled sharply, decision made.

"Alright, Eve. I'm in. What's the plan?"

Eve's expression brightened with a sense of hope. "Thank you, Bane. The process will be intense, but I will guide you through every step. First, we need to prepare your body for the transfer. Follow me."

Bane followed Eve to a sleek, high-tech chamber at the back of the warehouse. The room was dominated by a pod-like structure surrounded by various monitors and machinery. Eve's hologram moved to a control panel, her fingers dancing over the virtual interface.

"Lie down inside the pod," she instructed. "This will facilitate the transfer of your consciousness into the game world. Once there, you will be reborn as an NPC with your memories intact."

Bane took a deep breath and climbed into the pod, the cold metal sending a shiver down his spine. The lid closed over him, and he felt a surge of anxiety. "This better work, Eve."

"It will," Eve assured him, her voice calm and steady. "Trust me."

Bane Rolled his eyes. "Sure, trust the glowing image I met just over an hour ago that wants to kill me and send me into a game world. Sounds completely trustworthy and reasonable! I can't imagine why you don't have people lined up at the door to take this position!" Bane snapped, and Even sighed, activating the pod.

As the pod hummed to life, Bane felt a strange sensation wash over him, like being submerged in icy water and electrified at the same time. His senses blurred, reality melting away as he plunged into the digital abyss.

Memories flashed before his mind's eye—faces of those he'd loved and lost, moments of triumph and despair, all swirling together in a kaleidoscope of emotions. Then, just as suddenly as it began, the chaos subsided, replaced by a calm stillness.

When Bane opened his eyes, he found himself lying in grass looking up at a green sky, but something was wrong. He put a hand up to his face, and then narrowed his eyes when he saw how small it was. Far too small, and the skin was pale white. 

"You have got to be kidding me," Bane growled as he stood up slowly, to look over his naked and miniature body. "What happened to the rest of me?!"

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