The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 22: Profound Comprehension

Just as the two were about to leave the bathhouse, Wei Nam Lee stopped and then pointed at the cauldron. "You need to unsummon Mizuage, or if you get too far away, it will return to you, no matter what is between you and the summoned item."

Before Bane could utter a word, the cauldron burst into smoke. When the smoke cleared, Bane's eyes widened in surprise. Standing before him was a tall, ethereal figure, an elf with long, flowing white hair that cascaded down to his waist. His skin was pale, almost translucent, giving him an otherworldly glow. The elf's eyes were a striking shade of icy blue, filled with a depth of wisdom and an undercurrent of ancient power.

Mizuage's elf form was adorned in robes of a deep, midnight blue, intricately embroidered with silver threads that depicted scenes of celestial dragons and mythical landscapes, much like the carvings on the cauldron. His movements were graceful, almost fluid as if he were more spirit than flesh.

The elf regarded Bane with a mixture of curiosity and mild disdain. "So, you are the one who has bound me," Mizuage's voice was smooth, with a hint of arrogance. "Do not think that our contract makes us equals, boy. I am the Alchemist Emperor, and you are merely a novice."

Bane, still reeling from the transformation, bowed slightly. "I understand, Mizuage. I apologize for any disrespect. I hope we can work together."

Mizuage's expression softened slightly, though his eyes still held a glimmer of challenge. "Very well. We shall see if you are worthy of my aid." He turned to Wei Nam Lee, who was watching with a bemused expression. "Take me to Disciple Bai. Now that I finally have a form again after thousands of years, the child and I have some talking to do."

Feeling stunned, Wei Nam Lee just nodded and waved for Mizuage and Bane to follow him. Wei Nam Lee had no idea what was going on. Never before had he seen or heard of a cauldron turning into a person, but what was even more shocking was to hear Mizuage call his Senior Bai, Disciple.

Mizuage, Wei Nam Lee, and Bane made their way through the winding corridors of the village towards Senior Bai's quarters. The elf-like form of Mizuage walked with an air of authority, his presence commanding respect and curiosity from the child-sized villagers they passed. Bane kept glancing at Mizuage, still trying to wrap his mind around the transformation and the history he had just been thrust into.

When they finally arrived at Senior Bai's small building, Wei Nam Lee knocked softly before entering. Senior Bai, a venerable figure with long, flowing white hair and a beard to match, looked up from his scrolls. His eyes widened slightly at the sight of Mizuage, and then a knowing smile crept across his face.

"Bai Xiao Meng, it's been a long time, but I never thought I would see you in such a childlike state," Mizuage said, his tone holding a mix of nostalgia and authority.

Bai Xiao Meng stood and bowed deeply. "Master Mizuage, it is an honor to see you again, even in this form. I had hoped we might meet again one day."

Bane looked between the two, sensing the depth of their shared history. "Master, you knew Mizuage?"

Bai Xiao Meng nodded, his eyes never leaving Mizuage. "Indeed, Bane. Mizuage was my master in the 9th heaven. He taught me everything I know about alchemy and the mystical arts. But that was before the war before everything changed."

Mizuage's expression darkened slightly. "Yes, the war. The Fiery Heaven's Lotus Sect's betrayal still burns in my memory. Our sect was decimated, and I was forced to bind my soul to the cauldron to survive."

Bai Xiao Meng's eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and respect. "You sacrificed everything to preserve your knowledge and power. Your teachings have guided me all these years."

Mizuage snorted at this. "Hardly. Do you think I have not been watching? Both these juniors are probably better at alchemy at this point. How long are you going to mope around? Is this Junior Bane, not your disciple? Why are you not the one doing the body tempering?"

Bai Xiao Meng sighed. "I stopped doing alchemy because you became too unreasonable, and you refused to help me when I tried. As for the boy, I had planned to have him come back to me today. I only just learned that something is blocking him, but not completely according to what people have reported, right Bane?"

Bane, feeling a little out of place in this conversation, just nodded. While Mizuage was now contracted to him, he still didn't want to get between these two, but then suddenly the pressure in the room Bane hadn't noticed vanished. He and Wei Nam Lee both let out a breath they didn't know they were holding, and Mizuage walked up to Bai Xiao Meng.

"Tell me more. I can sense the divine spiritual energy inside of him, but yet he has no cultivation base. Are you saying that he is absorbing the energy, but in a way that we can't see? What of his comprehension?" Mizuage asked with curiosity, but Bai Xiao Meng's childlike face frowned.

"I will tell you all I know, but I would first like to know why you think that Bane is an alchemist?" Senior Bai asked and then looked at Wei Nam Lee. "Have you been teaching him alchemy? If so, what has he created?"

Wei Nam Lee shook his head. "Brother Bane hasn't done anything. The most he has done is watch me. As far as I know, Mizuage was the first time Bane had even seen a cauldron, and I have only made body-tempering potions in front of him, right Bane?"

Everyone was now looking at him, and Bane let out a sigh. In truth, Bane had been wanting to mess around with the memories Eve collected, but he had just learned about this ability. "No, I haven't made anything yet."

Mizuage narrowed his already very narrow eyes at Bane. "I sense that you are telling the truth, but I also sense a profound comprehension of everything around you. While you might not have created something yet, that is only one small part of alchemy. You have the ability to analyze everything with all your senses, and that is even more important."

Turning from Bane and back to Bai Xiao Meng, Mizuage spoke again. "You will start teaching him all the techniques that our Immortal White Dragon Sect has collected. Even if he cannot show that he can learn them right away, I believe that he will in the future. This boy might even become strong enough to challenge the Fiery Heaven's Lotus Sect one day if he so chooses."

Bai Xiao Meng's eyes widened at Mizuage's proclamation, and then he nodded slowly. "Very well, Master Mizuage. If you believe that Bane has the potential, I will teach him everything I know."

Mizuage smiled slightly, his eyes gleaming with a hint of satisfaction. "Good. Now, let's get to work. Time is of the essence."

Wei Nam Lee stepped forward, bowing slightly. "Master Mizuage, Senior Bai, if I may, I would like to assist in any way possible. Bane is my brother, and I want to ensure he succeeds."

Mizuage glanced at Wei Nam Lee, his expression unreadable. "Your dedication is noted, Wei Nam Lee. Your knowledge and skills will indeed be valuable. Together, we shall unlock Bane's potential."

Bane, feeling a surge of determination, nodded firmly. "Thank you, everyone. I will do my best to learn and prove myself worthy of your teachings."

Senior Bai nodded but then gestured for the door. "If you don't mind, I would like to speak with Senior Mizuage. You still have classes with Morgana and Nina, and Madam Dory has requested your help. It is best that you do all of that, and return with Wei Nam Lee in the morning. Since you are doing body tempering, you can do that here, and while you soak, I will instruct you. Once you are finished, I will teach you the motions."

Bane bowed respectfully before stepping out of the room with Wei Nam Lee. As they walked through the village, Bane's mind buzzed with all the new information. The weight of the task ahead loomed large, but he felt a growing determination to rise to the challenge.

"Brother Wei," Bane began, glancing at Wei Nam Lee. "Do you think I can really become an alchemist? With everything that's happened, it feels like too much."

Wei Nam Lee smiled reassuringly. "You have more potential than you realize, Brother Bane. The fact that Mizuage, a being of immense power, sees something in you speaks volumes. Trust in yourself and take it one step at a time."

Bane nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. As they continued, they arrived at Madam Dory's store. A small girl with big glasses, and a purple witch hat, along with an oversized yellow robe greeted them warmly, her eyes twinkling with gratitude.

"Oh, Bane! Thank you for coming," Madam Dory said, leading them into the store. "The rats have been causing havoc down there. I hope you can handle them."

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