The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 5: Trust Is Not Easily Given

"Grandfather," the girl said, addressing the old man. "We found this outsider trying to steal from us. He claims ignorance, but he needs to be dealt with."

The old man looked Bane over, his expression unreadable. "What's your name, boy?" he asked, his voice steady and calm.

"Bane," he replied. "I didn't mean to cause any trouble. I just woke up here with nothing and was looking for some clothes and a place to stay."

The old man nodded slowly, as if considering Bane's words. "I see. And what do you know about the sack you took?"

"At the time? Nothing, honestly," Bane said. "I had no idea it was that valuable, and was only looking to cover myself up before entering your town."

The old man leaned back in his chair, his gaze piercing. "You're either a very good liar or a very unfortunate soul. Either way, you've stumbled into a delicate situation. This town is hidden for a reason; we protect treasures that many would kill for."

“Again, I am very sorry. I woke up in a field not far from here, and headed in a random direction,” Bane explained, trying to keep his voice as polite as possible, but he wasn’t used to this.

The old man’s intense gaze did not waver. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk as he studied Bane intently.

"You are not lying," the old man said finally, his voice a mixture of curiosity and stern authority. "But your presence here is an anomaly. No one simply stumbles upon this place by accident. Who are you, really, and how did you come to be here?"

Bane took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. "I was...sent here, in a manner of speaking. My previous life was full of dangers, and I was given an opportunity to start anew in a different place. I didn’t know I’d end up here or what kind of world I’d find myself in."

The old man’s eyes narrowed. "Sent here? By whom?"

Bane hesitated. Mentioning Eve and Onyx might complicate things further. "I don’t know their true nature," he replied honestly. "All I know is that I was given a second chance at life, to do something meaningful."

The room fell silent as the old man continued to scrutinize Bane, weighing his words. Finally, he sighed and leaned back in his chair.

"Very well. Your story is unusual, but not entirely implausible. This world is full of mysteries and forces beyond our understanding. However, you must understand that trust is not easily given here."

Bane nodded, relieved that the old man seemed to be listening. "I understand. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to earn your trust."

The old man exchanged a glance with the girl, who nodded slightly. "You may have a chance to prove yourself," he said. "But be warned: any betrayal will be met with severe consequences."

Bane swallowed hard, but nodded again. "I won’t betray your trust."

The old man stood up, his movements slow but deliberate. "We shall see. For now, we will provide you with clothing and shelter. But you will work to earn your keep and show us that you are worthy of our protection."

Bane exhaled, the tension in his body easing slightly. "Thank you. I won’t let you down."

The girl stepped forward, her expression still cautious but less hostile. "Follow me," she said. "We’ll get you settled in."

Bane followed her out of the building, glancing back at the old man, who watched him with an inscrutable expression.


From the shadows, a small child wrapped in tan cloth appeared and walked up to the old man. The child was a boy, but his near black brown eyes were cold and almost lifeless. Once the boy stood by the old man, he began to give his report.

“There are no tracks leading to the location that he came from, nor in the area. His story seems to check out.”

“What of the rest of the world around us?”

Ezio paused, but then spoke. “At first, everything seemed the exact same, but as I got farther out, things started to change. The western Dorran mountain range is gone, and from what I can tell, so is everything beyond it… Why is this all happening?”

Bilgarth narrowed his eyes, and then looked down at his old hand. A few hours ago, everyone in this village had been full grown retired adventurers. Every one of them was a legendary figure for one reason or another from all over their world. Now, he, Bilgarth the Frost Wolf Guardian, was the only one that had remained old while everyone else in the Hidden Heroes Village had become a child.

“I don’t have a good answer for you, or anyone. I am just as confused as the rest of you. An entire mountain range doesn’t just vanish on its own,” Bilgarth mused, scratching his chin, but then turned to look at Ezio. “I think this boy, Bane, might be important. I will get everyone to get a feel for him, but after you go out to scout some more, I want you to watch over him. Make sure that the others don’t bully him too much.”

This made Ezio narrow his eyes. “I don’t mean to argue with your suggestion, but I am better at taking lives than watching over them. While I might now look like a child, my old mind is eager to put this new young body to use. I am not even sure how long I will stay in the village. If the world has really changed once again, that means that new races and nations will have converged all over this world. I don’t think that many are going to want to stay here.”

Ezio, the Dark Serpent, was considered to be an assassin on the side of good, or whoever paid the best. A master of the Shadow Quetzalcoatl 7th Ring Foundation, and multiple Blood Shadow Serpent Techniques, Ezio was never short on contract for hire. It wasn’t until a fateful meeting with the man before him that Ezio started to only take jobs that matched his newly found moral compass. Despite his ruthless nature, Bilgarth had seen potential in Ezio and had offered him a place in the Hidden Heroes Village. Ezio had accepted, finding a sense of purpose he hadn’t experienced before.

Bilgarth studied Ezio for a moment before nodding. "I understand your hesitations, Ezio. But remember, every one of us has a role to play in this new world. Watching over Bane might be more important than you think."

Ezio frowned but nodded, acknowledging Bilgarth's wisdom. "Very well. I’ll keep an eye on him. But I expect you to keep me informed of any developments."

"Of course," Bilgarth replied. "Now, go and see what else you can find out there. We need to understand the extent of these changes."

Ezio gave a curt nod and disappeared back into the shadows, leaving Bilgarth alone with his thoughts. The old man sighed, feeling the weight of responsibility pressing down on him. He needed to unravel the mysteries of this new world and ensure the safety of the Hidden Heroes Village.

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