The Martial God: Demonic Cultivator in a World of Magic [Isekai LitRPG]

Chapter 13 – Iskandaar’s Choice


Amelia blasted from the city's edge and toward the Baron's mansion. Her brows were knitted together, as she sensed the presence of a dormant beast coming from the castle.

At this rate, she noted in her head, this city's done for. 

Not that the city of Lockdown was any good right now. Below her was chaos. Fires raged in several parts of the city, casting an eerie glow against the darkening sky. Smoke rose in thick columns, obscuring parts of the skyline and adding to the oppressive atmosphere.

The once orderly streets were filled with fleeing civilians, their panic evident as they hurriedly tried to escape the unfolding catastrophe. Buildings crumbled under the force of the Vampire's initial attack, leaving debris strewn across the roads, further complicating the paths of escape.

If Iskandaar and his knights failed to defeat the vampires, or at least hold them off for a prolonged time, all these civilians would end up dead. They'll meet a gruesome end, and become vampire food.

The air was filled with the sounds of chaos, distant screams, the clash of metal, and the crackling of flames.

Amelia's eyes narrowed as she realized the full extent of the devastation. The city was being torn apart.

Dammit. Thankfully, she was here, but she didn't know how much she could salvage.

She'd have no chance if the Vampiric Father was uninjured, but he must be quite weakened. She was confident that even if he somehow healed off much of his injuries,  she would give the people enough time to escape.

"You think you can just find us and have your way, you bastards?!" a shout, domineering and powerful, cut through the air when Amelia reached above the castle.

She looked down to find a muscular woman, being covered in black fur in real time, as she clashed against Val, the acting Patriarch of the Obsidian Vampires.

A portion of the rooftop was gone, so it was easily observable from the air. Amelia recognized the players.

That was Ralian, the acting Matriarch of the Moon Wolf Tribe. The representatives of the two factions were clashing, and they weren't the only ones.

It was a messy situation. Amelia hovered above the castle, her senses attuned to the battle unfolding below. She chose to observe first before moving.

"You've overstepped your bounds, you furry vermin," Val taunted the woman covered in fur, his voice dripping with arrogance. His eyes glowed a malevolent red, reflecting his bloodlust. "Your tribe's time is up, Ralian. Our Father demands retribution."

Ralian snarled, flashing her fangs. "The Moon Wolf Tribe will not fall to you, bloodsucker!" With a swift movement, she lunged at Val, her claws gleaming in the moonlight.

She swiped at him with precision, aiming for his throat. It was a move so fast and deadly, that anyone below Level 50 wouldn't even see it coming. Amelia's eyes followed it easily.

Val dodged her attack, his movements a blur. "Pathetic," he sneered, countering with a swift kick that sent Ralian crashing into a nearby wall. Dust and debris clouded the area, but the werewolf matriarch quickly regained her footing, her eyes blazing with fury.

"You're doomed." Then, she kicked forward and slammed her foot against his chest. His eyes widened, he spat out saliva and was sent flying through a window, breaking glass.

Val returned quickly, re-engaging with her. They appeared evenly matched, especially as Ralian's fur covered her entirely, indicating a full transformation.

If it was just a fight between the acting leaders, it's hard to say who would win. However, there are other players. Amelia noted from the air, hidden behind a turret.

In her opinion, if the battle were only between these two, the outcome would be uncertain. Unfortunately, there were other key players in this deadly game.

From where she stood behind the turret, she parted her lips and said, "Dragon Tongue Magic: All-Seeing Gaze," she whispered, her eyes glowing with a soft light as her vision pierced through the walls and roof.

Now she could see everything. She observed the chaotic scenes unfolding within the mansion, a frown growing on her face.

On one side, another powerful vampire and werewolf pair clashed. Rather, the powerful werewolf reputed to rival Ralian in merit within the tribe clashed fiercely with Munera, the eldest child of the Vampiric Father. Their battle was intense, a dance of claws and blood magic, each trying to gain the upper hand.

However, the gap between them wasn't as uncertain as Ralian and Val. Munera would definitely win, at the rate things were moving.

Maybe I should help that werewolf, Rathor. She wondered but decided to check out the other areas before finalizing anything.

Amelia's gaze moved to the mansion's first floor, where the younger and weaker members of both factions fought. There, she saw two dozen werewolves struggling against Ravenor Obsidian, the third child of the Vampiric Father, and his three strong vampire proteges. Among those three, she recognized Rang'thar, the strongest among the new generation of Obsidian Vampires.

Despite being outnumbered, four against two dozen, the vampires fought ruthlessly, their savagery unmatched. It was obvious that they would win. The werewolves there didn't have anyone like Ravenor to help them.

Among the werewolves, Lilian, Ralian's daughter, was being particularly targeted, struggling to hold her own against the relentless onslaught.

"Argh!" She groaned in pain, a punch from Rang'thar sending her tumbling across the floor. She was trying to transform, but barely any fur covered her forearms. She wasn't proficient in this, and Rang'thar was basically playing with her.

It was a sad sight.

But more than that, what caught Amelia's attention most was the eerie coffin strapped to Ravenor's back. The lid was missing, leaving it empty, yet it emanated a dark, unsettling energy. Amelia frowned, sensing something ominous about it.

What could that be for? she wondered in her head. The dark energy seeping from the coffin suggested something malevolent, whatever had been inside it was dangerous.

Amelia had a guess, and that made her weary. Had the worst-case scenario really happened? In that case, why was the coffin open? Where had he gone?

Realizing the urgency of the situation, she resolved to intervene. "I need to help them," she murmured, "They won't last long against those four vampires without support."

She had to save this group of two dozen Werewolves first, and then move to help Rathor. Ralian would hopefully manage on her own.

Once done, she'd move to find the thing that had been inside the coffin.

Just as Amelia prepared to act, a cold voice whispered behind her, sending a chill down her spine. "Oh, what do we have here?"


Her body reacted instinctively, goosebumps rising on her skin as she leaped away from her spot at immense speed, spinning to face the new threat. She landed gracefully, eyes narrowing as she scanned the man in front of her, sweat trailing down her forehead.


Due to Amelia's sudden movements and landing loudly, her presence did not remain unnoticed anymore. The entire battlefield seemed to pause for a moment, as eyes turned toward her. Lilian, holding her broken forearm with her good hand, also looked up with glittering eyes.

She wasn't the only one, the other werewolves also looked up in shock. Through the hole in the rooftop, only her figure was visible, not the person she was facing.

"Is that… the Baroness?" one of the werewolves muttered in disbelief. "What's she doing here?"

Lilian was glad that she wasn't the only one seeing that, that her head hadn't been hurt enough to hallucinate.

"Damn, I thought she was a normal woman," another whispered, glancing nervously between Amelia and the vampires.

The vampires, however, reacted with open hostility. One of the younger generation vampires, Velora, looked at Amelia and shouted, "So, the Baroness was aiding these beasts knowingly," Her fangs bared. "She must be skinned alive, useless human!"

Everyone was looking at that, and Lilian knew she had to make a move now. This was an opportunity, and she took it to launch herself toward the vampire that had just yelled. With a beast-like snarl, she opened her jaw and bit the vampire, earning a painful shriek from the startled Velora.

Her action ignited the other werewolves to act as well, prompting a group of older men and women to leap at the third child of the Vampiric Father, Ravenor, who had been the biggest source of trouble here.

Immediately, the situation on the first floor grew a lot more intense.


Amelia ignored the murmurs and glares, and the eventual fight that worsened inside the castle; she could not be bothered to care about others when her eyes were trembling.

Her focus was on the figure in front of her, on the dark-skinned man with a chilling air around her.

The Vampire stood tall, a majestic presence in the dark. His broad shoulders and regal bearing exuded an aura of ancient power. He looked at Amelia with a mixture of curiosity and disdain.

"Well, well," the Vampiric Father spoke, his voice smooth and commanding. "The supposed Baroness of Lockdarn. I too thought you were just another human puppet, but it seems not. What brings you to interfere in this... unfortunate situation?"

Dressed in an elaborate vest adorned with gold and intricate patterns, he exuded an aura of ancient royalty and untamed ferocity, his chest muscles peeking out.

Bloodstains marred the lace of his shirt, a call back to his violent nature. It's not that dress that made him intimidating, however, the Vampiric Father stood tall and imposing, his dark skin gleaming like polished obsidian under the dim light. His eyes glowed with a menacing golden hue, reflecting a malevolent intelligence and an insatiable hunger for power. His white hair was intricately braided, cascading down his back and contrasting sharply with his skin.

His presence was a void, absorbing all light and hope around him, casting a shadow of dread over the battlefield. Every gesture and every movement was calculated to cause intimidation, and his smile was a cruel slash in front of Amelia's tension.


Amelia didn't respond immediately, her eyes narrowing as she assessed him. The patriarch of the Obsidian Family's arrogance was tangible, and his casual demeanor grated on her nerves. As he continued to speak, Amelia silently prepared a spell, her lips moving in a barely perceptible chant.

Noticing her lack of response, the Vampiric Father smirked. "Silent treatment, is it? A shame, really. You could have made an interesting conversation partner before your inevitable demise."

Without warning, the sky above darkened, and a roar of thunder echoed through the air.

Amelia's eyes flashed with power as she finished her incantation. "Dragon Tongue Magic: Storm of the Thunderous Wyrm!" she declared, raising her hands toward the sky.

Purple lightning crackled around her, and with a powerful gesture, she unleashed the spell.

Bolts of purple lightning descended from the heavens, striking the Vampiric Father with terrifying speed and intensity. The ground shook as the lightning crashed down, enveloping the vampire lord in a brilliant, blinding light.

The werewolves and vampires alike shielded their eyes, the sheer force of the attack staggering them. For a moment, it seemed as though Amelia's magic had found its mark.

But as the light faded, the Vampiric Father emerged unscathed, his dark aura flickering around him like a protective shroud. He looked almost bored, brushing imaginary dust from his shoulder. "Is that all?" he asked, his tone mocking. "You'll need more than that to harm me."

Amelia frowned, realizing the extent of his power. "Haah, so it seems I can't hold back," she murmured, her voice tinged with frustration. "Very well, let's see how you handle this."

With a deep breath, Amelia's body began to change.

Gold scales sprouted across her skin, and her eyes glowed with an intense, otherworldly light. Horns grew from her head, curving back in an elegant yet fearsome display. A long, sinuous tail whipped behind her, and her form expanded, growing larger and more imposing with each passing second.

Her figure soon towered over the castle, her weight made it so that she fell through the roof, landing on the first floor, and yet, her massive head peeked over the mansion's peak.

Gasps of awe and fear rippled through the onlookers as Amelia completed her transformation into a majestic dragon, her massive wings unfurling to cast a shadow over the battlefield.

Even the Vampiric Father acted. Rather than being so close to her face, he retreated into the sky, looking down at her from above. Still, he did not look panicked. The moon shone behind him gently, and he looked down with his braids swaying in the air.

He raised an eyebrow, genuinely surprised. "Ah, no wonder," he mused, his tone shifting to one of intrigue. "I was curious how a human could wield Dragon Tongue Magic. A half-breed dragon, then? Fascinating."

He continued to speak, but Amelia did not wait. With a powerful beat of her wings, she opened her maw, and a terrifying energy gathered within, building up to a cataclysmic release.

"The Thunder Dragon's Breath!" she roared, unleashing a torrent of searing, purple lightning plasma energy towards the Vampiric Father.

The blast lit up the night sky, casting an eerie glow over the entire area. The force of the attack sent shockwaves rippling through the ground, the air rippled as if it were a river, and the intense heat scorched everything in its path.

For a brief moment, everything seemed frozen in time, as the full might of Amelia's dragon form bore down upon her enemy.

The purple energy consumed the area, blinding light and searing heat radiating outward. The Vampiric Father's silhouette vanished within the inferno, leaving everyone watching with bated breath. As the flames subsided, the air crackled with residual energy, and a heavy silence fell over the battlefield.

The smoke cleared, and the Vampiric Father stood, unscathed and seemingly untouched by the attack. His red eyes glowed with a mix of amusement and contempt. He brushed off his vest, not showing the hint of a smile anymore, his voice carrying a mocking tone.

"Is that all you have, dragon? Pathetic." His words cut through the silence, sending a chill through those watching.



The immensely powerful dragon's breath had different effects on different people. For those fleeing the burning city, it seemed like hell incarnate. Flames roared, and shadows twisted through the air, amplifying their fear as they ran, shouting in sheer terror.

Sir Carlos and Sir Lucas, however, had a different response. They weren't scared.

Locked in a fierce struggle against Jacob, the 9th child of the Vampiric Father, they felt a renewed vigor as the beam of Dragon's Breath cut through the sky.

A Dragon was on their side, truly?

"Rah!" they roared, galvanized by the sight.

From their vantage point, they could just make out the dragon's head and the magnificent beam. They couldn't see the effect of the breath, and thankfully so, for witnessing its magnificent failure might have shattered their morale.

Sir Carlos and Sir Lucas felt more willing to try, as they pushed their bodies to the limit.

"I had my suspicions, but that Professor Amelia is really the famous Amelia. Don't lose hope, Lucas!" Sir Carlos shouted to his vice-captain, who grumbled and responded with strength.

 The two knights pressed their assault, their strikes more precise and forceful. Sir Carlos' blade sliced across Jacob's cheek, while Sir Lucas's thrust narrowly missed the vampire's heart.

Jacob growled, his eyes glowing with rage. "You rats! How dare you!" he spat, deflecting their next assault. With a swift kick, he sent Sir Lucas sprawling to the ground, the force of the blow rendering him momentarily unconscious.

But Sir Carlos was undeterred. Though Jacob was formidable, it seemed that even he was weakened from the earlier fight with the Moon Wolf Tribe. Otherwise, a near 6th Ascension wouldn't have had so much trouble against two 4th Ascensions. His injuries hindered him, preventing him from exerting his full strength.

There was still a chance for victory. Hope filled Sir Carlos' veins.

A golden spark of aura began to envelop Sir Carlos, his pristine blade glowing brighter with each passing moment. His brown hair seemed to dance in the air, not from the wind, but from the mana that surged around him like a living entity. His power was blooming, a fountain of raw energy ready to burst forth.

"Die, monster!" Sir Carlos roared, his voice echoing with the promise of retribution. He matched Jacob blow for blow, his strength growing exponentially. Every clash of their weapons sent shockwaves through the air, and the battle between the knight and the vampire grew even more fierce.


Lilian Lunewolf let out a cry as she clashed claws against Velora, the vampire. Among the three third-generation Obsidian vampires, this girl was the weakest, and Lilian was having a battle leaning toward victory.

Lilian was Level 38. She didn't know what the other person was at; her [Moon Eyes] weren't developed enough to see Levels yet, but she was sure it was someone slightly higher level than her. However, despite that, Lilian was stronger.

"Keugh-!" Velora grumbled in frustration as Lilian's claws ran through her waist, leaving a gash that began to sizzle against the air.

"What," Lilian huffed and smiled at her, "not so arrogant now, are you? You're whimpering like a rat since you've been separated from your group."

When that woman from earlier transformed into a gigantic dragon, crushing the mansion under her feet, every fighter scattered around to save their lives. In the process, Lilian was separated from her group. She wasn't sad; she was happy that the three vampires who were bullying her were also separated, leaving only one of them with her.

The one left was not the weakest among the three, but she wasn't the strongest either. It was the same girl who had yelled earlier, allowing Lilian an opening to tackle her and bring her down.

Now, she was almost there, ready to kill her. Lilian's eyes grew sharp, the tattered maid outfit showing her muscles underneath, as she growled toward the pale-skinned Velora.

Velora hissed, baring her fangs in a futile display of defiance. "You'll regret this, you dirty wolf," she spat, blood dripping from her wound. But Lilian only smirked, her claws gleaming with the promise of a final blow.

Just as Lilian was about to strike, a blur of movement caught her eye. Two more figures appeared around the area; a kick sent her flying, and predatory grins flashed before her eyes, sending a shiver down her spine.

They were the two of the other third-generation vampires. One of them, a tall male with a lean build and red eyes, chuckled darkly. "Were you really losing to someone like her, Velora?" said Rang'thar, the strongest among the third generation.

Velora laughed weakly at that, finding new courage now that her comrades had arrived. "Oh, shut up. Just finish her already," she urged, her voice a mixture of pain and glee.

"Oh, surely. We've played with her for too long," Darian Obsidian, the other member of Velora and Rang'thar's group, the weakest among them at Level 38, said with a chuckle. He licked his lips as he looked at Lilian.

Lilian braced herself, but the combined assault of the three vampires was overwhelming. They moved in unison, their attacks coordinated and relentless.

Darian darted to her left, his claws glowing with a sinister red light. "[Blood Frenzy]!" he shouted, his claws slashing in a whirlwind of crimson arcs.

Lilian blocked the first few strikes, but the sheer speed and ferocity of the attack forced her back. Meanwhile, Velora, the same girl who couldn't stand up to her earlier, moved to her right, her hands crackling with dark energy. "[Blood Shadow Bind]!" she intoned, sending tendrils of red shadow to wrap around Lilian's limbs, immobilizing her.

Despite the pain and the restraint, Lilian fought back fiercely. Her claws glowed with a silvery light as she invoked her own skill, "[Lunar Fury]!" She slashed at the shadows binding her, breaking free and lunging at Velora.

The vampire hissed and leaped back, but not before Lilian's claws left a deep gash on her arm. "You'll pay for that!" Velora snarled, but before she could retaliate, Rang'thar moved in.

Rang'thar, the strongest among the new generation of Obsidian Vampires, approached with an air of cold authority. He didn't rush like the others; instead, he walked slowly, each step measured. He was waiting for the right moment. "Just stay out of this, I'll handle her," When Lilian turned her attention towards Darian again, Rang'thar struck. "[Crimson Flash]!"

His body blurred as he appeared behind her, his fist charged with crimson energy. The blow hit Lilian square in the back, sending her crashing to the ground. She rolled to her feet, but the damage was done. Her vision swam, and she struggled to focus.

Darian grabbed her by the hair, yanking her head back and exposing her throat. "Keke… You look good for a wolf. Sad how I can't play with you... Time to die, little wolf," he sneered, his fangs bared. Lilian struggled, trying to break free, but his grip was like iron. "[Vampiric Grip]!" he invoked, his hand glowing with a dark power that sapped her strength.

Velora laughed, a cruel, mocking sound. "Not so tough now, are you? Weren't you asking me the same thing, you bitch?" she jeered, her eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure.

She joined Darian, her boots slamming into Lilian's ribs with brutal force. "Feel that? That's what happens when you mess with us. We, the Obsidian, are the only strongest under the moon," she taunted. Lilian's body writhed in pain on the ground as the two vampires kicked and stomped on her relentlessly.

Rang'thar watched his comrades toy with their prey, a faint smirk playing on his lips. "Enough," he said, his voice cold and authoritative, as he let the smile drop.

"What?" Velora raised an eyebrow.

"Let's not waste any time. The battle between the Patriarch and the dragon is growing more intense, I'd like to witness it. So let's end this." He raised a hand, crimson energy crackling around his fingers as he charged a deadly skill. "[Blood Reaper]!" he said, the energy coalescing into a massive, scythe-like blade above his head.

The blade hummed with lethal power, ready to strike.

Lilian's vision blurred, her strength fading. Crimson energy crackled around the blade, as he readied himself. Lilian's vision blurred, her strength fading. She closed her eyes, bracing for the end.

But it never came.

A powerful force crashed into Rang'thar, sending him flying. The impact was so sudden and fierce that the ground trembled. Lilian opened her eyes to see the useless youngest of the Romani Family standing before her, his expression fierce while his tongue clicked in annoyance.

Lilian blinked, surprised and shocked, while the other two vampires shouted and ran to their strongest member in worry. "Rang'thar!"

 The human noble glanced down at Lilian, offering a small, reassuring smile. "Hang in there," he said before turning his attention to the remaining vampires.

The two vampires who had been beating her looked at Iskandaar in shock and rage, but Rang'thar's grumble made them look back at him. They helped their strongest stand up, as he growled at Iskandaar. "You'll pay for this humiliation, human."

"Well, that's what I ended up choosing," Iskandaar shrugged, snapping his fists as if unloading a gun. He took a stance, facing the vampire, while Lilian stared at him back with confused eyes.

Since when was he strong? She really thought he was as useless as a human could ever be.

The Veiled Man Note: Addiction to writing is a good thing, right? Wrote another chapter, so the update is earlier than planned. Hopefully, you enjoyed it. Hopefully, you enjoyed it. If so, I must beg once more beg for some positive reviews or ratings!

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