The Martial God: Demonic Cultivator in a World of Magic [Isekai LitRPG]

Chapter 18.2 – Class Selection, Finally

To cross level 40, one had to complete the Quest they’d get at Level 39. However, the cap was ten levels higher for the class. After all, a Class was as important as one’s life, the system allowed more time to think about it. That’s why I didn’t get stuck at Level 20, despite not choosing the class back then. Now though, I had to do it.

I didn’t mind. I was lying here anyway, unable to move. This Class would shape my future, so I had to be thoughtful. But… what future? How much of it did I even have left? Fuck, the lifespan thing bothered me.

With a resigned sigh, I focused on the system window, pulling up the list of available classes. There were four before, the first time I saw the panel, but now there are seven. I decided to check the initial four first.


[Warrior] - Basic

Requirement: None

Description: A foundational class for melee fighters. This grants fundamental proficiency with all types of melee weapons, including swords, spears, axes, and more. 

Possible Evolutions: As Warriors gain power through fighting, they can evolve into roles such as:


  • [Berserker]: The wielder will embrace a wild and untamed fighting style, focusing on raw strength and relentless aggression.
  • [Guardian]:  The wielder will develop into a protector, emphasizing defense and the ability to shield allies from harm.
  • [Commander]:  The wielder will lead others into battle, combining strategic insight with combat prowess.
  • [Champion]:  The wielder will become a hero of legend, mastering combat techniques that inspire and uplift allies.


[Mage] - Basic

Requirement: None

Description: A foundational class for magic users. It focuses on the basic application of magical abilities. 

Possible Evolutions: As Mages gain knowledge and power, they can evolve into roles such as:

  • [Elementalist]: The wielder will specialize in manipulating the forces of nature, commanding the elements of fire, water, earth, and air.
  • [Necromancer]: The wielder will delve into the dark arts, raising the dead and wielding the powers of death and decay.
  • [Enchanter]:  The wielder will master the craft of imbuing objects and allies with magical properties, enhancing their abilities.
  • [Sorcerer]:  The wielder will channel raw, innate magical power, bending it to your will in unpredictable and potent ways.


[Healer (Common)] - Basic

Requirement: Devotion to a Deity

Description: A foundational class for medics. A divine caster blessed with healing magic, requiring unwavering faith in a chosen deity. Healers possess the ability to mend wounds, cure ailments, and enhance the attributes and resistances of their allies.

Possible Evolutions: Healers can advance into more powerful and specialized roles, such as:

  • [Cleric]: The wielder will become a conduit of divine will, smiting enemies and healing allies with holy magic.
  • [Druid]: The wielder will embrace the power of nature, healing and protecting through a deep connection with the natural world.
  • [Mystic]: The wielder will focus on spiritual healing and mental fortitude.
  • [Battle Healer]: The wielder will combine healing with combat, fighting on the front lines while sustaining the health of his comrades.



[Berserker] - Advanced

Role: Frenzied Combatant

Description: The Berserker is a combatant who thrives in the chaos of battle, unleashing raw fury and overwhelming strength to decimate their foes. Fueled by intense rage, Berserkers can shrug off pain and push beyond the limits of ordinary warriors, trading finesse for sheer destructive power. Their frenzied attacks make them a terrifying force on the battlefield, capable of turning the tide of combat through sheer ferocity alone.

Possible Evolutions: A Berserker hones their rage and combat instincts, and they may evolve into even more fearsome roles: 

  • [Blood Reaver]: You will be able to wield blood magic to empower your rage, using the life force of enemies to sustain your onslaught.
  • [Juggernaut]: If you tread this path, you’d become a nearly indestructible force that crushes anything in its path.
  • [Rage Warden]: You’ll be allowed to harness your fury with a disciplined mind, balancing raw power with tactical awareness, allowing for controlled bursts of devastating strength.
  • [Warbringer]: You’ll be able to lead others into battle with a primal roar that will inspire allies and terrify your enemies, becoming a living embodiment of war.


My eyes skimmed the text, taking in the particulars of each class. The words in front of me blurred briefly, prompting me to blink them back into focus. Each class was more appealing than the previous one, promising power, survival, and a chance to make a name for myself in this world.

“[Warrior],” I muttered under my breath, reading the first entry. A foundation that would keep me alive, and help me fend off whatever hell was thrown my way. My kickboxing past would help a lot if I chose this. Unfortunately, it felt too bland.

Basic but solid. That was my understanding of the first three choices. 

I didn’t even consider the [Healer]. It made me snort out a burst of laughter when I saw it. That wasn’t my thing. But [Mage] was very curious, so I kept that on the front of my head for now. It had the famous Necromancer, every teenager’s wet dream, as a possible evolution, after all.

The [Berserker] was interesting, it was the only Advanced ranked one among the four, it was also the evolution of [Warrior], so I’d likely get the same Skills from this. But I’ve had enough fucked history with the word berserker. 

I merged two berserk techniques, and it pulled me down to my current state. The power it promised was true, but the danger was as well. I needed something better.

I focused on the other three choices. Unlike the previous classes, these ones immediately drew my attention. The titles alone were interesting. 

My eyes landed on the first one.


[Rune Knight] - Advanced

Role: Arcane Warrior

Description: A Rune Knight is a master combatant, a Warrior of the Arcane.  They fuse physical prowess with arcane power by mastering the art of inscribing powerful runes into their armor and weapons. They are able to channel magic through combat techniques, enhancing their strikes, and also shield themselves with elemental forces. 

A Rune Knight is a powerful merge between a Warrior and Mage.

Possible Evolutions: As a Rune Knight’s mastery of magic and combat deepens, they may evolve into even more powerful roles:

  • [Arcane Blademaster]: A Class born from Arcane. Will grant perfect harmony between swordplay and spellcasting, turning the user into a master of magical combat.
  • [Runic Champion]: A Class born from Arcane. Focuses on the creation of ancient runes that grant incredible power and protection.
  • [Spellblade]: A Class born from Arcane. Specializes in quick, precise strikes that channel potent magic, overwhelming enemies with a barrage of spell-infused attacks.
  • [War Mage]: A Class born from Arcane. Advances and integrates magic with warfare, becoming an unparalleled force that dominates the battlefield.


[Ethereal Shieldbearer] - Legendary

Role: Guardian of the Realm; Protector of the Meek

Description: The Ethereal Shieldbearer is a legendary class, the protector of the realm. Its wielders are tasked with defending the world, following the orders of the Twelve Gods. They are chosen for their unwavering faith and dedication to the world and its people. They wield ethereal forces granted by the divine to guard against threats that could endanger everything. Ethereal Shieldbearers are seen as divine emissaries.

Possible Evolutions: As an Ethereal Shieldbearer proves their worth, they may be blessed with further divine gifts, which will allow them to evolve into roles that enhance their ability to defend and serve the gods’ will:


  • [Holy Sentinel]: A Class empowered by divine light. This evolution allows the Shieldbearer to focus on more offensive capabilities.
  • [Guardian of the Veil]: A Class empowered by divine light. Focuses on safeguarding the boundary between the physical world and the spirit realm.
  • [Celestial Warden]: A Class empowered by divine light. Draws strength from the stars and the celestial beings, which they’ll then use to enforce divine law and protect the world’s natural order.
  • [Divine Protector]: A Class empowered by divine light. This will grant the Shielfbearer the role dedicated to the direct defense of sacred sites, artifacts, and those chosen by the gods.


[Myth Slayer] - Myth

Role: Slayer of Legends

Description: The Myth Slayer is a class shrouded in legend; its origin is unknown. It is said to have been born from entities who impressed the System by defying the gods themselves. Wielders of this class possess the power to challenge and defeat legendary and mythical beings, and their strength grows in direct proportion to the power of their foes. 

The Myth Slayer is a terrifying figure, a threat to those who dwell in the realms of the divine and the monstrous. They have the unique ability to sever the very essence of legends, making them one of the most feared entities in existence. 

Possible Evolutions: The Myth Slayer’s potential is nearly limitless, but they may evolve into even more fearsome roles:

    • [Godslayer]: Will grant the Myth Slayer the power to challenge and defeat divine beings, becoming a force that even the gods fear.
    • [Myth Weaver]: Will grant the Myth Slayer the ability to reshape legends, controlling the fate of mythical beings and altering the course of history itself.
    • [?????]
    • [?????]


I went through them one by one.

"Rune Knight, eh? So kind of like a Magic Swordsman, I’m assuming," I said to myself. 

The description was enticing – if I chose this, I could blend physical strength with magical abilities. Carving runes into armor and weapons, harnessing magic through combat techniques. It didn’t seem like a bad choice.

A perfect blend of a warrior and a mage. The potential evolutions were also quite interesting. Arcane Blademaster, Runic Champion, Spellblade, War Mage. 

"They all sound dope. "Like a path to incredible power." I imagined myself slicing through enemies with an arcane-infused blade, casting spells in the process. But, as tempting as it was, something held me back. 

It felt too structured and disciplined for my liking. The concept of being bound by runes, relying on inscriptions and pre-planned strategies didn't sit well with me. 

I kept the choice in mind, but I wish the next ones were better. I wanted something more… direct, more unpredictable, if I had to choose.

So I moved on to the next option.

"Ethereal Shieldbearer… Legendary." The title raised my eyebrow. 

Protecting the weak? Follow Gods’ orders? Was this something like the ‘Hero’ class? Seemed like that to me. It sounded like something out of a fantasy epic, a guardian who could protect or destroy with unmatched might.

The possible evolutions were intense as well. Yet somehow, I didn’t find it appealing. 

I didn’t want to follow the Gods’ whims, especially when my allegiance was so special. An otherworlder with demonic power, they might as well tell me to kill myself, and I’d have no choice but to follow.

My eyes settled on the final option, and I felt frowned as I read the title.

"Myth Slayer…" I whispered the name, feeling a thrill run through me. The description was unlike the others, opposite the Ethereal Shieldbearer—a class born from defying the gods themselves. 

I must have gained this choice from killing the Vampiric Father. Not choosing the Class earlier was indeed a good choice. The potential evolutions were great too, especially the question mark. It either meant they were so powerful that they had to be hidden, or that they would be uniquely created just for me, depending on how I make my choices. 

This… was different. This wasn't about protecting, finding balance, or maintaining order. This was about pure, unrestrained power. It was the kind of power that not only survived but thrived in chaos. 

The idea of facing the gods, of defeating beings that were considered untouchable… I let out a breath. That deeply stirred something within me. Since I was tasked with saving the world despite my little strength, it’s obvious that I’d always been an underdog, destined to always fight against forces bigger than myself. 

In this world, that would always be true. For I was asked to save this world, make a cult, and go against Deities and Devils.

I wouldn’t always match up against thousand-year-old monsters, after training for a few weeks. The shot against the Vampiric Father was purely on luck. But this class embraced that struggle and turned it into strength.

This Class offered me a path of destruction and defiance, a path where I carved out my own legend by cutting down those who were invincible. It was dangerous, unpredictable, and incredibly appealing. And, to be honest, after everything I'd been through, including losing fifty years of my life, I didn't want to play it safe. I didn't have that option anymore.

I wanted power. Real power. The kind of power that would ensure I never lose, never fail, as I had in my last life… The kind that would allow me to control my fate rather than simply react to it, like I had in this whole Lockdarn situation.

Considering that, the choice was simple, really.

[Congratulations! Your path is now set.]

[You have chosen the Myth Slayer class.]

[Class: Myth Slayer - Level 1 has been acquired.]

A series of notifications flashed before my eyes, detailing the immediate changes the class had wrought upon my body and soul. I felt a shiver pass through my spine, and a twist flowing through my Qi Core.

[Your hidden, untamperable stats have increased. Vitality, Strength, Dexterity Intelligence, Wisdom, and Endurance have all increased.]


Myth Slayer Class Bonuses:

  • Experience Gain from Slaying Those Stronger Than You +25%
  • Power Against Mythical and Divine Entities +50%
  • Damage Reduction from Divine Sources +30%
  • Fear Immunity: You cannot be affected by fear from mythical or divine sources. Rather, your willpower actively pushes back against it.
  • Fate Severance: Critical attacks have a 1.5% chance to sever the fate of a mythical being, causing instant death or banishment to another realm.


[You’ve acquired 5 starting Class Skills. These skills will grow in power as you level up your Myth Slayer class, and you’ll also gain new ones on each level.]


Active: [Mythrend]:

  • Unleash a powerful strike that targets the essence of a mythical or legendary being. This attack ignores a portion of the target’s defenses and deals additional damage based on the target's strength. The stronger the foe, the more effective the attack.
  • Category: Mythical Slayer

Active: [Void Step]:

  • Phase briefly out of the physical plane, allowing you to evade attacks and reappear within a 10-meter radius. This skill has a short cooldown and can be used to reposition or escape dangerous situations.
  • Category: Dimensional Manipulation

Active: [Soul Sever]:

  • Channel the power of the Myth Slayer to deliver a precise attack that targets the soul of a mythical being. This attack has a small chance of inflicting significant damage or disrupting their connection to their source of power, weakening them temporarily.
  • Category: Soulmancy

Passive: [Legendbreaker]:

  • Each successful strike against a mythical or legendary creature slightly weakens their defenses and reduces their resistance to your attacks. This effect stacks with consecutive hits but has diminishing returns.
  • Category: Mythical Slayer

Passive: [Veil of the Slayer]:

  • Your presence slightly suppresses the power of mythical beings within a 20-meter radius, reducing the effectiveness of their abilities by 10%. This effect is subtle but can give you a slight edge in prolonged encounters.
  • Category: Aura Suppression


The notifications continued to roll in, and I felt each of them stacking more power into my veins. The magnitude of the abilities at my disposal left me momentarily breathless. Just earlier I had no Skills, but now I had so many…!

I felt the surge of fresh energy flowing through my body, enhancing my senses, speeding up my reflexes, and giving my muscles a sensation of being as strong as steel. Everything around me appeared to be moving slower as my mind analyzed everything at a faster pace.

The active skills, particularly Mythrend and Soul Sever, resonated with a deep, primal instinct within me. These were abilities meant for slaying legends, for cutting down gods. They were a perfect fit for a future Cult Leader… Goddammit.

The final notification blinked out of existence, and I exhaled a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding. The choice had been made; the path ahead of me was set.

As a Myth Slayer, I was now walking the path of slaying gods, so it was a matter of time before I would be labeled a heretic to the world.

As I settled with my decision, I noticed a slight rustle of movement. My senses that were heightened from reaching the 3rd Ascension, instantly alerted me, and I shifted my gaze toward the source. The sound was subtle, but it carried an aura of quiet authority.

A figure emerged from the shadows of the ruined garden—graceful and imposing at the same time. The Matriarch.

The divine beast’s presence alone seemed to command the very air around her, bending it to her will. Her eyes, sharp and knowing, flicked first to Lilian, who was still slumped against the wall. A soft chuckle escaped the Matriarch’s lips, a sound that was both gentle and filled with an undercurrent of power.

Lilian stirred at the noise, her eyes snapping open in a startled panic. She looked around, confusion was evident on her face. Her gaze landed on her grandmother. Relief washed over her features, followed by a flustered shock as she realized she had fallen asleep.

“Grandmother… I–”

The Matriarch waved a paw dismissively, silencing Lilian’s stammered apology. “You’ve done well, child. Rest while you can.” Her voice was soft yet commanding, leaving no room for argument.

Lilian nodded, still a bit flustered but grateful for the reprieve. She cast a quick glance at me, her eyes reflecting a mix of concern and curiosity, before she settled back against the wall, trying to fight off the lingering drowsiness.

The Matriarch’s attention then turned fully to me. Her gaze was piercing, as if she could see straight through me, past the facade of strength I was barely holding onto. I didn’t know how she’d react after seeing me go berserk last night, with devil horns growing from my head.

I sensed that her presence was overwhelming, more than the passive aura of a being who had lived through centuries of battles and hardships. She was actively pushing it onto me. Why? Did she want to see me tremble? Unfortunately, as overwhelming as it was for the area around me, causing the ground to shake, it didn’t bother me. She was a Mythical Creature, after all.

“Oh-ho, what’s this?” she mused, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. “You brushed it off last night after almost kneeling to me, but today you’re just fine. Instead, what’s this air of danger around you suddenly?”

I tried to sit up, struggling to maintain composure in the presence of her commanding figure, but my body wouldn't comply. All I could manage was a weak smile, my muscles too stiff and aching to allow much more.

The Matriarch’s eyes sparkled with something akin to respect, but also curiosity, as if she sensed the change in me. Could she see my—

“A Myth Slayer, eh?” she said, her voice a mix of wonder and wariness. That startled me. “It’s been a millennium since I last saw one. How interesting.”

The way she looked at me now was different—no longer just an injured boy, but something more. Something dangerous. 

The recognition brought a mix of exhilaration and terror. My chosen path was now being acknowledged by one of the most powerful beings in the mortal realm, and that was insane.

The clouds drifted in the sky above as a Myth looked down upon me. She didn’t look at me like the weak boy she had thought of me last night when she shouted for me to run. No, the subtle shift in the balance of power was obvious.

The Myth withdrew her aura, unwilling to continue her silly tests on a peer.

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