The Martial God: Demonic Cultivator in a World of Magic [Isekai LitRPG]

Chapter 5 – Journey Out of the City

The 2nd Ascension. 

I needed to reach that at least before I left for the Waybound Academy. On paper, you could enroll as long as you’re Level 15, but I wanted to be specially prepared. In the Academy, the real enemies were not Level 15 students, after all; demons, corrupted professors, terrorists, and many other insane characters are ready to cause trouble.

I must choose a [Class] before entering that den of trouble.

I was Level 12 now, so I needed 8 more levels. Unfortunately, the experience point requirement for the Level 10s was a considerable jump from the initial 10 levels. It’s not possible to get over in a mere week. I’ll have to work hard for the foreseeable future.

Not that I minded. I loved being active. After being locked in my room for years because of that stupid truck, I loved being able to jump around and fight. I was already stronger than a peak human, for example. Why wouldn’t I love working out? 

This was a world of sword and magic, and I also have a Murim power-set, it’ll be stupid to sit on my ass and waste my time. I wanted to try other, less practiced ideas on how to grow stronger. The things that only I can practice, for example.

“Where are we going, young master…” Justin whispered behind me in a concerned voice. This man sounded too concerned every time we talked, how little did he trust me?

“To the black market,” I replied. “I’m going to buy some stuff.”

We weaved our way through the bustling city, where the activity was intense despite the medieval vibe around. The sounds of merchants hawking their wares and the clatter of horse-drawn carriages created a lively vibe around us as we walked. 

After months of isolation in my room, I enjoyed this kind of atmosphere.

The air was thick with the aroma of fresh bread from nearby bakeries, mingling with the scent of herbs and potions sold by street vendors. The cobblestone streets were uneven under our feet, worn smooth by countless feet over the years. Tall, narrow buildings flanked either side of the street, their upper stories leaning precariously. 

People were friendly to each other, from what I observed. There were a lot of people, too. But as we moved deeper into the city, the crowd began to thin out. Because we were heading into a place where few people frequented. 

The cheerful chatter of the main thoroughfare was replaced by the muffled murmurs of those who preferred to conduct their business in the shadows. The further we walked, the more the surroundings changed. Justin recognized the changes, so he knew I wasn’t joking. 

The well-kept facades of the main streets gave way to cracked plaster and boarded-up windows. We were close, as Justin nearly shouted. “The black market?! Young master, you’re a noble! How can you visit the black market?! What will the lord say if he heard-”

“He won’t hear,” I turned to Justin, looking into his eyes. “Would he, Justin?”


“Would he, Justin?”

“No. He won’t, young master…” Justin sighed and nodded.

Honestly, the Count wouldn’t mind it as much as Justin thought he would. All Nobles knowingly allowed black markets in their territory, the economy from it wasn't small enough to ignore, after all. Even the City of Romer, the Count’s territory where we stood right now, allowed it. The old man might give me an earful for coming here, but that was it. It would be worth taking that risk if I end up finding a good item.

A good Demonic Item.

Justin likely couldn't sense demonic energy, so I should be safe but… I hope this won't cause me trouble.

The idea of ‘Demons’ was quite different in these two worlds. In Murim it was more of a concept, more metaphysical. People practicing evil, unethical arts were often called Demonic Practitioners. 

Although it’s not as if true demonic arts didn’t exist—they did. They came to exist after someone touched the [Demonic Dao] and learned actual demonic arts. The founding Heavenly Demon, the ancestor, who created the True Demon God Cult. 

After touching the Demonic Dao, he learned tons of demonic arts, and even passed down many to others who managed to learn them without having touched the Dao themselves; after all, touching a Dao was no small feat. Since that incident that happened a thousand years ago, the Demonic Cult differentiated itself from the typical Unorthodox Faction. Because we had actual demonic arts, rather than merely unethical arts.

Of course, even the demon cult members couldn’t be considered real demons. They practiced those arts, sure, but that was it. Only those who touched the Demonic Dao, the concept, managed to see the reflection of a Demon in the mirror. 

I, for example, was seen as the reflection of the Demon God Mara, having touched the Demonic Dao myself, the first one to succeed in doing so after the founder Heavenly Demon, and was therefore crowned the same. 

…Hmm. I stopped walking.

“Young master? Why did you stop?”

I scratched my chin while sweat dripped down my forehead. Did I just refer to myself as the ‘Heavenly Demon’? 

Just because I had a bunch of his memories didn't mean I was him. I guess I'll have to be careful to not go completely chunibyo in the future.

“Nothing, Justin,” I cleared my throat. “Let’s continue venturing inside,” 

Anyhow, in this world, the idea of a demon was more literal. It was a species, rather than being considered a demon by the spirit and Qi. Although I’ve seen the demons of this world from behind a screen before, I was really curious about meeting a Demon for myself in real life.

Ah, and of course, I was not heading to the black market in the hope of meeting a demon. That’d be like searching for a needle in a haystack. I wanted to look for Demonic Items, cultivate off that energy, and absorb that Qi into my body. It was a widely practiced art back in Murim, but I doubted many used it in this world. Maybe some Demons did, I’d have to ask someday.

“Here we are,” I said as we slowly stepped through a shadowy barrier in an alley. The world around us blurred, and our surroundings changed. 

We were in the black market now, clad in robes, our flashy identities a secret. The alley we stepped through was a dimly lit labyrinth, echoing with the hushed murmurs of secret transactions. The air was thick with the mingling scents of exotic spices, rotting garbage, and a hint of something metallic—blood, perhaps. Shadows danced on the walls, cast by flickering torches and the occasional enchanted lantern.

“Hmm…” Justin hummed behind me, looking around. His eyes darted from one shadowy figure to the next, warily assessing potential threats.

I let my senses bloom around me like a gentle ‘scent’. There was a technique about this, but I couldn't really perform it. I just tried to imitate it. The scent of demonic energy was supposed to react with this. I wondered if it really would. As I’d just said, these two worlds perceived ‘demons’ differently, so could it be that the demonic energy in this world was completely different?

We began to walk around after that. The ground beneath our feet was uneven, cobblestones slick with moisture and grime. The narrow path was flanked by stalls and makeshift shops, their owners hawking wares ranging from dubious potions to strange, glimmering artifacts. 

Every few steps, a gust of wind carried the stench of unwashed bodies and unidentifiable substances, making it hard to breathe without a slight grimace. It was gross here.

Vendors called out in hushed tones, and among them, a woman with a veil covering half her face tried to sell a bundle of herbs to us, her eyes never quite meeting ours. A burly man with a scar across his cheek displayed an assortment of rusted weapons, his gaze shifting constantly, watching for any sign of trouble. It was good to stay alert here.

The deeper we ventured, the more oppressive the atmosphere became. The mingling smells of incense and sweat created a heady mix, while the flickering torchlight cast eerie shadows that made the entire place feel like a surreal, underground maze. The occasional flash of a hidden blade or the glint of gold exchanged under the table added to the sense of danger.

After walking for five minutes, doubt started creeping into my heart. Could I really find something demonic here, or was I wandering aimlessly? It was then that I stopped again. My head snapped to the side, my lips widened. “There it is.”

In the midst of the cluttered chaos, I spotted a stall that seemed almost out of place. It was less ostentatious than the others, displaying stuff with a strange sense of order. Among the items, a crusty dagger caught my eye, emitting a faint, dark aura that only I seemed to notice.

“Something caught your eye, aye?” the shopkeeper didn’t miss me suddenly turning to him. He was a short old man with a few missing teeth, as he grinned at me.

I walked to the vendor, and Justin followed close behind. I stared at the crusty dagger resting on one corner of the table. I guess it didn’t look that eye-catching for normal people, but that was a demonic item, I was sure of it. “How much for that?”

“Ten Gold.” The old man made a little ‘O’ with his fingers and said.

“You fucking bastard,” Justin stepped forward, “You take us for fools? It looks like it’ll crumble in the wind, it’s not worth five copper, you dare say ten gold?”

“Oh-ho, I was just joking~” the short old man cleared his throat. “Yeah, five copper it is. But I can’t sell just that. My shop’s got a policy that you need to buy at least one silver-worth item.”

“Looks like someone needs a beating,” Justin rolled up his sleeves, and the old man flinched.

“Hey, young man, control your servant! He can’t take a joke for God’s sake!” the old man shouted and I placed a hand on Justin’s shoulder, chuckling. Surprisingly, the same guy who was unwilling to let me come here was the first to resort to violence. He sure knew how to bargain in this type of place.

Also, it seemed neither of them could sense the demonic energy from the items. That was good. I didn’t want to get into trouble by people thinking of me as a demon or demon worshiper, that’d only cause one mess after another.

“Here’s five copper,” I placed five coins on the table, and the shopkeeper caught it midair. “And here’s five more,” I poured some more, my chin nudging forward. “For that cup behind you.” The ominous, dark cup resting inside the shop. It was the thing that my demonic senses registered first, the dagger was only a bonus.

Thankfully, neither Justin nor the shopkeeper could tell that these were demonic items. The ability to see through demonic energy didn't seem to be a common one.

I wondered what effect that eerie thing had.


Despite looking around the black market for a bit more, I didn't find any other eye-catching item. It seemed demonic artifacts were not very common.  I chose to return to the mansion instead of wasting more time here.

“Phew,” Justin heaved a sigh once we got past the main gates and entered the villa. “We really didn't get caught. Young master, what's so special about those two items? They look old and worn out.”

“I'll tell you someday, Justin,” I patted him on the back and said. He gave me a look but didn't dare to share the curses he was thinking right now.

It was then that one of the maids walked over to us. Ah, and I hadn't even reached my room yet… The life of a noble sure was annoying.

“Young master,” the maid bowed a little and said. “The Lord is looking for you, it's urgent.”

“Oh,” I blinked in surprise. What was this about? “Alright. I'll get rid of this robe first and go meet him.” I said and continued walking.

Justin and I parted ways, the butler returned to his room with a relieved sigh. He must be glad that we didn't get caught. I returned to my own room.

I wonder why the Count’s looking for me. I started taking off my robe and the rest of my clothes while pondering over it. Before heading out for the black market, I had changed into some mundane clothes since I didn't want to attract any attention in case my robes went flying or something.

I changed into my usual noble clothes and left my two items in a drawer. I wanted to check them out already, but I decided I should go meet the Count first. The maid said it was urgent.

I knocked on the Count’s office door, and as usual, the Count’s voice invited me inside. Pushing it open, this time I found a new face waiting inside.

“Greetings Father,” I bowed toward the Count and said. When I turned to the other person, he placed a fist on his chest.

“Hello, young master,” he greeted me first before I could greet him. He was standing, not sitting like the usual guests, because he wasn't a usual guest. 

He was a Knight.

[Level 49]


A decently strong one, at that. 4th Ascension was nothing to scoff at, and he was on the verge of the 5th Ascension. He must be in the middle of his Ascension Quest, in fact.

I remember one NPC Sage saying in the game that only 20% of people succeed ascending from 4th stage to 5th. If he managed that, he'd become a valuable Knight of the Empire.

“Evening, Sir Carlos,” I bowed slightly, greeting the County’s 5th Knight Squad’s Head, according to my memories. He blinked in surprise, grinning a moment later.

“I've heard that you dealt with the troublemaker of my 5th Squad’s trainee knights, Tyrone. I'll be honest, I didn't believe it at first, but it seems the enlightenment has changed you for the better.” The Knight said. Was my greeting back really that big of a deal? Damn.

“I'm glad you think so,” I smiled and then looked at my father. Hmm, what's that map resting in front of him?

“Yes, Iskandaar. I've summoned you today for an important reason.” He said, “You’re aware of the Lockdarn City to our east, correct? It is under the ruling Baron Lockdarn.”

“Yes, father.” It wasn't a very important Barony, it wasn't even mentioned in the game, but I recalled it from Iskandaar’s memories.

“Recently they've stopped all trading with us. It was a very odd decision. Upon asking the Baron why via letters, he replied that they had found a better option. But that's not possible since in these parts of our city, Romer is the single best for trading.” He said, “Plus, I've heard no such news from the other cities about this so-called ‘better option’.”


The Count continued, “Usually I'd just ignore it as a sign of aggression from the Baron. But I fear that there is more than what meets the eye. The city was not in a good state internally even just a few weeks ago. Criminal and underworld activities had been rising recently, and then suddenly our city's trading stopped there. So all information has stopped traveling back and forth.”

I considered his words. “So you think suspicious stuff is going on in there, and since we're the most powerful City nearby, they're trying to keep us out of it using the most reasonable excuse?”

“Exactly,” the Count nodded. He smiled a little, as if proud that I could deduce all that. How dumb was Iskandaar? “When trading happens, important people from our city often visit that city for small or big reasons. However, they've stopped doing that entirely since there's no point. People who still go there are few, and not important. Likely to see relatives staying in that city. So if they are hoping to suppress news from reaching my ears, they have indeed succeeded.”

“Seems that way.”

“Mhm. So I've been thinking I should send some people to check there just in case.”

I blinked. Since he summoned me along with the Knight, it meant he was planning to send me too. That surprised me. “You're sending me? Why?”

“Well, you're not a child anymore, Iskandaar. And you're decently strong for your age as well, you won't be a burden for the knights. However, most importantly, you wouldn't have to take any action yourself. It's just your presence that's needed there. You won't participate in anything, the 5th Knight Squad will be taking care of the searches and any situations that might arise there. You'll be there so that they can't use excuses to send them away, as you're the son of a Count.”

That sounded reasonable. But I was curious about something else. “But won't they wonder why I'm traveling with a whole Knight Squad? Assuming that we don't want to alert the culprit, if there are any, that we're after them, we need an excuse. Do we have an excuse prepared for that?”

“We do, actually,” he nodded. He pointed a finger at the map resting on the table. That had caught my attention when I first entered. “This place.” Both the Knight and I walked over to look at what he was pointing at. “It's the forest near the Lockdarn city. There have been serious Dread Wolf situations reported by the passerby, people are being forced to take detours because of them. Officially, the 5th Knight Squad is going there with the intention to clear the forest. During the trip, the squad will need a place to rest. ‘Luckily’ the Lockdarn City is nearby. They have no choice but to allow you in.”

“Great plan, my lord,” Knight Carlos nodded, and I did the same. It was quite the fullproof plan.

The Count explained a bit more. We’ll be ‘resting’ in the Lockdarn City for a few days, and in those days, we'll search around for anything unusual. If we do find anything unusual, we'll take care of it. If we don't, we'll just move on. In either case, after leaving the city, we'll head into the woods and take care of the wolves. The wolf excuse wasn't just an excuse, after all, it was a real situation.

“You’ll be leaving tomorrow morning,” my father of this world looked at me and said. “Prepare your belongings for the trip. Make sure the bag isn't too heavy.”


“You may take your leave.”

Bowing again, I left the room and headed back to mine. The Knight Carlos remained back to discuss a bit more with the Count. I walked back with a busy head.


Count Royden Romani leaned back in his chair, his eyes following the door that had just closed behind his son. His eyes flickered across the room for a moment as he contemplated, flickering over the rich wooden furnishings and white walls. The place felt unusually quiet after the departure of Iskandaar. 

The Count's fingers drummed lightly on the armrest of his chair, a habit he had when deep in thought. "He seems to have matured overnight, that foolish son of mine," he mused, his tone carrying a hint of pride and curiosity. "It's almost as if he's become an entirely different person. What do you think, Carlos?"

“Well, Sir,” Sir Carlos, standing with his hands clasped behind his back, glanced at the Count with a measured expression "His behavior has certainly taken a turn for the better," he agreed. "Less reckless, more focused. I haven’t met an enlightened person myself, but I’ve heard about one from a close friend, the changes are good."

The Count nodded slowly, his gaze thoughtful. "I've always known there was potential within him, buried under all that arrogance and impulsiveness. If it was him from a week ago, he would have looked for any excuse to not go to Lockdarn. Haah, feels great. You think it’ll last?"

Sir Carlos shifted slightly, the soft clink of his armor breaking the silence. "We can only hope, my lord. Perhaps it will, unless he loses focus and returns to his old habits after enjoying a little strength."

Royden sighed, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Indeed. I think it’ll be fine. That boy is still a Romani, through and through. Stubborn, passionate, and fiercely determined. Even his worst qualities were like that. Maybe it's time he showed the world what he's truly capable of."

Sir Carlos allowed himself a small smile as well. The Count continued, "I trust you will keep a close watch on him, Carlos. He might act too brave, drunk in newfound power. Make sure he doesn’t hurt himself."

Sir Carlos bowed his head respectfully, putting a hand on his chest. "You have my word, my lord. I will do everything in my power to ensure he stays safe."

Royden's fingers ceased their drumming, and he stood, placing a hand on Sir Carlos's shoulder. "Thank you. Now, let us prepare for the journey ahead. There's much to be done before dawn."


I packed my bag with the things I'll need for the next few days. It wasn't much, just some clothes and other necessary stuff. Food will be bought by the Knight Squad, but I packed some dry food too just in case.

When I was done, I took a shower and returned to sit on my bed. It was time I checked on the items I had bought back from the black market.

The dagger, and the cup. My [Insight] worked on them wonderfully.


Name: Rusty Dagger

Description: A dagger used by a demon hundreds of years ago. Due to being used by the demon for a long time, it absorbed a lot of demonic essence. It's been transformed into a cursed weapon.

Effect: Being cut by this weapon would inflict the Status Effect [Bubble Bleeding], where blood will bubble out of a cut at a devastating speed.


That was a decent effect. I wondered how it would look to the eyes, but I wasn't daring enough to cut my own hand just to test it out. 

Effect aside, I was unsure how long this dagger will last in a battle. It looked really worn out.

Tossing the dagger in my travel bag, I focused on the cup instead. This time, my mere interest turned into an eye-widening shock.


Name: Demonic Rejuvenation Cup

Description: A precious lost artifact of one of the Four Heavenly Generals of the Demon King. By pouring the blood of ten freshly dead people into the cup, a very special tea is made. It has a very rich taste, at least for the demon tongue, and recovers fatigue and wounds. 

Effect: Upon consumption, the tea will heal any wound, unless it's the loss of a limb or worse.


“That's incredible,” I was taken aback. I initially planned to use them for cultivation materials, but maybe keeping them was the better choice.

Although it was quite messed up that it required the blood of ten fresh dead bodies to make, the effect was really good. I could imagine thousands who deserved to die in the underground prison of the city, and more around the world, so in case of a serious need, this could be a life-saving artifact.

In search of gold, I struck a diamond.

I wish I had access to the Inventory. Keeping such an item in a stupid bag, what if it breaks?

Unfortunately, this was still real life, even if I had a game System flashing before my eyes. Everyone had access to the System, and they didn't have an Inventory going on. It'd be too unfair if the System gave one to me. An inventory could be used to do a bit too much in a real-world setting.

“I guess I'll have to learn a Heavenly Demon God Art myself,” I muttered to myself. 

The [Soul Storage] skill would be useful if I managed to learn it. I didn't have memories of how to learn this in my head, but thankfully it was one of the few techniques that was described vividly in the game, so much so that there was a mini game where you had to flow the Qi in order to expand the amount of storage. Deciding to try it out right away, I sat down on the bed with my legs sliding under me.

My Qi began to swirl inside me… Then, I spat out blood. My body ached.

This is gonna be a long night.


Back in the black market, Lilian Lunewolf ran through the crowd as if her life depended on it. Well, to be specific, the life of someone far more important depended on her speed. She hoped she wasn't too late.

She doubted it. That shop didn't look that popular, so it was unlikely that she was late.

Every once in a while, she looked behind her to make sure that her tail was well hidden. It would be really troublesome if her disobedient little tail peeked out from under her clothes, especially in the black market.

While checking on her tail once again, she finally reached her destination. It was a small shop that didn't stand out in the black market, run by a short old man.

“Old man,” her rough voice said as she stopped in front of the man. She placed her pouch of coins on the table, looking at him from under the robe that covered her head. “I'm here with the money. Now give me the cup.”

“Huh?” The old man raised an eyebrow. “Oh, it's the girl from a few days ago. What, you bought the 10 Gold I asked for?”

“I did…” She nudged the pouch, glittering golden peeked out of it. “It's 10 gold here.”

“Oh,” his eyes glittered. He licked his lips, “Girl, I got good news and bad news. The bad news is, your cup is gone. Some young master bought it, he had a haughty servant with him too. The good news is, my shop has a lot of other cups that—”

“You short little bastard!” The girl growled in the primal instincts of her tribe, grabbing him by the collar and raising him to the air. “Are you fucking with me right now, you little shit?!”

“H-hey! Calm down, be civilized!” The old man yelled, catching the attention of the people nearby. Sadly for him, this was a common sight in black markets, nobody stepped up.

“I told you to not sell the cup, I told you I'll bring you the money! You spineless coward, you dare go back on your words?!” She growled at him.

He flailed his limbs around in desperation, tears building up in the corner of his eyes, and a minute later, she dropped him. Lilian growled to herself. It will be useless to kill this fucker here. I should ask him about who bought it instead.

“The young master or whatever who bought this,” she asked. “How did he look?”

The old man rubbed his neck and swallowed his saliva, “Ah, young lady, as an honorable man, how can I sell information on my customers?” He then looked at her pouch. “Unless, of course…”

“I'll stomp between your legs if you keep fucking with me, you bitch,” she grabbed him by his hair and glared into his eyes. His eyes trembled and he nodded quickly.

“I’m joking, I'm joking…” He cleared his throat. “The young man was wearing a robe just like you, madam, so I didn't see much. I'm unsure if this will help you, but, uh, his skin was a shade darker than usual. And he was about this tall?”

She listened to him about the description of who this man was, but nothing rang in her head. It was not someone she knew, that's for sure. Letting go of the little bastard's hair, she closed her eyes and took a deep smell of the shop. There were a lot of scents here so it was nearly impossible that this would be of any use, but she memorized it just in case.

Lilian left Romer to return to Lockdarn in a bitter mood, the city that her werewolf tribe had taken over and was staying in.

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