The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2

Chapter 410

Chapter 410


[Translator – Asura]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Beyond the Abyss of Pyongyang.

There, with only the purple void thickly covering, the owner of the huge abyss was crouching at the very back.

And there were two beings standing in front of it.

Taiji’s Lost Soul, who had the appearance of Seong Jihan, and the petrified Seong Jiah.

“That body is still remaining. You haven’t completely taken over yet?”

When Seong Jihan spoke looking at the giant’s body, the Lost Soul shook his head.

“No. I can absorb it, but the efficiency is not good. Instead, the power of that thing will be used to open the void gate.”

The Taiji’s Lost Soul, who gained control thanks to the Taiji installed by Dongbang Sak, but that power was to be used for escape anyway.

He glanced at Yoon Seah, who fell asleep with pressure points struck.

“Seeing that state, I guess persuasion didn’t work.”

“Yeah. She clearly said she won’t go, so I struck her pressure points.”

“Pressure points… Did that work? Seah should be a pretty powerful player too.”

“What Dongbang Sak taught me is very effective.”

“…I see. Dongbang Sak.”

The Lost Soul frowned as if he didn’t like that name.

“Although I regained control because of him, I don’t know what side effects will occur from the Taiji he installed. Let’s proceed with things quickly.”

“How do you plan to proceed?”

“First, we need to do species conversion.”

As the Lost Soul said that and looked at Seong Jiah, she opened her palm.



Then, a huge glass test tube popped out from the floor filled with purple haze.

“…What is that?”

[It’s a species conversion kit. They sell it at the auction house.]

“They have things like that at the auction house…”

[You won’t find it even if you search. Because it can only be searched from the void side.]

Seong Jihan frowned looking at the test tube large enough to fit about ten Yoon Seahs.

“Is that thing safe?”

[I’m using it on Seah, so I checked the safety first. It’s the best quality among the highest grade.]

Seong Jiah said that and started opening the door of the test tube and taking things out from her inventory.

“…What is that?”

[The basic success rate set in the species conversion kit is 95%, and these are items that further increase the probability from there.]

Thud. Thud.

From skulls and flesh of some unknown lifeforms,

To gems and ores, all sorts of things were going into the test tube.

The items that went in like that,


Were ground up in an instant like food put in a blender, and changed the color of the glass tube.

[Done. It’s 100% now.]

“What did you put in just now?”

[Ingredients that increase the probability of enhancement success. They look unpleasant but are good for the body.]

If it’s good for the body, she’s been grinding them in a blender and giving them since long ago, and she’s still doing that even now that she’s become a constellation-level Witch of the Void.

Seong Jihan thought he did well striking Yoon Seah’s pressure points.

Even if she decided to escape, seeing the ground-up items, she wouldn’t want to go into that blender.

[Well then, shall we start?]

“…Okay. If anything seems off, I’ll destroy that thing right away.”

[Of course. If there’s a problem, I’ll be the first to destroy it. But it’s an item from a verified company, so that shouldn’t happen, right?]

Seong Jiah confidently opened the door of the glass tube.

‘Sister is guaranteeing it that much, so I’m feeling uneasy for nothing.’

Seong Jihan thought he should blow it up right away if something seemed a bit strange, and for now, sent the sleeping Yoon Seah into the test tube.

Then, as if water was quickly filling up inside,


[Conversion target, determining species… Judged as ‘Human’.]

[Humans have been included in the ‘Conversion Prohibited Species’ list in the latest update. Species conversion impossible]

As a warning message popped up above the test tube,


The door opened by itself and pushed Yoon Seah back out.

* * *

[No… Prohibited? Before, they were definitely a caution species…]

Seong Jiah approached the glass tube where the message appeared as if she couldn’t believe it.

[No way… If they’re a caution species, they could be changed if partially evolved? I bought this because it’s genuine!]

“There are genuine and non-genuine things like that?”

[Yeah. I’m using it on Seah, so I bought a reliable item…!]

If she knew this would happen, should she have not bought a genuine one?

No. That would have been dangerous.

Seong Jiah was muttering to herself, unable to believe the reality unfolding before her eyes.

“Blocked by the latest update… Are humans a species that can even become conversion prohibited?”

As the plan to evacuate to another world after species conversion was disrupted from the beginning, the Lost Soul looked at the test tube as if dumbfounded.

He couldn’t understand at all why humans were what they were that the latest update made it so they couldn’t even change species.

However, Seong Jihan had a hunch.

‘Conversion impossible judgment by the latest update… Come to think of it, the Green Administrator also said that the traces of the Red Administrator being mixed into humanity were discovered after species evolution.’

The traces of the Red Administrator discovered in humanity after the species evolved.

If they figured that out, it made sense for them to take conversion prohibition measures.

“Where exactly was that thing made?”

[…The Void Species Research Institute.]

“Then the void also figured it out?”


“That humanity is involved with the Red Administrator.”

[…What in the world are you talking about?!]

When Seong Jiah was startled by those words, Seong Jihan calmly replied.

“The Green Administrator said the Red one is humanity itself. I didn’t completely trust those words, but seeing the void even making it conversion impossible… I guess it’s true.”

“Humanity is the Red Administrator…?”


“Humanity… was like that?”

The Lost Soul, upon hearing Seong Jihan’s words, seemed to realize something.

For a while, he kept muttering about the Red Administrator.

“…If species conversion is also blocked, the void gate will be blocked even more strongly.”

[Then, is escape impossible?]

“It’s impossible in the current state.”

The giant at the back.

And the Lost Soul, who was looking at Seong Jihan and Seong Jiah, bit his lip.


[Translator – Asura]

[Proofreader – Gun]

Join our Discord for release /invite/dbdMDhzWa2


“…With this method blocked, there’s only one way.”

“What is it?”

Step. Step.

At Seong Jihan’s question, the Lost Soul approached the crouching giant’s body.

And reached out his hand to its body.



The giant’s body split open on its own.

The Lost Soul stepped inside it himself.


The Lost Soul’s body soon entered the giant’s body and disappeared.

And one of the red eyes on the giant’s body flickered.

A voice flowed out from inside.

[Seong Jihan… As long as we exist separately, we cannot escape from this world. To break through the prohibition, we need to combine our strength.]


With that, the giant’s body split open again.

Seong Jihan stared blankly at the cracks.

“Combining strength, you mean I should go in there too?”

[That’s right.]

“I see… If I go in, how will you proceed with things?”

[We’ll break through the blocked void gate with force and leap through space to the target location.]

“The method itself is simple.”

[But to actually execute it, we need far more immense power than now…]

Flash! Flash!

The eyes embedded in the giant’s body began to open one by one, exuding a thick void energy.

[If you join forces with us, we’ll be able to use the Red Administrator’s power. Then humanity will also sufficiently become an energy source.]

“Using humanity as an energy source for escape…”

[Yes. Now that it’s been revealed that they’re the Red Administrator, humanity is destined to be cleaned up soon… If they’re going to die anyway, it’s better to at least save the two of them, our family.]

“Having experienced being the subject of annihilation, the scale is grand.”

Recalling when the Abyss Owner activated Taiji during the humanity annihilation scenario,

Seong Jihan took out a sword from his left hand.

He understood what method the Taiji’s Lost Soul was scheming, but

‘It will fail. This method.’

Seong Jihan was certain.

The plan to break through the void gate and perform spatial movement,

The Lost Soul’s current actions were merely not acknowledging that things had gone wrong from the beginning.

As he took out his sword like that, the Lost Soul lamented.

[As expected… You have no intention of cooperating? You still don’t know that the two are more precious than 7 billion…]

“No, that’s not it. I think I understand that feeling, but”


While seemingly agreeing with the Lost Soul’s calculation that 2 people are more valuable than 7 billion,

“I got a definite feeling.”


“If I combine with you, that will be the end this time.”

He completely rejected his proposal.

[Jihan! A feeling, you say. Are you still on about that?]

“Yeah. I definitely felt it.”

[Don’t be like that, let’s find a way for us. The species conversion kit, with a non-genuine one. What about testing one that hasn’t had the update applied? And going to another world, there must be a way without going through the void gate.]

Seong Jiah spoke as if trying to somehow stop the two who were about to fight, saying let’s think of a way, but

“What do you think when Sister says that?”

[…It’s impossible. Because that was the conclusion reached after searching for various methods until now.]

The Lost Soul, who answered that it won’t work at Seong Jihan’s question,


Restored the body he had split open for him to enter back to its original state.

[Your feeling… The one that has been making the optimal choice so far, is it?]


[…I understand. I respect your choice.]

The giant slowly rose to his feet.


The abyss space shook all at once.

And the thick void rapidly engulfed Seong Jihan.

[However, in the end, you will join us.]

The Taiji’s Lost Soul, giving up on persuasion and deciding to use force.

Fundamental Divine Arts,

Heavenly Dragon Thunder Fire

One Sword Breaks the Sky

But as Seong Jihan’s sword pierced a single point,

The thick void rushing in scattered in all directions in an instant.

Seeing that, the giant’s body trembled for a moment.

[That… This body remembers it. Dongbang Sak’s sword?]

“Yes. I learned from him without holding back.”

[…Imagine wielding that sword in this body. Then you could even defeat the Martial God?]

Seong Jihan laughed at those words.

Although the body of the owner of the abyss, the eyeball giant, was powerful,

“That level isn’t enough.”

[Not enough…]

“Yes. If I could end it that easily, I would have switched over long ago.”

It was too much to overcome the wall of the Martial God.

But the Lost Soul, thinking his answer was because he didn’t want to enter the giant’s body,

[I’ll show you it’s not lacking.]


Began to truly reveal his power.

Before the battle was triggered like that,

“I don’t mind showing you.”


Seong Jihan pointed his finger at the two people.

“Are you going to leave Sister and Seah here? They’ll be swept up in the aftermath of the battle.”

[That mustn’t happen.]

In the first place, the fight started to save the two, so he couldn’t let them get involved here.


A portal leading outside opened.

[Take Seah and go out. Sister.]

[…No, are you two really going to fight? There must be a way…!]

[It’s not fighting, but two opinions becoming one, you could say.]


[…The owner of the abyss commands. Take Seah and stay somewhere safe.]

[That’s… Sigh, okay.]

When Seong Jiah couldn’t be persuaded with words, he even gave a command.

[Seah… Are you going to keep her in a pressure point state?]

“I’ll release her.”


As Seong Jihan moved his finger,

Yoon Seah, who was drooping, came to her senses with a start.

“Huh? Where… Ah Uncle! I said I won’t go…! How can you knock me out and bring me here, really!!”

She seemed to have looked around and grasped the situation as she shouted loudly, but

“Ah, sorry. But it’s been decided you won’t go. Things got all messed up.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Go out with Sister and wait.”

“Huh? Huh?”

[…Let’s go. Seah.]

Until Seong Jiah picked her up like a piece of luggage and headed to the portal,

She kept looking around, not understanding what was going on.

And as the two entered, the portal disappeared.

[They… left well.]

The Lost Soul, who waited until the portal completely closed,

[Then, let’s begin.]

Began to truly move.


[Translator – Asura]

[Proofreader – Gun]

Join our Discord for release /invite/dbdMDhzWa2


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