The Medical Guru

Chapter 1950 - 1950 Different Drugs, Different Methods

Chapter 1950 Different Drugs, Different Methods

It is actually a mixture of fine particles of the agent that do not melt in water, but are completely mixed with it.

After the andrographis research powder was removed from the wall-breaker, Fang Qiu continued to look for that in the container to add a large amount of water, began to stir, and then removed the upper part of the suspension from it and poured it into the first container.

Then, while continuing to add water, stir to extract the liquid.

Stir again and take the liquid.

And so on and so forth.

It seemed that, although it was a bit baffling to people, Fang Qiu did it very carefully, not daring to be sloppy at all.

Over there.

Saint Doctor Niu, who had already cleaned the tea utensils and was ready to start brewing the tea, couldn’t help but smile and nod lightly when he saw Fang Qiu’s concoction.

Others couldn’t see it, but he saw it clearly.

Many TCM practitioners who are not well grounded will almost always slack off on this step when doing XiongHuang concoctions.

This seemingly boring step is actually to remove the impurities in the Xionghuang, although before the concoction, the impurities have already been removed once, but at that time, the impurities were removed from the outside of the Xionghuang, and there are still some impurities that are born inside the Xionghuang.

These impurities must also be removed.

After the andrographis is powdered, the weight in the water is not as heavy as the weight of the impurities contained in the andrographis, so it is only possible to repeat the operation in this way, sinking all the impurities to the bottom of the water, and removing all the andrographis suspension fused together in the water.

It seems very simple, but it is very boring to repeat it over and over again.

In this repetition.

Fang Qiu wasn’t half impatient, instead he even did it with special care.

It was this that made the Sacred Doctor of Cow feel particularly satisfied.

It took about half an hour to do.

It took Fang Qiu to remove the impurities completely.

In the end, Fang Qiu combined all the removed mixtures all together and placed them in a transparent container, setting it aside and not moving it.

All that is needed is to wait until it has settled completely, separate the water from the staghorn completely and dry it, and then finely grind it by hand and the concoction is complete.


It takes a long time to wait for the suspension of andrographis to settle.

It is for this reason that Fang Qiu chose to put the Xiong Huang concoction formula in the first place.


When he saw the ten medicines given by the Niu Sage Doctor, Fang Qiu’s brain had already conjured up the concoction method of each medicine, and if it was just a test of memorization of the concoction method, Fang Qiu could easily say all the concoctions of the ten medicinal herbs without missing a word.

Nah, the cow sage doctor is going to be tested on operations.

Therefore, Fang Qiu could only take matters into his own hands and present the concoction method that he thought was appropriate, completely in front of the eyes of the Niu Saint Doctor.

For the concoction of the first flavor, Xiong Huang, Fang Qiu went straight to using the nemesis of Jin Shi Tired Herbs, the Water Flying Method for concoction.

Both ancient and modern.

Herbs such as cinnabar and andrographis are concocted using this method.

The water-flying method utilizes the properties of Jinshi’s tired herbs that are insoluble in water, grinding the herbs repeatedly and taking advantage of the fact that coarse and fine powders stay away from the water with different suspensibility, thus separating the very fine powders and removing the toxicity and impurities from the herbs at the same time.

When this way.

The suspension begins to settle when it is left to settle.

Fang Qiu wasn’t willing to waste a minute of his time either, and directly started concocting the second flavor of herbs.

Second flavor.

Fang Qiu chose the spotted fiber.

Zebra is the dried entire body of the coriander family insect, the southern large zebra or yellow-black small zebra, caught in the summer and fall in the morning before the dew dries, smothered or scalded in a container, and dried in the sun.

In antiquity.

There are also many concoctions of Spotted Cane.

In the Jin Dynasty, there were moxibustion, frying, burning to exhaust the smoke and other concoctions.

In the era of Liu Song of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, there was the method of frying glutinous rice with small hemp seeds.

Sending the Song Dynasty, there are wine system, bran fried, bean flour fried, vinegar boiled, vinegar moxibustion, bazhou and rice with fried method.

In the Ming Dynasty, there were records of oysters being fried, wheat flour fried, and bran fried to remove the head, feet and wings.

In the Qing Dynasty, steaming, rice slop and earth frying were added to the concoctions.

And in modern times.

Already most of them use only one concoction.

What Fang Qiu is going to use is naturally a modern concoction.

Picked up the spotty paper and looked at it.

Fang Qiu immediately walked into the material room and began to search for materials inside.

After a long time.

It was only then that he stepped out from inside the material room, catching out a stove, a pot, a sieve, and a bag of glutinous rice.

This way.

The cow sage doctor who had already poured the tea.

After carefully scanning and glancing at the materials and tools Fang Qiu had taken out, he smiled once more and nodded.

It seemed that the method Fang Qiu used to concoct the spotted fibers should be the same as he thought.

Fang Qiu, who was in the process of preparing, did not bother to observe the Niu Sage Doctor’s complexion at all, but instead put all of his energy, all of it, into concocting the medicinal herbs.

This time, after taking out all the tools and materials needed, Fang Qiu didn’t start working on it right away, but once again went back to the material room and took out some more spotted fibers in proportion.

When he first entered the material room, Fang Qiu realized that there were a lot of medicinal herbs placed inside the material room, at least twenty to thirty types, each of which had a considerable amount.

As for the ten herbs selected by the Niu Sage Doctor, each of them has only one, and the spotted fibre is not the same as andrographis, so it cannot be concocted at all if only one is concocted, so it can only be concocted by taking more together.

After removing the spotty fiber.

Fang Qiu began to carefully go out the head, feet, and wings of each spotted paper, as well as the magazines on its body.

After all of them have been removed.

Fang Qiu started the fire and lit the fireplace.

Control the heat in the oven to a moderate level and then heat the pan on the stove first.

While the pot was heating up, Fang Qiu mixed the picked up zebra contractions with the glutinous rice according to a certain ratio, and when the pot was hot, he put the zebra contractions and the glutinous rice together into the pot and began to mix and stir fry.

It’s different from the previous water fly method.

This time, the reason why heat was chosen for the concoction of zebra mussel was because it reduces the toxicity in the herb and also enhances its healing properties.

Only, this method of stir-frying to is difficult to grasp the issue of fire in the degree of heating, and many people think that the fire is something that needs to be controlled by experience, but in fact, it is not.

When stir-frying until the speckled fibers, as long as the white glutinous rice is added and heated together, when the color of the glutinous rice turns burnt, it means that the herbs have been heated to the critical point, that is to say, the purpose of concocting has been achieved, and the heating can be stopped.

In a nutshell.

The addition of white glutinous rice not only does not have any effect on the medicinal properties of the herbs, but also plays the role of “thermometer”.

Originally, with Fang Qiu’s strength it was a very simple thing to control the fire to make a medicine, but he was currently undergoing an examination so he could not use any other abilities, and once he fully displayed his own abilities, he was afraid that he would scare the Niu Holy Doctor.

After all, what the Sacred Doctor of Cow wanted to see was that he would come in order.

Fang Qiu tossed and turned at the right time.

I don’t know how long it’s been.

Only when the glutinous rice inside the pot took on a yellowish brown color did Fang Qiu stop stirring.

Then, lift the pot and pour the rice in the pot, along with the spotted rice, into a pre-prepared sieve, utilizing the sieve to sift the rice, leaving only the spotted rice.

Then spread out the speckled fibers in a sieve and allow them to cool.

Put in the speckled wire.

Fang Qiu turned his head to look at the resting andrographis suspension and realized that the suspension was still cloudy, so he immediately turned his head to the third herb.

Third place.


Leeches, commonly known as leeches, in the “Shennong Ben Cao Jing” has a record of high medicinal value, growth and reproduction in inland freshwater waters, is the Chinese tradition of special medicinal aquatic animals, its dried products soaked Chinese medicine into the medicine, with the treatment of stroke, high blood pressure, clearing bruises, amenorrhea menstruation, bruises, and other efficacy.

In ancient times, leeches were concocted in a number of ways.

In the Han Dynasty, there were concoctions that were boiled and washed in warm water to remove the fishy smell.

In the Song Dynasty, there are slightly fried to make slightly yellow, slightly simmered to make yellow, fried, soaked in water to remove blood, rice fried, lime fried and then boiled, rice slop soaked for a night and then dry, winter pig fat fried to make charred yellow, roasted, musk system and other methods of artillery.

Salt frying was added in the Yuan Dynasty.

Moxibustion appeared in the Ming Dynasty, and the method of frying and caramelizing with sesame oil was added in the Qing Dynasty.


Compared to these ancient concoctions, modern concoctions are significantly more relaxed.

This time.

Instead of observing the leeches first, Fang Qiu immediately walked into the material room after a little bit of thinking, from which he took out a cutting board, a kitchen knife, and a bag of talcum powder.

After the materials and tools are all complete.

Fang Qiu took another sufficient amount of leeches from the material room.

Originally, the first step involved washing the live leeches, cutting them off and drying them.


The leeches prepared by the Niu Sage Doctor were segments of leeches that had been sun-dried, which helped Fang Qiu save a lot of trouble.

After all the materials were prepared, Fang Qiu first cleaned the pot in which he had just concocted the speckled contraction, and then put it on the fireplace, letting the temperature of the fireplace dry out the pot before taking the talcum powder and placing it in the pot to start frying.

Keep heating and stirring until the talcum powder is flexible, then add all the leech segments to the pan and start stirring this mix up more quickly.

Only when the leeches bulged slightly and took on a yellowish brown color did Fang Qiu stop and put the pan down.

Gather up the cooled spotting cabbage inside the sieve next to it before pouring the talcum powder from the pot into the sieve along with the leeches, sifting the talcum powder through the sieve area, leaving only the leeches, which were left to cool in the sieve.

Do it all.

Fang Qiu was slightly relieved.

However, when he looked at the next medicine, a bitter smile still couldn’t help but well up on his face.

White in person!

The white of the human center is a solid substance that human urine naturally takes advantage of.

In ancient times there were only a few concoctions.

In the Song Dynasty, there was the charcoal-burning method of concocting, in the Ming Dynasty, forging and stir-frying were added, and in the Qing Dynasty, there was the wine and jujube method, and the fire-forged and vinegar-quenched method.


By the time modern concoctions were made, they were not as simple as those before.

The key issue is time!

Because the concoction of manzhongbai is needed to remove impurities, put into the water to soak and rinse for 10-15 days, you need to change the water twice a day, and to sunlight and night dew, to no stink for it.

However, if this really took ten days, Fang Qiu couldn’t wait.

“To the white and yellow of man?”

Over there.

Seeing Fang Qiu’s sudden pause, Sacred Doctor Niu immediately glanced towards the two herbs in front of Fang Qiu before saying with a smile, “These two herbs, you can just go through the process, it doesn’t necessarily have to take that long to do so.”


At those words, Fang Qiu was slightly relieved.

Then immediately do it and start the process, that is, just follow the modern concoctions, shorten the time and go through the process.

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