The Messenger of Death


Secretly, on the other side of the Severance academy, Xiao' En's grandfather, the Principal, was about to engage in a battle with the patriarch and 4 elders of the Kawataro family.

They had already speculated that the formation they gave to the Syndicate to utilize, would not be able to suppress the Principal of the Severance academy. So they prepared for every outcome, however, no matter the preparations that they came with, they didn't expect that the Principal had been hiding a lot of his strength throughout the years.

"Old man Kawataro, you made a huge mistake invading my school today. And although I will be losing something here today, it won't be my life." The principal said to the patriarch of the Kawataro family.

"Hmph! Fool, bring it on. I know that the formation wasn't able to suppress your cultivation. No matter how much you try to restrain your aura from leaking, I can still sense it. You must have wanted to use that to lure me in and make me drop my guard. Old man Fang, you should stop looking down on my bloodline too, if not you wouldn't know when you die." The patriarch of the Kawataro family warned.

"Oh, should I call you smart for blurting all that nonsense? Who says that I have stoop low and sneak attack you just to win. That plan is for weaklings and not a style that my family is familiar with. You and your old goats you should come at me at once if not… you might die way too early."

"Bastard!" The Kawataro family patriarch bellowed and activated his bloodline QI.

Old man Fang, the principal of the Severance academy stood where he was with a curt smile on his lips. He entered his battle stance, pointing a palm at the Kawataro family patriarch before forming a fist with his free hand and then placing the clenched fist on his waist level.

"Daro Kawataro, today is the day you die." Old man Fang declared.

"Speak with your fists and not your mouth." Daro snorted at the principal's claim and entered a battle stance too, not wanting to underestimate old man Fang one bit.

The two of them kept quiet while waiting for the other to make the first move. Half a minute went by, and none of them had made any move. They stood still while staring at themselves. This further increased the tension and pressure in the atmosphere as old man Fang's aura went head to head against the aura coming from a Class-3 Ancient bloodline bearer, and he wasn't losing to it in any way.

After a minute had gone by, old man Fang let out a hot breath that came out like steam from his mouth. An invincible light flashed in his eyes and then he chanted in his mind, 'Fist Intent, formless mountain.' An enormous invisible strength started to gather on the fist that old man Fang made.

Immediately this invisible strength began forming on old man Fang's fist, Daro kawataro sensed the danger that came with the invisible strength. He instinctively chose to bring out his trump cards to defend against this invisible power.

"Boundless River," Daro chanted and the whole scenery within a 2-kilometer radius turned into a river that submerged and suppressed everyone but the caster, within it. From within the river, it looked as if water had covered the whole world as it had no limits.

However, this didn't do anything to reduce the feeling of danger that Daro Kawataro was feeling from the invisible strength gathering on old man Fang's hands.

"Boundless whirlpool!" Daro Kawataro chanted again when he noticed that his first trump card didn't have an effect on old man Fang. He decided not to give him a chance to make any move or else it might not end well for him.

Almost immediately, whirlpools started to form around old man Fang. These whirlpools had thousands of water blades around them. They started to converge and combine the closer they got to old man Fang.

When the whirlpools combined completely, they sped up and headed for old man Fang. In response to this, old man Fang moved his fist forward a bit, still keeping his fist on his waist level. Suddenly, it was as if a mountain fell from the sky and dropped on the Boundless River.


The invisible strength that had been gathering around old man Fang's fist exploded forth and threw that Boundless River into the sky until there was not a drop of water on in his sight. This invisible strength didn't vanish even after it had been released, instead, it returned to where it came from and continued to get stronger.

This stunned Daro Kawataro and the elders of his clan too. The Boundless River and Boundless Whirlpools were trump cards that only people in their clan could utilize, and yet, their strongest attacks were dealt with so easily.

"Quickly, all of you, create your Boundless Rivers and suppress this old monster together." Daro urged the elders of his clan.

Just like Daro Kawataro ordered, the elders of his clan appeared behind and brought forth their own Boundless Rivers. The four of them combined produced a river that covered 8 kilometers.

Daro Kawataro then released another Boundless River, making his overlap with the ones that the elders from his clan brought forth. The span that the river covered then increased to 12 kilometers. The suppressive might of this Boundless River was greater than the previous one.

Old man Fang's brows furrowed because of the pressure that he was experiencing now. 'I might have to break through for this.' He thought to himself.


Over at the arena area of the Severance academy, after dark clouds had covered the sky, thunder, struck.

Everyone that heard the thunder felt suppressed to an extent. The shockwave from the thunder rattled the minds of those that it hit, putting them in a stunned state for a few seconds. The shockwave from this thunder didn't discriminate as it knew not of allies and enemies, everyone it reached was affected by it.

Xander then opened his palms and extended his fingers out, sending numerous streaks of lightning from the tip of his fingers at the members of the criminal syndicate in his sight.


A few hundred of the criminals were struck by these bolts of lightning, died without being able to utter a sound. As soon as a streak of lightning had taken the life of a criminal from the syndicate, it moved to other criminals that were running for their lives, as if they were snakes that had a mind of their own.

['Xander,'] Al called out, awestruck at the impeccable control Xander had over the lightning.

['This is not by my power. I'm sure that once what Nana put in my chest is gone, I wouldn't be able to replicate this move. At least not with this many streaks of lightning.'] Xander clarified.

['Damn, now I'm feeling bummed out for switching with Alex too early. I would have been the one to experience this abnormality.'] Al complained.

['Ha, regret going back on your word.'] Alex teased.

['Maybe,'] Al admitted.

The rest of the people around that were stunned by the shockwave of the thunder, but aren't members of the criminal syndicate, shook in trepidation of these life-like streaks of lightning. Even after the stun effect wore off, they refused to move in fear that the lightning would come for them.

When they saw that the person controlling these bolts of lightning, is a person wearing the uniform of the Severance academy, many of them sighed in relief, but they still chose to be cautious and not move much.

"Who is this person? Why didn't we see anyone like this during the competition? With his strength and element, the Continental competition might have ended earlier than planned." A man that was watching Xander from behind gulped as he thought of how Xander would have dominated the whole competition.

The lightning in the clouds above, grew in number until the entire dark clouds had turned rose-gold. Defying gravity, the clouds began dragging Xander away from the ground and showered him with its radiance.

Xander's skin transformed to lightning and had a rose-gold luster to it. Not only did his skin transform, but his hair also turned to the same color as his lightning before releasing a faint glow. Xander's pupils were filled with streaks of lightning that extended out his eyes. With his transformation, Xander looked like a god of lightning.

With a wave of his hand, lightning from the clouds above fell like raindrops on top of the criminals in his sight. Each lightning killed a person almost immediately it made contact with that person. After making a kill, all the lightning that fell from the clouds returned to Xander.

"It's Alexander!!" One of the students of the academy wearing a brown uniform announced. He was excited to see Xander here. For many of the people in the academy, Alex is arguably one of the strongest students they have.

"He didn't die in the forest of prisoners." Another person blurted out excitedly. With Xander's presence, many of the students felt at ease and even started to shout that he should avenge his martial brothers that had fallen to the scheme of these criminals…

With a bright commotion that came with Xander, it was hard for people not to notice him. Even his teammates that were scattered around the arena could tell that he had arrived.

All of them smiled and felt their blood boil and muscles itch for a battle. This is a unique effect that Alexander had on his teammates that he wasn't even aware of.

"Alex!" Camron called out with all his might.

Recognizing the voice that called out for Alex, Xander looked in the direction the voice came from.

['Ah, thank goodness, Camron is still alive.'] Alex said in satisfaction.

Xander acknowledged Camron with a slight nod. He then saw Camron pointing in a direction, when he looked closer, he was pointing at the retreating Shi Li.

Without having anyone tell him what to do, Xander also pointed a finger at Shi Li's back.


A little ball of lightning condensed in front of the finger that was pointing at Shi Li and then, Xander let it go.



The condensed ball of lighting ravaged the ground and created a straight line crater as it traveled at supersonic speed. In a mere second, it reached Shi Li and exploded.


A bright rose-gold light enveloped Shi Li, and when it dimmed down, there was no corpse left. Shi Li was no more.

['Oh, who do we have here?'] Al questioned as he sighted Camilla.

As soon as Xander sighted her too, he disappeared from his position and appeared beside her with his killing intent reaching its peak…

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