The Messenger of Death


Under the pressure coming from the combined Boundless River, old man Fang had no choice but to break through to the Spirit Awakening realm. He had been at the peak of the Spirit Condensing realm for a long time. He had been suppressing his cultivation just so he could remain on the Lower plain realm with Xiao En.

Old man Fang didn't want to leave her behind here, but it seems like it is impossible to avoid the inevitable in his current situation. Although Old man Fang would still be able to come down to the Lower Plain realm, he won't be able to do so easily. And even when he does come, he won't be able to stay for long if not he'll risk his cultivation dropping and seldom being able to progress again.

He was also aware that the people protecting his granddaughter were more than enough to keep her away from any harm. He also knew that they would seldom help him, and will only move when his life is being threatened.

'Xiao En, this grandfather of yours is going to miss you. I hope you change your mind and start cultivating again. I don't know who you got your stubborn attitude from… it has to be from your mother's side, it is always from the mother's side.' Old man Fang thought as he recalled how much similar his son's attitude is to his deceased wife.

"Sigh!" Old man Fang shook his head and removed the restriction that he placed on his core.


Like the gates of a dam being opened, QI gushed into old man Fang's body in excess, raising his cultivation to the level of the Spirit Awakening realm. "Old dog Kawataro, for making me have to resort to this, I will make sure that you die without a corpse!" Old man Fang promised.

Teacher Tsukishima had been watching everything that had transpired between the principal and the members of the Kawataro family.

"Ah, so he chose to make a breakthrough." Nana suddenly appeared beside Tsukishima. "And you decided not to give him helping hand… you seem to believe that with his departure your Young Mistress will start to cultivate again," Nana added.

Tsukishima greeted Nana by bowing his head slightly when she was done speaking. "Miss Natalia, you also chose not to interfere in his battle." He replied.

"I didn't do it because of Xiao En, I did it for his own good. Someone that has already grasped an intent is rare even in the Celestial plain realm too and yet he chooses to stay here and waste his comprehension time and also stagnate his cultivation. Although it is his choice to make, I don't like seeing talents go to waste. He's already older than me, maybe older than you too and he's still this weak. His son is already someone that is recognized and respected by many people in the Celestial Plain realm without your Clan's name he can still make a name for himself; it is only right that the father goes ahead and lives his own life. That girl's father should come and take care of his daughter by himself." Nana rambled on.

The whole situation between Xiao En and her family irritates Nana sometimes. She had always wanted to intercede and do something about it but she had never seen a suitable chance to do so, until now.

"I also think that it will be great if the Master decides to groom his daughter by himself, but he has already made up his mind on this. Xiao En will have to cultivate and make her way through the Excepto on her own. We can only protect her but not intervene unless it is needed." Tsukishima responded with a sigh.

Despite him being older than Nana, he dared not call her out on her attitude towards him because there was a gap in their cultivation. He wasn't a match for Nana.

"Anyways, were you the one that sent a message to my clan?" Nana asked.

"That will be the old steward," Tsukishima replied.

"Alright," Nana uttered as her figure vanished from Tsukishima's view…

"What is this? What is happening?!" Daro Kawataro bellowed when he sensed the QI that was gushing towards Old man Fang.

In fear, he said; "Give out everything you have, don't let him complete the technique!"

Not knowing that old man Fang wasn't preparing a technique, but rather making a breakthrough. This thought didn't come to Daro's mind because he would have never thought that it was this easy for old man Fang to break through to the Spirit Awakening realm.

"Whatever you do would be futile…" Old man Fang stated. Increasing the fear in their hearts. They started entertaining the thought of running away from here.

'Fist Intent, Formless thrust!' Old man Fang said in his mind.

Although 'Intents' didn't exactly rely on QI, a person's cultivation level can also affect the performance of an 'Intent'.

The entire Boundless River that covered a radius of 12 kilometers began to compress. The people from the Kawataro family felt an invisible power restrict and bring them together, including Daro Kawataro. They couldn't move as they wanted to.

The five of them were lined up in front of Old man Fang, standing a few yards away from him.

The Boundless River continued to compress until it turned into a water ball that was rotating in front of old man Fang's fist. The water ball suddenly stopped moving.


Old man Fang pushed his fist forward and the water ball turned into a tsunami that rushed forth, onwards at the members of the Kawataro family. The power behind this rushing tsunami was so strong that it divided the floor beneath it as it moved forward.

Dara Kawataro watched this tsunami, a product of their own techniques rushing at him and the elders from his clan. All he could do was to watch as it came nearer.

In his final moments, Daro Kawataro closed his eyes and cried out in his heart about how unfair the world was to him and his clan. The tsunami, washed Daro Kawataro and the elders from his clan, leaving their souls without a corpse.

The Tsunami continued on its path, destroying everything in its path.

Old man Fang continued to watch the Tsunami travel into the distance in awe of his strength. Suddenly, he felt something grab onto his entire being. It was the Excepto of the Lower plain realm. Old man Fang's existence couldn't be tolerated here anymore. With insufficient strength, Old man Fang could hardly resist the pull.

"Teacher Tsukishima," He called out while doing his best to resist the pull from the Excepto.

Tsukishima appeared in front of old man Fang. "Help me tell that rebellious girl that I might not be able to see her for a while. Take care of the academy for me while I'm gone. Although I have been to the Ordain plain realm during my younger days, I went there by choice. I do have enemies over there… I guess it is time to go and settle some scores."

"Will you like a token of the Zhen Clan? With it, you should be able to seek help from some overlords in the Ordain plain realm." Tsukishima asked.

He wouldn't mind doing that for Old man Fang, after all the man in front of him is his Master's father. His Master will be displeased if his Father dies, yet, one could impede a cultivator's path by protecting them from harm's way.

"No, that wouldn't be needed. It has been long since I've gone all out and fought to the point of exhaustion. My blood is boiling with excitement at the thought of that. Send my regards to Xiao En." Old man Fang said before he gave in to the pull.

His figure ascended and a passage opened in the sky, sending him to the Ordain plain realm.

Nana reappeared in the guest inn of the Severance academy. She immediately located Xiao En and Steward.

"I suppose that you are here to show your appreciation," Xiao En stated with her head raised proudly. She then picked her cup up and brought it close to her mouth only to find out that the cup was empty.

Nana rolled her eyes at Xiao En, "Are you sure that you want to be here? Your grandfather has already left for the Ordain plain realm. It is going to take a while before you'll have the chance to see him again, that is if he survives and gets strong enough to tear through the Excepto and come here." Nana revealed.

What she said stopped Xiao En from pouring some more tea for herself. Sadness flashed through her eyes as the thought that she was really lonely on the Lower plain realm hit her.

"Hmph! He can go to heaven for all I care! All they ever think of is power and cultivation, none of them thinks about what I want." Xiao En mentioned with disappointment evident in her tone.

Although she knew that her words weren't exactly true. She was aware that her grandfather had been suppressing his cultivation for a long time just so he could remain in the Lower plain realm with her. Despite knowing all of this, she couldn't stop herself from saying what she said.

The urge to cry hit her, but she stubbornly held it back.

"If you truly feel that way Young Mistress, you should strive to get stronger so that you can reunite with your family." The Steward mentioned with a light smile on his face.

He had been with Xiao En since the day she was born. He could even argue that he understood her more than her parents.

Nana shook her head at the pitiful Xiao En before turning her attention to the Steward. "Thank you for informing me that Alexander was in danger, I owe you one for that.." She said before vanishing from the guest inn.

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