The Messenger of Death


After leaving the Lower plain realm with the entire Seraphim team members, it took about a minute for all of them to appear in the Celestial plain realm. They appeared in a position that wasn't far off from a white, spotless palace that pierced through the clouds. Where they were was surrounded by snow and large ice glaciers.

"We'll speak later, Natalia, Alexander, and his friends." Darrel had already vanished from their side but his voice echoed in their ears.

"Woah!" They all exclaimed, including Alex.

"This doesn't feel real," Emma muttered. Out of all of them, she felt the difference in the QI the most because of her unique relationship with nature itself. If they were all seeing everything through a glass, Emma's glass would be a magnifying glass.

Gustavo had some fear in him. With all that his clan members had gone through, he was scared that someone would notice who he is and try to kill him. This fear isn't something that Gustavo could control, it was more of trauma to him. He looked restless as he looked left and right continuously.

Gustavo only calmed down when Nana's voice was transmitted to his mind. 'Calm down… Don't worry about your safety while you're in the Claus clan's territory.' Nana assured him.

"Guys, do you feel this QI?" Camron asked as he moved his hand through the air. Camron could almost swear that the QI was so dense that he could see it. Very faint rainbow colors moved with the ripples caused by Camron's hand.

"Absorb and refine the QI, with how solid your foundations are, all of you should experience a qualitative and quantitative change. Except you Alex, don't bother absorbing this QI. You won't be able to make a breakthrough." Nana mentioned.

"Huh, why?" Alex exclaimed.

"Because I placed a seal on your cultivation progress… and also because I said so," Nana answered. "Your foundation isn't solid enough to facilitate a proper breakthrough now." She further explained.

"Because as a Spirit awakening cultivator I haven't consolidated a Spirit?" Alex asked before sighing.

"Well, that too," Nana said.

"Wait, Alex, did you just say that you are in the Spirit Awakening realm?" Drake thought he had heard wrong.

"Yes, I did," Alex answered with a smirk.

For the past 10 months, he hadn't said anything about his cultivation realm and since he kept on giving out the aura of a peak Nirvana realm cultivator no one suspected that he was any stronger than that.

"What the fuck is wrong with logic!? How do you always seem to increase the gap between us almost every time you disappear and appear a while later!? For fuck's sake a Spirit Awakening realm cultivator at the age of 16!" Drake complained.


"Shut the hell up Drake. Your jealousy is very contagious." Katherine said after slapping the back of Drake's head.

"Hahaha, you don't have to feel pressured. I was only able to get here because I have consumed 2 Midas petals." Alex revealed.

"That's some luck you've got Alex," Adrian uttered.

['Yeah, you have no idea what type of luck I've got.'] Alex thought with an innocent smile on his face.

"Stop dwindling and get down to what I asked all of you to do." Nana urged. She sounded impatient.

Alex noticed the urgency in her tone and he wanted to ask her about it, but he kept his question to himself when he noticed his surroundings. There were people running around not far off from the entrance of the white palace and most of them had an expression of panic on their faces.

It looked as if the entire Claus clan was agitated by someone or something. Alex was still oblivious to how big of trouble he had caused in the 3 plain realms.

Everyone except Nana and Alex sat on the ground and began absorbing the surrounding QI.

"Why does everyone here look like they are scared of someone or something… don't tell me they are like this because they heard that you were coming back home?" Alex joked.


Nana slapped the back of Alex's head so hard that his head dug deep into the snow. The sound from the slap distracted the Seraphim team members that were trying to absorb the QI of the Celestial plain realm.

'Act like you saw nothing if you don't want to be next.' They all seem to have the same thoughts as they used their gestures to pass this information around. They quickly closed their eyes and returned to cultivating.

"Goddamn! I was only kidding," Alex muttered when he removed his head from the snow. He had to spit out some of the snow too.

Nana Smirked at her disciple before saying; "Oh I know that you were just joking, I just felt that you needed that slap. You always try to make a joke out of everything." Nana pointed out.

"I guess it is some kind of subconscious coping mechanism to me," Alex frowned as he thought about it too. He always tried to make a joke out of most situations. "If you can laugh at your problems then they are not really much of a problem." He added.

"As my disciple, don't go around saying such crap. If you laugh at your problems then you are close to going crazy from the pressure of the problem." Nana chuckled in response to what Alex said.

['That's not true.'] Alex thought.

['What's it to you? Boy you have alternate personalities that you converse with frequently, are you actually scared of being called a madman? Hahaha!!'] Al teased. ['At least if anyone calls you that we can just be ourselves in front of that person.'] He added.

['Thanks for the encouragement, Al.'] Alex said with sarcasm dripping off his tone.

"Whatever it was that happened in the Lower plain realm happened in the Ordain and Celestial plain realms simultaneously. Nothing like this has ever happened in the history of the 3 plain realms." Nana finally revealed.

'Now I'm certain that it wasn't Alexander that infuriated the Heavens. This is something that can't be caused by someone like him. Moreover, he has the bloodline of one of Heaven's favorite primordial beasts.' Gustavo thought to himself while eavesdropping on the conversation between Nana and Alex. Gustavo wasn't the only one that was doing that, the rest of the Seraphim team members were also doing the same.

Hearing this, Alex felt a little bit guilty knowing that he was the cause of this commotion, but ultimately, Alex felt proud of himself.

"A lot of things that have never happened in the 3 plain realms started around 10 months ago. It is as if the norms of the 3 plain realms are being modified. Enlightenment and breakthroughs to major cultivation realms have become much easier for cultivators to achieve. Cultivators from the Lower plain realm have been ascending to the Ordain plain realm like there wasn't any restriction in the first place, and the same for the Ordain plain realm cultivators." Nana informed.


A loud pop interrupted Nana. The sound came from Emma as she was the only one amongst them whose aura had just entered the first rank of the Nirvana Realm. A smile hung on Emma's lips as she continued to absorb the QI around her.

Emma was a lot faster than the rest of her teammates in doing this and that was natural because on a normal day she could manipulate QI in ways that most can't.

Camron was the next after Emma to breakthrough to the Nirvana realm, followed by Drake. Which surprised Alex, he was expecting Adrian to be the next to breakthrough.

To Nana, she expected it to be so because she was aware of how firm Drake's foundations have gotten after training with her for a while. Arguably, Nana could say that Drake had the firmest foundations in the Seraphim team, even firmer than Alexander's.

After Drake's breakthrough, Adrian also made his breakthrough to the Nirvana realm. Right behind him was Katherine and almost immediately after Katherine's breakthrough, Gustavo made his.

It was evident that Gustavo's foundation and Katherine's were almost on par. They all continued to absorb and refine the QI of the Celestial plain realm.

Alex watched from the side while feeling a tinge of jealousy, however, he was happy that his friends were progressing pretty fast. His worry that they might not be able to cope with where he was planning to take them to subsided a little bit.

"Are we just going to remain here until they are done?" Alex asked while looking at his teammates.

"No, you are going to stay here with them while I go ahead and check up on what's going on," Nana replied.

"What if someone from your clan sees us as an intruder?" Alex panicked a little. In truth, he was just scared of running into another weird family member of Nana's.

He understood Nana's attitude and personality, is as a result of where she was brought up and those that brought her up. So there are certainly others that have a similar personality to hers in her clan.

"Don't worry about that, I have already called someone here to watch over you guys," Nana reassured before leaving Alex and the rest behind.

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