The Messenger of Death

Chapter 39: switch.

Alex and Camron have been running side by side for over an hour now. Since they encountered those unfortunate bandits they haven't met any troubles or obstacles on the way.

"We should have crossed the 25km distance mark by now," Camron said.

"27km to be specific." Alex corrected. "Wow, you are calculative."

He looked at Alex's expression. They had been running for a while now and he didn't look like he was troubled.

"Alex, are you sure that you are okay with this speed. If your QI is depleted then it would be a problem, even if you do have ECs with you, it will still take some time before you'll be able to refill your core. It would be better to rest now if you are feeling tired." He suggested.

"There is no need for that. I don't feel tired at all. I wouldn't do anything that is above my abilities." He shrugged it off. "Alright then." They continued at the same pace they have been running at for a while.

When they crossed the 33km mark, they heard the voices of several people ahead of them. The sound of metals clashing also reached their ears.

"Don't tell me that there are bandits ahead again?" Camron said.

"I don't think that they are bandits. Many people are battling. Listen closely." Camron did as he said and listened closely. It did sound like a lot of people were battling.

"What's going on, was there some kind of dispute amongst several people?" Camron asked.

"That might be the case. We can't even see what's happening, very frustrating."

"There is no other way. We have to keep on moving forward." Alex said and brought out his spear. Camron saw this and didn't object this time. They have to be careful here. They moved slowly and approached the area where the sound of weapons clashing came from.

"What sort of problematic people are these? Why would you just decide to block the way and obstruct those weaker than you are?" An unfamiliar voice shouted out.

"Isn't it obvious, we don't want you weaklings attending the same school with us. And since you are not competent enough to know your place, us friends will help you guys fail this test. If you are stronger than any of us here then you are free to pass, but if you are not, kek." Another unfamiliar voice cackled as he explained why they had blocked the road.

"Aren't these guys acting too bold? They might meet someone stronger than they are and that might decide to not forgive them." Camron tried to understand how they reasoned.

"True, but if they are that confident in themselves selves then it means that their cultivation realms are not low, at least it is above the average amongst us examinees."

"Let's keep moving forward. Prepare for anything that might be coming our way. We should try and be silent as we move." Camron said.

'That's a fort of mine, silently sneaking.' Alex thought.

['Alex, this might be dangerous. I know that you already said that you want to rely on yourself when taking the test, but from the way things are going you might not be able to pass the test without getting help from one of us'] Lex voiced his opinion.

['What way, I haven't even started battling anyone and you have already lost your confidence in me. All the more reason why I shouldn't rely on you guys']

"Who's that!?" Camron and Alex stopped in their tracks when they were caught trying to sneak past the battling area. They didn't know if they should retreat or confront the person that spoke, after all, they couldn't attempt to probe into other people's core here and find out what realm they were in.

They were still hesitant about the decision to make when the silhouette of three individuals came into their sight. "Some rats trying to sneak past us ehh." One of the silhouettes said.

"If you are stronger than any of us then we would let you pass. But unfortunate for you, I am a rank-six nascent realm cultivator and the weakest amongst us in this alliance is a rank-four nascent realm, if you know what is good for you – you would back away and go back to your homes." Another silhouette said.

"This is what you get for trying to sneak past us. You both drew the shortest sticks." The third silhouette spoke.

"How sure are you that we are not above your cultivation realms? Moreover, why should we believe you? You might just be an origin realm cultivator trying to put up an act in front of us." Camron gave a quick-witted retort.

"We are not one hundred percent sure that all those above the sixth-rank nascent realm cultivators have already passed this place. But we are ninety percent sure. I mean if you were that strong wouldn't have hurried to the finish line already. Who wouldn't want to be part of the top 5 finishers of the test for their various realms? And for the second question, hahaha. You'll just have to take the gamble and find out on your own." The silhouette that claimed to be a rank-six nascent cultivator gave a reasonable answer. He opened his palms and two short knives that looked like horns appeared in his palms.

"We shall see about that," Camron said and quickly sprinted towards the silhouette's position. Two of the silhouettes backed off and left Camron and their partner to clash.

-Clink! Clink!

They exchanged attacks a few times, they backed away from their selves. "Wow, you really aren't a weakling. You might be a rank-five or a rank-six. You weren't bluffing. Since it is like this we shall allow you to pass." Camron sighed in relief of not having to battle and waste his time here.

"It is good that we could come into a compromise like this. Come on Alex, let's leave here and head to the finish line quickly."

Alex who had been silent during the whole ordeal complied and started to walk towards Camron, quietly. "Wait, how sure are we that he is also as strong, or stronger than we are." One of the silhouettes that backed off asked.

"No need to doubt that, he is stronger than me, a rank-seven nascent realm cultivator." Camron lied.

"We would like to find that on our own. If you are a rank- seven nascent cultivator then you wouldn't mind taking on two rank-fives of the same realm." The silhouette that clashed weapons with Camron pointed out. "You two, check him out." He added."

"No." Camron protested and was about to stop them from attacking Alex when he got obstructed by the same silhouette that clashed with him.

"If you are bent on assisting him, then you might as well be forfeiting your chance to reach the finish line." The rank-six cultivator threatened. His partners slowly made their way towards Alex.

"If you do attack me, then you will regret it." Alex threatened. The two silhouettes stopped where they were in fear of his threat.

"Don't stop. If he was as strong as his friend claimed he is, his friend wouldn't be this nervous and worried about him. Take him down." The silhouette obstructing Camron uttered. His partners once gained their confidence and continued to approach Alex.

['Alex this isn't looking good for you. I know that you hate to hear this but for your own good you should switch with one of us if you still want to have hopes of making it to the academy.'] Lex advised sincerely.

['No!'] Alex stubbornly rejected his suggestion. Soon he saw a blade approach him.


"Alex!!" Camron exclaimed in worry for his friend.

Alex used his spear to block the blade that almost made a gash on his body. The force from the attack threw him backward. While he was still in the air he received a kicked on his chest that sent crashing into the ground.

"Arkh!!" Alex shouted in pain.

['Quickly Alex switch with one of us.'] Lex suggested once more.

From these attacks he had just received, Alex knew that he couldn't make it without their help, but he still found it hard to swallow his pride. 'Do I really have to switch with one of them?' He thought.

"Go ahead and break a bone or two of his and knock him out. He will pay for trying to deceive us with a bluff." One of the silhouettes that attacked him said."

"Alright, I'll switch with any of you, as long as it's not Al." Alex blurted out.

['What the fuck!?'] Al cursed out. ['So petty.']

['Xander you switch with him.'] Lex said.

['Why? Why don't you switch with me?'] Alex questioned.

['Because I wouldn't be able to hold myself back. I might slaughter them. Don't worry, trust Xander.'] He explained.

Alex was feeling hesitant to switch with Xander, but he had no other choice. He detested switching with Al more than he did with Xander, and Lex said that he wasn't a suitable option.

['Alright but we are switching back as soon as you have finished dealing with them.'] Alex said to Xander.

['No qualms there.'] He replied.


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