The Midnight Owl

Chapter 110 - task

In the dark corridor, the vermilion lacquer has turned into reddish brown, mottled and withered, and the exposed wood is eroded and decayed by wind and rain. The cloister leads to the inner courtyard. Along the way, there are yellow leaves and dead wood. Some paper money is scattered on the ground.

The four followed the money-ghost in the corridor, keeping the principle of less talk and less error, and all were quiet, waiting for the money-ghost to speak first. As a result, the ghosts of money counting are still silent than them. Helpless, Xu Wang can only ask: “Brother Ghost, where are we going to take us?”

The money-ghost gave him a slanted look, and finally said: “Don’t you want to live here. I can tell you that we don’t raise idle ghosts here. If we want to live, we can do our best.”

“Contribute?” The four partners’ eyes brightened and the task came.

“Well,” the money counting ghost continued to move forward, without seeing the four pairs of shining eyes behind him. “The West Court is now using ghosts. The boss is worried that he can’t find a new ghost. It ’s so coincident that I ca n’t question you that much. ”

“Western courtyard?” Xu Wang came last time and never heard the word.

“Why are there so many problems,” the money-counting ghost is impatient. “Anyway, I’ll take you to see the boss now. The boss wants to agree to take you. You just have a place, don’t you?”

The four partners looked at each other, see the boss?

The last time I came in, a ghost was looking for something, but the team that came in at the same time was faster and grabbed this task, so they looked for the next ghost and took the task of “willow head on the moon, ghost about dusk”. But whether it is “finding” or “love”, the NPC directly gives the task, and the target of the task is very clear.

But now they have been following this NPC for a long time, and has not updated the mission.

It can be seen that “seeing the boss” is not the task content.

“That, Brother Ghost,” Xu Wang took two quick steps, leaned over, and asked with a smile on his face, “You didn’t lose anything that we need to find? Or if you’re in a bad relationship, let us help you break the mirror and re-round it?”

The money-ghost slowly turned his head and looked at him in love: “Do you think I am like this, can there be a female ghost in me?”

Xu Wang: “…”

The deep sorrow permeated by this question made the male ghost silent and the female ghost weep.

The air was suddenly quiet, leaving only the whistle of the wind across the corridor.

Xu Wang seemed to think of something, and directly shifted the topic: “Brother Ghost, do we have a bridge here?”

“Bridge?” The count money ghost looked at him inexplicably.

Xu Wanggang wanted to explain further. For example, the backyard garden bridge has water flowing. As long as it is a bridge, Wu Sheng suddenly reached out and pulled him back to his side, holding his shoulder firmly.

“It’s alright, Ghost Brother, he just has nothing to talk about, you don’t have to take care of him.” Wu Sheng counted money ghosts and smiled embarrassedly.

The money counting ghost now has a very good impression of this mountain ghost. He nodded, and no doubt he was there, so he went on.

Xu Wang gave Wu Sheng an elbow, but it was not heavy, but the meaning was obvious-who had nothing to say?

Wu Sheng’s expression didn’t move, he just handed his arm in front of him, stayed for two seconds, and quickly retracted it.

However, it was enough for Xu Wang to see clearly. On the badge manual ordered by his own military division, the badge prompt of 5/23 was: Love bed ghost.

Xu Wang stunned, just “ghost bridge” just now!

To be precise, since the tip of “Ghost in the Wall” was replaced by “Ghost Bridge” ten days ago, the badge reminder of 5/23 has not been moved. Entering the level today, he has confirmed once again, who would think In just ten minutes, has the team found the badge? !

No efficient team can be so fast. The only explanation is that when a team bumped into Universiade, they encountered a flash of light as soon as they entered the house, and they might be blinded when the badge was handed.

But in any case, it is indeed negligent.

There was a trace of annoyance in my heart, and the hand on his shoulder squeezed again, and then Wu Sheng sighed.

Xu Wang heard five words out of that sigh—I could n’t do it without me.

White gave him a glance, Xu Wang reluctantly pouted-OK, it’s my care.

Wu Sheng smiled, the corner of his mouth was a contented arc.

Xu Wang narrowed his eyes to see him-could he take it off?

Wu Sheng raised his eyebrows puzzledly-eh?

Xu Wang: “…”

The first eight hundred sentences can be communicated with eyes, can’t you understand this sentence? !

I do n’t know when Qian Ai and Kuang Jinxin have fallen behind the captain and the military division, and saw the badge manual displayed by the military division, knowing the fact that the prompt has been changed, and watching the whole “eyebrows and voices” process.

Moreover, Jin Xin looked straight at stealing music.

Qian Ai was filled with indignation-this is the disappointed public money falling in love!

Through the cloister, and then through the two small courtyards, four people and one ghost, and finally came to a meeting room. The money-ghost asked them to wait outside the door and go ahead on their own. Within two minutes, they came back and said that the boss agreed with them.

The four followed the ghost of money and finally entered the meeting room.

The meeting room is not big, and a row of ghosts sitting on the left and right sides maintains the miserable state before death. Some eyes cannot be dropped, and some jaws are directly torn apart, and they ca n’t be closed anymore. Drinking tea, the smoking cigarette, everyone looks quite handsome, like brother.

But the real elder brother is naturally sitting at the forefront, the main position.

It was a thin middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He should have been a very happy and kind look before his death, but now, a face is a deadly bluish purple, with a bullet hole in the eyebrow, which directly penetrates his head On the front, you can directly see through the bullet holes and see the wall behind him.

As soon as the four came in, all eyes focused on them.

The noisy meeting room was suddenly silent, and then stared at by so many ghosts, the nerves of the four little friends suddenly tightened.

Counting money ghosts respectfully said: “Boss, they are the four new ghosts. The one with the left head is the flying head ghost, and the one with the broken hand is the broken hand ghost. “

Xu Wang, Qian Ai, Kuang Jinxin: “…”

Emotional preferences need not be so obvious!

The bullet-hole ghost slightly tilted his head and looked at them up and down, and finally asked the money ghost: “Has it been tested?”

“You can rest assured that you have tested it,” the money-ghost said. “The cause of death is clear, the cause of death is reasonable, and there is no doubt.”

There was no expression on the face of the bullet hole ghost, and he could not see whether he believed it or not, but after a moment of silence, he still spoke quietly: “I just need a few raw faces, small money, you have done a good job.”

Counting money ghosts are not often praised, shrunk their necks when they heard the words, and smiled shyly. The picture couldn’t be more beautiful.

The bullet-hole ghost didn’t speak anymore, so he had to watch him.

After counting the money for a few seconds, he suddenly realized that he immediately retreated and closed the door of the chamber from outside.

As the door was closed again, the air in the chamber was suppressed.

The vigilance in the hearts of the four partners gradually increased, and Wu Junshi had even begun to figure out, if the situation was not good, he would take the thirty-six plan first, or let it die.

Next to the bullet hole ghost, a “body” suddenly appeared.

To be precise, it is a ghost with no head in the body, covered in blood, all cuts, and uneven neck cuts, like a weapon that was not used so easily, it took a long time to cut off the head.

As soon as the headless ghost appeared, a slightly sharp voice rang from the entire meeting room—

“If you want to live in the Western Academy, you have to contribute to the Western Academy, understand?”

Compared with the bullet hole ghost, this headless ghost is not as strong as a person’s oppression, and as soon as he appears, the bullet hole ghost leans back and throws his hands. Obviously, this is a role like a military division or a think tank. .

The four partners can understand that the big brother will not explain the task in detail with the small soldiers, and naturally needs a spokesperson. But … this one doesn’t even have a head, how to transmit sound, this unscientific phenomenon really makes people care! ! !

“Cough,” forced himself to ignore the vocal channel, Xu Wang said, “Try to understand, but what to do, not too clear …”

The headless ghost in front of him spread his hands like a lecture, and the squeaky voice hanging above the chamber, with the posture, explained slowly.

The four partners are in this strange collocation, after listening to the task background-

“This old house is divided into the East Yard and the West Yard. The West Yard, which is here, is our site, and the East Yard is the site of the digging heart. All along, we have wanted to move to the East Yard, but the heart digging into the earth Don’t let … “

“Well, can I ask a question?” Xu Wang interrupted weakly.

The headless ghost said, “Speak.”

“Isn’t the Western Courtyard good? It’s big and open, the trees are dead, and the wind is gloomy enough,” Xu Wang really didn’t understand. “Why should I move to the Eastern Courtyard?”

“What do you know,” the headless ghost scoffed, “The East Courtyard Feng Shui is hundreds and thousands of times!”

“No …” Xu Wang’s eyes were successively swept over his eyes, torn chins, broken hands, and feet, and finally fell to the front. The eyebrows were bullet holes and the headless, asked honestly, “We are all like this, Are you so particular about Feng Shui? “

The bullet hole frowned.

The headless ghost immediately scolded the big brother: “Since the ancient ghosts have come from the east, they don’t live in the east, why do they hold the ghosts of the world!”

Have only heard of Xu Wang, Wu Sheng, Qian Ai, and Kuang Jinxin who have returned home by crane: “…”

Really learned everywhere, regardless of yin and yang.

“Then … how can we contribute?” Xu Wang quickly asked the key point, fearing to talk more and talk more about the ghost world knowledge, his brain could not keep up.

The shrill voice above the head didn’t answer, and the headless ghost suddenly came down.

It is not a good experience to see this body without a head buckle towards itself. The four friends gather together consciously, relying on each other and absorbing a little human warmth.

The headless ghost stood in front of Xu Wang, his head whispered: “Extend your hand.”

Xu Wangzhao did it.

Put a small paper bag in his palm.

“This is Sanshou San,” said the headless ghost. “Your task is to mix into the Eastern Courtyard, find the Guiquan, and pour the Sanshou San into the eyes of the Quan.”

Xu Wang Leng Leng looked at the small paper bag in his hand: “Then? What will happen?”

“The ghost spring is the source of the ghost spirit of all the ghosts in the East Courtyard. Once the ghost fountain is destroyed, the ghosts of the entire East Courtyard will be wiped out.”

Xu Wang couldn’t bear it: “Come on …”

The headless ghost turned and walked back to the big brother.

The bullet hole said quietly: “Perform the mission, or I will eat you now.”

“That flying head ghost is left to me,” the shrill voice said busyly, “I happen to be short.”

Qian Ai: “…”

If you are not afraid of stealing, you will be afraid of ghosts! ! !

When it comes to this, Xu Wang knows that it is impossible not to take the task. In other words, from catching up with money-ghosts, they are destined for this task.

“We pick up.” Xu Wang raised his head.


: [Task] Mix into the Eastern Courtyard, look for the ghost fountain, and pour into the Soul Destroyer!

No need to look, the four friends know their next destiny …

Not only to conceal the identity of human beings to survive in the ghost house, but also to conceal the identity of the western courtyard to survive in the eastern courtyard, and wait for the opportunity to poison. ! !

The headless ghost personally transported them to an extremely hidden moon gate in the inner courtyard.

“After this door, it is the East Courtyard.”

“Thank you headless brother.” Qian Ai is anxious to quickly send away the one who is thinking about his head. “We will be careful, you walk slowly.”

The headless ghost didn’t move.

Qian Aizheng was puzzled, and the headless ghost suddenly grabbed his head!

Being held up by a headless body, who the **** can bear it! Qian Ai was so scared that his hair stood up, “Aw”, he could poke the night into a hole.

The headless ghost was also startled: “What are you howling!”

Qian Ai’s teeth trembled: “You, what are you doing scratching my head!”

The headless ghost said: “Maybe it will be mine in the future, I appreciate it in advance.”

Qian Ai endured the impulse to punch: “…”

The headless man let go of his hand: “Alas.”

“…” What a ghost after sighing! ! !

The accountable ones were all explained, and their heads were also read. The headless ghost no longer had nostalgia, turned and left.

Wu Sheng suddenly stopped him and asked, “Headless brother, you have been a ghost for a long time, and you have a lot of experience. Do you know there is a bed-lover?”

The three partners calmed down, knowing that their military division was searching for badge clues.

“Love bed ghost?” The headless ghost shook his head, but because there was no head to shake, he could only shake it with his body, “I haven’t heard it.”

Wu Sheng asked again: “What about the lingering bed? Is there any ghost that particularly likes to stay in bed?”

The sharp voice of the headless ghost suddenly became ambiguous: “You have to say that, of course you have it. Merry ghost, the peony flower is dead under death, and it is also good after death. If you catch your eyes, you can’t fall on the bed. It ’s so annoying that he ’s screaming … ”

Xu Wang, Qian Ai, Kuang Jinxin, collectively indifferent face: “…”

They don’t want to get in a ghost car, thank you.

“Only romantic ghosts?” Wu Sheng’s rigorous scientific exploration was completely distracted by ghost cars.

The laughter of the headless ghost stopped, and after a while, the voice suddenly dropped: “Dream ghost.”

“Dream ghost?”

“People who have died in nightmares are ghosts, but they still guard the bed and repeat the nightmares before death.”

Wu Sheng who got the answer, no problem.

Xu Wang heard the unusual voice from the sudden drop of the headless ghost: “Dream ghost, very fierce?”

The headless ghost didn’t answer, only reminded: “Remember a little, don’t go to its bed.”

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