The Midnight Owl

Chapter 112 - Assessment

The governor of the prefecture is called Ligui. He lives in the Dige and is the closest place to the earth in the entire prefecture. After a long stay, he is full of spirit and full of ghost spirit.

“I heard that he was over a hundred years old when he died. When he first came here, his soul was very weak. Later, when he was in charge, he lived in the cabinet, and now he is much better than our solitary souls and ghosts.” On the way to the Pavilion, the starving ghosts did their due diligence, like a tour guide.

Xu Wang heard the envy revealed in his words, and said, “Although you can’t live in the ground pavilion, you can live next to the ground pavilion. You can get a little madness.”

The starving ghost sighed and shook his head: “All the good places are taken up, which round will be for me.”

This starving ghost had a hard look on his face, and then grieved his head, then he looked more sympathetic.

Wu Sheng looked at the starving ghost all the way, and at this moment he finally raised the question: “You just pushed the ghost and fell into the well. How many times did I look neat, such skill is still being bullied in the prefecture?”

The starved ghost stopped at his feet and turned his head froze: “I was there to save you …” After he blinked his eyes, he only understood what Wu Sheng asked, and he added quickly, “I, I didn’t Other ghosts fought. “

Wu Sheng: “…”

Xu Wang: “…”

Do you want to be so honest! ! !

In the room, the cabinet arrived.

The two of them entered the door with a ghost. In the middle of the house was a large tank full of sand. An old man with crane hair was sitting behind the tank. The figure was not tall and slightly hunched. The eyelids had slackened and pulled down almost covering the eyes.

Without waiting for their intentions, Ligui patted the cylinder directly with his hand, and said concisely: “Bring the ghost gas here.”

The assessment of the prefecture in the world does not need to use a sword to make a gun, but the one who cares about it depends on one thing-the level of ghost spirit.

And that big tank is used to measure ghost spirit.

Xu Wang swallowed and suddenly became nervous, quickly turned his head and whispered to Wu Sheng: “What if it is refused?”

Wu Sheng: “… Then we will not go abroad, and domestic travel is also very good.”

Xu Wang was amused by his cooperation, and the tension in his heart dissipated a lot. He took a deep breath and stepped forward.

He didn’t walk to the side of the tank, but stopped two steps away, closed his eyes and stared.

For a moment, the spirit behind him suddenly came out, just like a black snake, swooping down, straight into the sand tank!

Silence for a few seconds.

The sand in the tank suddenly “sand” to move, not the kind that the spirit behind stirs and drives, but it seems that the sand has its own life, wriggling, wave after wave, faster and faster!

“Okay.” Li Gui raised his drooping eyelids, his long white eyebrows, and glanced at Xu Wang. “Are you a possessed ghost?”

This person in charge is not the same as the janitor of the Western Court. Xu Wang has nothing to do with him alone.

Everyone else was alone, so he bought one and gave one free. Ligui didn’t doubt him, but instead gave a “possessed ghost” guess, which was equivalent to “simple mode”.

But the problem is that he talked to the starving ghosts and said that he was the spirit behind him. This would have to be changed and there was no way to explain it.

“Cough,” clearing his throat, Xu Wang tried to calm himself down, “I’m not an authentic possessive, I’m the spirit behind.” He manipulated the dark shadow in the tank and raised his hand to the spirit behind, “This is me . “

It’s still the old routine, but Ligui doesn’t seem to buy it.

Xu Wang was stared at by the atmosphere and dared not get out.

For a long time, I finally saw the ghost waving his hand and sighed: “When you live to my age, you will understand, the body is just a skin, it looks good, it is a healthy limb, beautiful facial features, a handsome shadow, or a blurred silhouette , It does n’t matter. ”

“…” Li Gui seemed to misunderstand that he was abandoning his shadow, so he found a body to block in front of him.


“You just said that your limbs are sound, what are the five senses?”

Ligui thought he didn’t hear it clearly, and he increased the tone deliberately: “Five senses are handsome.”

Xu Wangchang breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Sheng, who has seen everything for a long time: “…”

Li Gui’s palm brushed over the tank, the sand surface stood flat, and then looked at Wu Sheng: “It’s your turn.”

Wu Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly and didn’t move.

In just a moment, he had passed all his stationery through his head, but none of them were psychic.

He is a man who catches vines, visual deception is okay, and he really measures ghost power.

“What are you doing?” Li Gui frowned impatiently. “Come here if you want to go to the world, and leave if you don’t want to go.”

Xu Wang turned around and walked back. While walking, he gave Wu Sheng a glance — give it to me.

Wu Sheng didn’t think of letting Xu Wang secretly help with the spirit behind him, but he always felt that he couldn’t escape the eyes of power ghosts.

However, the matter has come to this point, only to bite the bullet.

Stepping forward, passing by Xu Wang, Wu Sheng also stopped two steps away.

Holding his breath, concentrating, the catcher vine crawled slowly on his body, and at the next moment, the catcher vine suddenly stretched out a vine and inserted into the sand!

The root of the vine is still wrapped around Wu Sheng, only one third of the end, and is placed quietly in the sand.

Wu Sheng, vines, no longer move.

The sand didn’t move.

Everything is still a little weird.

Finally, the sand was flowing at a slightly slower speed than Xu Xu’s previous test, but he could also feel the faint gas that enveloped the sand tank.

Wu Sheng put down half of his suspended heart and looked at Ligui with a trace of inquiry.

Li Gui waved his hand: “Okay, just passed. If you are weaker, you can’t pass it.”

Wu Sheng sighed in relief and finally settled.

“You, just say you,” Li Gui crossed Wu Sheng’s back and said to the starving ghost, “Don’t be stupid, hurry up.”

“I?” The starving star froze, shaking his head, “I’m not going to the world.”

Ligui frowned: “What are you doing here without going?”

“I, I accompany them.” The starving ghost was scorned a little.

Li Gui looked at him up and down a few times, and it seemed to him that he was the same, even if he looked at the life of the local government, he would no longer talk nonsense.

Shirley stood up, turned back, and looked at the wall in front of him.

Suddenly, the wall “ka” fell down, revealing a deep and dark passage.

“The end of the road is the world.” He turned aside and looked at Wu Sheng and Xu Wang. “Go.”

Xu Wang wanted to say goodbye to the starving ghost, but at the moment turned around, he caught the envy of the other party’s eyes before they could be put away.

Xu Wang suddenly got a little angry: “Try it and you won’t lose a piece of meat!”

The starving ghost was shouted dumbfounded: “Ah?”

“I said, what would you do if you just tried it in the sand tank?” Xu Wang was indignant. “If you don’t try it, you can’t say it first, then you can’t do it in your life.”


“It’s nothing! You want to wander around the edge of the mansion for a lifetime? You can’t even touch the ghosts? You were starving to death before you died, and you still want to be hungry to death after death?”

“I know you are kind,” the starving ghost grumbled, “but why it sounds like a curse …”

Xu Wang was so angry and funny that the spirit behind him pushed the starved ghost forward: “Hurry up and try.”

Li Gui stood beside the tank without stopping, but looked down lightly and made it clear that he could pass.

The starving ghost hesitated and buried his hands in the sand.

Xu Wang didn’t hold his breath consciously, not to mention why, he was even more nervous than when he was testing.

The sand near the starved ghost’s wrist moved first, and the grains rolled back and forth like a breeze.

Then, the sand moved slowly, but he couldn’t see whether it was stronger or weaker than Xu Wang and Wu Sheng, because the sand tank under his hands was not flowing, but slowly hitting a violent vortex.

Li Gui raised his long white eyebrows and was quite surprised: “I can’t see it, there is a bit of ghost power.”

The starving ghost was affirmed and immediately relaxed, but his face was even worse.

Li Gui looked at him for a long while, as if he saw something, and sighed. It was rare that his voice was kind. “How much suffering did you suffer in this lifetime. Hurry up and go to the world to get a little more madness.”

The starved ghost fell lonely and did not speak again.

A group of people walked into the underpass and walked silently for a while. Xu Wangcai tentatively called: “Little hungry?”

There is no light in the dark road, you can’t see each other, you can’t see the expression, you can only hear the sound.

“Huh?” Fortunately, the starving ghost responded.

“How did you die before you died?” Xu Wang asked what he had been thinking about, but quickly added, “If you don’t want to talk, just don’t ask me.”

“In fact, there is nothing to say,” in the dark, the voice of the starving dead ghost, with a bit of a wry smile, not the pain of complaining, but the bitterness of self-deprecation, “I was deceived by my friend, he took all my money , Throwing me alone in the wild mountains and wild ridges, I ended up penniless and found no way home, starving to death. “

“Then you didn’t go to him to ask for life after you died?” Xu Wang now suddenly hoped that Xiao Hung was a ghost.

“I wanted to find it,” the stomach of the starving ghost suddenly grunted again and laughed embarrassedly. “Later I was too hungry and had no energy to be too lazy to go.”

Xu Wang: “Is it too lazy to avenge my revenge ?!”

Wu Sheng: “Is it too lazy to avenge my revenge ?!”

The duo came suddenly. Xu Wang and Wu Sheng looked at each other subconsciously. However, they could not see each other in the dark channels, but the overlapping aura of “different grievances” was still very strong.

From high school onwards, they acted on the principle that you respect me one foot, I respect you one foot, you beat me, at least I have to kick you, and probably pay an elbow interest.

So it is completely impossible to understand the “grandeur” of starving ghosts.

“Ah, don’t talk to me,” the starving ghost obviously argued, and changed the subject altogether, “I’ll see the world’s stewards in a minute, how can you deal with it?”

Wu Sheng: “You said he was looking for talents for Heaven Realm?”

The starving ghost: “Yes, Wen’s martial arts are fine. I heard that the Western Academy has been restless recently, so the boss is also nervous.”

The words “Western Court” made Xu Wang and Wu Sheng feel a little tight.

It is human instinct to be a guilty conscience. Some people are strong and others are weak, but it is impossible to be completely absent.

“Western courtyard?” Xu Wang pretended not to understand.

The starving ghost did not hesitate to have him, so he told all of them: “This house is divided into east and west courtyards. Here we are the east courtyard. The hierarchy is orderly and orderly. The west courtyard is more chaotic. There is no rule. The ghost is strong, whoever is king … “

“Originally, the two courtyards have been running well without violating the river water, but the boss of the west courtyard now feels that our eastern courtyard is a ghost and ghost.

“Actually,” Xu Wang thought about the words, “It’s not necessarily a bad thing to let Xiyuan come, you see you now, you want to go closer to Guiquan, and you have to check every level. In fact, Guiquan is everyone’s. The reason is that only a few people can get close, right? “

The starving ghost was silent again.

Xu Wang’s ending sound was scattered in the dark road, and the air was suddenly embarrassed.

I don’t know how long it has passed. When the light at the end of the underpass penetrated slightly, the starving ghost suddenly asked, “Have you ever been to the Western Courtyard?”

Xu Wang hesitated for a moment.

All the way to the present, they are half friends with the starving ghost, and the guilt of lying with them is growing a little bit.

Ruthlessly, he whispered, “No.”

“If you’ve been there, you won’t think it’s better there,” said the ghostly starved ghost. “There will be a boss in a few days. Whoever has the strongest ghost will be the king, fighting every day, chaotic, weaker. The solitary ghost can’t live in a peaceful life at all. If you have bad luck, you may be swayed casually, and you will be caught in a chaotic fight for no reason, and your soul will be scattered. “

“You asked me to choose between the war and Taiping, I must choose Taiping, and–” The dark road came to an end, the moonlight came in from the exit, and the face of the starving ghost was a little bit spirited, “If here As messy as the West Yard, I may not meet you anymore. “

He grinned, but in a ghostly spirit, but sincere joy.

Suddenly Xu Wang was a little afraid to look at his eyes and turned his head down to change the subject: “You just said that the most important thing about human affairs?”

The starving ghost didn’t notice the strange thing, so it was natural to say: “I heard that I particularly value talents, most value talents, and understand the art of war is better.”

Fifteen minutes later, in the world, the assessment office of the governor.

Wu Sheng: “” Thirty-Six Strategies “, victory plan, enemy plan, attack plan, melee plan, combined plan, defeat plan, each set of six plans, a total of 36 plans, as follows: Surround Wei to save Zhao, borrow a knife to kill, wait for work … “

Wu Sheng: “The Sunzi Art of War” has a total of 13 articles, namely “The Beginning Chapter”, “The Fighting Chapter”, “The Attacking Chapter”, “The Military Chapter” … “

Wu Sheng: “In the” Initial Chapter “, Sun Zi said: Soldiers, national events, places of life and death, the way of life and death, must be observed …”

After half an hour.

Human affairs: “If I give you a team of ghost troops, are you confident to help the boss and defend the West Yard?”

Wu Sheng: “No ghost army, two ghosts, enough.”

Personnel supervision: “Which two?”

Wu Sheng: “The flower-like jade on my left, and the yellow-skinned skinny on my right.”

At the same time, the eastern courtyard, the prefecture.

The old money and the little things are lost.

The prefecture is not only big, but also chaotic. The ghosts are okay. They are quite orderly, mainly because of local chaos. The roads and trails are criss-crossed, and it often takes a long time to find out, and it turns around again.

Finally, at the time of burning their heads, they smelled a faint scent of fat powder, mixed in the smell of a corrupt haunted house, just as refreshing as Fengyoujing.

The two followed the taste and touched a secluded courtyard, before they reached the root of the window, they heard the laughter of men and women.

Sticky, ambiguous, with a taste that is not suitable for children.

There were no ghosts in the yard, one person quietly dived under the window, the window was wide open, and the spring color came across.

I saw a male ghost without a sliver, lying on the bed, surrounded by four or five female ghosts with only a gauze, some snuggled in his arms, and some fanned him beside him, There are still grapes feeding him in the mouth. The male ghost looks comfortable, enjoys it, and escapes from the ghost world Ximen Qing!

Qian Ai was disturbed and endured the urge to slap him to death. His eyes tried to bypass various bodies and searched on the bed.

A gauze suddenly flew out of the bed and came straight into the window!

Qian Ai instinctively hid, light gauze rubbing against his face, but it hit Kang Jinxin’s shoulder. When they touched, the light gauze immediately wrapped around, and immediately wrapped Kuang Jinxin in an airtight!

Before Qian Ai responded, the light yarn shrank back and took the situation Jinxin “fly” back to the house!

The situation with the mummy Jin Xin fell on the ground in front of the bed with a thump.

The romantic ghost pushed away the female ghost around him, and gently tapped his finger to release the light yarn.

Moreover, Jin Xin fell into the eye and stared at Venus. He hadn’t waited to see the romantic ghost. The romantic ghost had already gathered around him.

Kuang Jinxin scared an agitator, but his body didn’t move, so the possessed ghost gathered at a very close distance to look at him, then secretly manipulated his broken hand, and touched the “ghost bed” a little-the badge’s prompt was “love bed” “Ghost”, that is to say, the badge is either on the bed-loving ghost, or on the bed it loves, and now, this romantic ghost who doesn’t wear anything has “a glance at a glance”, there must be no badge on his body, then it can only be a bed .

The spoiled ghost and several female ghosts all focused on Kuang Jinxin. No one noticed an extra “broken hand” on the bed.

“Where did you come from? Very delicate skin and tender meat.” The romantic ghost looked at Jin Xin with interest, and the expression was frivolous, “I don’t refuse men and women, do you want to try with me?”

Seeing that he was about to raise his hand and touch Kang Jinxin’s face, there was a loud shout suddenly from the window: “You and me try!”

Merry ghost, female ghost and Kuang Jinxin turned their heads together and saw a head coming out of the sky.

Qian Ai ran to Kang Jinxin in a “flying head” position, yanked the person aside, and then placed himself on Kang Jinxin’s position, using a head and a romantic ghost nose to nose, eye to eye.

“What do you think of me?” Feitou flicked his stubby and short hair, with a variety of styles, “I am particularly energetic!”

“…” Merry ghost, withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After half a minute.

“Hey, if you don’t agree, you don’t agree, what are you running–” Qian Ai looked at the back of Bai Huahua, who had fled into the desert, and his body and mind were seriously hit.

As soon as the romantic ghost ran away, the female ghosts became discouraged, and they followed away.

It is in line with Jin Xin and Qian Ai.

The two little friends quickly climbed onto the bed and fumbled.

Soon, the bed turned them over, but there was nothing, no flash, and of course no badge.

Four eyes are opposite.

Kuang Jinxin: “Where is the dream ghost?”

Qian Ai: “There is only one possibility left.”

Just saying these two words, a series of screams from far and near, which really broke the throat.

Qian Ai and Kuang Jinxin were shocked and raised their heads. They saw the romantic ghost who had just escaped, and like a whirlwind, they rushed home and ran straight into the house!

The two quickly got out of bed and were alert all over!

But the Merry Ghost didn’t even look at them, and ran directly to the bed, curled up into a trembling shivering, where could there be just a little bit of Merry!

Qian Ai swallowed hard: “Is the shadow I left so powerful …”

I don’t know when at the door of the courtyard, a group of imp, gathered, and looked into the room, looking at the lively, whispering while looking at it.

Qian Ai and Kuang Jinxin went out and pretended to ask curiously, “What’s wrong with him?”

The ghosts of the prefecture drifted casually, and saw two raw faces coming out of the romantic haunted house. They didn’t feel anything when watching the little ghosts. They were very happy to share the gossip: “He didn’t know what happened to the crazy ghost, and he floated on the bed of dream ghost.

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