The Midnight Owl

Chapter 123 - Road construction

After that, the five friends did not eat anything. The Renxi restaurant brought a variety of rich soups and desserts, and all five of them did not move. Even the sweet-loving Chi Yingxue has resisted the temptation of the cake-only to see can not eat, itchy, one can’t eat badly, it hurts, the two are compared, She Tian hides the pain.

The members of the tour group should eat, drink and drink.

This is a group of NPCs without feelings-five people have already accepted this setting.

At the end of lunch, there were almost no people outside the tour group in the restaurant. The leader was full and wiped his mouth with a napkin. He said, “Dear friends of the tour group, everyone walked more tired in the morning. What happens next? , I will first take you to the leisure bathing center to take a break to relieve the shortage, and then we will go to the resort villa on the outskirts of the city to feel the green mountains and water of our beautiful city … “

“Good!” I don’t know who took the lead in the tour group, and everyone responded.

The five little friends exchanged glances, and the fighting spirit was almost destroyed by various deaths, struggling and igniting a few sparks.

Bath center, Finnish bath, badge.

This dark death to death level finally infiltrated a trace of dawn that could capture the direction.

As the large army left the restaurant, Xu Wang subconsciously glanced at the badge manual again, suggesting that it was still “Finnish Bath.”

Wu Sheng understood at a glance what he was worried about, and reassured his team captain: “There are indications that only our team is breaking through tonight. If the prompt really changes, there is only one reason, that is, we found the badge.”

“There is no absolute in everything,” Xu Wang shook his head, carefully following in the footsteps of the donkey in front of him, and there was still a little bit of chatter in the ordinary day. “Be careful, there is no harm.”

Wu Sheng was delighted to see him like this: “A flower pot and a fork scared you?”

Xu Wang rolled his eyes angrily, reluctantly, but also had to admit: “Without you, a flower pot and a fork, it has made me die twice.”

Wu Sheng said: “But you have me.”

Xu Wang turned to look at him.

Wu Sheng tilted his head slightly, giving the other party the most handsome angle and a smile in the wind.

Xu Wang wanted to vomit, and wanted to kiss him. In the end, neither vomiting nor kissing, but only bent the corner of his mouth.

What is love is when you want to write a “100 Cases of Demonstrating Errors” for this person, and let him recite it day and night, and at the same time he thinks that he is very cute when he pretends to be serious.

“Are you afraid?” Xu Wang asked seriously.

Starting from the first person who died, even Chi Yingxue, who had always been calm and indifferent, showed his desire to survive, but Wu Sheng was still calm, calm, and methodical.

“As long as you see through the connection between the things around you and the accidental death, all the so-called emergencies have become a fixed link in the death computing chain,” Wu Sheng looked up and calmly, “When accidents are no longer accidents , Suddenly not suddenly, there is nothing terrible. “

Xu Wang: “…”

Suddenly Wu Sheng turned his head and raised his eyebrows: “I regret it?”

Xu Wang didn’t understand: “What do you regret?”

Wu Sheng said: “I regret not making up those thriller suspense horror detective movies with me.”

Xu Wang: “I can’t make up your realm if I make up eight times …”

What else do you see through the connection between the things around you and the accidental death … Is this a normal person’s perception of the movie!

“It’s okay,” Wu Sheng shrugged. “I saw it as if you saw it.”

Abdominal slump stopped abruptly. Xu Wang stared blankly at Wu Sheng’s profile, and the afternoon sun reflected him clearly.

“What’s wrong?” Wu Sheng was stared a little ignorant.

Xu Wang smiled softly at him and rarely said the truth: “Suddenly I think you are pretty handsome.”

Wu Sheng frowned slowly: “Suddenly, the word is used strangely.”

Xu Wang: “…”

Wu Sheng looked at him persistently, looking forward to it.

Xu Wang surrendered: “Always, you have been handsome–“

Wu Junshi was satisfied.

Captain Xu was speechless. Of course, after looking for a second, he immediately withdrew again and continued to erect the alert radar, looking at the front and taking care of left and right.

The three little friends who followed behind the leader were forced to eat dog food for three minutes in addition to fear.

Kuang Jinxin had a great time. Although he knew nothing about love, he could clearly feel the harmony and intimacy between the leaders, and even felt a little happy even with himself.

Chi Yingxue had no waves in his heart, but looked at the leader ’s flag, wondering if it would trigger an interesting spur if he grabbed it.

Qian Ai, as an older young man who has always wanted to get rid of the singles and has never been married, eats one step of heartache, two steps of one drop of blood, and was about to make people feel crazy and horrified.

The tour group entered a tree-lined asphalt road, and the sound of mechanical work came in front of it.

Looking up, there are four workers digging the road with a hand-held earth-boring machine within the painted range. Usually the pavement has local problems such as potholes, so the old surface pavement will be dug out and then paved with new materials.

The tree-lined road is about six meters wide. The tour group walks to the right. The worker’s working range is in front of the left. A long area about seven meters long and three meters wide. The broken pavement with a certain thickness has not been cleared and transported away, and it remains pried open and stays in place.

The four workers bowed their heads and concentrated on their work. They did not take a glance at the tour group coming over.

Xu Wang and Wu Sheng looked at each other, and then Wu Junshi turned around and reminded his little friend: “No matter what happens, don’t listen, look, curious, and don’t watch.”

Chi Yingxue glanced back, saying he received it.

Kuang Jin nodded hard.

Qian Ai said aloud: “Understood, I followed my team leader and moved forward.”

If there is a so-called safety zone in this pass, it must be centered on the “undead leader”.

Unifying his thoughts, Xu Wang and Wu Sheng quickly took two quick steps, followed closely behind the leader, and the other three partners immediately followed the lead.

In a flash, the five became the first phalanx of the large force, no more than one and a half meters away from the leader.

Soon, large troops and operating workers crossed the middle of the road, rubbing their shoulders.

Xu Wang tightened all his nerves, and looked at the team leader’s flag, step by step, and walked forward steadily.

The seven-meter-long operation range does not have many steps from beginning to end, but for those who are highly vigilant, every second is very long.

Finally, they followed the team leader, crossed the construction area, and saw the road in front was wide and flat again.




Suddenly afterwards came a series of exclamations, very close, at most two meters away from them!

The leader didn’t return, as if he didn’t hear it.

Xu Wang had been mentally prepared for a long time, and knew that there would be a problem with the task force on the end of the tree-lined trail. So there is no mess at the moment. But Yu Guangli found out that Wu Sheng shook his figure at the moment of the cry.

Xu Wang was unprepared for this, and he felt a squeeze in his heart. He just wanted to ask aloud, but Wu Sheng stabilized again, and his pace was firm again.

Suspended temporarily, Xu Wang continued to follow the leader.

There is only the leader and two donkeys in front, and the rest are behind them.

He wanted to know exactly what happened behind him, but he never looked back in order to live.

After ten seconds, they reached the end of the tree-lined path. The leader suddenly stopped and turned around, as if finally remembering that he was still carrying the team, his concerned eyes crossed them and looked back.

Seeing the team leader looking back, Xu Wangcai dared to turn his neck to check the scene behind him.

The originally compact large force has been divided into three parts.

Part of it is their first phalanx following the team leader; part of it is the people walking forward while watching the bustling, because the onlookers slow down their pace, so the sparse Lara does not form a team; there are six others who are at the end, it should be a cry The few of them stayed beside the worker’s work area. Some of them sat on the floor and took a breath. Some of the golden roosters were still calling for independence. Anyway, they all held their feet and were busy, like something stuck on the sole of the shoe.

At this moment, a slight vibration suddenly came from the ground.

Then there was a huge “boom” and the entire section of the operation area collapsed!

Xu Wang stared at the four workers and the six donkeys stranded nearby, and was swallowed up by the pit in no time.

The collapsed pavement was only a few meters away from where he stood at the moment!

The ground vibration did not stop with the collapse of the operating area, but became stronger and stronger!

“No, the whole road is going to collapse–” A donkey who was closest to the collapsed area snorted and ran forward with his legs spread!

Seeing this, the other donkeys also started to run.

The leader is faster, because at the front of the team, a sprint has completely left the tree-lined road and ran onto a wider pedestrian street.

Wu Sheng wanted to remind his little partner not to move, but he turned around and found that he didn’t need to be reminded at all. All his teammates didn’t move, and they were obviously “experienced.”

At the same time, I heard a prompt in my ear—

[Owl: Someone used for you ~~]

This is Xu Wang’s stationery.

Prompt together, all the buddies’ body will lighten, and their feet will slowly leave the ground.

Just a few seconds after they emptied, the entire tree-lined road collapsed.

Except for them, all the surviving donkeys have ran out of the path and merged into the walking path.

Xu Wang manipulated the armor and led his teammates through the last part of the road, just catching up with the tail of the big force, and suddenly a strong wind came!

The large advertising light box hanging outside the front building was knocked down by the strong wind and was hitting the front of the team!

The five people in the first phalanx, except for the front leader, were all pressed under the light box!

The wind stopped without warning, as suddenly as when it came.

Noisy, the world is quiet again.

The blood slowly flows out from under the light box …

The five partners floated in the air about 20 centimeters above the ground. Although they were expected, they were still afraid.

If they just ran with the leader just now, it was themselves who fell under the light box.

Less than five minutes later, ten people died. The death toll rose to 16.

After walking for about ten minutes along the walking path, the five partners and the remaining donkeys, led by the leader, arrived at the bathing center.

As soon as he entered the lobby of the bathing center, Xu Wang was ready to lift the armor. After all, in a closed space, it is not convenient to walk. But as soon as he closed his eyes, he was stopped by Wu Sheng: “Don’t lift it first.”

Xu Wang is strange, but knowing that Wu Sheng must have his own reasons, he did n’t ask much. He only lowered the floating height slightly and let five people float against the ground. It looked like he was walking with a large army.

In this way, he followed the leader into the elevator all the way to the fifth floor where the men’s bath was located and entered the locker room. Xu Wangcai released the armor with the permission of Wu Sheng’s eyes.

The five partners finally landed.

Several male donkeys around, including the team leader, have already begun to undress.

Xu Wang sighed, thinking that he could finally ask Wu Sheng why he had to float. Unexpectedly, both Qian Ai and Kuang Jinxin are faster than him, and the two partners who have endured all the way have spoken almost at the same time-

Kuang Jinxin: “Brother Sheng, do you know what happened before the road collapsed?”

Qian Ai: “What did those couples step on while walking on the tree-lined road, and they stopped there when they called?”

Xu Wangfu said, when he said that what happened later, Wu Sheng didn’t look back. No matter how clever, he can’t have long eyes behind his head.

While muttering, he heard Wu Sheng say: “They stepped on the nails.”

Xu Wang accidentally looked at his military division: “Did you see nails on the ground when you passed by?”

“Not seen.” Wu Sheng found the nearest bench and sat down.

Xu Wang did not understand: “How do you know?”

Wu Sheng lifted Erlang’s legs, bent down to take off a shoe, and showed the nail cap with a cold light on the sole: “Because I stepped on it.”

Chi Yingxue, Kuang Jinxin, Qian Ai: “…”

Xu Wang’s eyes widened: “Did not hit his soles at all?”

Wu Sheng pondered for a moment and said, “Take a bit.”

“Then don’t you take off your shoes immediately ?!” Xu Wang is extremely skeptical of this “one point”!

Wu Sheng shook his head: “Any unnecessary movement may distract people and cause unexpected risks.”

Xu Wang wanted to beat him!

But what he did was to pick off the opponent’s backpack and rummage through the medicine chest.

Qian Ai made two close steps and looked at the shoes that were thrown on the ground. The spikes that appeared in the shoes were definitely not “a little bit.” He just felt distressed when he looked at them alone.

Chi Yingxue looked at the nails in the shoes, and then Wu Sheng, who didn’t change his face, was a little surprised.

Kuang Jinxin was a little worried and said: “Brother Sheng, you will find a plastic bag or something in a moment. Don’t touch the water. When you leave the owl, you must get a tetanus needle.”

“Yes.” Science suggested that Wu Sheng should be happy.

“It’s good to have a healing stationery.” Qian Ai scratched his head anxiously. There were a lot of stationery in the team, but there was no cure. It ’s not that they are wasting, it ’s just that injuries are too frequent.

“It’s okay,” Wu Sheng didn’t take it seriously. “It hurts a lot, especially at this level. It hurts people to be more alert.”

Qian Ai: “…”

He finally understands why others can be leaders, find targets, and show love.

If a man wants to succeed, he has to be cruel to himself.

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