The Midnight Owl

Chapter 152 - curse

The seventh, eighth, and ninth rounds steadily ended with everyone’s unwavering progress. The two teams of friends, miraculously rubbing their shoulders perfectly every time they met, avoided the tragic fate of the same PK.

The tenth round is about to begin, and the position and progress of the ten players on the field have been changed.

Gu Nian, from A5 to A2, still 4 steps away from the end.

In addition, Jin Xin threw 9 in two rounds, and the progress jumped to 49/52. After 3 more steps, he could enter the sprint step.

The remaining eight are basically divided into three legions.

The First Army, Wu Sheng, Wang Duanran, Chi Yingxue, Xu Wang, progressed in 32-38 / 52.

The Second Army, Qian Ai, Kong Lize, Chen Guan, progressed from 25-26 / 52.

Jiang Dachuan alone propped up the Third Army and was still struggling at take-off point A.

Now, the dice is back in the hands of Jiang Dachuan.

Rolls-Royce’s encouragement is huge, and after so many rounds, Jiang Dachuan is still full of energy, full of hope and longing for every possible take-off.

The dice fell into the water, splashing light water splashes.


“Captain!” After taking off, he called the leader first.

Wang breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had come to the end with all his pains: “Fly well, just fly.”

Jiang Dachuan did not speak, and looked at his captain with bright eyes.

Wang flatly looked at him for a moment and blessed his soul: “Remember, give you the car key when you go back.”

Jiang Dachuan was content, and his eyes were all laughing.

At the same time, his teammate Gu Nian was in a different mood.

Throw the dice, 8.

Four blocks forward, four blocks back, and still back to A2-even the owl didn’t let him do useless work, the airflow that lifted the movement did not appear at all, he stood on the spot, as if he had just thrown the dice, an illusion.

Wang Duanran, Jiang Dachuan, Kong Lize and Chen Guan don’t look at him much anymore, for fear of a wrong look, which makes teammates more anxious. Gu Nian is easily anxious, so it is very fatal to get upset.

Kong Lize threw a 5, 26-31. Looking back at Qian Ai and Wu Sheng in 25 miles, I do n’t know if I ’m afraid of being overtaken, and I want to make a stationery PK.

31 is a surprise grid, Kong Lize ushered in a thunderstorm, almost blasted him into the water.

Qian Ai was 6 squares away, didn’t worry about being affected at all, admired the thunderstorm gap, and glanced at Wu Sheng next to him.

At this sight, Wu Sheng found himself thinking in his arms.

At first, he thought his military division was looking at stationery, thinking about PK tactics, but his eyes fell on his arm, only to find that the other party was looking at the badge manual.

Qian Ai tapped his thigh in his heart, and he had forgotten about the badge!

But this should not blame him. Originally, my team was not ready to break through. Who knows to catch the duck on the shelf, the chessboard is opened, the dice flew over, and his rhythm is still chaotic.

Secretly looking around the audience, it seems that Wang Duanran’s team did not mean to remember the badge. He didn’t know if the other party was thinking about it, and he didn’t say it in his heart. He still forgot as much as he did, or the badge of others had already arrived.

Either way, anyway, his own military division chose to be low-key, and he must have cooperated not to talk too much.

So Qian Ai didn’t even raise his arm, so he raised his eyebrows slightly and tried to look at Wu Sheng’s arm.

Fortunately, the reminder was brief and eye-catching-water.

The badge is in … the water? Underwater? Splashing?

Qian Ai was full of question marks, and more importantly, they could n’t leave the grid, let alone fall into the water, otherwise they would all be fouls and they would have to go back to the take-off point. How to find this badge?

“Old money.” Wu Sheng next to him reminded, “Throw the dice.”

“Ah?” Qian Ai recovered, only to find that the dice was flying in front of her eyes, and her small wings were almost rushing to the tip of her nose.

There was little time left for throwing. He didn’t even catch it. He waved his hand and shot the dice to the surface.


Qian Aigang raised his eyebrows, and saw Kong Lize’s big white eyes in front of him.

Qian Ai counted, got it.

25-31, it happened to be Kong Lizenag.

Qian Ai can’t be said to be happy or worried. PK dropped Jiang Dachuan’s blood. He has gradually calmed down with these rounds of throwing. He knows what stationery he is taking, just like that blessing, but Fan Jiang Dachuan does not Armor, but a deadly weapon, he will definitely lose.

“Li Ze, kill him–” Jiang Dachuan cheered at the distant take-off point A.

Kong Lize glanced at his “unfortunate” teammates. Although he didn’t think Qian Ai was a threat, he silently raised his level of vigilance and defense.

Qian Ai landed in the grid.

Kong Lize is a slender and stretched figure. Originally standing alone, the lattice was loose and wide, plus a Qian Ai. The floor space per capita was immediately folded in half and then folded in half.

Fortunately, the prompt tone appeared soon.

The two turned around and raised their arms at the same time.

Qian Ai looked at the few stationery he had left.


: Kong Lize uses Qian Ai uses The steel armor cannot resist the death choir, Qian Ai dies, Kong Lize wins.

The audience was quiet for a few seconds.

Because it was determined that there were no three or five rounds, the PK was endless.

Even Kong Lize didn’t expect to win so neatly, and he didn’t regain his mind for a long time.

When Qian Ai saw the five words “Death Choir”, he knew that he had lost. He now flips through the entire stationery box, and there is no stationery that can resist the fatal attack of the phantom system. The last righteous body protection has been used up in the last PK.

“Big money, come back, I will be lonely at home, but I’m lonely–” Jiang Dachuan had no idea how to organize the language. He opened his arms and slammed up and down to welcome the old man’s return.

Qian Ai didn’t want to see his son, but after hearing his new nickname, he felt a low mood and was instantly excited. While his body was empty, he chased and asked, “What do you call me?”

Jiang Dachuan smiled, faced with spring breeze, deliberately provoked with pride: “Big money! How about, domineering?”

“It doesn’t matter if you’re domineering or not, it’s mainly a sign!” Qian Ai fell into Box 1 in a speech, patting Jiang Dachuan on the shoulder, thanking him heartily, “I will change the live ID when I go back Shenzhou, wealth is coming! Haha! “

“…” Jiang Dachuan’s smile froze on his face, and then he was completely expressionless.

He is provoking and demonstrating his self-esteem, can he respect the revenge snow haters! ! !

Wang Kuanran, who had a similar loss at Kuang Jinxin, understood it clearly. This team’s communication focus is all damned!

Although returning to the take-off point, Qian Ai threw a 6, and there was a chance to throw.

A man who has been renamed Big Money without permission, folded his hands together and meditated on 666.

“Bone Lulu–“


Jiang Dachuan glanced down and gave a sigh.

6 and 10 are so good to vote? Humph.

The fifth toss is Kuang Jinxin.


He took off from takeoff point B (14 squares), now 11 squares, these 7 steps came down-12-13-14-B1-B2-B3-B4.

There are 2 steps to the end.

Wang Duanran’s team, all ten eyes fell on him.

In addition, Jin Xin did not borrow Gu Dong’s dongfeng, and had no PK with anyone. He walked all the way smoothly. As a result, it is now closer to the end than Gu Nian.

Captain Xu, who has been low-key for a long time, wanted to wave his flag to his teammates, but once he changed his mind, no, he immediately scanned Wu Sheng, Qian Ai, Chi Yingxue one by one-no publicity, we must save character!

Wu Sheng received this sight, with a faint smile in his eyes, a faint spoiling that he didn’t even realize—well, I know.

Qian Ai’s voice, “Small situation, kill him!” All came to his mouth. Fortunately, his eyes were fast and he covered his mouth with a slap. Jiang Dachuan next door looked at him inexplicably, I don’t know what this is for.

Chi Yingxue did n’t mean to cheer Kuang Jinxin, but he also did n’t understand Xu Wang ’s eyes.

Xu Wang now feels like Chi Yingxue with spring-like warmth. When he sees it, he immediately thinks that he is not expressing himself, so he doesn’t force him and shakes his head—it’s okay.

This time Chi Yingxue understood it-oh.

After the explanation of his teammates, the dice fell into his palm.

Xu Wang threw it immediately.

5, 45-50, get stationery

“…” Xu Wang looked at the extra icons in the stationery box, it was really hard to make up for the fighting situation.

Next, Chi Yingxue and Wang Duanran, Chen Guan, voted 2 and 4, respectively, Chi Yingxue entered 9 squares, Wang Duanran entered 12 squares, two people who took off from point C (27 squares), the progress was very bitten tight.

It was Chen Guan’s turn.

Until now, Chen Guan has almost fallen asleep. There is still a fire left in his heart last time, burning his small universe, and now this fire is almost extinguished. He really prefers to fight a battle, and does not want to play this broken chess, even PK is a text PK, then what is the point? All souls are lost in battle!

“Bone Lulu–“


Chen Guan was surprised. In the last round, he threw it at 6, but didn’t expect luck to care for him so much.

23-29, surprise, happy runner.

Chen Guan grabbed the turntable and carried it around-the Good Neighborly Friendly Responsibility Symbol (three rounds).

Team Xu Wang had long wondered what this thing was. When he saw the pointer stop at this square, he immediately went to see Chen Guan’s face.

Chen Guan frowned, and his face was really hard to say.

The same is true of the other members of the team.

Xu Wang’s five people know that this thing is not very good.

Chen Guan threw a second time.


29-38, there are two more grids, and Chen Guan walks through a circle and returns to his take-off point D (40 grids)!

Happiness came too suddenly. Chen Guan looked up and saw the five steps in front of him, and then he had the real sense of approaching the end.

Wang Duanran immediately looked at Xu Wang, reminding his opponent: “Hey, we can have two people coming to the end.”

Xu Wang beat the drums in his heart, but an old **** on his face was at ease: “I can really finish the steps.”

The first few rounds of 38 squares have been opened, which is a surprise.

Another happy wheel.

Chen Guan was inexplicable. There weren’t many big runners in the audience, and I didn’t know how the big runner favored him so much.

Holding the roulette, this time he turned harder.

The turntable stopped-tornado.

“call out–“

Chen Guan didn’t even have time to react, so he was turned back and forth and returned 30 squares.

30 squares is a cash reward, but it also failed to make up for the trauma of Chen Guan and the entire team-the progress was just 50/52, and now it is returned to 42/52.

Happiness came suddenly, and hurriedly.

Xu Wang sighed and shook his head, crossing the vast water, and Wang Daan, who was facing the northeast, regretted his hand: “I have said that I should keep a low profile and save character.”

Wang Duanran: “…”

When did you say that? Don’t make up the plot out of thin air! ! !

In the tenth round, the last thrower, Wu Sheng.

He glanced at Kong Lize six blocks away before throwing the dice.

Kong Lize made him look a little hairy at first glance.

The dice stopped on the surface-6.

“…” Kong Lize’s eyes widened, looking at the dice, then Wu Sheng, could not believe it.

It’s been 2 times 6 in this round, come back?

And the other side glanced at him before tossing the dice, as if expected to be in the same place as him!

Absolutely cheated, absolutely!

In a state of disturbed mind, Wu Sheng has arrived.

“Trouble, please.” Wu Junshi was very polite.

Kong Lize was inexplicably nervous, swallowing a spit, and he turned back as he backed away.

Wu Sheng also turned around and turned his back to him.

[Owl: Please select the stationery you want to use within ten seconds ~]

Kong Lize looked at the icon in the stationery box, his lips splayed in a straight line.

He has no stationery that can immediately kill people. Whether it is a weapon or a phantom, the one that can be deadly immediately is the best, and it is not easy to obtain. Like weapons, weapons are the most numerous, followed by various climatic and geological disasters, and phantoms are mostly mental damage and control systems. People like Meng Po Tang, Pause button, and awake dreamers, including Qian Ai’s blessing, can be classified into these two categories. The “death choir” is a rare illusion and must be used on the blade.

Just now, PK Qian Ai, thinking of revenge for Dachuan, used it without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, one after another, he stabbed him off guard.

But must the opponent still have a lethal weapon?

Kong Lize felt that it was not necessarily.

At the end of ten seconds, both sides made a choice.


: Kong Lize uses , Wu Sheng ’s evil spirits are entangled, Yang Shou runs out and dies; Wu Sheng uses , Kong Lize ’s heart is broken and dies; Wu Sheng The death rate was slow, Kong Lize died fast, Wu Shengsheng.

Kong Lize: “…”

Wu Sheng: “…”

The former thought that the spirit behind was just ridden, but did not expect to exhaust his opponent Yang Shou.

The latter thought that the heartbreak was just sad. Unexpectedly, it was really heartbroken.

Both of them used seemingly non-lethal cards to kill each other. The only difference was that Wu Sheng’s illusion was relatively simple.

Simply, the way of death …

Kong Lize covered his chest and swallowed the old blood-he was unwilling to die! ! !

Qian Ai looked away from his military division, punching his chest with a fist-using the brother’s “Ah” series of stationery to help the brothers revenge PK, your heart, I know a lot of money!

“…” Wu Sheng couldn’t bear the enthusiasm, and didn’t overdo it silently.

Farewell, and hit the eyes cast by his captain.

Xu Wang hasn’t looked away from the moment he threw the dice, and he looked more carefully than Kong Lize. He can be 100% sure that Wu Sheng is going to help Qian Ai get revenge, but … he asked like he raised his eyebrows lightly, compared to a 6, which means-how do you think 6 is still the same as Kong Lize, just throw Arrived?

The time for the second throw has already started to count down. Wu Sheng threw the dice first, then smiled slightly at Xu Wang, and raised his hand to write “a vertical fold.”

Dice landing, 8, 31-39, cash rewards.

Xu Wang no longer cares about rewards. This round of 10,000 to 20,000 to the left greatly improved his defense against evil money. At this moment, he frowned, and what he was thinking about was Wu Sheng’s “vertical folding.” He learned to write it in his heart … L?

L … L … Xu Wang’s eyes lit up horribly, !

When he was playing tactics, who had any stationery? Before throwing the dice, Wu Sheng used a blessing illusion to himself!

This operation is also possible? !

While admiring the broad thinking of his military division, Xu Wang lamented that he really broke his heart for Qian Ai.

However, if you change yourself, you may also make the same choice. After all, return to the take-off point again and again, no more encouragement, and a strong heart will be helpless.

Like now …

Xu Wang looked up to take-off point A, Qian Ai swept the previous decadence, this time refreshed.

On the other hand, Kong Lize, who had returned, and Jiang Dachuan, who had just walked out of the grid, had negative energy from the eyebrows to the whole body.

At the same time, in addition to Wu Sheng watching Xu Wang, the remaining four persons, Jin Xin, Chi Yingxue, Wang Duanran, and Chen Guan, were also watching take-off point A.

At the moment of the game, the BCD had three take-off points, the worst score, and the progress was over halfway. But at take-off point A, the three of them almost did not move. Look, he and Qian Ai and Kong Lize are completely together, like three marmots squeezed in a hole.

Gu Nian, the only one who started at point A, has repeatedly sprinted on the steps for an unknown number of rounds. When he went up the stairs, Kuang Jinxin’s progress was only halfway, and now people are on the stairs, closer to the finish line than he is.

Take off point A, a cursed place.

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