The Midnight Owl

Chapter 28 - accident

This is the terminal building. Passengers are checking in at almost every counter. If you want to recognize people who are involved in them like this in the vast sea, unless the other party is as loud as they were yesterday, silly. Otherwise it is impossible.

And now, the few people who handled the boarding pass at counter 9 are as usual, and their clothes are very ordinary. They look just like other passengers.

“Are you sure they are not NPCs?” Xu Wang is not suspicious of Wu Sheng, but he only needs emotional intelligence rather than IQ when looking at people. This is not what Wu is good at.

“Of course,” Wu Sheng didn’t hesitate at all. “If you look closely, they are very different from others.”

Xu Wang frowned and glared harder, not only him, but Kang Jinxin and Qian Ai also leaned over and stretched their necks to observe.

It has been a long time since the other party had finished the boarding pass and turned to prepare for the security check.

Qian Ai couldn’t help saying: “It makes no difference …”

Kuang Jinxin: “I can’t tell.”

Xu Wang looked at Wu Sheng, hoping he would listen to the voices of the masses.

As a result, Classmate Wu complained, “Why should I always make my words so clear?”

“Eyes,” he said, “Looking at the eyes, only four of them have dark circles.”

Xu Wang: “…”

Kuang Jinxin: “Angkor …”

Qian Ai: “Call Brother Sheng!”

Wu Sheng: “It’s no big deal, I’m just a little more careful.”

Xu Wang: “If you two worship so blindly, will he go to the moon first?”

That is what he said, but Xu Wang had to admit that Wu Sheng’s feature point was too accurate.

Looking down at the glass tabletop, the four of them are not panda babies, even if they have been asleep for twelve hours, they can still see a little tiredness under their eyes. Activities during the day, rest at night, this is the physiological law of human beings, no matter how much sleep during the day, it is difficult to make up for the lack of night.

With the iconic feature of “dark circles”, looking at the vast sea of ​​people seems to bring a “filter”, all idlers and other people are blurred in their faces, and only the “peers” with dark circles are becoming clearer .

In the next ten minutes, they found two other teams. Like the previous team, they also acted very low-key. Without careful distinction, it was difficult to recognize the difference between them and other travelers.

“We are the dumbest at this look,” Qian Ai said afterwards. “There are no rampages, they are all ghosts.”

“All the old team.” Xu Wang guessed. The new team that has just come from 1/23 cannot have this kind of vigilance. How do you think, these teams should be those who have the experience of this level of high handsome and thin white. Just walked through the first level again and came here again.

They have already handed in the papers, and there will be no real intersection with these teams who are just preparing to board the plane. At most, this is how they are seen from a distance, and they are silently recorded in case the later levels encounter.


Xu Wang suddenly thought, how many people stared at them last night?

Maybe not just last night.

Kuang Jinxin just said that he always felt that someone was staring at us. Yes, they can stare at others in this way, and those who have already handed over like them but have not yet moved to the next level can also stare at them in this way.

The peeping eyes are all sneaky, the only difference is whether there is malicious in it.

“Obviously everyone is a victim of being sucked in,” Kuang Jinxin murmured, “Why do I not look at them at all, but feel scared …”

“It wasn’t yesterday that the four kings and **** made trouble,” Qian Ai got angry when thinking of it, “Making me look at which team is not like a good person.”

“It’s not all their pot,” Wu Sheng said sharply. “It is the existence of a competitive relationship that leads to the inevitable ending.”

Xu Wang agrees: “If only one team can turn in each subsequent level, and the team that failed to turn back must return, then any two teams have the possibility to meet and compete, which fundamentally cuts off making friends Road. “

“That can also be fair competition.” Kang Jinxin still feels uncomfortable.

“If the first level is not blocked, and each team can see each other, then there is still the possibility that the information is equal to each other, which is more conducive to the initial negotiation,” Xu Wang touched his head and explained patiently, “but now The situation is that the first level deliberately makes each team have the established impression that they are shielded from each other. When a team with this kind of thinking inertia enters the second level, as long as there is an old team in the second level, it will Such a new team started because at this time the information was already asymmetrical, and the old team had an absolute advantage. It is naturally impossible for him to jump out and say fair competition. “

“Then the abused team will eat a long line of wisdom, and then abuse the new team,” Qian Ai sighed. “This is a vicious circle of hatred.”

Xu Wangjing looked quietly outside the fence, and the rushing passengers came and said, “The owl was deliberately designed this way.”

Qian Ai was cold all over: “Can we not use the term anthropomorphic? It’s as if there is thought and life in this ghost place.”

“You don’t need to have life, you can have logic.” Wu Sheng raised his finger and tapped the desktop gently, “If maliciousness is the logic of the world’s operation, then all level settings, environments, and customs clearance conditions are based on this logic and are involved. Among them, the behavior pattern will inevitably be directed to this logical result. “

Qian Ai blinked his eyes and looked at Xu Wang.

Xu Wang patted his shoulder: “That is to say, this world is full of malice.”

Qian Ai glanced at Wu Sheng apologetically, and then faced Xu Wang, sending his heart: “I like your explanation.”

The four of them sat in the cafe for less than an hour, and they couldn’t sit still. I should have taken advantage of this rare “post-conversion era” to make up for sleep, but had to sleep too much during the day, and now I feel like a full charge.

Nothing happened, the four simply walked around the airport and found a good thing and a bad thing.

The good thing is that the things in the shops are real, and unlike the coffee that is placed but not ordered, whether it is a convenience store, bakery, cosmetics or various brand shops, as long as you can buy the goods immediately, the contents It ’s basically genuine.

Then there is the bad thing, these things also have to pay, and the requirements of each store are very clear, only cash. In fact, they can swipe their phones, and they are no different-there is no cell phone signal or wifi at all.

The four men touched their pockets, and only Qian Ai brought her wallet. He took out one hundred dollars, spent ten dollars to buy a keychain, and spent another forty dollars to buy a large package of biscuits. The clerk asked him for fifty, all of which are the latest version of RMB. what’s the difference.

Buying this thing is not like or whim, but Wu Sheng’s proposal-if you can pay real money in the “Owl” and get something, can this thing be really used, or even brought back to reality?

In fact, there are things in reality, souvenirs, bags, clothes, snacks, cakes, and even brands are the same as in reality, that is, it can really bring back reality, and it is useless. It’s like you buy an LV here, and then go back and say that I was in the generation gap in the “owl”, the price is the same as the airport, and the ghost can understand.

But Wu Sheng still insists on testing.

“Understanding all the operating rules of this world is the cornerstone of defeating it.”-Wu’s reasons are too good. Xu Wang, Qian Ai, and Kuang Jinxin can only listen to you.

The four opened the biscuits as soon as they left the store and ate them. About two or three minutes before and after, the four big and small guys did nothing, and stood at the door of the store, Kazkaz chewed biscuits, eating seriously and concentrated, as if returning to the preschool age in an instant, the snack is the whole world.

When the last piece was left, the four finally stopped, and Qian Ai put the individually packed biscuit into his pocket, and together with the previous keychain and loose change, they formed a happy “home of owls”.

Whether these things can be brought back to reality, they are not yet clear, but at least in the “owl”, the biscuits really brought them heat and satiety.

“If the food here can really be eaten,” Kuang Jinxin wondered, “Is it possible to take a plane? Maybe you can go directly to Shandong from here!”

“You are stupid,” Qian Ai slapped him on the head. “Even if I can go, I will spend the same ticket money, and our things are in the hotel. You are going to be clean!”

“That’s right, too.” Kuang Jinxin scratched his head embarrassedly, swearing that he must think before he speaks next time.

Wu Sheng suddenly said, “Not stupid.”

Kuang Jinxin and Qian Ai looked at him together, their eyes puzzled.

Wu Sheng explained two more words: “Not stupid at all.”

Six heads are relatively few seconds, four of them turn to Xu Wang.

Xu Wang spread his hand and learned Wu Sheng’s tone. The slightly upward tone was full of insufficiency: “Understanding all the operating rules of this world is the cornerstone of defeating it. We can not fly, but we must also ascertain the situation.”

Kang Jinxin and Qian Ai got it.

Moreover, although Wu Sheng was standing next to him, his mouth was completely still, they still had the illusion that “Wu Sheng is dubbing Xu Wang in belly language”-Xu Wang’s understanding of Wu Sheng is thorough, and the imitation is vivid, It is simply soul-level.

Just as the four planned to go to the airline counter to ask about the situation, a person suddenly ran out of the restaurant opposite, slamming away the passenger who was about to enter the restaurant, and flew to the east.

Just ten meters away, a waiter ran out of the restaurant, chasing and shouting: “Robbery-“

The four were stunned and looked at each other. It was a question to stand by and stand by.

Their stunned **** was only a very short moment, but at that moment, a cold voice rang out throughout the terminal—

[Owl: Baby, get it for nothing, it ’s not advisable. 】

They recognized the sound, that is, the sound of the sound that was always playing in the ears on weekdays, but now, the sound changed from the lively and naughty in the past, to the cold like a knife, but there was a strange joke in the tone. The back is so cold that the ears hurt.

The man who was not far away suddenly fell to the ground with a sudden “ah-“, twitching violently, as if suffering from great pain, screaming and rolling all over the floor.

The four of them saw their scalp tingling, but the traveling passengers did not see it in general. The hurried walkers were still hurried, and the leisurely sloshing still swayed, as if there were no robbers who had suffered so badly.

The waiter finally chased beside him. As the only person around him who responded to the robbery, her movement was to bend down and reach out.

What happened next frightened the four.

Just as the waiter’s fingertips touched the robber’s shoulder, the robber disappeared suddenly, leaving only a neat stack of hundred dollar bills on the ground.

The waiter’s hand didn’t even stop. She picked up the banknotes directly, as if she had been doing this.

The four of them watched the waiter walk back to the restaurant calmly with the banknote, and suddenly became confused. Perhaps at the moment when she picked up the money, she had no robbers in her eyes, just like the travelers around her. She just ran for the money, because … she knew that the robbers would disappear.

“That robbery … is it a real person?” Kuang Jinxin asked in a naughty way, in fact it was a bit indistinguishable.

“It should be,” Wu Sheng said, “otherwise the owl will not speak.”

“But the owl’s words have never been made public.” Qian Ai points out the problem, knowing that from entering the world, all the prompts that originate from that voice appear individually in everyone’s ears.

“Kill the chickens and monkeys,” Xu Wang said. “In order to give all people who may have this kind of thought, a most intuitive warning.”

“Well, it succeeded.” Anyway, Qian Ai has broken all criminal thoughts now, but still has some rhetoric, “Who made it today Shaanxi and Shandong tomorrow, really when our money is coming from the wind!”

“Will he die?” Kuang Jinxin asked suddenly.

“No” Xu Wang heard it really, “The owl said that it is undesirable. If the result of not working hard is a dead person, in order to maximize the warning, it can directly say that it will be a dead person. Euphemism. “

Moreover, Jin Xin breathed a sigh of relief, but still had a lingering fear.

The appearance of the man just now, even if he wouldn’t die, he was half dead.

Although this episode has caused a great impact on all four people, standing here is of no avail, and the way to go is still to be followed.

After a delay, they went to the airline counter.

They wanted to ask about the route to Shandong, but the answer given by each airline’s counter was like it came out of a training class-sorry, we don’t sell air tickets here.

Is there a secondary route? There is no place to sell tickets in the huge terminal. They wanted to go to the check-in counter and try to swipe their arm or ID card-Qian Ai took it, to be precise, all his belongings in the wallet-but just walked to the counter, and did not wait for the line, let the ground crew stop After coming down, there is no reason, just not to be close.

There is the same treatment at the security gate, there is no possibility of mixing in.

It seems that all functional pathways are closed to them overnight, and the entire airport has become a pure leisure area, shopping is possible, flying, no way.

Tossing to four o’clock in the morning, the four were completely stubborn and returned to the cafe.

There was nothing else to do, Xu Wang looked at his partners, brewing again and again, and finally mentioned something he had been thinking about: “I think that since I am the captain, it is still necessary to get a public wallet …”

The so-called public wallet means that everyone puts out the same amount of money together, and the food, lodging, and lodging are all taken out from here, lest you please ask me tomorrow, and finally it is not clear, or it is so troublesome. Like this time coming to Shaanxi, he and Kuan Jinxin’s flight ticket were booked by Wu Sheng. He wanted to give Wu Sheng money, but he was afraid that he didn’t seem to take anyone as a friend. He could only think about returning the next time. .

This is not a matter of care. In fact, if the identities are exchanged, Xu Wang will not care that Wu Sheng has not repaid the money, but it can be done twice or twice.

People always talk about money hurting feelings, but Xu Wang has been beaten down by society in recent years and understands the truth-talking about money does not hurt feelings at all, and it is even conducive to the maintenance of feelings.

Having said that, “money” is still a sensitive issue after all, and Xu Wang is ready to welcome companions who do not understand or oppose it.

And the companions did object.

Qian Ai raised his hand first.

Xu Wang is very democratic: “Please speak.”

“Why are you captain?”


Although the focus of his teammates was different from his imagination, Xu Wang quickly calmed down and innocently tilted his head: “I think we have reached a consensus on this issue.”

Qian Ai was not dissatisfied, but was dazed, and became even more ill after getting a response, and subconsciously went to see Jin Xin.

The latter also shook his head blankly.

Qian Ai looked back at Xu Wang again: “That, there are four people in total, but the two of them have no impression. Are you sure you have reached a consensus?”

“Let’s do it,” classmate Xu, who was unsuccessful in the muddy waters, spread his hands so well, “Then choose now, after all, we are team battles, there must always be a captain, otherwise the dragons have no head, affecting efficiency …” The first one raised his hand, “I run for election.”

From mobilization to self-recommendation, seamless connection, a series of operations can see that Qian Aipi is convinced. In such a comparison, he is ruthlessly crushed from the mouth to the routine. The competition is abandoned, but when it comes to the captain, there are other candidates in his heart …

Wu Sheng received the gaze supported by Qian Ai and responded in a timely manner: “I chose Xu Wang.”

Xu Wang has already determined that there will be a “fighting competition”, but unexpectedly he was given a big gift and watched Wu Sheng in surprise.

Qian Ai was also surprised, but not happy, but suspected that he had auditory hallucinations: “Squad leader, you weren’t like this before, aren’t you going to be a cadre every time you honor?”

“It was young and too naive at that time,” Wu Sheng waved his hands, sighing quietly, and raised his eyes slightly at 45 °, like the wise man who had gone through the vicissitudes, looking back at the past, “Now I grow up, more peaceful, more objective …”

“Interrupt,” Qian Ai coughed lightly. “Can you talk about the point directly?”

Wu Sheng reluctantly withdrew his gaze and shrugged: “I admit that my brain is indeed better than Xu Wang, but throughout the ancient and modern times, the brain power is generally low-key, often as a military division, not a leader …”

“Water Margin, Wu Yong is the smartest, but Song Jiang is the leader …”

“The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang is the smartest, Zhou Yu is not bad, but one follows Liu Bei, and one assists Sun Ce …”

“So,” Wu Sheng raised his eyes, glanced at the three teammates, and finally fell on Xu Wang’s face. “The captain has always been not smart about heroes, but needs to know, use, and be good at playing people. This, I Not even close.”

Looking at the rare and sincere humility on Wu Sheng’s face, Xu Wang only wanted to slap him to death: “Simply say that supporting me as a captain …”

The road is tortuous, but the ending is bright.

Xu Wang was successfully elected and immediately proceeded to the previous issue: “I think so. This is a protracted battle. We will definitely fight side by side in the future. Basically, we will eat, live, and eat together. Money gets a ‘class fee’, and public spending goes from here. First, it saves trouble. Second, the account details also contribute to the sustainable development of our team. “

Qian Ai raised his hand again for the first time, but unlike last time, he supported this time: “Agree.”

“Money” is actually a very uninteresting thing, but it must be as generous as Xu Wang’s, and it is clear again.

“Aye!” Kuang Jinxin raised his hand for the second time.

Wu Sheng nodded: “No opinion.”

“Then take five thousand one by one, and the ticket is too expensive.” Xu Wang thought for a while. “If you haven’t graduated, you will get less if you have one. If you don’t have one, I’ll give it to you first …” Kuang Jinxin has a psychological burden, and Xu Wang smiled and added, “If you borrow it, you have to pay it back.”

“No,” Kuang Jinxin said quickly, “Five thousand is enough!”

Xu Wang looked at him suspiciously: “Don’t let your family go bankrupt.”

“Brother Xu” Kuang Jinxin was not very happy that Xu Wang regarded him as a child, but what he said was really not convincing. “I can’t ask my family if it’s not enough!”

Xu Wang was very angry and funny: “So what did you say about your money at home?”

“Travel,” Kuang Jinxin replied that it was a smooth ride. “When I asked my family why I ended the internship earlier, I said I wanted to see the outside world, so I came out and turned around.”

“Then they agreed?”

“Well, my grandma is still very happy. I have been told many times to let me take advantage of my youth and see the world more often. If I do n’t have enough money, I will tell her.”


Xu Wang was speechless and could not tell for a moment whether the parents were doting on the child, or whether he was too stupid and sweet, and had never seen the world, so he had to let it out and touch the wall in various pits of society. Growing up.

“Okay.” If the children are rich, he will not insist on it. They are all partners. No matter how old they are, they should be equal and respected. Sometimes excessive special treatment is not conducive to unity. However, as the captain, he still patted the child’s shoulder hard, “Anyway, don’t brace yourself. Tell your brothers if you have any difficulties. The four of us are now comrades in a minefield. point.”

Kuang Jinle made a noise, but his eyes were a little sour, he had to nod desperately, so that the heat would dissipate quickly: “Well!”

At five in the morning, return to reality.

The last cookie and keychain in Qian Ai’s pocket disappeared, but the change was still there.

They didn’t have hungry moments, the fullness brought by the biscuits and Xu Wang’s injuries on the ice field brought back reality.

As a result, Wu Jun ’s summary of the “Owl ’s Operation Logic” adds two more—

(1) Fake and fake consumption, real things really cost money, owls can be used inside, owls can turn into smoke, food energy can be continued, and currency exchange can be realized.

(2) Equivalent exchange √; gain for nothing-×.

They did not make up for sleep that day, but rushed to the airport.

The exact positioning of the new coordinates is in Dongying, Shandong, and there is no direct flight from Yulin to Dongying. You must transfer at Xianyang Airport.

It doesn’t matter. The 13:05 flight stays in Xianyang for one and a half hours, and arrives at Dongying Shengli Airport at 17:30. It takes only a total of four and a half hours. It’s not too much of a tossing voyage. Settled in more than six hours, it was very easy.

When boarding, the four thought so optimistically.

Then the plane successfully arrived at Xianyang Airport, where the weather changed suddenly, the rainstorm poured, accompanied by short-term strong winds and thunderstorms.

The four people sat in the waiting room and watched the rainwater pouring down like a waterfall outside the glass.

“Fortunately, I got off the plane,” Qian Ai said to all his partners. “It’s going to be on the plane, I can suffocate.”

The horror on the red-eyed flight, they really did not want to brush it in reality.

In addition to the sad memories of our friends, the rainstorm also seriously disrupted the normal order of the airport, and all flights were grounded. When will it recover? It depends on the rain.


The four waited from two o’clock to three o’clock, three o’clock until five o’clock, and five o’clock until late at night. The rainstorm did not mean any momentum. The tarmac outside the glass was dark and silent, just like rain.

“Don’t,” Qian Ai watched the time on the phone getting closer and closer, “Won’t you just go in here?”

“If you wait for the vortex to open, will it scare them?” Kang Jinxin refers to the passengers who are waiting anxiously around them.

Xu Wangnao made up: “It may be frightening at that time, but it will cause amnesia later.”

“The important thing is distance,” Wu Sheng said. “The straight line here is nearly a thousand kilometers away from Dongying. Unless we can take a plane or other faster means of transportation, it is impossible to reach the coordinate point before five , Not to mention pass through customs. “

Qian Ai knew that he was a layman, but he could n’t help it. He still wanted to bring his teammates back to Chai Miyouyan: “Can you think about it first, in case the flight flies when we go in, we ca n’t go far in it and come back to the ticket Something to buy again … “

“No,” Wu Sheng didn’t take it seriously. “The aircraft can be refunded and changed before and after takeoff.”

Qian Ai looked up desperately.

Xu Wang understood the pain of his teammates. He handed the disposable water cup that had just received warm water to Wu Sheng and helped explain: “That’s someone else’s ticket, not ours.”

Wu Sheng, holding a glass, puzzled his eyebrows.

Since the establishment of a public wallet, Xu Wang, who has shouldered financial responsibilities on his shoulders, has operated the whole process of booking airline tickets.

“We bought a special ticket that cannot be refunded and changed, also called Happy Flying.”

Wu Sheng drank the warm water and nodded sincerely: “Good name.”

God didn’t receive Qian Ai’s prayer in the end. The zero point arrived as scheduled. The rainstorm never stopped, but in the noisy rain, there was a clear owl cry.

A purple halo was dyed on the dome of the waiting hall, except for those who deliberately searched up, down, left, and right.

However, two minutes later, all the passengers saw in horror—they rose like a tornado, and there was no vortex.

After a dizzying sense of weightlessness, the four landed, but not on the ground, but on the deck of a retro sailing ship.

There was no one else on the ship except them.

Outside the boat, the vast ocean and the calm sea glowed with blue light in the sunlight.

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