The Midnight Owl

Chapter 39 - pier

The setting sun is setting and the lantern is on.

A pink beetle flickered left and right to hide on the road that was not too smooth.

Soon, he came to the roundabout. According to the map, exit at the north exit, go directly to the pier, and exit at the east exit, then rush to the bridge.

Wu Sheng, without any hesitation, went straight from the north exit.

The zombies seemed to disappear with the sunset, and there was nothing but a double-flashing empty car parked on the spacious expressway except occasionally.

Qian Ai’s tense nerves relaxed a little, and then he saw the gun in Xu Wang’s hand and unexpectedly said: “Captain, are you using stationery?”

Xu Wang turned back with a thunderbolt gun: “Sooner or later it will be used, and of course it has to be taken out to defend itself from the beginning.”

Qian Ai looked at the bulingbuling weapon and felt subtle: “The respect of your gun … surely true? How do I look like a crystal model?”

From the moment he ran out, Qian Ai didn’t hear a gunshot. Apparently the captain hadn’t actually pulled the trigger, he was brave enough.

Xu Wang did n’t like his long-awaited weapon being questioned: “If I were n’t worried about the limited bullets, I would be able to show you a shot now to let you know what it means to wear a hundred steps to wear Yang, now Li Guang.”

Qian Ai still felt that it was a pain to use an article early: “Actually, you really should try the razor first, maybe it is the same as Wu Sheng’s sickle, which has a lethal bonus!”

Xu Wang: “Send you.”

Qian Ai: “Goodbye.”

“No, where on earth do you want to drive my car–” The Beetle driver couldn’t understand the conversation of the “murders”, and finally issued a complaint of blood and tears.

“Dock.” Kuang Jinxin kindly gave him the answer.

The Beetle driver’s face changed: “Why do you go to the pier, I can tell you that the north of the city is now more chaotic than the south of the city, it is a **** on earth!”

Xu Wang immediately turned back: “Specifically.”

“The virus broke out from the north of the city. I was there at the time. I finally followed the boat across the river and returned to the south of the city.” The Beetle driver’s face was pale. “Now everyone is taking refuge in the south of the city. The north of the city is already a dead city. Monsters piled up! “

Xu Wang said: “You have also seen our fighting power.”

The Beetle driver shook his head: “It’s useless. These are the final infections in the south of the city. The junior or near juniors in the north are the real monsters. You can’t beat them!”

“The zombies are divided into primary and final levels?”

“Yes, the closer the virus source is infected, the more complete the mutation and the more brutal in all aspects!”

“Where is the source of infection?”

“Central hospital.”

The air was suddenly quiet and the atmosphere gradually suppressed.

Even the Beetle driver felt: “What’s wrong?”

Seeing his teammates immersed in the sadness of “life is so rough”, Wu Sheng had to take on the “outreach mission”: “We are going to the central hospital.”

He expected it early in the morning.

From easy to difficult, it is the law of many things, especially in the “Owl”, which has gone through ups and downs before sending a big gift in the end, it really does not conform to the usual behavior logic of the “Owl”.

“You, say, why?” The Beetle driver was going crazy and couldn’t sit right away. “Dock, yes, put me down at the dock, I don’t want a car, I go home by myself!”

“How are you going back yourself!” Qian Ai hurriedly held the person down.

The Beetle driver said, “That’s better than going to the hospital to die!”

This said Qian Ai was trembling in his heart, looking at the captain and the military division with a little uncertainty: “If the hospital is the source of infection, the people there must have been infected, our vaccine is just taken, to whom?”

Kuang Jinxin divergent thinking: “Is it for the zombie king?”

Qian Ai was speechless: “Brother, this is a vaccine to prevent infection, not to treat it!”

Wu Sheng said: “If the hospital is infected, but we still need to send the vaccine, then there must be a very hidden place in the hospital that has not fallen, and there are people who are standing there, waiting to contribute to the last life to save the world.”

Xu Wang looked at his confident eyes: “So sure?”

Wu Sheng quickly turned his head to look at him, and raised the corner of his mouth: “If you guess wrong, there will be a chance to be handsome next time, let you.”

“I don’t have this kind of demand …”

Xu Wang spit out angrily, but he couldn’t restrain it, and his oars swung.

It’s like a sweet tooth lover saying to a spicy food lover, I will give you my best candy.

Spicy Jun does not call the sweets at all.

But that is the best thing Sweet Jun can think of.

It can be seen that in just seven days, he and Wu Sheng have eliminated the strangeness that has not been seen in ten years and returned to high school friendship.

In his self-consideration, Xu Wang rejoiced in a very heartless manner. He quickly lowered his head to avoid revealing his feelings.

Wu Sheng didn’t pay attention to the co-pilot’s hundreds of rounds and turns, because apart from looking at the road, the rest of his thoughts were on the esoteric question of “what exactly is the needs of the captain”.

The last glare of the setting sun was completely annihilated in the night. At the end of the road, the river was illuminated by the night lights, the waves were gleaming, and a ship docked on the shore, shaking gently with the waves.

It’s time to the pier.

Wu Sheng pressed the brake a little, slowly lowered the speed of the car, and wanted to observe the environment first across the last four or fifty meters.

However, as soon as the speed of the car slowed down, the four partners’ ears sounded at the same time—

[Owl: Someone has used you [[武] yo ~~]

In the next moment, the Beetle did not respond to all of Wu Sheng’s operations, but suddenly vacated, floated, and continued to “open” in the air!

The four partners turned back horrorly, no, to be exact, they turned back and bowed their heads, just a few meters behind their vehicles. The truck that they saw outside the mall was moving silently as if they had pressed the mute button!

No, it’s not just silence. If the truck keeps following them, and Wu Sheng doesn’t find it from the rearview mirror, it means they have used props to “steal” the truck!

But, this truck is clearly in front of them, why run behind them again?

“Fuck, don’t they want to throw us in the river ?!” Qian Ai watched the beetle getting closer and closer to the river, breathing stagnantly, “I can’t swim–“

“It’s useless to swim,” the Beetle driver’s voice lowered, as if seeing through the red dust, and he was already dead. “The river is full of infected strange fish. People fell into it and were gnawed into bones.”

Qian Ai: “… Would you like to play so big !!!”

“I’m sorry–” The apologizing call floating under the car was like responding to Qian Ai’s complaint.

There were no zombies in the air, and the four simply lowered the window and looked down at the probe.

I saw that there were no zombies hanging in the back of the truck, it should have been solved, and there were four people in the front of the two-seater, all young men in their twenties, and they told them that the co-pilot was by the window. That, the hairstyle is very special, shaved on both sides very short, half of the middle length tied back, an ecstasy pigtail.

Even more amazing, this hairstyle is not only strange to him, but also makes people feel a little literary and handsome.

So, face is very important.

At this moment, the handsome guy with a braid was looking up at them with his head up, apologizing: “I didn’t want to rob you with this side, who let that gang … forget it, anyway, there is only one ship, please understand each other–“

“Understand, understand, the environment is harsh,” Xu Wang reached out in the back to reach out a bomb ball and threw it along the window to the top of the truck’s head. “Come on, give you a ball–“

Competitors, it ’s no use looking good.

What’s more, they have seen better things in the Endless Sea.

The bomb ball jumped twice on the roof of the car and exploded.

Colorful colors overflow the windshield.

“Fuck—” scolded the driver, a sudden brake.

The river is in front and the view is completely blocked, preferring to park early.

“There must be some shortcomings …” The Qingxiu student head who had not spoken in the truck did not approve of his noisy teammates and sighed lightly.

At this time, Xu Wang’s car had floated to the river!

Xu Wang grabbed Jinxin ’s plastic bag, slipped out the window and showed it to the people below, threatened loudly: “The bag here is full of bomb balls, if you dare to throw us into the river, we dare to blow yours Transportation!”

The driver leaned out of his head and rushed at him with his middle finger: “Fucked by the river, who uses a truck!”

Xu Wang froze for the first time and felt that his threat was so weak.

The handsome braid in the co-pilot window who just shouted “I’m sorry”, if not far away, it is estimated that he can reach out and push the driver’s head: “Others are saying to blow up the ship! Explode the ship! Ah, how many grandmothers I grabbed in my life Seat, you are such a captain in this life— “

“Well, don’t make a noise,” the only student in the car wearing a fisherman’s hat uttered a simple face full of sincere wishes of “a team of people and a neat and tidy”, “I am throwing it or not throw?”

When asked about this, Xu Wang and their car stopped suddenly, and they just stopped right over the river, and then moved forward a little bit, and all of them fell into the water!

“The hearse drift is his.” Wu Sheng whispered.

Xu Wang nodded, his lips hardly moving, and said secretly: “Leave it to me.”

Solve the stationery users, the stationery effect is automatically released.

And their car can never go forward even a centimeter, this is their only chance.

Wu Sheng knew that Xu Wang was ready to fire the first shot, but he was still not very sure about the power of the gun: “The small bomb ball did not blow up their windshield, it is estimated that they used armor.”

Xu Wang grinned: “If you can’t even break an armor, how can you call it a hundred shots?”

I don’t know why, since he held this gun, he was very bottomed, as if he could feel the power of this peerless soldier.

The four people in the truck seem to be arguing about whether to “accept threats.”

Xu Wang held his breath, and the hand holding the gun quietly reached out the car window, slammed into the chest of the fisherman hat student, and pulled the trigger!

Under the night, a straight water line directly hits the windshield of the car, the water does not draw a little arc in the air, as straight as a thin steel bar!


The fast water is really hitting the car windshield.

Then, the waterline splashed into a water curtain and flowed down the car windshield …

Sometimes, your feelings about stationery may just be unrequited love. —— “Captain Xu’s Battle Classic”

The four people in the truck stopped arguing and somehow looked at the windshield of the car that had been dusted away.

Handsome braid looked at his teammates blankly: “Why do they brush us …”

“Begging for mercy,” the driver is also the captain’s round-inch youth, full of confidence, “the bag is definitely not a bomb, they know that they can’t cheat, and beg for mercy.”

The fisherman’s hat panicked: “How can I start this …”

The head-to-toe students who were calm and quiet, sighed: “Give a rose, and have a scent in your hand. Maybe you will see it later. If you can get together, don’t complain.”

In the air, inside the beetle.

Qian Ai: “Captain, it seems a little awkward now.”

Xu Wang didn’t say a word, still holding the trigger and not letting go, guarding the final insistence.

Kang Jinxin looked at the transparent water gun, the waterline, and then the fisherman hat, and said affirmatively: “Captain, it is really a hundred shots, I see the route. If there is no windshield, the waterline is the man’s chest!” “

“…” Captain Xu was not comforted.

There is no if, if any, in the world, he will not shoot! ! !

“High-pressure water gun.” Wu Sheng suddenly said lightly.

Xu Wang finally responded, and the shooting didn’t stop, but his head turned to Wu Sheng, with a hint of expectation: “Huh?”

“I said it was a high-pressure water gun,” Wu Sheng calmly said, “If you shoot directly on people or zombies, you may not be able to penetrate.”

Xu Wang ’s already dead heart ignited a glimmer of hope: “Really?”

Wu Sheng nodded slowly, as if to give him strength.

Xu Wang took a deep breath and felt that fighting spirit was gradually returning.

Qian Aibai was puzzled, and asked simply: “Captain, I have something unknown.”

Xu Wang didn’t look at him, and looked directly at the windshield below, vowing to make a decisive battle like this: “Say.”

Qian Ai: “You said that there is no word for stationery that is given in vain. I understand it all. How about Perak?”

Xu Wang: “…”

Qian Ai: “…”

Wu Sheng: “…”

Kuang Jinxin: “…”

This is a very sharp question.

Sharp enough to give all little friends an ominous hunch.

It seemed that they didn’t want to let them down. Just after Qian Ai’s last “it” was scattered in the air, the gun in Xu Wang’s hand suddenly flashed a colorful light, a while green, a yellow, a blue, a red, a while Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple are interlaced, just like Diba’s colorful ball dome light.

At the same time, the rhythmic music sprayed down the muzzle water line, and the notes seemed to be caught in each water drop.

This kind of movement makes people miss the break dance music of the 1980s.

“No colorful lights ~~ No intoxicating wine ~~ We are in the moonlight ~~ Jump one song, jump one, disco ~~ Disco ~~ Disco ~~”

Inside the truck.

Handsome braid: “They started to sing, but the song is so strange …”

Fisherman’s hat: “It’s too sincere to show good … Captain, it’s too hard to harm people. Can I use only armor in the future?”

Yuancun driver and captain: “Fuck, what the **** is my mother trying to follow the drum …”

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