The Midnight Owl

Chapter 57 - Accompanying

Under the blue night sky, the teenager in school uniform stood at the gate of a dead hospital. The tears on his face were still dry, and he seemed to be crying for a second, but now, the unknown fear is eroding his heart a little bit.

Crying so tired, so tranced, that there was hallucination?

Behind Wu Sheng, walking, walking, feeling weak, dizzy, so began to dream?

He tried to give this thrilling vision a reasonable explanation, but he couldn’t convince himself.

He couldn’t calm down, and went deeper to analyze these. He wanted to go back to school and wanted to see everything he knew.

“Wu Sheng …” He yelled softly, with the last hint of anticipation.

No one responded.

Under the strange night sky, only this hospital, him, and the murmur deep in the tree shadow.

The murmur was a little weird, not like a bird calling a worm, nor a wind blowing on a leaf, but like a small animal, walking deep in the shadows.

At the end of the road, a car is slowly coming.

Xu Wang turned back instinctively when he heard the voice.

On the road under the moonlight, the moving car did not turn on the dazzling headlights, but let the body be vaguely visible.

A colorful taxi.

Xu Wang has never seen such a fancy taxi, like being splashed with various colors, bright red, bright yellow, blue, emerald, bright purple, colorful colors crisscross the body, at first glance messy eyes Over time, there was a strange harmony and liveliness.

The only thing that can confirm the identity of the taxi is “TAXI” on the roof light.

After a momentary visual impact, it was followed by confusion.

Hide? Or call for help? Are you a good person in the car? Still a bad guy?

Numerous thoughts rushed in Xu Wang’s heart at the same time, but it was difficult to choose.

This hesitation, the car has arrived in front of the hospital.

However, the driver did not mean to brake at all!

Xu Wang was so excited that he quickly hid aside. As a result, the action was so violent that he stumbled, and the whole person rushed towards the roadside.

Fortunately, this flutter gave way.

The car passed by slowly and opened the door of the hospital as if it had never been seen. There was such a blocker.

Xu Wang climbed up in awkwardness, and his beating heart jumped out of his chest. The extreme fear of rubbing shoulders with death, but instead of the fear of being in a strange land, was not shaped.

The car that did not put him in his eyes at all, but after entering the hospital, he stopped and stopped beside a slab.

The three men got off the car, carrying their bags, and came to the stand, as if studying something.

Soon, one of the men spoke in a low voice: “Infection Branch.”

The other two people “huh”, there is obviously no objection.

Like hearing that they had reached an agreement, a fourth person’s voice floated in the taxi, urging: “Get in the car.”

The three immediately turned around and returned to the taxi.

Seeing that they were leaving, Xu Wang was anxious, and he shouted out timidly, “Hello–“

One person has dexterously entered the back seat of the car, and the other two are also stooping into the door. No one responded to his call.

Xu Wang stunned and ran straight out from behind the tree, shouting at the other party a second time, louder: “Hello-“

This time it was tens of meters apart, and I should have heard it.

However, there is still no.

Can’t they see or hear him?

Sudden panic made Xu Wang’s hands and feet cold.

He couldn’t control so much, a few arrows rushed to the back of the colorful taxi, and hit the trunk lid hard!


The fragile trunk lid made a loud noise under heavy blows.

Xu Wang’s hands were numb.

The only person who hadn’t got on the bus had a figure and his eyes were alert.

Xu Wang was overjoyed and immediately patted the trunk lid twice.

But the man was unresponsive and looked around defensively.

Xu Wang went directly to the car and slapped his back!

Hand, patted empty.

To be precise, from the other person’s body, it went through.

Xu Wang was stunned and tried a few more times in disbelief. His hands were really like ghosts and could not touch the other person’s body at all.

But he clearly got the car!

Xu Wang was going crazy and didn’t know what to do, so that they could see him, hear him, and know his existence!

Suddenly there was wind, which came from behind.

Xu Wang turned back conditionedly, and a blood-stained “person” rushed towards him!

Xu Wang was scared, let alone a reaction, even screaming was blocked in his throat!

“Bang–” He hit a real thing with the “Blood Man”.

Losing his balance, he walked through the body of the only person who didn’t get in the car, fell to the ground, and fell painfully.

However, the “Blood Man” did not rush down together, he hit the man.

The man seemed to be waiting for this moment. He raised his hand and fluttered twice. The “blood man” slipped from him and collapsed to the ground.

Xu Wang suddenly realized that his previous vigilance was not because he was shooting the car, but because he heard the movement of the “blood man” approaching.

“What’s wrong?” Seeing that the man who killed the “blood man” didn’t get on the bus, the taxi came and asked, “Having a problem?”

The man stared at the “corpse” on the ground and muttered to himself: “When the zombie came over, it seemed to hit something …”

The word “zombie” shuddered Xu Wang.

The people in the car didn’t hear clearly: “What?”

“It’s okay.” The man shook his head and sat in the car.

The taxi restarted and continued on, gradually disappearing deep in the hospital complex.

Xu Wang bowed his head and saw the “Blood Man” for the first time.

The “dead eyes” corpse, with a stern face, had no black pupils in his wide eyes, only a pale white.

He stood still and stiff.

The zombies only seen on TV came true.

Suddenly nausea, he bent down holding the riser, retching.

At this moment, he was suddenly glad that he didn’t eat anything after lunch.

Unfamiliar places, people who can’t see or hear him, ghostly self, cruel zombies … when pushed by Wu Sheng, he thought that this day could not be worse.

Now, he would rather let Wu Sheng push himself again.

At least, he can pull him up.


Deep in the hospital, I don’t know which building, there was a vague howl.

The hoarse howl is not very clear, but it makes the scalp numb.

At the same time, the murmurs around him were louder, and before Xu Wang reacted, countless black shadows came out like a flat land, ghosts came out, like the tide, running in the direction of howling!

Xu Wang couldn’t dodge, and was staggered by several passing zombies!

But hitting back, the zombies didn’t even look at him at all, as if hitting a transparent wall, just continue running after hitting.

The constant collision makes the sense of fear numb and thin, while the sense of strangeness becomes stronger.

As the corpse ran away, at night, quieted down again.

Xu Wang looked up. For the first time, he carefully looked at the standing board. It was a plan of the hospital. From the outpatient department, to the emergency department, to the specialty building and the inpatient department, it was clear at a glance.

Infection Branch.

Xu Wang carefully remembered its position, turned around, and walked quickly towards the depths of the hospital.

Zombies belong to this strange world, but the four people, no matter how they look or speak, are no different from ordinary people.

Keep up with them-Xu Wang’s intuition, this is the only hope for him to go home.

Infection Department Building, first floor.

The dense zombies packed almost half of the hallway, and they ran forward, like a bee colony with a hive, chased in a vicious manner, the culprit.

“I said don’t move him–“

“He’s rushing over, am I still going on gently–“

“What should we do now?!”

“Find a place to hide–“

As soon as Xu Wang entered the building, he saw this spectacular sight.

The four people who had not been covered by the taxi, fled in a panic, and the angry army of zombies chased like a tsunami behind the mountain.

He happened to be standing in a quarter of the empty space left in the hallway, and the four people who had escaped were greeted on the face. He mixed in with no difficulty and ran with them.

Finally, at the end of their desperate end, the four found a utility room and hid in vain.

Xu Wang also rushed in with them, fearing that he was slow, and was locked out of the door-he has verified it countless times on the way, he ca n’t pass through the wall, ca n’t cross the door, ca n’t fly away, clearly In addition to the four people in front of him, he can let him pass through at will. Everything in this strange world is an entity for him. Even if the zombie does not respond to him, they will still collide and block.

“Hurry up!”

They wanted to block the door with a glove cabinet, so two people approached the door and the two pushed the cabinet. However, the cabinet was very heavy. The two people even pushed and moved them, causing the cabinet to buckle upside down, and the debris inside crackled and fell.

Xu Wang left and right to hide, still letting something, unbiased, was hitting his head.

Fortunately, the thing was not too heavy. After he hit him, he fell to the ground, and the scroll bones rolled forward, spreading out the whole picture.

A pennant.

Red velvet background, two columns of bright yellow color-hanging pot to help the world doctors, wonderful hands rejuvenate to relieve the pain.

“Flame Mountain or the water flooded the Dragon King Temple?”

“Dragon King Temple.”


“You can swim even if you get water, how to run if you catch fire!”

In the sparkle, the four men seemed to have made a decision.

One of them raised his arm and steadfastly continued.

Xu Wang wanted to gather around to see what was on his arm, and just after taking a step, he heard the sound of water.


All of a sudden, the four had all been on the window sill, holding the window handle firmly as if they were facing an enemy.

Xu Wang’s heart tightened, and he quickly jumped up, grabbing the same handle as one of them. This is a very strange thing, obviously he and the other party can grasp the same thing, but it seems to overlap in two different spaces.

The flood opened the door of the utility room, soaked them for more than ten seconds, and then slowly retreated, about two minutes, completely retreated.

The four of them jumped off the window sill, the probe went out to look around, and they were surprised.


“Not even this layer of zombies are afraid of water …”

Without a word, the four of them hurried out, and Xu Wang quickly followed him, followed them, and went up to the second floor.

There was only one zombie on the second floor, walking back and forth as if protecting the middle staircase.

After the four discussed, one of them nodded again.

Xu Wang saw it clearly this time. He had an owl pattern on his arm. After opening it, there were options. It was amazing.

With another click, a bamboo dragonfly flew into the corridor on the second floor. The female nurse pushing the car stopped and approached the bamboo dragonfly, tilting her head to appreciate. The four took the opportunity to walk behind her and went up to the third floor.

The third floor is the same as the first and second floors, and there are still many offices, distributed on both sides of the corridor, and the speech room for four people. Xu Wang didn’t understand it, but the more he looked at it, the more they felt like they were playing a live-action game, arrived at the designated location, completed the corresponding tasks, and had props to use.

But their expressions were terribly serious, as if it were a battle of life and death.

In the end, they circled two “suspicious offices”, both of which were thick iron doors with red ringing bells at the door.

“50% probability.”

“Choose the right, we hand in the papers, choose the wrong, we go home.”

“toss a coin?”

“Don’t worry, know yourself and know each other.

The three looked at the last speaker puzzled, and Xu Wang also leaned beside him, and saw him raise his arm and click an icon in the stationery box-

In an instant, a three-flowered small milk cat appeared in front of the four people, and it was only two months old. The small face was white and clean, and the black and orange were evenly distributed on the forehead, like two small bangs. Extremely.

Xu Wangqing couldn’t help but want to reach out and touch it. As soon as he touched his ear, the little milk cat turned quickly, slipped through the smoke, and got into one of the two iron gates.

The iron door was airtight and there was no gap at all, but the Sanhua little milk cat passed through like this!

It took less than a minute for Xiao Sanhua to return, and the small paws patted the ground several times, taking out a pile of gray paw prints.

The four people got together and focused on the research as if they were a scientific research team.

Finally, it was the user who gave up first, closed his eyes, and meditated again.

The soul painter Xiao Sanhua immediately flicked his tail, and got into another iron gate.

This time it came back faster, at most a dozen seconds, and even if the soul paintings were gone, he tilted his head and looked at the four people without blinking, which was beautiful and cute.

The four people stared at each other for a long while, and the user understood: “The first office.”

The other three were not very confident: “Are you sure you see it?”

“You don’t have to look at what it drew, you can see which one it drew.” The user said, “There is something in the first office, so it can draw the internal picture it sees. There is nothing in the second room, maybe the first The two offices do not exist, so it has nothing to draw. “

The three suddenly realized.

Xiao Sanhua seems to see that the problem is solved, tilting his head and gently rubbing the user’s leg, acting like a coquettish beg for reward.

Unfortunately, it is too small, the movement is light, the user is not aware of it, has got up with the partner, strode to the first office, and pressed the red button.

The iron door opened in response.

The four entered immediately, and Xiao Sanhua drew down her head and cleverly followed.

Xu Wang naturally followed.

This is the epidemic prevention laboratory that the four people were looking for. Inside, an old doctor and a young male doctor saw red eyes when they arrived.

There are a lot of equipment in the research room, and the placement is very consistent with the paw prints that Xiao Sanhua had taken earlier.

The four took out the metal box and gave it to the old doctor.

After listening to the dialogue between the two parties, Xu Wang knew that they were escorting the vaccine.

The accident happened at this time.

The young male doctor suddenly fell to the nearest person.

The other three froze for a while before they realized what happened and immediately joined the battle.

However, the four men worked together and couldn’t control the male doctor!

“Fuck, this **** is the zombie king—”

I do n’t know who shouted this sentence. The male doctor suddenly pushed hard, lifted all the people on the body, and grabbed the nearest one with lightning speed, biting the other party ’s arm!

After a few minutes, the bitten person became mad.

Xu Wang’s brain is blank, and he can’t tell clearly. This is reality, illusion, game, or fight.

The battle ended with the victory of the zombie king.

There are only two people left in the team of four, one with a bitten arm and a zombie, and a user of Xiao Sanhua who successfully escaped from the laboratory.

The other two, Xu Wang watched as the zombie king bit their necks, and then flashed, they disappeared out of thin air.

Xu Wang’s head was completely messed up, but the iron door was suddenly opened again, and the four people who came in were completely strange.

As soon as they came in, they divided three, five, and two, and solved the zombie king who consumed most of his physical energy, and the infected people who had their arms bitten.

Xu Wang was standing in the middle of the battlefield, but there was nothing but the zombies from time to time.

The four newcomers were also invisible, inaudible, and untouchable.

Xu Wang was discouraged and inadvertently saw Xiao Sanhua in the corner.

Its users don’t know where to go anymore, it seems to have not kept up, shrinking in the corner, looking timidly at everything in the epidemic prevention room, like a homeless little wanderer, without the energy of the previous paw print Full.

Xu Wang walked over and gently embraced it in his arms.

Xiao Sanhua raised her head violently and looked left and right alertly, as if looking for the cause of the sudden vacancy.

Like those zombies, it can meet Xu Wang, but can’t see him.

Xu Wang raised his hand and gently scratched his forehead.

Xiao Sanhua first shivered in fear, then seemed to feel kindness and comfort, slowly relaxed, nested in the arms of the invisible, and made a grunting sound.

As the four newcomers handed over their metal boxes to the old doctor, no one cared about the previous vaccine.

The old doctor took out the vaccine of the latecomer and put it in the device.

The machine light was on, and Xu Wang heard a voice clearly–

[Owl: Congratulations on the pass, 3/23 successfully handed in! Dear, see you tomorrow ~~】

The voice fell and the four newcomers disappeared.

In the epidemic prevention laboratory, only the old doctor, Xu Wang, and Xiao Sanhua in his arms remain.

The air was suddenly quiet, and it was a little cold.

Xu Wang hugged the three flowers and was at a loss.

The old doctor seems to be familiar with this. He first put the metal box brought by the first group of people into the trash can, then turned off the running equipment, turned on the machine, and took out the vaccine just put in. trash can.

Xu Wang widened his eyes in shock and couldn’t believe what he saw.

Isn’t that a vaccine? Isn’t this city’s hope?

The old doctor who said tears and thanked you for your hope, and the old doctor who threw away the vaccine in front of her and wiped the test bench if nothing happened. Was it a person?

Yes, alone.

This is the most terrible.

Xu Wang felt that what he saw and heard this evening did not startle at this moment.

[Owl: Who … are you …]

When the cool air penetrated the limbs, Xu Wang heard the intermittent sound in his ear.

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