The Midnight Owl

Chapter 66 - Xiao Huang

Huang Faqing was wearing a graffiti T-shirt, shorts, and a skateboard standing by the wall. When they saw them, they immediately rejuvenated and beckoned more enthusiastically: “Yes, just call you, come and play together.”

“Plan A,” Xu Wang was the first to enter the road, his footsteps were steady, his mind calm, “Quick battle and quick decision.”

Qian Ai, Kuang Jinxin: “Received.”

Wu Sheng didn’t say anything, because he had already started the first step of Plan A with practical actions-

[Owl: Someone used for you] ~~]

As all four people entered the fork, a circle of pink heart-shaped balloons descended from the sky. They surrounded the four people like a protective ring, but they were not close, but moved forward together as the team moved forward. Like a ring of Saturn.

The road was ten meters away. The four of them walked to the middle and stood still. They faced the yellow-haired youth at the end of the road five meters apart.

This is a suitable distance for confrontation and fighting, but the young man with yellow hair is not very happy, scratching his hair: “If you come so far away, it’s so rusty.”

Clearly looking at a fan, he just opened his mouth, which is the subtle temperament of “Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang”.

“Forget it, just come in,” Yellow Hair put the skateboard down, jumped up lightly, looked at the four people, a look of “finally can exercise a little”, “I am Xiao Huang, what is your name?” “

What should I do if I meet a polite NPC?

Of course it’s courtesy …

“Kuan Jinxin.”

“Qian Ai.”

“Wu Sheng.”

“Xu Wang. Can you swim? Are you afraid of heights? Are you afraid of fire? Do you like watching horror movies …”

“Enough!” Xiao Huang’s face changed slightly, and he interrupted very uncomfortably. “Don’t think I don’t know what idea you are playing, don’t you just want to use stationery targetedly? Cut, who would be stupid enough to tell you your own weakness what!”

Xu looked at it and turned to look at the three teammates, using his mouth: “Afraid … Ghost …”

The three teammates nodded tacitly.

Every word is really small yellow, completely black line: “What mouth do you use when you say it !!!”

[Owl: Someone used against you ~~]

——Skateboard student Huang, angry.

At the same time as the reminder sounded, a rocket with smoke at the bottom rushed straight in front of four people!

Xiao Huang took the opportunity to accelerate the skateboard, but instead of heading towards the four people, he rushed to the upper side of the oblique side, and regarded the maze wall as a U-shaped pool.

Wu Sheng has no time to take care of Xiao Huang and concentrate on manipulating the “True Love Protection Circle”!

The other three completely trusted Wu Sheng, did not look at the Rockets, watched Xiao Huang all the way, and guarded against his every move!

The rocket hit a heart-shaped balloon, just like lipstick hit a gumdrop. After a few seconds of stalemate, a rebound, the rocket was bounced back to the end of the fork by the balloon, and finally hit the wall of the maze, which was engulfed and splashed. There is no chance of Mars.

“Defense is good, but I don’t like the shape of your armor,” Xiao Huang Ju commented, “And if I guess right, this can only prevent lateral attacks?”

[Owl: Someone used it on you ~~]

The four didn’t even see when Xiaohuang used stationery, or, NPCs used stationery, it was not as troublesome as them, and they had to arm.

Look up and see hi.

I saw the red **** knife!

Xiao Huang was waiting for the four people to go home, but they saw a moment when the knife rain fell, and the four people opened a big oil paper umbrella overhead. The umbrella surface was as wide as the labyrinth channel, preventing all the knives, but also completely blocked Xiao Huang’s sight!

[Owl: Someone has used it on you [[anti] West Lake Send Umbrella] ~~]

This is a warning tone in the ears of four people. Xiao Huang can’t hear it, but he can see it clearly, and the other party uses a new armor!

Huang Faqing unwillingly stepped on a skateboard and began to search for a weapon that could break through the stationery box. Just a little bit of eyebrows, he suddenly heard a reminder in his ear-

[Owl: Someone used for you ~~]

Xiao Huang was stunned, his face turned down, and he gritted his teeth: “Forget it, you, everyone, ruthless …”

Across the umbrella, the four friends could not see the expressions of NPC classmates, and could only hear the screams and growls of “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh “

“Am I relying on you to be an idiot and knowing that there are ghosts still going inside—”

Uh, there is also a roar of plot.

Xu Wang saw it accurately. At the moment when he said the horror movie, Huang Faqing’s eyes shook obviously.

But even though Captain Xu was so flamboyant, he didn’t see that Huang’s feelings about horror films were not only scared but also loved.

The first armor “True Love Protection Circle” is Wu Sheng’s, the second armor “West Lake Send Umbrella” is Kuang Jinxin, and the third armor “Horror Cinema” is Xu Wang’s. Now, Plan A has only one last step left.

After a minute and a half.

Xiao Huang finally used to free himself from the horror movie. It is expected that the four of them have run away, and they are annoyed to kick the wall, lowering their heads, and looking down, four pairs of eyes What about him.

“Why don’t you run?” Xiao Huang couldn’t figure it out. Not only did he not run, he also unloaded the “West Lake Send Umbrella”, and now there is only one circle of caution left in the armor, stimulating his lonely and widowed soul.

Xu Wangli was straightforward: “You haven’t told us the way yet.”

There are countless ways to break through the NPC. As long as he runs out of the NPC range, he will not chase it again, but if he wants to get the correct route from the NPC mouth, there is only the way of “making the other party willing to admit defeat”.

Xiao Huang didn’t know whether to be angry or to laugh. He almost didn’t stand on his skateboard: “Only those who beat me are eligible to get directions. Should you think that a broken movie theater really scares me?” “

“Will you be scared? I’ll know if I try again,” Qian Ai raised his arm. “Anyway, this illusion, I happen to have two.”

Xiao Huang’s eyes sank: “The movie theater, is it yours?”

He asked word by word, and his voice was cold.

Qian Ai ignored him, and at his fingertips he was about to order the stationery box.

Xiao Huang’s eyes squinted very quickly, his feet moved, the skateboard suddenly vacated, took him up high, and then swooped down from the air towards Qian Ai!

Xu Wang, Wu Sheng, and Kuang Jinxin spread out all at once, and wished they could be 800 meters away from their teammates!

Xiao Huang was prepared for a dozen or four, and suddenly became one-on-one. What was wrong with his intuition, but the “body-based shell” attack could not stop!


He hit Qian Ai firmly, but Qian Ai hugged him hard at the moment of the collision!

The huge inertia allowed the two people to fly directly together. Qian Ai’s back hit the maze wall heavily. Xiao Huang had a personal meat pad and did not suffer much.

Qian Ai slid down the wall, but his arm was not loose.

Xiao Huang’s heart flashed a little doubt, before he could think about it, Qian Ai suddenly opened his eyes, endured the pain, took a deep breath, and slammed toward the NPC he was holding: “You hit me–“

The Huang’s arm, imprisoned, was abruptly loosened, and the NPC, who was screaming and screaming, was still forced, and he flew out, and immediately banged, and his back hit the maze wall opposite, Qian Ai’s pain was real.

However, Qian Ai has strong muscles and high natural defense.

So the two little friends who were paralyzed under the maze wall, you see me, I see you, in the end, it was still Qian who got up and returned to the team.

The other three partners hurriedly helped the greatest heroes, and praised them with their eyes.

Qian Ai didn’t need to like it, he wanted to understand one thing: “Small situation …”

Kuang Jinxin: “Huh?”

Qian Ai: “You used this weapon in the endless sea before, right?”

Kuang Jinxin: “Yeah, ‘you beat me,’ this is it.”

Qian Ai: “Why do you rebound and hurt before you get beaten? I have to wait until I get beaten before I can do my work?”

Kuang Jinxin: “…”

Qian Ai: “…”

Wu Sheng: “Old money, I wouldn’t ask this question if you were.”

Xu Wang: “There is definitely a difference between wearing a dress and wearing a supermodel. Don’t care about these details.”

Qian Ai: “Captain, are you really comforting me …”

When Xiao Huang heard this, he finally understood why the three of them would flash away when he attacked: “The horror movie theater is not for you, and there is nothing to use the second thing … you do that. , Deliberately led me to hit you, just to use anti-injury equipment! “

Anger starts from the heart, Xiao Huang’s eyes can almost burn people to death.

Qian Ai quickly proved himself innocently: “All the tactics are pondered by the captain and the military division, and I am an innocent mass who happened to take anti-injury equipment!”

“Okay,” Xu Wang approached Xiaohuang, squatted down, and negotiated with good words. “The victory and defeat have been divided. Tell us the way.”

Xiao Huang hummed, don’t overdo it.

When I looked away, I saw Kuang Jinxin holding the skateboard he had just left, holding the iron sign from some place. The eyes were particularly innocent and the tone was very simple and kind. , Just scratch your skateboard. “

Xiao Huang: “…”

Beast! ! !


Xiao Huang went out and gave directions, but he didn’t finish shouting, so people covered him.

Xu Wang: “You don’t have to shout so loudly, you don’t have to tell the world, just come and tell us quietly.”

Xiao Huang: “Hmm, um, um …”

Xu Wang: “Left, right, left, left, left?”

Xiao Huang: “Well!”

Xu Wang: “Love you ~~”

This is a team of demons, demons! ! !

[Owl: Someone used you [[Magic] full of vitality] yo ~~]

The pain and fatigue suddenly disappeared, and a warm power was continuously injected into the body. Xiao Huang listened to the prompt in his ear and stared at the demon captain in front of him.

Captain Devil smiled, and it looked pretty.

“If there is another team coming, we must try our best to stop us, have you heard?”


Go away! ! !

Maybe he heard his cry, the captain of the devil started the whole team, what rested, stood straight, running forward …

“Give me another ten seconds.” The man with the most brains on the team suddenly went out and walked towards him.

Holding his lost skateboard, Xiao Huang quickly stood up, and after he was full of energy, he gained confidence: “Why don’t you want me ~~”

The man took out a small card from his pocket and stuffed it into his hand, with a long-speaking focus: “Idle is also idle. When you can’t wait for someone, just look at these issues and think about life.”

After finishing the speech, the other party turned around smartly.

Captain Demon led them to look straight ahead, run, and head towards the right path at full speed!

The rushing race against the clock made this team instantaneous and disappeared into the depths of the maze, only in the wind, and still kept their gossip and words—

“Brother Sheng, what if he doesn’t read …”

“I also marked Pinyin.”

“Your answer … it’s really talkative …”

“Captain, don’t vomit, please use a healing stationery for me …”

“Someone used against you ~~~~”

“… It’s not for you to fake a tone !!!”

The last sound was also scattered under the night sky with the distant dust.

Xiao Huang looked up at the moonlight and prayed to the goddess of moonlight, and never let him meet this team.

For a long time, the NPC with a slightly calmed mood looked down at the small card.

The words are densely packed, but they are clearly listed one by one.

You are not literate!

Xiao Huang slandered while silently reading the card-

1. Why are you here?

2. Is it your job or your mission here?

3. Have you ever thought about the outside world …

What the **** question.

Rolling his eyes, Xiao Huang was no longer interested, and tucked the card into his shorts pocket.

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