The Midnight Owl

Chapter 69 - Camouflage team

Under the moonlight, the labyrinthine road twists and turns, some people are lost here, some people face off there.

The strong camouflage men waited until Xu Wang and they pulled away from each other and set up a battle formation before they struck the drum of war: “You can stick to the present, it is not easy, but it is here.”

His patience does not come from grace, but from contempt.

Along with his voice, there were huge shadows above the heads of the four partners.

It was a light gray haze, like a net, sinking rapidly, trying to cover the four partners!

Xu Wang didn’t know what it was, but knew it was definitely dangerous.

“Hurry away–“

He reminded loudly and led the team back!

Qian Ai immediately concentrated on manipulating which is still within the aging period.

Under the blessing of the armor, the four people generated wind under their feet, and finally retreated beyond the coverage of the gray haze at the last moment!

The gray haze fell to the ground, but it did not disperse. Instead, he stood up again!

Indeed, it is standing up, with arms and legs, a very obvious gray human figure! It’s just that there are no facial features and no clothes. It’s like a gray ghost that can be seen but not clearly seen, but felt but not touchable.

At this time, they only heard the lagging sound-

[Owl: Someone has used it on you [[Wu] Soul Return Hometown] yo ~~]

Xu Wang was shocked, his soul returned to his hometown, hometown, home.

He suddenly became afraid, and eagerly reminded his teammates: “Don’t be touched by it, you may go home if you touch it!”

“The response is quite fast,” the captain of the camouflage stood leisurely, looking very confident, and a stationery could end the battle. “Then try to hide.”

Suddenly the gray ghost floated, his legs melted into a shadow, his arms spread wide, and widened, like a crazy wraith, flew towards the four again!

Two meters in front of the four people, suddenly a transparent wall emerged, which was still within the aging period of Wu Sheng, !

Wu Sheng blocked in front of the three partners, and instilled almost all his thoughts on the reinforcement of the armor!

The gray ghost is too late to slow down and hit the transparent wall directly!

However, the expected impact sound did not appear.

The ghost just paused and then penetrated the wall leisurely, so it was effortless!

Wu Sheng was caught off guard.

He knew that there was no absolute victory between the stationery, but he did not expect that his copper wall and iron wall were weaker than a layer of paper in front of each other’s weapons!

Qian Ai also saw it for the first time and could completely ignore the armor attack: “This weapon is too BUG !!!”

Perhaps the scene was too one-sided, and the camouflage players couldn’t stand it anymore, and they all stood up to solve their doubts——

Camouflage Team 1: “It’s not a weapon bug, but you are too young.”

Camouflage Team 2: “When will you understand the mutuality between the stationery, then let’s shake our eyes.”

Camouflage Team 3: “Captain, don’t mention it, hurry and send them home.”

The strong camouflage guy waited for the players to finish speaking, then looked back at the four and nodded slightly.

After passing through the copper wall and the iron wall, the ghosts stopped, re-floating, no more scruples, the first Wu Sheng rushed to the front of the formation!

In a blink of an eye, the ghost has reached Wu Sheng, and the edge of the ghost almost touches Wu Sheng’s body!

In the electric light and fire, Wu Sheng suddenly appeared a capital three-dimensional “F” in front of him, more than one foot high, two inches thick, similar to Qian Ai on the 2/23 plane, the used word Zhuji effect is somewhat similar.

But the word Zhuji is a weapon. This capital “F” doesn’t attack, it’s just blocked between Wu Sheng and Ghost, the last distance!

Ghost that was about to touch the edge of Wu Sheng, first touched the “F”, retracted babble, like being burned!

At the moment when the ghosts retracted, several three-dimensional letters and symbols such as “G”, “M”, “m”, and “=” appeared in front of Wu Sheng, and finally formed a highly shaped three-dimensional defensive wall—— F = GMm / r2!

Wu Sheng was at a loss when he saw F, and when these letters and symbols were put together, he was happy and looked back at his captain.

Xu Wang chickly flicked his eyes: “How does it feel to be protected by the formula?”

Wu Sheng looked at the cordial “defense formation” and felt comfortable: “Practical.”

Xu Wang looked at the stunned camouflage team again and sincerely thanked: “I haven’t figured out how to use this armor. Thank you for reminding me.”

Qian Ai didn’t understand what his captain said, because all his attention was on the “stereo equation” in front of the military division: “It’s over, the knowledge is given back to the teacher … I have definitely used this formula … Super invincible … “

Kuang Jinxin was really distressed and gave the answer in a low voice: “Universal gravitation, F is equal to the product of the gravitational constant times the mass of two objects divided by the square of their distance.”

Qian Ai: “…”

He continues to fight.

While Qian Ai was defeated by physics, the four partners also heard the belated reminder–

[Owl: Someone has used it on you [[anti] approach science] ~~]

Wu Sheng suddenly felt that the gray ghost flashed a moment, and when he realized that it was wrong, it was too late. The ghost sprang up, crossed him defended by the formula of gravitation, and went straight to Xu Wang, Qian Ai and Kuang Jinxin!

This time it was faster, like lightning, when diving at three speeds towards Xu Wang, they could hardly see the human form!

Xu Wang had expected this hand, and if he changed, he could not be blocked by another person, so he gave up attacking the other three.

However, the prompt was heard by the four partners.

Naturally, it is impossible for Wu Sheng alone to approach science.

sin (90 ° -α) = cosα!

CuSO4 + 2NaOH === Cu (OH) 2 ↓ + Na2SO4!

V = COSθ * (R + h) * 2π / T!

The three formulas rise at the same time, forming a defensive wall that is impossible to break through!

It is too late for the gray ghost to retract, this time it hit the wall of the three-dimensional formula firmly, and was instantly burned into gray smoke, and the soul was scattered!

This weapon is completely broken.

The four members of the camouflage team have no more ease on their faces.

But in this dignity, how much is the importance attached to Xu Wang, and how much is the speechlessness of the formula, which is not easy to distinguish.

Captain Xu unilaterally understood the “serious face” of the four as a desire for knowledge–

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to talk about it,” he put one arm on the formula in front of him, and one arm just stretched out, patting the shells of the three-dimensional letters, knocking like a blackboard, “Come on, look at this The trigonometric function formula, in fact, just remember one, odd and even unchanged, the sign depends on the quadrant! “

“Small situation in front of this, this is not the preparation of copper hydroxide, junior high school chemistry, send sub-questions!”

“Old money is a little complicated. Wait a minute, I have to communicate with the stationery … oh yes, the formula for calculating the linear velocity of the earth’s rotation is perfect.”

Camouflage Team 1: “Captain …”

Camouflage Team 2: “I can’t stand it …”

Camouflage Team 3: “Can you strike …”

“That camouflage elementary 2,” Mr. Xu, who has finished the content of the class, cast a sincere smile towards a classmate of the camouflage team. “The mutuality between the stationery seems to have been learned. Now, I am qualified to fight you. ?”

, a transparent protective wall is raised around the protected person to resist physical attacks.

, attacks in the form of a light gray ghost, can easily penetrate most of the physical defense, just as the ghost enters the house, and the person who is covered is immediately home early.

, with a concrete “mathematical and physical formula” as a protective barrier, it has a high defensive effect against magic attacks, insists on promoting science, and eliminating feudal superstition.

“Plan C,” answered No. 2 of the Camouflage Team. Captain Xu had already burned the small universe, “Old money, go to–“

Why is it that every time Qian is charging?

Who made him have more stationery?

Qian Ai awakened the “Kirin Arm”, with a double defense-the military division’s “copper wall and iron wall” + the captain’s “walking to science”, stepping on his “happy rushing”, like a tiger going down the mountain, heading straight to the enemy’s base camp!

“The door was smashed by me, you were brought in by me, then I will take you home–“

Qian Ai screamed and completed the “Handsome Pre-War Manifesto” that Wu Junshi had been thinking about, flying a fist to the face of the camouflage brave man!

The three teammates of the camouflage team separated, leaving their captain standing in place.

But they weren’t idle, and at the same time, the two ordered weapons.

The weapons are all rushing towards Xu Wang, in order to prevent them from rushing in and increase the number of Kirin arms!

Most of the stationery battles are long-distance battles, and only fools will stand alone and rush into the enemy lineup.

Although the fierce attack brought by the weapon cannot fully penetrate the copper wall and the scientific formula, it also suppresses the three people over there and has been unable to effectively support and attack this side.

On this side, the strong camouflage man stretched out his hand at the last moment when Qian Ai came and fought against Qian Ai’s heavy punch with Kirin’s arm strength with his palm!

Still caught!

Qian Ai felt like he had hit a ball of plasticine and could not hurt the opponent, but there was no strong reaction force, which could block inertia and allow him to quickly draw a punch.

At this uncontrollable moment, the palm of the strong camouflage man suddenly went up, letting go of his fist that continued to rush forward, grasping his wrist, while grasping his shoulder with the other hand, pushing up hard Dump!

Qian Ai’s body emptied in an instant, and before he could react, he had been thrown over the shoulder by a beautiful man and fell to the ground!

In the severe blunt pain, Qian Ai was thrown down.

“.” Camouflage brave man said intimately, let Qian Ai understand the pain.

Qian Ai was lying on the ground, one arm was still tightly clamped, but this did not affect his “compassion” with his opponent.

“You are too troublesome,” he took a deep breath, and suddenly a roar to the camouflage brave man, “Huha–“

The strong camouflage man realized that Qian Ai had another time-effective weapon besides the unicorn arm, and his body was no longer in control.

Then, a beautiful arc fell heavily on Qian Ai’s other side.

How Qian Ai fell just now, how he fell now.

“Captain!” The three camouflage players changed their faces in shock, failing to see how their captain made the move.

Qian Ai looked at the camouflage man lying on the ground like him at last, and his mind was balanced. He gave the other a grin: “.”

The face of the strong camouflage man can no longer be described in black.

A blaze of invisible shape suddenly fell from the sky and struck Qian Ai!

Xu Wang and Wu Sheng were busy with the equipment, and the transparent wall and formula originally set on Qian Ai had long since fallen over their shoulders!

The person who used stationery was the one who had never shot. In the tactics of the camouflage team, he was a free man and saw the stitches.

Looking at Qian Ai, he glanced at the distant battlefield and sighed, shaking his head: “Don’t look at it, your teammates are busy with our attack, there is no way to distract you from the defense walls.

Stationery needs to be spent to maintain, he knows this, so the timing of this attack, he has been brewing for a long time!

[Owl: Someone used on you ~~]

The sound and the heat wave arrived at such a speed that it was too late to order new stationery.

Qian Ai closed her eyes, concentrated, and had a hard head!


The moment the flame burned Qian Ai’s body, it suddenly extinguished, and even the sound was extremely small, just like the wick was fanned out easily.

The camouflage free man widened his eyes incredulously: “How is it possible …”

Dou Da ’s sweat beads flowed down from Qian Ai ’s forehead, proving that his defense was not easy, but the captain said that he must let his opponents thoroughly understand the knowledge, so he was tired, and he must take the pointer: Fire, anti-theft and anti-sneak attack>, although it can only be protected three times, but it has a very long time effectiveness, fortunately, fortunately. “

Camouflage Freeman: “…”

Captain Camouflage: “… how much stationery do you **** put on your **** body !!!”

The 1 and 2 players in the fierce battle of the camouflage team were startled by the captain and the attack was interrupted.

Captain Xu in the formula circle quickly took the opportunity to recall his teammates: “Old money, withdraw–“

Classmate Qian was still reluctant to get up and stared at the four members of the camouflage team: “Otherwise, how many more will you beat me?”

It’s a pity that the flamingo can’t be bounced back with “You hit me” when the flamingo is prevented.

Camouflage team No. 1 and No. 2 didn’t know what was going on here. Qian Ai was so provocative and angry from his heart!

“He has an anti-injury!” Captain Camouflage roared like a beacon in the mist.

The two partners froze and instantly realized that this was a trap.

The captain of the camouflage looked at Qian Ai, and a few words popped out of his teeth: “Unload their stationery.”

It’s not him, it’s them.

Hearing the words, the free man raised his arm, but looking at the precious stationery, still a little reluctant, and asked again: “Captain?”

But this is when they plan to use it until they are the strongest enemy. Are they sure to use it at this level? Are they sure to use it on these goods? !

The captain of the camouflage knows what his teammates are vague, but he can’t be vague. This team is a newcomer, but his mother is all crooked: “Unload!”

“Up–” Captain Xu over there may have been too late to call back his teammates. He ordered the whole team to rush over!

Qian Ai saw his teammates coming, and suddenly no longer nostalgic, slammed the camouflage No. 1 and 2 and rushed to his teammates’ arms!

Xu Xian and Bai Niangzi, how to run towards each other on the broken bridge, Qian Ai and Captain Xu, how to run, the picture is so beautiful.

The bottom line of the camouflage team has been challenged to the extreme, the free men carry the hatred of the whole team, and focus on the treasures of the collection!

A mushroom cloud exploded in the open space, and the thick dust mist swept the entire maze road!

The six stationery in use, “Fireproof, Anti-theft and Anti-Sneak Attack”, “Copper Wall and Iron Wall,” Kirin Arm “,” Happy Chongchongchong “,” You Hit Me “and” Approaching Science “, were all forcibly released in a flash!

Xu Wang only felt that their bodies were light, just like the heavily armored armor, they were stripped clean.

The mushroom cloud dispersed, and the four partners clearly heard the name of the creator-

[Owl: Someone used yo ~~]

The world is indeed quiet, even the labyrinth road is quiet, as if the previous battles are illusions.

“The game is over.” The captain of the camouflage raised his arm. “Let’s go …”

“Ahhhh–” Qian Ai, who had returned to the team, suddenly covered her eyes and screamed in pain.

The leader of the camouflage came back to see this god-level touch porcelain: “My mother has not attacked yet !!!”

Xu Wang raised a small bottle of spray and smiled apologetically at his opponent a few meters away: “Sorry, my hand.”

The four of the camouflage team swallowed.

They don’t know what spray it is, but judging from the pain level of Qian Ai … will this team’s management style be a bit harsh? The man beats four of them one by one, and has already performed well!

[Owl: Someone used it on you Yo ~~]

[Owl: Someone has used it on you [[anti] we are all wooden people] yo ~~]

The prompt sounded in the ear, so that the four camouflage people were shocked, lean, and careless!

With such a new team, how can stationery be used up like this? Did the rules of the “Owl” change, and now all come in with “Novice Stationery Gift Pack”? !

The four camouflage people slandered while thinking about stationery, but found that their bodies could not move!

We are all wooden people.


by! ! !

“Only the mouth and eyes can move,” Kang Jinxin, a stationery user, stood upright and patiently explained, “So you can’t order stationery.”

“The world is quiet” is an indiscriminate attack. Now, the four members of the camouflage team and Xu Wang are all “naked”.

If you can’t order stationery, it means that you will be beaten.


In the eyes of the strong camouflage man wondered: “Why don’t you four move?”

His team stood like four wooden stakes, and the other team stood like a row of birch forest.

Kuang Jinxin took it for granted: “We have also been hit. Like your illusion just now, my wooden man is treated equally!”

Strong camouflage: “…”

Camouflage team 1, 2: “…”

Camouflage Team 3: “What’s so happy about this !!!”

“Why not happy,” Qian Ai blinked her red eyes, “You can’t use stationery anymore, but I just ordered a weapon.”

The camouflage strong man closed his eyes and stared. After a few seconds, he quickly opened his eyes again: “It’s useless, your armor, it has dulled the mental power and action power. Even if you can manipulate the equipment, it is impossible to send us back Home attack power. “

“I don’t need to manipulate, nor do I need to consume mental power to attack,” Qian Ai’s eyes glowed with water. “Weeping with joy.”

Two lines of tears flowed from the eyes of Classmate Qian, such as the Yellow River erupting, which could not be cleared at once.

Light rain, ticking.

“It hurts! This is not rain, this is corrosive fluid—”

Tick ​​in the rain.

“Hey hey, burnt out? My new clothes–“

Heavy rain, bleed.

“Fuck, there is a kind of signing up for you !!!”

Heavy rain, wow—

“At least talk about what you sprayed on him before !!!”

At the last moment before the departure of the return train, the four finally received the answer from Captain Xu.

” Yo.”

[Owl: Baby ~ Leave in advance and send you home. 】

Plan C: Qian Ai pretends to attack, breaks up the opponent’s formation, tests the opponent’s stationery, confirms that the tactical environment is suitable, returns to the team, and jointly executes the combined skills.

C core combination skills: [green onion wood tears like rain]

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