The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 58 The Dungeon Experience (2)

Chapter 58 The Dungeon Experience (2)

Feeling puzzled, Feeney quickly walked to the cell where the scream came from, walked in and saw that the scene inside was completely beyond his imagination.

The few women who were able to scream and howl just now had turned into the skinny corpses he had seen before, with no life left.
And below these bones, there are red lights flickering on the surrounding walls,

Those rays of light draw patterns on the walls and floors like silk threads, which is very strange.

And Finney, who received Ravenclaw's inheritance not long ago, happened to know that these are not patterns but an ancient rune,
Unlike runes, they are a rare, vampire script.

Logically speaking, except for some wizards who specialize in ancient runes, even the vampires don't have quest information. Now it suddenly appears here, and it seems to be able to work, which is very mysterious.

Although Feeney doesn't know the specific function of these words, he can be sure that there are these words in every cell here, and it is also because of them that the woman imprisoned here will be drained of her body. die of blood,
It seems that the blood has been stored, and Feeney suspects that the vampires don't care about it at all. Only when all the women here are dead can they come to clean up the place and shut in a new batch of humans.

However, what is the purpose of these vampires collecting blood with the effect of this ancient rune?You know, as long as vampires suck blood, they just take these captured people over and do it directly. Not only is it fresh, but it can also satisfy their bloodthirsty situation.
In doubt, Finny stretched out his wand and pressed it against the lock of the cage fence.
It is true that the locks here are protected by an anti-unlocking spell, and cannot be opened with an unlocking spell. However, there is a very powerful loophole in the magic world. Many powerful wizards will subconsciously ignore it, and even less powerful wizards will ignore it. That is, all their spell arrangements are also aimed at spells, and there is no way to prevent Muggles.

You can't use the lockpicking spell to open the lock. In fact, there is another Muggle method besides using a key, that is, to pick the lock.
Feeney doesn't know how Muggles can pick locks, but he also has his own method, a simple magic wand extension spell,

Wand Transfiguration is the least common branch of Transfiguration, because it is not commonly used, but it is very practical. Now the usage announced by the magic world has the ability to turn the wand into an ear to strengthen one's hearing, or to steal listen to something,

There are also reconnaissance methods such as turning into eyes and turning into noses. These spells are often used only by Aurors.

The little magic spell developed by Feeney is based on these usages. Put the wand in front of the lock that needs to be opened, and the wand will extend into the lock cylinder, and then become the corresponding key to physically open the door.

With a click, the cell door was easily opened by Finny. When he walked in, the red light on the wall had not completely dissipated.

And Feeney also felt the suction force on it, if it wasn't for the fact that the light had almost dissipated, then Feeney's blood would also be sucked out,

Just when the red light completely dissipated, a burst of wailing and screaming came from another cell,

Does this thing work all the time?Random cells?
Feeney frowned, very puzzled, he still couldn't figure out what vampires are doing for storing so much blood, you know, they don't have to drink blood to live, their food is the same as humans, as long as However, some bloodthirsty, if you don't suck blood, you will become weak,

Shaking his head, Finny felt that he couldn't delay any longer. Since these vampires pulled him into this matter, they must be prepared to be retaliated by him.

And the first step of revenge is to interrupt their preparations for blood storage,
Just when Finny thought of this, the system came out to refresh the sense of presence again,

'As an existence who wants to become the strongest wizard, how can he be easily provoked by others, let the world know the consequences of provoking you.Task: Take revenge on the vampire clan, the rewards are calculated step by step according to the degree of revenge. '

Now that the system has a mission, it must be done. The vampires are waiting for the revenge.

Feeney smiled slightly, and put the wand in his hand on a rune on the ground,

Although he didn't know the function of these runes, nor did he understand the principle, but destroying them was always more difficult than making them.

A powerful runic script formed at the tip of Finny's wand, etched into the ground,
The moment the word symbol appeared, there was a shock in the prison cell, and the sound of objects splitting,
No matter what these runes are for, they must be part of a magic circle ceremony, and it is very easy to destroy it. As long as a strong and difficult-to-clear rune is strongly inserted into this extremely stable system, will cause the system to collapse.

The so-called blood-sucking runes are naturally not easy to use.

Following Finny's movements, the constant wailing stopped abruptly, leaving only the violent panting after experiencing the pain.

Feeney got up and rescued all the women in other cells by opening this cell.

Only after this question did I know that many of them were Muggle-born wizards or just Muggles.
Almost every cell has a wizard in it, and the rest are Muggles.

This is in line with Finny's judgment. After all, compared with the few wizards in the magic world, the large number of Muggles in the Muggle world is more in line with the population ratio of the massacre of vampires this time.

However, the determination of this judgment also made Finny a little disappointed. If there were more wizards among these women, it would be more helpful for them to escape here. However, it is better than nothing. After asking who has more combat experience After getting rich, Finny gave one of them the wand of the red vampire he had killed.

This woman is not much older than Finny, and she is only 19 years old this year. She just graduated from Durmstrang Academy, and after graduation, she joined the Swedish Ministry of Magic in Northern Europe and became an Auror. She was arrested during the vampire battle, but fortunately her life was good, until now, the cell she was in had not been randomized by runes.

Born in Durmstrang, a school that teaches black magic, and has been an Auror, her experience and combat effectiveness are stronger than others, so she naturally entrusted her with the magic wand.

After teaching her the spell to open the lock before, Finny didn't plan to save the people in other cells himself.

(End of this chapter)

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